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21. Curry College An independent liberal arts college located on 120 rolling wooded acres in suburban Milton, Massachusetts. Curry College offers majors in sixteen major disciplines and concentration programs in Biology, Business Management, chemistry, Communication, Criminal Justice, Education, English, Environmental Studies, Health Education, Nursing, philosophy, Physics, Politics and History, Psychology, Sociology, and Visual Arts. http://www.curry.edu/ |
22. Andrew Ure Known for scientific writings with his Dictionary of chemistry, and New System of Geology. Traveled around the factory districts of Britain and published The philosophy of Manufacturers in 1835. Includes brief excerpts from his work. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/IRure.htm | |
23. WELCOME TO THE FACULTY OF ARTS & SCIENCES The Faculty of Arts and Sciences offers programs leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in chemistry, Mathematics, Molecular Biology and Genetics, and Physics, and to the degree of Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature, History, philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, and Turkish Language and Literature. http://www.fans.boun.edu.tr/ | |
24. Philosophy Of Chemistry philosophy of chemistry. International Society for the philosophy of chemistry;Learning to Learn with especial but not exclusive reference to chemistry. http://www.infochembio.ethz.ch/links/en/philosophie_chem.html | |
25. Philosophy For High School Chemistry Text from a discussion by Dr. Frank Jenkins, of Ross Sheppard High School. http://www.hmco.com/college/chemistry/resourcesite/digests/chemedl/cedmay96/msg0 |
26. PhilSci Archive - Philosophy Of ChemistryÂA New Interdisciplinary Field? philosophy of chemistryÂA New Interdisciplinary Field? Scerri, Eric(2000) philosophy of chemistryÂA New Interdisciplinary Field?. http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/documents/disk0/00/00/02/54/ | |
27. WELCOME TO MY HOME PAGE Dr. Jagadeesh, Dept. of chemistry, Govt. Engineering College at Trichur, Kerala, India, is a technocentric environmentalist interested in pollution from automobile exhausts, catalytic converters, speciation of heavy metals, and chemical modeling. http://education.vsnl.com/jagadeesh/ | |
28. PhilSci Archive - The Case For Philosophy Of Chemistry The Case for philosophy of chemistry. Scerri, Eric and McIntyre, Lee (1997) TheCase for philosophy of chemistry. Keywords philosophy of chemistry, chemistry. http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/archive/00000256/ | |
29. Chemistry 80G/Philosophy 80G/Biomolecular Engineering 80G chemistry 80G/philosophy 80G/Biomolecular Engineering 80G Bioethics inthe 21st Century Science, Business and Society UCSC, Winter, 2004. http://www.chemistry.ucsc.edu/teaching/Winter04/Chem80G/ | |
30. Philosophy 333 Evolution And Creation & Liberal Studies 487 Senior Seminar In Cr 3. GENERAL REFERENCES FOR philosophy OF SCIENCE. 3.1 Karl Popper. 3.6 ClickHere for Evolution and philosophy An Introduction by John Wilkins. http://nsmserver2.fullerton.edu/departments/chemistry/evolution_creation/web/ | |
31. Eric Scerri Summary Leading researcher on history and philosophy of chemistry, especially of the Periodic Table. Contains list of publications and research interests. http://www.chem.ucla.edu/dept/Faculty/scerri/ | |
32. Ask Jeeves | Philosophy Of Chemistry 735,700. HYLEInternational Journal for philosophy of chemistry. Refereed internationaljournal for the philosophy of chemistry, available in full online. http://www.ask.co.uk/main/askjeeves.asp?ask=Philosophy of Chemistry |
33. American Scientist Online - Why Not A Philosophy Of Chemistry? chemistry. Why Not a philosophy of chemistry? Of Minds and Molecules New PhilosophicalPerspectives on chemistry. Nalini Bhushan and Stuart Rosenfeld, eds. http://www.americanscientist.org/template/AssetDetail/assetid/14418 | |
34. 8th ISPC Meeting International Society for the philosophy of chemistry. 8th Summer Symposium. Papersare therefore invited on any topic in the philosophy of chemistry. http://www.dur.ac.uk/philosophy.department/general/events/ISPC.html | |
35. History Of Chemistry philosophy of chemistry links. Jeffry L. Ramsey 427. HYLE, an internationaljournal of the philosophy of chemistry. Foundations of http://www.bluffton.edu/~bergerd/chem/chemhist.html | |
36. Organic Chemistry Course Philosophy Organic chemistry Course philosophy. Some quotes to set the mood Thomas AlvaEdison Unlike history or philosophy, chemistry cannot profitably be read http://web.chem.ucla.edu/~harding/course_philosophy.html | |
37. Galaxy Directory : Philosophy Of Chemistry < History And Philosophy Of Science < Galaxy Humanities philosophy History and philosophy of Science philosophyof chemistry Submit Your Site to this Directory Featured Listings, http://www.galaxy.com/galaxy/Humanities/Philosophy/History-and-Philosophy-of-Sci | |
38. Lukol Directory - Society Philosophy Philosophy Of Science Chemistry HYLE Refereed international journal for the philosophy of chemistry,available in full online. http//www.hyle.org/. chemistry and http://www.lukol.com/Top/Society/Philosophy/Philosophy_of_Science/Chemistry/ | |
39. Chemistry Philosophy -- From Eric Weisstein's Encyclopedia Of Scientific Books chemistry philosophy. Hoffmann, Roald and Torrence, Vivian. chemistry ImaginedReflections on Science. 168 p. Washington, DC Smithsonian, 1995. $17.96. http://www.ericweisstein.com/encyclopedias/books/ChemistryPhilosophy.html | |
40. Departmental Philosophy chemistry Department, points to the number of open office doors in the Seaver chemistryLaboratory in explaining the department s philosophy The tradition of http://www.chemistry.pomona.edu/Chemistry/InformationRes.html | |
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