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         Organic Chemistry:     more books (100)
  1. Organic Chemistry: Study Guide and Solutions Manual by Paula Yurkanis Bruice, 2006-07
  2. Organic Chemistry by T. W. Graham Solomons, Craig B. Fryhle, 2007-02-16
  3. Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry by John McMurry, Mary E. Castellion, et all 2006-03-31
  4. Organic Chemistry (5th Edition) (Ace Organic Series) by Paula Y. Bruice, 2006-03-31
  5. Organic Chemistry by John E. McMurry, 2007-01-12
  6. Organic Chemistry by Janice Gorzynski Smith, 2007-02-23
  7. Organic Chemistry & Solutions Manual/Study Guide by K. Peter C. Vollhardt, Neil E. Schore, 2006-01-30
  8. Organic Chemistry, Student Study Guide and Solutions Manual by T. W. Graham Solomons, Craig B. Fryhle, 2007-08-03
  9. Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry by Francis A Carey, 2007-01-04
  10. Organic Chemistry by Francis A Carey, 2007-01-09
  11. Organic Chemistry Study Guide with Solutions Manual by Neil E. Schore, 2006-01-04
  12. March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure (March's Advanced Organic Chemistry) by Michael B. Smith, Jerry March, 2007-01-16
  13. Organic Chemistry the Easy Way (Barron's Easy Way Series) by Bruce A. Hathaway Ph.D., 2005-12-30
  14. Study Guide/Solutions Manual for McMurry/Simanek's Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, 6th by John E. McMurry, Eric E. Simanek, 2006-03-30

21. Educational Materials For Organic Chemistry - EMOC
Educational Materials for organic chemistry. Educational Materialsfor organic chemistry at Michigan State University. Integrated
Educational Materials for Organic Chemistry
Educational Materials for Organic Chemistry at Michigan State University
Supplementary Materials for Organic Chemistry at The University of Arizona
Organic Chemistry Course Web Pages at Michigan State University
  • CEM 143 - Survey of Organic Chemistry
  • CEM 251 - Organic Chemistry I (non-majors)
  • CEM 252 - Organic Chemistry II (non-majors)
  • CEM 351 - Organic Chemistry I (majors)

22. SciTutor - Online Scitutor Tutorials
A series of tutorials for organic chemistry at present. The site is under development.
SciTutor - Online Scitutor Tutorials
Click here to enter - Register your domain name

23. VirtualText Of Organic Chemistry
a comprehensive virtual textbook of organic chemistry. Includes interactiveproblems. Virtual Textbook of organic chemistry. Introduction.
Announcement information box at the bottom of this page for specific details.
Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry
Organic chemistry is most commonly and simply defined as the chemistry of carbon compounds . Compared with hydrogen and helium, carbon is not an abundant element in the universe, nor in the solar system; but it is an essential element of life. Indeed, four elements: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen make up most of the matter found in living organisms. Trace elements such as sulfur, phosphorous, sodium, potassium and iron, to name a few, also play an important role in the chemistry of life; but it is the unique properties of carbon that permits the immense diversity of compounds associated with life. From simple single-carbon compounds such as methane and carbon dioxide to the more complex structures found in vitamins, hormones and enzymes, and ultimately to very large macromolecules like DNA, carbon is the underlying essential structural component. Since the birth of organic chemistry over two hundred years ago, chemists have worked to unravel the structural complexities of these compounds. Today, all the facts and principles they have learned are consolidated in our texts and journals. Industrial applications have led to the manufacture of medicinal agents (drugs), synthetic fibers, plastics, dyes, pesticides and a host of other useful materials. Clearly, organic chemistry has touched all our lives. The study of organic chemistry is both fascinating and relevant, due in large part to the widespread distribution of both natural and synthetic organic chemicals.

