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41. The Carl Solway Art Gallery Cincinnati, OH. Presents the artwork of national and international artists, including Nam June Paik, john cage, and Vito Acconci. http://solwaygallery.com | |
42. Face/Off - CineFile.biz Recensione del film di john Woo con john Travolta e Nicolas cage, a cura di Tommaso Tocci. http://www.cinefile.biz/faceoff.htm | |
43. Windtalkers - WINDTALKERS Di John Woo Con Nicholas Cage. NICHOLAS CAGE, JOHN WOO Recensione del film diretto da john Woo con Nicholas cage. http://www.centraldocinema.it/Recensioni/18Giu02/windtalkers.htm | |
44. L'ombre Du Vampire Site officiel fran§ais du film d'Elias Merhige avec john Malkovich, Nicolas cage et Willem Dafoe synopsis, ©quipe technique et acteurs, vid©o, dossiers sur Nosferatu et sur l'Expressionnisme. http://www.bacfilms.com/vampire/ |
45. Reader's Companion To American History - -CAGE, JOHN cage, john. (19121992), composer and philosopher of music. Stephen Husarik, john cage and Lejaren Hiller, hpschd, 1969, American Music 1, no. http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/rcah/html/ah_013600_cagejohn.htm | |
46. ALEATORI In der l¤ngeren (historischen) Beschreibung von Reinhard D¶hl ist u.a. die Rede von St©phane Mallarm©s Coup de D©s , die Zufallsoperationen john cage's, wie auch Rolle, Funktion und Bedeutung des Zufalls in den K¼nsten des 20. Jahrhunderts. http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/ndl1/aleatori.htm | |
47. U B U W E B :: John Cage LP DialA-Poem Poets Biting off the Tongue of a Corpse (Giorno Poetry Systems, 1975) 6. From the album Roaratorio on Mode Records, john cage, Klaus Schöning http://www.ubu.com/sound/cage.html | |
48. Stimmsalabim - A Cappella Aus Berlin Vorstellung des Berliner Quartetts mit Konzertterminen, H¶rbeispiel und Kontaktinfos. Das Repertoire reicht von Dowland ¼ber Comedian Harmonists bis john cage. http://www.stimmsalabim.de | |
49. John Cage (1912 - 1992) Translate this page john cage. (1912 - 1992). Home Page . Die Biographie von john cage. Der Komponist john cage wurde am 5. September 1912 in Los Angeles geboren. http://www.karadar.com/Worterbuch/cage.html | |
50. Nuova Pagina Translate this page john cage. (1912-1992). Home Page. La vida de john cage. Nace en Los Angeles en 1912. En la postura radicalmente vanguardista de cage http://www.karadar.com/Diccionario/cage.html | |
51. Nous Clàssics / Pel.lícules Emeses / Arizona Baby Sinopsi i fitxa t¨cnica d'aquesta pel·lcula dirigida per Joel Coen i protagonitzada per Nicolas cage, Holly Hunter, Trey Wilson i john Goodman. http://www.tvcatalunya.com/nousclassics/arizonab.htm | |
52. John Cage Archive Spanish Civil War. Bibliography. Biography, Bibliography, Collected Works, Commentary, Graphics. john cage. Biography, Collected Works, Bibliography, Commentary, Graphics. http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/Anarchist_Archives/bright/cage/cage.html | |
53. Four Minutes, Thirty-Three Seconds By John Cage A performance of the famous composition. http://hypertextbook.com/eworld/fourthirtythree.shtml |
54. David Wendland : John Cage Texte und Bibliographie zum Komponisten aus einer Diplomarbeit von David Wendland ¼ber Allklangmusik, Indetermination, 'Fontana Mix', Stille, Soziale Interaktion, Dekontextualisation. http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/idg2/mitarbeiter/wendland/CAGE/CageText.html | |
55. Details For John Cage Featured On KPFA's Ode To Gravity Series Based on an interview with john cage, conducted by Charles Amirkhanian at the Exploratorium in San Francisco, this Ode to Gravity program was heard http://www.archive.org/audio/audio-details-db.php?collectionid=JohnCageOTG&colle |
56. Details For A Segment On John Cage From KPFA's Ode To Gravity Series A segment from an interview with john cage and Charles Amirkhanian at an Exploratorium Speaking of Music event. cage discusses his http://www.archive.org/audio/audio-details-db.php?collectionid=JohnCageOTG-Segme |
57. John Cage Und David Tudor In Donaueschingen 1954 (Beckmesser, 23.11.1999) Bericht zur Europapremiere im Jahr 1954 john cage in Donaueschingen. http://www.beckmesser.de/neue_musik/cage.html | |
58. Cage, John cage, john cage, john. Period Early 20th Century. Born Other Information john cage was born on 5 September 1912 in Los Angeles. His http://www.stevenestrella.com/composers/composerfiles/cage1992.html | |
59. Cage-Interpretation ? Auszug des Gespr¤chs zwischen john cage, Joan Retallack und Michael Bach aus New York vom 18. Juli 1992 http://pro.wanadoo.fr/bach.bogen/Musicage.htm |
60. Cage, John (1912-1992) Search. Classical Music, cage, john (19121992) Guide picks. john cage Site by New Albion Records, that includes several of cage s writings, and a discography. http://classicalmusic.about.com/cs/cagej/ | |
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