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         Organic Chemistry:     more books (100)
  1. Study Guide/Solutions Manual for McMurry's Organic Chemistry: A Biological Approach by John E. McMurry, 2006-03-02
  2. Organic And Biological Chemistry by H. Stephen Stoker, 2006-01-24
  3. Microscale and Miniscale Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiments by Allen M Schoffstall, Barbara A Gaddis, et all 2003-07-08
  4. Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry by Stuart Warren, 2001-10-04
  5. Techniques in Organic Chemistry by Jerry R. Mohrig, Christina Noring Hammond, et all 2006-01-01
  6. Instant Notes in Organic Chemistry (Instant Notes Series) by Graham Patrick, 2004-03-10
  7. Organic Chemistry (Flash Cards) by Flash Anatomy, 1994-05-31
  8. Environmental Organic Chemistry by Rene P. Schwarzenbach, Philip M. Gschwend, et all 2002-06-15
  9. Advanced Organic Chemistry : Reaction Mechanisms (Advanced Organic Chemistry Series) by Reinhard Bruckner, 2001-07
  10. Organic Chemistry: A Short Course, 11th Edition (Study Guide and Solutions Manual) by Harold Hart, Leslie E. Craine, et all 2003-01-01
  11. Operational Organic Chemistry: A Problem-Solving Approach to the Laboratory Course (3rd Edition) by John W. Lehman, 1998-08-12
  12. Prentice Hall Molecular Model Set For Organic Chemistry by ESM Prentice Hall, 1983-08-19
  13. Organic Chemistry Problem Solver (REA) (Problem Solvers) by The Staff of REA, 1998
  14. Laboratory Manual for General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry by Karen C. Timberlake, 2006-06-16

101. KryssTal : An Introduction To Organic Chemistry
An introduction to organic chemistry. An Introduction to organic chemistry. A beginners guide to the chemistry of Carbon compounds. What is organic chemistry?
An Introduction to
Organic Chemistry
A beginners' guide to the chemistry of Carbon compounds
What is Organic Chemistry?
The word Organic is one of the most overused in the English language. People use it as a derogatory term in phrases like Don't eat that; it's not organic . Of course, there is a precise scientific definition of the word. In science, Organic can be a biological or chemical term. In Biology it means any thing that is living or has lived. The opposite is Non-Organic. In Chemistry, an Organic compound is one containing Carbon atoms. The opposite term is Inorganic It's the Chemical meaning I want to explore in this essay.
All substances are made up of molecules which are collections of atoms. All the molecules in existence are made up of about a hundred different kinds of atoms. For example, a water molecule is composed of two atoms of Hydrogen and one atom of Oxygen. We write its formula as H O A molecule of Sulphuric Acid contains two atoms of Hydrogen, one atom of Sulphur and four atoms of Oxygen. Its formula is H SO These are simple molecules containing only a few atoms. Most Inorganic molecules are small. Below are a few common inorganic substances with their formulas.

102. Organic Chemistry Home Page
The Department of organic chemistry intensively pursues interdisciplinaryresearch in the fields of synthesis, catalysis, bioorganic, biomimetic
The Department is saddened to inform you that Prof. Yehuda Mazur, past Head of the Department (1979-1990), passed away on April 25, 2004. [ Obituary The Kimmelman Building The Sieff Building The Department of Organic Chemistry intensively pursues interdisciplinary research in the fields of synthesis, catalysis, bio-organic, biomimetic, organometallic, and computational chemistry.
This file was last modified on Monday, 26-Apr-2004 16:31:47 IDT. Comments and suggestions to Gershom Martin

103. ScienceDirect - Bioorganic Chemistry - List Of Issues
Publishing original research at the interface of chemistry and biology, this journal presents articles where the principles and techniques of organic and physical organic chemistry are used to solve problems of relevance to biology or that describe chemical studies inspired by some biological observation.
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Bioorganic Chemistry Bookmark this page as:
Articles in Press
Volume 32 Volume 32, Issue 3 , Pages 125-191 (June 2004) Volume 32, Issue 2 , Pages 63-124 (April 2004) Volume 32, Issue 1 , Pages 1-61 (February 2004) Volume 31 Volume 30 Volume 29 Volume 28 ... Volume 1 Alert me when new Journal Issues are available Add this journal to My Favorite Journals Sample Issue Online More Publication Info Information for Authors
... Elsevier B.V.

