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         Nuclear Magnetic Resonance:     more books (100)
  1. High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy by J. W. ; Feeney, J. ; and L. H. Sutcliffe Emsley, 1965
  2. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Biochemistry by Thomas L. James, 1975-08-08
  3. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Solids (Reprint from the Philosophic Transactions of the Royal Society, Series a, Vol 299)
  4. N.M.R. and chemistry;: An introduction to nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (Chapman and Hall chemistry textbook series) by J. W Akitt, 1973
  5. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Shift Reagents
  7. Analytical Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Chemical Analysis) by Donald E. Leyden, Richard H. Cox, 1977-09
  8. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Correlative Imaging Modalities
  9. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of boron compounds (NMR) by Heinrich Noth, 1978
  10. High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Macromolecules
  11. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: A Review of the Literature Published Between June 1987 and May 1988 (A Specialist Periodical Report, Vol 18)
  12. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in a Flowing by Aleksandr Zhernovoi, 1965
  13. Technology of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: 14th Annual Symposium on the Sharing of Computer Programs and Technology by Peter D. Esser, 1984-06
  14. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Chemistry: Foundations and Applications</i> by Ben Shoulders, 2004

61. Clinical Trial: (1)H-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging Of The Bra
(1)Hnuclear magnetic resonance Spectroscopic Imaging of the Brain in Patients who Receive Neurotoxic Therapy. This study is no longer recruiting patients.

62. Brain & Mind Magazine: Thoughts: Image Mapping By Functional Nuclear Magnetic Re
Cogito, ergo sum! I think, therefore I am! René Descartes sDiscourse on Method, 1637 AC, Thoughts. Image Mapping by Functional nuclear magnetic resonance.
Cogito, ergo sum!
I think, therefore I am!

Discourse on Method
, 1637 AC Thoughts Image Mapping by Functional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance R. Gattass M. F. Farias , P. Ventura e P. H. Feitosa T hought isan organized mental activity exhibiting a high degree of freedom and unlimited to the physical world. It is an organized process of neural representation that engenders a mental model for planning, definition of strategies, forecasting and problem solving. This process involves the correlation and integration of critical events in time and space. The ability to plan, to define strategies and to program activities permeates practically all human activities. In the planning stage, the individual analyses makes possible interpretations and tendencies to study the best or more effective course of action. In the forecasting stage, the individual analyzes a sequence of events to foretell the future; to verify the logical and coherence of facts, to verify hypothesis and to reflect upon possible courses of action. In this stage, the individual defines agiven strategy, builds a certain script and rehearses figuratively (mentally) examining the alternatives and options to each phase of the process. In the problem solving phase, the individual exercise alternatives and formal or abstract solutions, analyzing risks and results.

63. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
A summary of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, a technology which will be needed and used for the GenomicsGTL program.
Human Genome Project Information Genomics:GTL Microbial Genome Program home breadCrumbs("","","index.shtml","crumb","crumb","crumb","0"); Skip Navigation About Goals Benefits ... Home
  • Feedback: The public is invited to provide comments and suggestions on this Genomics:GTL program by completing this form News Brief: First Genomes Revealed from Environmental Microbial Communities [ more... News Brief: Bacteria found in Hanford waste Scientists find bacteria living in soil beneath Hanford nuclear waste storage tank. [ more... JGI Decodes Wood and Toxic Waste-Degrading Fungus Genome. The Joint Genome Institute (JGI) announced the publication of a high-quality draft genome sequence of the white rot fungus, Phanerochaete chrysosporium More... DNA Sequence Completed for Corrosive Bacterium Desulfovibrio vulgaris The study, funded by DOE, was reported in the May 2004 issue of Nature Biotechnology More... Sequencing Targets: Recommendations Sought for Sequencing Targets in Support of the Science Missions of the Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER). Candidates due by July 1, 2004. Federal Register notice available here (see bottom of page) or as web-browsable html
More News and Announcements
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory's 800-MHz NMR spectrometer at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory N
Click for larger image.

64. Introduction To MRI Physics, Page 1
Chapter 2 Basic nuclear magnetic resonance. Magnetic Resonance Imaging has at its root the chemical technique known as nuclear magnetic resonance.
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Chapter 2
Basic Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance
The previous chapter discussed the very basic physical principles that you should have at least a passing familiarity with. The foundation has been laid. This chapter will build the framework. Magnetic Resonance Imaging has at its root the chemical technique known as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. As every chemist knows, the use of the word "Nuclear" has nothing to do with radioactivity, but since the general population is not composed of mostly chemists, the medical community has dropped that emotion laden word to become, simply, MRI.
Spinning Protons Act
Like Little Magnets
As we learned earlier, a moving electric charge, be it positive or negative, produces a magnetic field. The faster it moves or the larger the charge, the larger the magnetic field it produces. Some of the basic properties of a simple proton include mass, a positive electric charge and spin. Granted, a proton does not have a very large electric charge, but it does spin very fast and, therefore, does produce a small, but noticeable, magnetic field. Water is the biggest source of protons in the body, followed by fat (how closely followed depends upon what shape you're in.) Normally, the direction that these tiny magnets point in is randomly distributed.
Spinning protons are little magnets which are frequently referred to as just spins.