24. Learn Chemistry - Organic, Physical & AP Help, Article, Chemistry Tutorials, Qui
Tutorials, tests, problems, and tools for learning basic and organic chemistry.
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Online Quizzes Index Chemistry Olympiad Test Questions Submit Quizzes Request Quizzes Reference Tools Constants Formulas Glossary Periodic Table ... Thermodynamic Data Welcome to the! This site serves as a free resource of chemistry for students. Available for all chemistry students seeking homework help is a variety of tutorials, quizzes, test and information to help with your chemistry learning needs. News: July 20th, 2003: Slight Shuffle Greetings I've rearranged the website slightly so that the news page is its own dedicated page. This should leave a bit more room on your screns to see the sitemap below. Site Map:

25. Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies More results from Glossary of Physical organic chemistry Chemistry. GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN PHYSICAL organic chemistry. (IUPACRecommendations 1994). Prepared for publication by P. Müller

Job site for synthetic organic chemists.
An intuitive WWW job site for synthetic organic chemists Job Seekers Recruiters Contact Launched: May 28, 2001 Last update: January 28, 2002 Terms of service

27. Lectures, Labs And Online Materials For Organic Chemistry
organic chemistry Lecture Courses. Second Year Pericyclic Reactions. Prof. QuantitativeModels for organic chemistry Tutorials and Problems Classes . Prof.
Year 2: Synthesis Laboratory
Laboratory manuals
Year 2: Information Technology Laboratory
Year 3: Organic Laboratory
  • Advanced Identifications
    Use of Beilstein Crossfire Crossfire Quick Refeence Crossfire Hints and Tips ... Advanced Molecular Modelling and online instructions MedChem Homology Modelling: Designing an anti-TB drug.
  • Resources
    Several of these programs are available only via the application server: You can connect to this using IE6/Windows using your college login/password. Please do not forget to log out of this session when you finish, since otherwise you will leave the session open and expose your files to others. MacOSX users can use the Remote Desktop connection application to access this service.
  • Spectroscopic Identification Use of gNMR Simulation Use of ACD Use of GRAMS ... Bio-molecular NMR
  • Lab course e-mail for sending lab reports:
    Organic Chemistry Lecture Courses
    Second Year: Pericyclic Reactions . Prof. Henry Rzepa. Third Year: Organic Molecular Modelling . Prof. Henry Rzepa. Third Year: Carbohydrate Chemistry . Prof. Tony Barrett Fourth Year: Advanced Synthesis . Prof. Tony Barrett
    Tutorial Materials
    Quantitative Models for Organic Chemistry Tutorials and Problems Classes . Prof. Henry Rzepa.

    28. Electronic Conferences On Trends In Organic Chemistry
    Electronic Conferences on Trends in organic chemistry. 1995 ECTOC1. ElectronicConference on Trends in organic chemistry; 1996 ECTOC-2 ECHET96.
    Electronic Conferences on Trends in Organic Chemistry
    • ECTOC-1 . Electronic Conference on Trends in Organic Chemistry
    • ECTOC-2: ECHET96 . Electronic Conference on Trends in Heterocyclic Chemistry
    • ECTOC-3 . Electronic Conference on Trends in Organometallic Chemistry
    • ECTOC-4: ECHET98 . Electronic Conference on Trends in Heterocyclic Chemistry
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    International source for critical and important primary and secondary information on the whole of chemical biology, bio(in)organic chemistry, and biochemistry. Free sample issue available.
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    WILEY-VCH Home

    30. Institute Of Organic Chemistry - BAS
    Provides fundamental and applied scientific research, consulting and expert in the field of synthetic organic chemistry.

      visits since August 6 , 1996

      Last modified: Aug, 2003

    31. Swain Library: Beilstein Dictionary
    organic chemistry Bldg.,, 650723-9237. Beilstein Dictionary.For users of the Beilstein Handbook of organic chemistry.
    skip to main content Organic Chemistry Bldg.,
    Beilstein Dictionary
    For users of the Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Preface Notes for the User Formulations Commonly Used in Beilstein
    German - English
    A B C D ... Z
    English - German
    A B C D ... Z
    The Beilstein Dictionary (German/English) has been compiled by the scientific staff of the Beilstein Institute to facilitate the use of Basic Series and Supplementary Series I to IV by those Handbook users whose native language is not German. With a total of about 2,100 entries, it contains most German words occurring in the Beilstein Handbook, as well as common abbreviations, alphabetically listed with their English equivalents. An appended supplement (page 59 onwards) lists a series of "standard formulations" frequently used in Beilstein, together with their English translations. It is our hope that this glossary will prove of assistance to the non German-speaking user of Beilstein, in overcoming any language difficulties which may be encountered. - The editorial staff of Beilstein
    Notes for the User
    The English equivalents of German words appearing in the Beilstein Handbook are chosen such that in each case the most usual translation in the context of the Handbook of Organic Chemistry is listed first, followed by other possibilities which can also occur