104. Erik's Chemistry: Organic Chemistry Notes
organic chemistry Notes. (Chapter 22 ). Back To Erik s Chemistry Main Page. Allorganic chemistry is based upon unique properties of the carbon atom.
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AP Chemistry
Organic Chemistry Notes
(Chapter 22 )
Back To Erik's Chemistry: Main Page
All organic chemistry is based upon unique properties of the carbon atom.
Carbon, C, hybridization to 3 sp orbitals, carbon can now form 4 bonds, may be single, or in combination of double (sp ) or triple bonds (sp). Carbon forms very strong bonds with many non-metal atoms, H, O, Cl, N. Note: silicon and germanium are in the same family and form 4 bonds, but the bond energy is low, so weak bonds are formed. This severely restricts their chemistry.
4 categories: alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and aromatic compounds
Alk anes: carbon atoms are bonded to each other with single bonds. Each C has 4 bonds (sp hybrid). Bonds are directed to corners of a tetrahedron (bond angles of 109.5 o ). Chains are "zig-zag". The general rule for writing formulas is 2n+2. Where n represents the number of carbons and 2n+2 equals the number of hydrogens.
ethane (2C's), propane (3C's), butane (4C's), pentane (5C's), hexane (6C's), heptane (7C's), octane (8C's), nonane(9C's), decane(10C's)

105. Institute Of Organic Chemistry
Part of the Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Vienna. Information for students and researchers, staff pages.

106. Research Institute For Physical And Organic Chemistry Of Rostov State University
Official page with information about main research thematics and departments of institute, staff and publications.
Research Institute for Physical and Organic Chemistry
Founded in 1971.
194/2 Stachky Ave., Rostov-on-Don, Russia 344090
Director -
Vladimir I. Minkin , D.S. in Chemistry, Prof., Full Member of Russian Academy of Sciences Vice-Director -
Vladimir A. Bren , D.S. in Chemistry, Prof. Staff: 200 members, including I Full Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Assoc. Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, 12 researchers with D.S. and 67 with Cand.S. degrees. Since its first days, the Institute has functioned as a research center of various orientations, carrying out investigations in the fields of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Theoretical and Structural Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Photochemistry, Geochemistry and Ecology. There are 9 departments and research laboratories at the present moment in the institute. Their staff members have published more then 1000 papers and 12 monographs and have received more then 100 authorship certificates and patents for inventions. The powerful scientific community of the Institute assists in cooperative investigation in a number of State Projects and projects supported by the grants of the Foundation for Fundamental Research of Russia. In recent years, mutually beneficial contacts have been broadened with 50 universities, research institutes, and industrial enterprises of the NIS and abroad.

107. Bryn Mawr College Organic Chemistry Lab Web Page
Site of Maryellen NerzStormes Ph.D., Senior Laboratory Lecturer at Bryn Mawr College. Contains tutorials and study aids for students studying organic chemistry.
Chemistry 211 and 212 Organic Chemistry
Maryellen Nerz-Stormes, Ph.D.
Chemistry Department Homepage
Chem 211 Summer 2003 Homepage

Chemistry at Bryn Mawr Page

Chemistry Faculty
Bryn Mawr Library (Chemistry Page)

Visit here for syllabus, course calender, and information about First Semester Organic Chemistry Lecture
I have office hours daily, and by appointment. Please refer to the Office Hour Schedule. (Fall) Find out what labs are scheduled, and test dates. (Fall) What you need for the course, and course rules. Sign up here for your Organic Chemistry Laboratory. (Spring) Visit here for syllabus, course calender, and information about Second Semester Organic Chemistry Lecture. (Spring) Find out what labs are scheduled, and test dates. (Spring) (Spring) What you need for the course, and course rules. Visit here for summer school schedule, office hours, general information on Chemistry 211 Lecture and Lab
Office number: Home number: e-mail:

