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         Nuclear Magnetic Resonance:     more books (100)
  1. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Paramagnetic Macromolecules (NATO Science Series C: (closed))
  2. Laboratory Guide to Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy by S.A. Richards, 1988-03-31
  3. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for Liquid Fossil Fuels (Analytical Spectroscopy Library) by Leonidas Petrakis, David Allen, 1986-12
  4. NMR Imaging: Proceedings of an International Symposium on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Held at the Bowman Gray School of Med
  5. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: A Review of the Literature Published Between June 1988 and May 1989 (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) by Graham A. Webb, 1990-05
  6. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. by R M Lynden-Bell, 1969
  7. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance : Applications to Organic Chemistry. by John D. Roberts, 1959
  8. NMR - an essential tool for research in forest ecology. (nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy): An article from: Canadian Chemical News by Caroline M. Preston, 1998-01-01
  9. Monitoring of the insecticide trichlorfon by phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (^3^1P NMR) spectroscopy [An article from: Analytica Chimica Acta] by Z. Talebpour, A. Ghassempour, et all 2006-08-25
  10. Study of shear modification of LDPE by an NMR relaxation technique. (low-density polyethylene; nuclear magnetic resonance): An article from: Polymer Engineering and Science by M. Van Prooyen, H. Peemoeller, et all 1996-08-15
  11. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and its Applications to Living Systems (Oxford science publications) by Gadian, 1982-04-29
  12. Methods in Enzymology, Volume 176: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Part A: Special Techniques and Dynamics
  13. Medical Images and Displays: Comparisons of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Ultrasound X-Rays and Other Modalities (Wiley Series in Pure and Applied Optics) by R. Stuart MacKay, 1984-08
  14. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance by William W. Paudler, 1971-06

81. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Core Facility - Standard Operating Procedures
nuclear magnetic resonance CORE FACILITY. PART I DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES. Introduction The applications for solution NMR have greatly
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Introduction The applications for solution NMR have greatly expanded from a traditionally analytical technique to powerful biological tool for the investigation of biomolecule structure, dynamics, and stability. A wide variety of experiments exist for analyzing biological molecules using NMR. Basic 1D and 2D applications can often be employed on small proteins and other compounds in a matter of hours to assess: composition, structure, sample purity, mutational effects and ligand binding interactions. More involved multidimensional NMR applications can be employed for protein structure determination and dynamics investigations. Collaborations. The variety of NMR applications require differing levels of expertise for collecting and analyzing the NMR data. Collaborations with NMR facility members may be advised, depending upon the expertise of the user. Co-authorship of potential manuscripts should be discussed at an early stage in projects. Assisted and Unassisted NMR use. Users are encouraged to learn NMR data collection and processing techniques. Training sessions on the basic use of the NMR spectrometer will be offered at intervals throughout the year for new users. Only trained users will be allowed to independently operate the NMR spectrometer.

82. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Research (NMR)
For those studies, we use nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and follow the behavior of the drugs in human colon cancers growing in mice.
Medical Services Jobs News
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Contact Personnel Services Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Research (NMR) ... Printable Version
The NMR Facility at Mayo currently supports three main fields of NMR biomedical application: Study of the structure of biomacromolecules in solution by high field, high resolution NMR spectroscopy:
  • At present, NMR spectroscopy is the only technique that can provide detailed solution structure of small proteins and polynucleotides.
    NMR spectroscopy of small laboratory animals ( in vivo NMR) and cell cultures: Due to the noninvasive character of the main interactions, NMR is very suitable for in vivo studies. It provides information on the composition and concentration of metabolites in body fluids, cells, tissues, and organs. In vivo NMR spectra are very useful for monitoring subtle metabolic changes. NMR imaging of small laboratory animals: The NMR experiment, when performed in a magnetic field with a controlled gradient, provides spatial distribution of observed spins, i.e. the NMR image, rather than NMR spectrum. The NMR images give noninvasive pictures of cross-sections of biological objects. Combined with spectroscopy, NMR images give a detailed map of the physiological state of a studied model.
For example, we are currently investigating how the drug levamisole helps the drug 5-FU extend the life of some patients who have undergone surgery for colon cancer. For those studies, we use nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and follow the behavior of the drugs in human colon cancers growing in mice. We are monitoring the nuclear magnetic resonance signal of phosphorous and fluorine nuclei in tumor xenografts in mice. Phosphorous is a natural part of living systems. Fluorine is a major component of the drug 5-FU. By phosphorous NMR, we follow the viability of tumor cells and by fluorine NMR, the concentration and metabolism of the added drug 5-FU. The results of these studies will help determine how the two drugs interact in the body and may eventually lead to further improvements in therapy.

83. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy - RTI International
nuclear magnetic resonance Spectroscopy RTI International - Advanced capabilities for measuring chemical compounds and isotopes.

84. Biophysical Chemistry - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Biophysical Chemistry. nuclear magnetic resonance Application and development of NMR methodology and theory. The nuclear magnetic
Staff Former Members Undergraduate Teaching Courses ... Research Areas / Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Biophysical Chemistry
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Application and development of NMR methodology and theory
The nuclear magnetic resonance phenomenon underlies a large and growing family of experimental techniques for investigating the structure, dynamics and interactions of condensed matter on length scales from the molecular to the macroscopic, and on time scales from picoseconds to hours and longer. Forty years ago, when NMR had become an established method in chemical research, about 2,000 papers had been published in the NMR field. Today, a similar number of NMR papers are added to the literature every five weeks in fields ranging from solid-state physics to neurophysiology. No other physical probe of molecular behavior can rival NMR in range of applications and potential for development. During the past two decades, the biomolecular and medical applications of NMR have been transformed by major methodological breakthroughs and today they dominate the field. NMR is used in one way or another in the majority of the biophysical research projects undertaken in the Department. We use NMR to determine the three-dimensional structures of proteins in solution, to characterize conformational dynamics essential for protein function, and to study the interactions of proteins and nucleic acids with other molecules, including water, co-solvents and ions, functional ligands and other biomolecules.

85. RMN - A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data Processing Program.
RMN is a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data processing program for the Macintosh. Download the latest binhexed version of the program!

86. Journal=00796565
PDF Principles of nuclear magnetic resonancePage 1. Biomedical Imaging HET408 Principles of nuclear magnetic resonance April 24, 2002 Page 2. 1 The magnetic dipole moment of

87. NMR & X-ray Crystallography Glossary
nuclear magnetic resonance Spectroscopy, DOE Genomes to Life, US http//
You are here Glossary homepage/Search Evolving Terminology for Emerging Technologies
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Last revised February 17, 2004

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Mr. Ms. Mrs. Dr. Prof. First: Last: Title: Dept.: Company: Address: City: State: Zip: Country: Email: Opt-out of Email YES NO Telephone: Fax: document.FrontPage_Form1.interest.value = 'NMR PST'; N uclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy uses high magnetic fields and radio- frequency pulses to manipulate the spin states of nuclei — including 1H, 13C, and 15N — that have nonzero- spin angular momentum. For a molecule containing such nuclei, the result is an NMR spectrum with peaks whose positions and intensities reflect the chemical environment and nucleic positions within the molecule. As applied to protein- structure analysis, the accuracy now achievable with NMR spectroscopy is comparable to that obtained with X-ray crystallography. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, DOE Genomes to Life, US

88. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - CCSG
. Mass Spectrometry. •. nuclear magnetic resonance. •. Microarray. •. . Prevention. nuclear magnetic resonance. Darrell Davis, Ph.D. Facility Director.
@import "/ieOnly.css"; A National Cancer Institute Designated Clinical Cancer Center Cancer Center Support Grant SEARCH GO document.write(""); CCSG Home Membership Programs Pilot Projects ... Prevention
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Darrell Davis, Ph.D. - Facility Director
HSC Core
Skaggs Hall, Room 308
Complete instrumentation and technical services are offered to investigators requiring C13 and proton NMR.
SITE MAP HELP CONTACT US ... PRIVACY STATEMENT Huntsman Cancer Institute operates a hospital-based patientcare center in association with the
Health Sciences Center
at the University of Utah University of Utah

89. UCLA-DOE Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Core Facility
UCLADOE nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) Core Facility. Co-director Robert Clubb, 656 MBI, Co-director Juli
Facilities NMR UCLA-DOE Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Core Facility Co-director: Robert Clubb 656 MBI Co-director: Juli Feigon 256 MBI Manager: Robert Peterson 1429 Mol. Sci. Services Provided by the Core Facility
  • Provides advanced nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometers and related equipment for the study of macromolecular structure and dynamics in solution by experienced users. In this capacity the core facility primarily provides the research tools in which to perform detailed measurements on complex biological systems. Provides non-expert members of the DOE laboratory with access to NMR spectroscopy for more routine applications. These applications include: screening wild-type and mutated protein samples to determine their structural integrity, making small molecule binding affinity measurements, and temperature and denaturant studies of protein stability.

Facilities and Equipment NMR Instrumentation. The facility contains three high field NMR spectrometers. All three spectrometers are equipped with multiple radiofrequency channels and three-axis field gradients and can perform almost all of the current, multi-dimensional, homo- and heteronuclear NMR experiments. The facility also contains various small equipment to enable the preparation of samples and the modification of solution conditions without the need to return to the main laboratories. This equipment includes a pH-meter, temperature controlled water bath, magnetic stirrer with heating plates, and pipetting equipment.