65. NANUC - National High Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Centre

66. GE Healthcare: Medecine Nucleaire, Imagerie TEP, Imagerie Fonctionnelle, Imageri
Translate this page medical information, healthcare solutions, GE Medical systems, medical scanner, radiology equipment, ultrasound, nuclear magnetic resonance, magnetic resonance
General Electric, mri, medical equipment, x-ray equipment, medical information
General Electric mri medical equipment x-ray equipment ... healthcare solutions , GE Medical systems, medical scanner radiology equipment ultrasound nuclear magnetic resonance ... hospital equipment , nuclear medicine, radiology, medical supplies, radiography, cardiology, computed tomography, biomedical equipment, pet scanner Recherche Imprimer cette page Page d'accueil Radiologie MN/TEP ... Produits
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67. -- Usage
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a nondestructive, information rich technique, which has become

68. Center For Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Research And Development
Center for nuclear magnetic resonance Research and Development. Center for nuclear magnetic resonance Research and Development Home Page Mission

69. Oilfield Glossary: Term 'nuclear Magnetic Resonance'
nuclear magnetic resonance. 1. n. Geophysics, ID 943. See bound fluid, nuclear magnetic resonance measurement, SDR permeability, TimurCoates permeability. magnetic resonance

70. Oilfield Glossary: Term 'nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurement'
nuclear magnetic resonance measurement. A measurement of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) properties of hydrogen in the formation. magnetic resonance

71. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance And Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance For Materials Evalua
and Biomolecular Theory, Synthesis, Characterization, and Analysis nuclear magnetic resonance and Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance for Materials Evaluation.

72. Bimolecular Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, RNA Structure, And RNA-Prot
Science and Technology Laboratory Biotechnology Division Bimolecular nuclear magnetic resonance Spectroscopy, RNA Structure, and RNAProtein Interactions.

nuclear magnetic resonanceCambridge Centre for Molecular Recognition. nuclear magnetic resonance. Click here to connect to the CCMR Biomolecular NMR Facilities Home page.

74. Baker Hughes Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Baker Atlas Home Formation Evaluation nuclear magnetic resonance. Formation Evaluation Home. Acoustic Services nuclear magnetic resonance.
Baker Atlas Home Formation Evaluation Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Formation Evaluation Home Acoustic Services
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
  • MR Explorer ... ) service
    The latest generation magnetic resonance technology: Faster acquisition, higher data quality, more accurate reserves and producibility estimates.
    MRIL Magnetic Resonance Imaging Log service

    Distinguish between producible fluids and irreducible water and provide permeability estimates on a foot-by-foot basis. The MRIL data, which is acquired simultaneously with other logging
    MRIL Magnetic Resonance Imaging Log Service services on the ECLIPS SM acquisition system, provides not only improved reserves and producibility estimates, but also a mineralogy-independent effective porosity (MPHI) in addition to estimates of reservoir pore- and grain-size distribution.
    Related Information
    Home About Baker Hughes ...

75. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility--ISU Service Facilities
Table of Contents. nuclear magnetic resonance Facility. Location 208 Molecular Biology Building. Hours 9 am to 5 pm weekdays; other hours by appointment.
Animal Gene Transfer Facility Atomic Force Microscopy Facility Bessey Microscopy Facility Cell Facility ... Table of Contents
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility
Location: 208 Molecular Biology Building Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays; other hours by appointment Contacts: 515-294-2139 Bruce Fulton, Manager Fax: E-Mail: (Bruce Fulton) Web:
The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility is supported by the Office of Biotechnology and the biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology department. A 500 MHz NMR spectrometer is available to researchers conducting re- search on biological macromolecules in solution. The facility operates a Bruker Avance DRX500 spectrometer with four RF channels and field gradients. The instrument is capable of performing a very broad range of modern multi-nuclear, multi-dimensional NMR experiments for structural studies of biomolecules. The facility also has computational resources for processing and analyzing NMR data and obtaining molecular structures. The facility will acquire and interpret NMR data as an analytical service. Consultation on the application of NMR methods to biological problems is available. The facility will provide training for researchers to operate the instrument and interpret data.
Fees for Services*
On Campus
Instrument time (per hour) Operation time (per hour)
Off Campus
Instrument time (per hour) Operation time (per hour) * All prices subject to change.

76. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - Encyclopedia Article About Nuclear Magnetic Resonan
encyclopedia article about nuclear magnetic resonance. nuclear magnetic resonance in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. magnetic resonance
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Nuclear magnetic resonance NMR ) is a physical phenomenon involving the interaction of atomic nuclei The center of an atom is called the nucleus . It is composed of one or more protons and usually some neutrons as well. The number of protons in an atom's nucleus is called the atomic number, and determines which element the atom is (for example hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, etc.). Though the positively charged protons exert a repulsive electromagnetic force on each other, the distances between nuclear particles are small enough that the strong interaction (which is stronger than the electromagnetic force but decreases more rapidly with distance) predominates. (The gravitational attraction is negligible, being a factor 10 weaker than this electromagnetic repulsion.)
Click the link for more information. placed in an external magnetic field In physics, the magnetic field is the field produced by a magnet. A field , in this context, is a vector field; that is, a vector for each point in space, possibly changing in time. Given the symbol

77. ANU RSC Biomacromolecular Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Group Home Page
Biomacromolecular nuclear magnetic resonance. Group Leader Dr Max Keniry. Research Field/Interests Oligonucleotide structure, antibiotic

78. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
nuclear magnetic resonance Spectroscopy. This UGa. Acronyms, synonyms nuclear magnetic resonance Spectroscopy; 1D NMR, onedimensional NMR;
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
This technique provides detailed solution structural information about (metallo)biomolecules, either para- or diamagnetic. For smaller proteins (less than ca. 30 kd), 2-dimensional NMR techniques may provide a complete solution structure (i.e., the position of all the atoms). For paramagnetic metallobiomolecules, identification of magnetic nuclei surrounding the paramagnetic metal site can be accomplished [ Don Kurtz , UGa].
Acronyms, synonyms
  • N uclear M agnetic R esonance Spectroscopy
  • 1D NMR, one-dimensional NMR
  • 2D NMR, two-dimensional NMR
  • N uclear O verhauser E ffect S pectroscop y (through space)
  • C orrelation S pectroscop y (through bonds)
Measured physical quantities
  • Nuclear spin transitions
Information available
  • Structure of molecules in solution, including H-bonding interactions
  • Dynamic properties of molecules in solution, including rates
  • Sites of binding interactions
  • Equilibria
  • Presence and, sometimes, location of metal centers and infrequently occurring nuclei (e.g., P)
Information NOT available, limitations
  • Very large molecules cannot be studied in detail and sometimes not at all
  • Information on electronic properties of molecules difficult to obtain
  • Very floppy molecules provided very limited data (e.g., single strands of DNA, RNA, short peptides)

79. Purdue Cancer Center - Shared Resources - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
nuclear magnetic resonance. Shared Resource Director Carol B. Post. Email Facility Director Klaas Hallenga. Department
text-only version printer-friendly version
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Shared Resource Director: Carol B. Post E-mail: Facility Director: Klaas Hallenga Department: Chemistry/Medicinal Chemistry Phone: Building/Room: WTHR, Room 365B
General Information and services
The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) shared resource provides a broad spectrum of NMR instrumentation and scientific expertise for cancer research. The resource maintains medium and high-field spectrometers housed across campus for easy access by all Cancer Center researchers. NMR spectroscopy plays a central role across many areas of cancer research. The resource serves research projects in structural biology as well as synthesis and analysis of complex natural products and synthetic molecules. The Facility provides training and access to a number of NMR spectrometers, ranging from walk-on use of 200-, 300-, and 500-MHz multinuclear spectrometers to week-long use of 500- and 600-MHz multinuclear spectrometers with gradient capabilities. Researchers are taught to operate the instruments by expert staff members, and data can be processed either by off-line computers available in the resource or by electronic transfer to user-owned computers.

80. Department Chemistry At McMaster: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Lab
McMaster Quick Links. nuclear magnetic resonance Laboratory. Brian G. Sayer (FCIC) Dr Donald W. Hughes George Timmins Dr AD Bain, Manager
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory
Optical Spectroscopy and EPR Facility

Glass Blowing Shop

McMaster Regional Centre for Mass Spectrometry

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory
Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory

McMaster Quick Links
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory
Brian G. Sayer (FCIC)
Dr Donald W. Hughes
George Timmins
Dr A.D. Bain
Manager Application Specialist, Assistant Professor Instrument Specialist Faculty Advisor to the Facility Contact Information The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Facility was established in 1986 with funding provided by NSERC and McMaster University. The Facility is equipped with seven NMR Spectrometers including the recently acquired Bruker AV 600 and AV 700 funded by CFI. The Facility is highly regarded in the Canadian chemical community for its versatility in the types of samples ( organic, inorganic, biochemical, geological, industrial, forestry, agricultural and biomedical materials

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