108. Chemistry - Division Of Chemistry - Uppsala University
Research in analytical, inorganic, structural and organic chemistry.
DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY Analytical Chemistry Biophysics Biochemistry Physical Chemistry ... Surface Biotechnology
The Division of Chemistry at Uppsala University
Division of Chemistry
Welcome to study chemistry at Uppsala University! This homepage is under construction!
Please visit the site (in Swedish) at

Last updated January 18, 2002

109. Eburon Organics - Reagents For Organic Chemistry
Manufactures synthons and reagents for organic chemistry, with a focus on selenium and tellurium compounds, organotin compounds, calixarenes, acetals and chiral compounds. Offers product information sheets, custom synthesis, and search by substructure.
About Eburon Organics
Eburon Organics is a new and ambitious company dedicated to the:
  • development
  • production
  • marketing
of innovative synthons and reagents for organic chemistry. Eburon Organics will focus on:
  • selenium and tellurium compounds
  • organotin compounds
  • acetals
  • chiral compounds
  • etc...
This web site allows you to search for the products you need in our database containing more than 180 chemical compounds available at Eburon Organics. This database will give you an idea of the range of our products.
Soon Eburon Organics will offer more than 200 products and that number will continue to grow according to the needs of our clients. We will systematically update this database to allow you to search through the whole Eburon offer.
However, if you don't find the product you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact us, most probably we can help you.
At Eburon Organics we look forward to the opportunity of working with you. Frans Meskens - Managing Director Search for chemical compounds:
By substructure

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How to order?

110. Woordenboek Organische Chemie
organic chemistry terminology. Written in Dutch with English option.
Old Website
Woordenboek Organische Chemie
Dictionary on Organic Chemistry
This website has a new URL. Visit us at our new site: This page would normally redirect to the new URL automatically in ten seconds. If not use the link just above. Laatste verandering Deze pagina is nu volledig overgezet. Dit betekent dat deze site niet meer onderhouden wordt. 8 november 2000 Het Woordenboek Organische Chemie heeft een nieuwe URL: . Nieuwe ontwikkelingen worden in principe alleen aan de nieuwe site toegevoegd. Het Forum en de data vormen hierop een uitzondering. De nieuwe site is sneller en biedt meer informatie (zie laatste verandering op nieuwe site.) Laatst gewijzigd op 10 januari 2000.
refer = document.refferer; url = ""; setTimeout("top.window.location = url;",10000);

111. General, Organic And Biochemistry
Measurement Calculations. Atoms Molecules. Periodic Properties. Forces between Particles. Chemical Reactions. The States of Matter. Solutions Colloids. Reaction Rates Equilibrium. Acids, Bases Salts. Nuclear Processes. Alkanes

112. University Of Antwerp Structural Chemistry Group
Features research on optoelectronic and sensor devices using organic synthesis, characterization and quantum chemical calculations.

113. Other Cool Sites - Department Of Medicinal Chemistry
A collection of links for chemists and students involved in organic, biochemical, computational, and/or medicinal chemistry research, maintained by Virginia Commonwealth University.
Home Pages of other Medicinal Chemistry Academic Programs
American Chemical Society pages of interest
, including the Division of Medicinal Chemistry Homepage and other chemical societies. Industrial Medicinal Chemistry Sites Computational Chemistry Related Sites Molecular Modeling Sites Crystallography related sites Medicinal chemistry and other related journals and periodicals Selected Organic Chemistry Sites Pharmacy related web pages Collection of general chemistry links Online lectures and courses of interest Web sites of Chemical and Scientific suppliers Career and Job Sites History of Medicinal Chemistry, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

114. Annual Reports On The Progress Of Chemistry Section B (Organic Chemistry) - Home
RSC Members Press Releases Register Jobs ... Search the Journal Readers' Information
Email Alerting