    32. Reaction Index: Name Reactions In Organic Chemistry
    Translate this page Macedonia ». Reaction Index Name Reactions in organic chemistry. J. March,Advanced organic chemistry, 4th ed., Wiley, New York, 1992. given
    Institute of Chemistry, Skopje, Macedonia
    Reaction Index:
    Name Reactions in Organic Chemistry
    Chemistry, since the times of Antoine Lavoiser, has made efforts to systematically name chemical compounds, however, it has not been very successful in developing a nomenclature of chemical reactions. The IUPAC Commission on Physical Organic Chemistry has recommended a system for naming not reactions but transformations - a transformation shows only the substrate and product, whereas a reaction includes all the reactants. Apparently this has its merits, but it has not been widely accepted yet. Consequently, many reactions are known by the name of the scientists who discovered, popularized or studied them. This is a list of such reactions, with the hope of building a database containing a graphical abstract and the original reference for each one of them. The graphical abstracts have been created by Softshell's ChemWeb program. Contributions from the chemical community are welcome , as well as any comments or suggestions. A B C D ...
    Search Reaction Index and Display the Results in Standard Form in Compact Form in Detailed Form

    33. Institute Of Organic Chemistry - University Of Zurich - Switzerland - Chemistry
    Gives general information on the Institute, research groups and projects, and current staff. Also lists technical services available at the institute.
    Shortcuts Chemistry Related Links Courses Groups own Pages Index / Search ...
    University Homepage
    Our Institute
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    We apologize for a typing error in the published address
    The correct address of this page is:
    Siegfried Medal Call for Nominations for the Siegfried Medal 2004 ==================> :New: 31-Mar-2004 :New: Siegfriedsymposium / Siegfried Medal - 31-Mar-2004 Chemistry Graduate Studies in Zurich 30-Mar-2004 Seminar Program Summer Term 2004 - 22-Mar-2004 Seminar Program "Chemische Gesellschaft" - 17-Mar-2004 Foundation for the Paul Karrer Lecture - 13-Jun-2002 Prof. Robinson: Organische Chemie V - 10-Jun-2002

    34. Glossary Of Physical Organic Chemistry
    Indexed glossary of terms collected by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
    International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
    Organic Chemistry Division
    Commission on Physical Organic Chemistry
    (IUPAC Recommendations 1994)
    Membership of the Working Party 1987-93: World Wide Web version prepared by Gerard P. Moss
    Department of Chemistry, Queen Mary University of London,
    Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS, UK
    With the assistance of Charles L. Perrin ( Pure Appl. Chem. For problems in converting the text into a World Wide Web version see the IUPAC home page. Any comments, corrections or suggestions for additional entries in a future edition should be e-mailed to As well as an Introduction and index all terms are listed alphabetically in the following files: A B Ca to Cl Co to Cy ... T to Z . The references for each section are listed at the end of each file and the complete list of references is available as a separate file. Return to main IUPAC Chemical Nomenclature home page

    35. Organic Chemistry On Line
    Welcome to organic chemistry On Line This tutorial presently consistsof five modules The Library structural and NMR data for fifty
    Welcome to Organic Chemistry On Line
    This tutorial presently consists of five modules:
    The Library
    structural and NMR data for fifty representative organic compounds,
    reviews and exercises covering the basic structural aspects of organic chemistry,
    tutorials in IR, NMR and Mass spectroscopy, with interactive problems and a "Quiz",
    tutorials on all common aspects of stereochemistry, at the undergraduate level, and,
    Functional Group Reactions
    reactions, mechanisms and Quizzes to cover those functional groups covered in undergraduate courses.
    Click on the links to enter the modules

