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41. Algebraic Combinatorics In Mathematical Chemistry. Methods And Algebraic Combinatorics in mathematical chemistry. Methods and Algorithms. III. (1995) (Correct) 2.9 Algebraic Combinatorics in mathematical chemistry.. http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/tinhofer99algebraic.html |
42. Science, Math, Applications, Mathematical Chemistry Top/Science/Math/Applications/mathematical chemistry/. Search Web DirectoryScience, Math, Applications, mathematical chemistry. Web Directory. http://www.klevze.si/browse/Science/Math/Applications/Mathematical_Chemistry/ | |
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46. WebGuest Directory - Math : Applications : Mathematical Chemistry Sites Algebraic Combinatorics in mathematical chemistry By Klin,M.; Rücker, Ch.; Rücker, G.; Tinhofer, G. (PostScript format). http://directory.webguest.com/Science/Math/Applications/Mathematical_Chemistry | |
47. WebGuest Directory - Math : Applications : Mathematical Chemistry : Research Gro Bulgaria) Prof. Assen Zlatarov University, Bourgas Laboratory ofmathematical chemistry. Research projects, people, events. (UK http://directory.webguest.com/Science/Math/Applications/Mathematical_Chemistry/R | |
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54. Wauu.DE: Science: Math: Applications: Mathematical Chemistry Links URL hinzufügen. Algebraic Combinatorics in mathematical chemistry ByKlin, M.; Rücker, Ch.; Rücker, G.; Tinhofer, G. (PostScript format). http://www.wauu.de/Science/Math/Applications/Mathematical_Chemistry/ | |
55. Wauu.DE: Science: Math: Applications: Mathematical Chemistry: Research Groups Links URL hinzufügen. (Bulgaria) Prof. Assen Zlatarov University, BourgasLaboratory of mathematical chemistry. Research projects, people, events. http://www.wauu.de/Science/Math/Applications/Mathematical_Chemistry/Research_Gro | |
56. DMANET: DIMACS Workshop On Discrete Mathematical Chemistry: PROGRAM DIMACS Workshop on Discrete mathematical chemistry PROGRAM. DIMACS Workshop Discretemathematical chemistry. March 2325, 1998. DIMACS Center, Rutgers University. http://mat.gsia.cmu.edu/DMANET/DEC3199/0609.html | |
57. DMANET: DIMACS Workshop On Discrete Mathematical Chemistry DIMACS Workshop on Discrete mathematical chemistry. Program Title DIMACS Workshopon Discrete mathematical chemistry Program Dates March 2325, 1998. http://mat.gsia.cmu.edu/DMANET/DEC3199/0314.html | |
58. OUP: Discrete Mathematical Chemistry: Hansen Discrete mathematical chemistry. Edited by Pierre Hansen, GERARD,Montreal, Canada, Patrick Fowler, University of Exeter, UK, and http://www.oup.co.uk/isbn/0-8218-0987-3 | |
59. Chemical Informatics Letters Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 1437914393.). (60) Laboratory of mathematical chemistry TheLMC was founded in 1983, in the town of Bourgas, on the Black sea coast, as a http://www.ch.cam.ac.uk/MMRG/CIL/cil_v8n5.html | |
60. Harald Fripertinger's Homepage -- Mathematical Chemistry Research/Forschung, Mathematical music theory, mathematical chemistry. MathematicalChemistry. Research/Forschung, Mathematical music theory, mathematical chemistry. http://www-ang.uni-graz.at/~fripert/index_12.html | |
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