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RSC Journals Archive
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Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry
Section B (Organic Chemistry)
This journal is reference linked to ChemPort and CrossRef. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry Section B covers organic chemistry. The full range of research from theoretical organic chemistry through reaction mechanisms and synthetic methodology to natural products and bio-organic chemistry is included. Article Finder: (finds one specified article) - Select Journal - Analytical Communications Annual Reports - Section A Annual Reports - Section B Annual Reports - Section C Chemical Communications Chemical Society Reviews CrystEngComm Dalton Transactions Faraday Discussions Green Chemistry Geochemical Transactions JAAS Journal of Chemical Research Journal of Environmental Monitoring Journal of Materials Chemistry Lab on a Chip Natural Product Reports New Journal of Chemistry Perkin Transactions 1 Perkin Transactions 2 Pesticide Outlook PhysChemComm Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics The Analyst Year/Vol: Issue: Page: Article No./DOI:

115. Organic Synthesis On Solid Phase
Reference on all aspects of combinatorial and solid phase chemistry, parallel synthesis, synthesis of peptides, oligonucleotides, and small molecules.
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Organic Synthesis on Solid Phase Supports, Linkers, Reactions by F. Zaragoza Dörwald Novo Nordisk A/S Wiley-VCH, March 2000 ISBN 3-527-29950-5 474 pages, approx. $ 135 This title can be ordered at Wiley-VCH Amazon , or For doing the best deal, check the Addall price comparison. Keywords : combinatorial chemistry, compound libraries, parallel synthesis, organic synthesis, combinatorial techniques, drug discovery, small molecule libraries, peptides, oligonucleotides, oligosaccharides, polymers, compound arrays, high throughput screening, automated compound production Table of contents 1. General Techniques and Analytical Tools for Solid-Phase Organic Synthesis 2. Supports for Solid-Phase Organic Synthesis 3. Linkers for Solid-Phase Organic Synthesis 4. Preparation of Organometallic Compounds 5. Preparation of Hydrocarbons 6. Preparation of Alkyl and Aryl Halides 7. Preparation of Alcohols and Ethers 8. Preparation of Sulfur Compounds 9. Preparation of Organoselenium Compounds

116. Lancaster University IENS - CNH Group
research into the occurrence and behaviour of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere.
Biosphere-atmosphere interactions
and atmospheric chemistry research group
IENS ES department Other groups Research group ... Admissions
Quick links
Prof. C.N. Hewitt
Group members


Teaching staff
Biogenic VOC emission database
The biosphere-atmosphere interactions and atmospheric chemistry group at Lancaster is headed by Professor Nick Hewitt. The main focus of our research is the occurrence and behaviour of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of biogenic origin the atmosphere. As well as isoprene (C5H8) and the monoterpene (C10), we are interested in other hydrocarbons and oxygenated VOCs. Our work involves fieldwork, lab work and modelling experiments. We are also interested in ozone in the troposphere and stratosphere, the formation of particles in the atmosphere, and modelling of the carbon cycle. There is a UK Funded PhD Studentship, supervised by Dr Robert MacKenzie, available - the successful applicant will join our group . NERC UGAMP PhD Studentship "The impact of a water vapour trend on the aerosol and chemistry of the tropical upper troposphere and stratosphere" For further information on the group's activities, contact

117. IUPAC Nomenclature Home Page
INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED chemistry. Recommendationson organic Biochemical Nomenclature, Symbols Terminology etc.
World Wide Web material prepared by G. P. Moss

Department of Chemistry, Queen Mary University of London

Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS, UK
To search the database click here What's Here and What's New Changes to Published Documents for World Wide Web Presentation Main IUPAC Home Page and mirror sites in USA Germany Japan Korea ... UK Full text of IUPAC Recommendations Glossary of Organic Class Names Glossary of Terms in Physical Organic Chemistry Basic Terminology of Stereochemistry Hantzsch-Widman Nomenclature for Heteromonocyclic Rings ... Phane Nomenclature Part II New Glossary of Terms in Bioinorganic Chemistry Glossary of Medicinal Chemistry Terms Nomenclature of Isotopically Modified Compounds (Section H) IUPAC Atomic Weights
and Periodic Table
(2001 values) New Values Von Baeyer nomenclature
Spiro nomenclature