    36. Perkin 2 Transactions Homepage
    This new journal is set to become a core publication for all scientists working insynthetic, physical biomolecular organic chemistry and will readily appeal
    RSC Members Press Releases Register Jobs ... Search the Journal
    have been merged to form Submissions
    Authors are invited to send communications and full papers to Subscribing to is easy and includes FREE site wide online access when you take out an institutional subscription. Subscribers to will continue to have full online access to all previously purchased issues and archives dating back to 2001 in html. There will be open access to all articles from 1997-2000 in PDF format. All search facilities will remain. Sample Copies and Table of Contents Alerts for are also available. Article Finder: (finds one specified article) - Select Journal - Analytical Communications Annual Reports - Section A Annual Reports - Section B Annual Reports - Section C Chemical Communications Chemical Society Reviews CrystEngComm Dalton Transactions Faraday Discussions Green Chemistry Geochemical Transactions JAAS Journal of Chemical Research Journal of Environmental Monitoring Journal of Materials Chemistry Lab on a Chip Natural Product Reports New Journal of Chemistry Perkin Transactions 1 Perkin Transactions 2 Pesticide Outlook PhysChemComm Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics The Analyst Year/Vol: Issue: Page: Article No./DOI:

    37. Wiley-VCH - European Journal Of Organic Chemistry
    The European Journal of organic chemistry publishes microreviews, full papers, shortcommunications and microreviews covering the entire spectrum of synthetic
    Journals Journals from A to Z European Journal of Organic Chemistry Books Journals Please specify Accounting Architecture Business Chemistry Civil Engineering Computer Science Earth Science Education Electrical Engineering Finance Geography Graphics Design History Industrial Engin. Life Sciences Materials Science Mathematics Mechanical Engin. Medical Sciences Physics Social Science Statistics Journals from
    A to Z
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    ... Electronic Media Please specify Accounting Architecture Business Chemistry Civil Engineering Computer Certification Computer Science Earth Science Economics Education Electrical Engineering End-User Computing Finance Geography Graphics Design History Hospitality Industrial Engin. Law Life Sciences Materials Science Mathematics Mechanical Engin. Medical Sciences Physics Psychology Social Science Statistics European Journal of Organic Chemistry
    Latest Issue
    Access full text, free trials, sample copies,

    editorial and author information, news, and more.

    European Journal of Organic Chemistry publishes full papers, short communications, and microreviews from the entire spectrum of synthetic organic, bioorganic and physical-organic chemistry. It is published twice monthly and continues to keep you up-to-date with progress made in all the fields of organic chemistry. The following journals have been merged to form two leading journals, the European Journal of Organic Chemistry and the European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry: - Liebigs Annalen - Bulletin des Société Chimiques Belges - Bulletin de la Société Chimique de France

    38. CHEMZA A.s.
    CHEMZA,a.s. belongs to the largest chemical plants in Slovakia and is focused on production of basic products both in organic and inorganic chemistry.

    39. Named Reactions
    Named Reactions in organic chemistry. Last updated on June 24, 1998.A ** indicates a new or updated entry. If you would like to
    Named Reactions in Organic Chemistry
    Last updated on June 24, 1998.
    A ** indicates a new or updated entry.

    If you would like to add a named reaction and/or an example, or comment on any of them, please send it to the email address shown.
  • Baeyer-Villiger oxidation
  • Barbier reaction
  • **Barton-McCombie deoxygenation ...
  • Zimmerman-Traxler transition state model
    Transfer to the Intercollegiate Organic Chemistry Site
    Transfer to Research Site

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  • 40. Organic Chemistry
    A Poster Session for organic chemistry Research. . Last update, 04/10/98.Discussion Groups Named Reactions . Last updated, 06/24/98.
    Topics Courses Participating Scientists
    A Poster Session for Organic Chemistry Research . Last update, 04/10/98.
    Discussion Groups
    Named Reactions
    . Last updated, 06/24/98.
    An archive of famous Organic Chemists . Last updated, 06/11/98.

    Please contact the site coordinator, Professor Michael Smith, with comments or questions.
    Voice phone: (860-486-2881)
    Fax: (860-486-2981)
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