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121. Center For Science In The Public Interest The Center for science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is a nonprofit education and advocacy organization that focuses on improving the safety and nutritional quality of our food supply. http://www.cspinet.org/ | |
122. Beyond Vegetarianism Reports from veterans of vegetarian and rawfood diets, veganism, fruitarianism, and instinctive eating, plus new science from paleolithic diet research and clinical nutrition. http://www.beyondveg.com/entre.shtml |
123. Food And Science Cook And Eat Chemistry food and science Cook and Eat Chemistry This site provides lessons that combine chemistry and food preparation. The activities illustrate how the chemical composition of proteins, fats and oils, http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.uen.org/utahlink/lp_res/nutri375.htm |
124. Bumpers College Of Agricultural, Food And Life Sciences Overview of the faculty, student activities, and scholarships for sciencebased programs of study leading to bachelor's, master's and Ph.D. degrees in a variety of fields. http://pigtrail.uark.edu/depts/dbcafls/ |
125. Foodborne Illness food microbiology online course complimenting 'The Microbiology of Safe food' book. http://science.ntu.ac.uk/external/illness.html | |
126. CSL - Welcome Carries out research on environmentally sound food production. http://www.csl.gov.uk | |
127. Eufic Provides consumers with objective sciencebased information about food safety and quality. http://www.eufic.org/ | |
128. Softmatic ERP for process manufacturing; formulabased production for the life science, dyes and paints, chemicals, and food and beverages industries. http://www.softmatic.com |
129. New Zealand Digital Library 210 publications about agriculture, land management, development, environment and sustainability, food and nutrition, natural resource development, science, and technology. http://www.nzdl.org/cgi-bin/library?a=p&p=about&c=ccgi |
130. Science Of Cooking Recipes, activities, and webcasts are used to explain the science behind food and cooking. http://www.exploratorium.edu/cooking/index.html | |
131. Case 1 - Before You Begin An elementary plant science program for 4th and 5th grade students. Helps increase understanding of how food grows. http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/gpe/tg/c1-before.html | |
132. American Nuclear Society Resources on nuclear science and technology nuclear engineering, nuclear medicine, nuclear energy, nuclear physics, nuclear power, food irradiation, and nuclear news. http://www.ans.org | |
133. Articles And News Stories For European Laboratory Scientists Features news and features about science and technology for scientists, by scientists. Special sections on labs, food and medicine. http://www.scientistlive.com/ | |
134. Dr Hal Macfie Consultant In Sensory And Consumer Science Sensory and consumer science training, food quality and preferences, statistical consultancy, new product development, and food marketing research. http://www.halmacfie.com/ | |
135. Food E-News Free ebulletin service on science for the food and beverage industries delivered by e-mail and also available on the web. http://www.rssl.com/food-e/food-e.asp |
136. Food Resource [http://food.oregonstate.edu/], Oregon State University, Corvallis a source of sciencebase and business savvy information for the food industry. Is there a site where I can learn more about the study of the science of foods? http://oregonstate.edu/food-resource/food.html | |
137. AFC Consultants International GmbH - Agribusiness, Life Science Ernährungsindus Offers management consulting in agribusiness, food and life science industries. http://www.afci.de/ | |
138. ADVANCE SCIENTIFIC & CHEMICAL A national distributor of chemicals for manufacturing, research and commercial applications in the food processing, science education, pharmaceutical and lab glassware industries. http://www.advance-scientific.com | |
139. International Inflight Food Service Association A global professional association is dedicated to the advancement of the art and the science of the multibillion dollar inflight and rail food service industry. http://www.ifsanet.com/index.html | |
140. ACSH > Search > Page Not Found American Council on science and Health's food safety page. http://www.acsh.org/food/index.html | |
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