90. The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Society Of Japan

91. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
David Morrissey 2001. nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
David Morrissey Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy Introduction Basics Shielding and spin coupling Fourier transform ... Structure assignment Introduction bacteriorhodopsin was determined. X-ray crystallography gives a 3D electron density map of a protein. The backbone structure is then fitted into this data as well as possible. NMR is a very different method, which uses radio frequency radiation to cause transitions between nuclear energy levels. The spectroscopic data gained effectively gives a (very large) set of restraints on the relative positions of the hydrogens. This will be explained later.
The basics of NMR
Some nuclei have a quantum mechanical property called spin. For protons, there are two possible spin states (for simplicity, we'll call them up and down). This spin of a charged nucleus produces a magnetic field, and a magnetic moment which points along the axis of rotation. When there is no external magnetic field present, there is essentially no difference between up and down spin states, but if a magnetic field is applied then the nucleus can align so that it's magnetic moment points in the same direction as the magnetic field, or in the opposite direction. It is energetically more favourable for the magnetic moment (µ) to point in the same direction as the applied field (B ), so more nuclei will align this way than against the field. However, the difference between these energy levels is tiny even in strong magnetic fields, so that the excess number of spins in the lower energy state is very small. In addition to spinning, the nucleii precess, which is the rotation of the magnetic moment around an axis, as shown below. The behaviour is much like that of a spinning top.

92. Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
SolidState nuclear magnetic resonance. Welcome to the Laboratorium für Physikalische Chemie, Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy at the
Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Swiss Federal Institute for Technology (ETH) in Switzerland
We are a research group in the which is part of the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences of the . This research group is led by Professor Dr. Beat Meier.
The following information is available from our site:
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Comments to: Matthias Ernst (
last changed October 11, 2001

93. 1998 Building Publications - H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Characterization Of Po
Water molecular dynamics in a hardened Portland cement were characterized by proton Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) at 400MHz.
H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Characterization of Portland Cement: Molecular Diffusion of Water Studied by Spin Relaxation and Relaxation Time-Weighted Imaging.
H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Characterization of Portland Cement: Molecular Diffusion of Water Studied by Spin Relaxation and Relaxation Time-Weighted Imaging. (672 K)
Wang, P. S.; Ferguson, M. M.; Eng, G.; Bentz, D. P.; Ferraris, C. F.; Clifton, J. R.
Journal of Material Science, Vol. 33, 3065-3071, 1998.
portland cement; molecular diffusion; water; nuclear magnetic resonance
Building and Fire Research Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Gaithersburg, MD 20899

94. UW Centres, Institutes, Research Groups, & Centres Of Excellence
people forms policies/procedures research home UW home. Waterloo nuclear magnetic resonance Centre. Contact Dr. Hartwig Peemoeller, Director. Department Physics.

95. Michael F. Summers
Michael Summers is interested in the application of nuclear magnetic resonance to studies of the structure and function of proteins, RNA, and macromolecular



ALSO OF INTEREST Search PubMed The Summers Lab New Drug Target May Cause HIV to Knuckle Under Work Hard, Play Hard
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Retrovirus Assembly and Structure
Michael F. Summers, Ph.D.
University of Maryland Baltimore County Biography... Structural changes in the HIV-1 capsid protein...
Structural changes in the HIV-1 capsid protein... Illustration of the HIV-1 replication cycle... Summary: Michael Summers is interested in the application of nuclear magnetic resonance to studies of the structure and function of proteins, RNA, and macromolecular interactions. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and computational methods are employed in our laboratory to address protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions that occur as retroviruses assemble in infected cells. Recently we have focused on the Gag proteins from the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMuLV), and the interactions between these proteins and their cognate Y -RNA recognition elements. We have also focused on the identification of new classes of antiviral compounds that inhibit these interactions. All retroviruses encode a Gag precursor polyprotein that functions in the recognition of viral RNA and in the assembly of virus particles. Subsequent to budding, the Gag polyproteins are processed by the viral protease to smaller proteins, including the nucleocapsid (NC p7), capsid (CA p24), and matrix (MA p17) proteins. The capsid proteins assemble during this maturation process to form the capsid core in the center of the virus that encapsidates the viral RNA.

96. IBM Research | Almaden Research Center | Science And Technology | Scientific Ser
IBM Research Almaden Research Center Science and Technology Scientific Services Materials Analyis nuclear magnetic resonance Analysis.