Natural product nomenclature (Section F)
Gold Book ... Fullerene nomenclature New Numerical Terms to 9999 Regular single-strand organic polymers nomenclature NEW Recommendations by IUPAC and IUBMB
International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

from the Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature Nomenclature of Amino Acids and Peptides Carbohydrate Nomenclature Conformation of Polypeptide Chains ... Prenol Nomenclature
Terpenoid precursors Steroid Nomenclature Vitamin D Nomenclature Folic Acid Nomenclature Carotenoid Nomenclature ... Tetrapyrrole Nomenclature Watch this space !

118. Chemistry, Consulting Chemist
Consultant in organic Fluorocarbons.
Chemistry - Consulting Chemist Ronald Zager Associates LLC Specializing in: Chemical Manufacture • Reactions • Distillation • Extraction • Hydrogenation • Aroma Chemicals • Fluorocarbons • International Technical Liaison • Process Improvement and Scale-Up • Litigation Support I am a consultant to the chemical and allied industries. As an expert in the aroma chemical, fluorochemical, fine chemical, pharmaceutical, and medical device industries, I help clients solve problems in chemical manufacture with an emphasis on developing or improving processes. A graduate of Brooklyn College with an MS in Chemistry from Stevens Institute of Technology, I have over thirty years of diversified corporate and consulting experience in the chemical industry. My experience includes all phases of chemical manufacture, including development of analytical specifications, process research, optimization, scale-up, and production. I am New Hampshire-based, close to airports - so I consult worldwide. Through my organization, Ronald Zager Associates LLC , I can draw on a wide resource base of skilled professionals to insure that the specific expertise required is available for our clients. We're experienced and proficient as "hands-on" and "on-site" consultants. We take pride in being responsive to our clients' needs, staying with a project through completion, and being able to work on a flexible basis with client personnel or independently. When a project comes our way, we offer an initial consultation at no charge to help define the client's needs.

119. Organic Compounds Database
Welcome to the organic Compounds Database. This 2483 compound databasehas been compiled by Harold M. Bell at Virginia Tech. Fill
Welcome to the Organic Compounds Database.
This 2483 compound database has been compiled by Harold M. Bell at Virginia Tech. Fill in the form below with as much information as you can. Leave the information blank if you don't know or you don't care. Click on the submit button to execute your search. You will receive at most 20 hits. Melting Point +-5C Boiling Point
Index of Refraction, nD20 +-0.005_ Molecular Weight
Formula: C H N O Cl Br I S
(for formulas you can enter a ">" or "
UV Absorption Wavelengths:
+-5 nm
Mass Spectral Peaks:
Chemical Types:
No Carbonyl present_ Carbonyl present
No Aromatic present_ Aromatic present
No OH or NH present OH or NH present
CH type:
no C-H saturated C-H unsaturated C-H both saturated and unsaturated C-H Compound name contains: Key to the Literature References
This data is available with 2D-structures and NMR chemical shifts in ISIS/Base format

120. Keslick & Son, Modern Arboriculture & LandscapeMaintenance
Tree care information includes tree biology, tree and soil chemistry help, and organic tips.
Our Services for you, your children, your trees and their other associates!
An ALERT for your child with safety tips!
Logging -What is it? With Technical Tree Biology Dictionary
with over 400 high quality pictures.
messages about trees as a system The Worlds Finest Tree Care Information. DR ALEX L. SHIGO DR ALEX L. SHIGO on trees "articles based on TREE BIOLOGY"
Compliments of SHIGO And TREES, ASSOCIATES and TCI (Tree Care Industry) New Tree Biology Workshop Items (For the Boonites)

Pesticides - Pesticides?
2nd Annual Native American Earthfest
EARTH RHYTHM ... production
Saturday * September 16, 2000

US FOREST SERVICE concerned over "Tree Kisser Populations above ground"

Coming soon, below ground kissers and connections under attack by the US FOREST SERVICE and their lack of respect for above as well as below ground "fungi diversity".
Questions to ask an arborist (How to select an arborist.)

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