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1. Food Science Department - Purdue University Outreach and Workshops. Research. Calendar. Campus Visitors. Staff Directory. Employment. Mission and Vision. Gallery. Site Map. Contact Us. Alumni Update! Welcome to the Purdue food science Homepage http://www.foodsci.purdue.edu/ | |
2. The Blonz Guide To Nutrition, Food Science And Health A resource compiled by a scientist and journalist, with pages of links to the industry, government and academic institutions. http://blonz.com/ | |
3. Food Science Central From IFIS Publishing A gateway to free and subscription based information relating to food science, food technology and foodrelated human nutrition, including feature articles, minireviews, internet links, regular news feed and website reviews. http://www.foodsciencecentral.com | |
4. Ohio State Food Science food science and Technology at Ohio State is knowledge that works for you. B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. programs in nutrition, food science, food technology, food safety, food security Dairy Store. Food http://www-fst.ag.ohio-state.edu/ | |
5. Food Science Central From IFIS Publishing food science Central is the web site of the International Food Information Service (IFIS). IFIS provides high quality food science information to the global food community including the renowned http://www.ifis.org/ | |
6. UWRF Food Science food science Major. Animal Science Major. Dairy Science Major. Falcon Food Store. Careers in food science. Workshops Special Projects. food science Courses. food science Club. Faculty Staff. Events. food science and Technology The Department of Animal and food science offers a. fouryear undergraduate degree in food science and Technology. http://www.uwrf.edu/food-science/welcome.html | |
7. WWW RESOURCES WWW RESOURCES FOR food science AND RELATED AREAS Food Law Sites. Food Safety Sites. food science Sites. Foodborne Pathogens and Foodborne Illness Sites http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/FoodScience/links.html | |
8. IFST Institute Of Food Science Technology Home Page Welcome to all members and all visitors to the Home Page of the Institute of food science Technology, more familiarly known as IFST. http://www.ifst.org/ | |
9. IFST Food Science Technology FAQs Part 1 Frequently Asked Questions About food science, Nutrition and Safety Part 1 of 4. Here are brief answers, compiled by the Institute http://www.ifst.org/ifstfaq.htm | |
10. Institute Of Food Technologists The official web site for the Institute of Food Technologists, an international notfor-profit scientific society for food science. http://www.ift.org/ | |
11. U Of MN - Food Science And Nutrition Home Page food science and Nutrition, College of Human Ecology and College of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Minnesota Fax 612625-5272. food science. Undergraduate. Program . http://www.fsci.umn.edu/ | |
12. IFT Has Redesigned Its Web File Structure. You Will Be click here. If you have bookmarked the JFS page, be sure to update your bookmark. Thank you for reading the Journal of food science. http://www.ift.org/publications/jfs/ | |
13. Welcome To Food Science At Rutgers University Text Only Version ©. 2002 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. All Rights Reserved. Site design by MarkovDesign, Inc. food science at Rutgers University is a multidisciplinary enterprise http://www.foodsci.rutgers.edu/ | |
14. Nutrition And Food On The Web Gateway to food science and scientific nutrition for the general public and for health, food, and education professionals. http://www.sfu.ca/~jfremont | |
15. Cornell Department Of Food Science Welcome to the Cornell Department of food science web site.The faculty, staff, and students in our of the Cornell Institute of food science (CIFS). Students at Cornell enjoy http://www.foodsci.cornell.edu/ | |
16. ScienceDirect - Trends In Food Science & Technology - List Of Issues www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/14668564 More results from www.sciencedirect.com U of MN food science and Nutrition Home Pagefood science and Nutrition, College of Human Ecology and College of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Minnesota. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09242244 | |
17. Singapore Institute Of Food Science And Technology Provides resources and activities on food science and Technology. http://www.sifst.org.sg |
18. World Food Science - Home The World of food science An online magazine created to inform the international food science community through timely news of events, business activities http://www.worldfoodscience.org/ | |
19. Emerald Fulltext: www.emeraldinsight.com/nfs.htm Cornell Institute of food scienceThe Cornell Institute of food science was formed in 1970 to coordinate activities pertaining to food science and food technology at Cornell University. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/0034-6659.htm | |
20. The Library At Queen's: The Main Library Databases, electronic journals, and web resources in engineering, biosciences, geosciences, computer science, mathematics and physics, agriculture and food sciences. http://www.qub.ac.uk/lib/webpages/scilib.htm | |
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