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IBM Almaden Research Center Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analysis
Overview The mission of the Almaden Research Center NMR Facility is to develop new measurement techniques and to provide a limited routine service for applications of NMR spectroscopy in the area of information technology related materials problems. At ARC, NMR spectroscopy is used for structure determination/characterization relating to the following materials problems: Photolithographic Systems
This class of materials includes the polymers, photo-acid generators, small-molecule additives, and casting solvents that make up a photoresist. Quantitative solution-state 13C NMR allows for total component analysis of both bulk resist solutions and processed thin films. Polymeric Dielectric Materials
Solid-state NMR techniques such as combined Cross-Polarization and Magic-Angle Spinning (CPMAS) are particularly important for the characterization of these materials due to their insolubility in final cured form. NMR spectroscopy is one of the few techniques that can give information on the microscopic chemical structure of these materials as a function of processing conditions. Head/Disk Interface Materials
Amorphous carbon overcoats and perfluoropolyether lubricants are included in this class of materials. Solid-state 13C NMR has been used to learn about structural variations in amorphous CHx films as a function of sputter conditions. The composition, molecular weight, and decomposition products of perfluoropolyethers can be determined using solution-state 19F NMR techniques.

97. Elsevier Author Gateway
Solid State nuclear magnetic resonance, Firsttime author? user name password

98. Wiley::Encyclopedia Of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Volume 9, Advances In NMR
Wiley Chemistry Spectroscopy NMR Spectroscopy Encyclopedia of nuclear magnetic resonance, Volume 9, Advances in NMR.
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By Keyword By Title By Author By ISBN By ISSN Wiley Chemistry Spectroscopy NMR Spectroscopy Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Volume 9, Advances in NMR Related Subjects General Imaging
General Spectroscopy

Mass Spectrometry

Related Titles More By These Authors
Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Volume 1, Historical Perspectives (Hardcover)

Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 8 Volume Set (Hardcover)

NMR Spectroscopy
Coherence and NMR (Hardcover)

by M. Munowitz
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry (Journal)
Carbon 13 NMR Spectroscopy (Hardcover) by Hans-Otto Kalinowski, Stefan Berger, Siegmar Braun Introduction to NMR Spectroscopy (Paperback) by R. J. Abraham, J. Fisher, P. Loftus NMR Spectroscopy: Basic Principles, Concepts, and Applications in Chemistry, 2nd Edition (Hardcover) by Harald Günther Join a Chemistry Mailing List NMR Spectroscopy Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Volume 9, Advances in NMR David M. Grant, Robin K. Harris ISBN: 0-471-49082-2 Hardcover 880 pages September 2002 US $735.00

99. Wiley::Encyclopedia Of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 8 Volume Set
By Keyword, Wiley Chemistry Spectroscopy NMR Spectroscopy Encyclopedia of nuclear magnetic resonance, 8 Volume Set.
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By Keyword By Title By Author By ISBN By ISSN Wiley Chemistry Spectroscopy NMR Spectroscopy Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 8 Volume Set Related Subjects General Imaging
General Spectroscopy

Mass Spectrometry

Related Titles More By These Authors
Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Volume 1, Historical Perspectives (Hardcover)

Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Volume 9, Advances in NMR (Hardcover)

NMR Spectroscopy
NMR Spectroscopy: Basic Principles, Concepts, and Applications in Chemistry, 2nd Edition (Hardcover)

by Harald Günther
NMR Spectroscopy: Basic Principles, Concepts, and Applications in Chemistry, 2nd Edition (Paperback)
by Harald Günther Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Concepts and Methods (Paperback) by Daniel Canet NMR Spectroscopy of the Non-Metallic Elements (Hardcover) by Stefan Berger, Siegmar Braun, Hans-Otto Kalinowski In Vivo NMR Spectroscopy: Principles and Techniques (Hardcover) by Robin deGraaf Join a Chemistry Mailing List NMR Spectroscopy Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 8 Volume Set

100. References
nuclear magnetic resonance Quantum Computers. .Quantum computers have the potential to revolutionise many branches of science through
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Quantum Computers Quantum computers have the potential to revolutionise many branches of science through their ability to tackle problems too large for any classical computer. While the theory of quantum computing is well understood, actually building a quantum computer has proved extremely difficult. Several approaches have been studied, but until recently it has only been possible to demonstrate the very simplest operations. In the last few years, however, the development of computers based on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has been extremely rapid. Researchers at IBM, MIT and Berkeley and in our laboratory in Oxford have recently demonstrated powerful quantum search algorithms using small NMR computers. The H and
NMR computers are different from other quantum computers in one important respect. The NMR signal from a single molecule is far too weak to be detected, and so it is necessary to use a large number of identical copies to amplify the signal. This is not difficult as even a few milligrams of a chemical compound will contain the required number of molecules. It is however impossible to ensure that all the copies start the calculation in the same initial state, and so different copies will in effect perform different calculations, making it extremely difficult to extract the desired result. This inability to prepare NMR computers in a well defined initial state prevented their use for many years.

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