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161. Groen En Geel - Website Van Milieuorganisaties Over De Chloorchemie Quarterly newsletter about chlorine and chlorine chemistry, published by Dutch environmental organizations. http://www.groenengeel.nl/ |
162. Radiometer Pacific Pty. Ltd A supplier of laboratory analysis equipment in the medical, geological, food, dairy, beverage, chemistry, and environmental testing fields. http://oceania1.radiometer.com/ | |
163. OLI Aqueous Electrolytes - Process Chemistry, Inorganic And Organic Provides process simulation tools for oil fields, wastewater treatment, chemical processing plant operation and optimization, reactive separations, and environmental simulations. Extensive database of aqueous electrolyte chemistry. http://www.olisystems.com/ | |
164. WWW Chemistry Resources health resources. All kinds of safety information, not just for chemistry. NET, you can identify specific factories and their environmental effects; analyze http://www.lib.duke.edu/chem/infolist.htm | |
165. Welcome To Montreux LCMS 2003 International Association of environmental Analytical chemistry meeting on LC/MS. The five day meeting, includes short courses held at Savannah, GA. http://www.lcms2003.org/ | |
166. Environmental Geochemistry Laboratory (U. Of Aalborg, Denmark) s of current research projects and interests, along with a page of laboratory publications. Provides contact information for collaboration inquiries and employment information.......Physical inorganic and organometallic chemistry applied to environmental and geological systems. http://envgeolab.netfirms.com/ | |
167. Laboratory Of Biomarkers And Biotesting - Ukraine National Academy Of Sciences Complex approach developed to assess acute and chronic toxicity, cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in environmental and drinking waters as well as drugs, at Institute of Colloid and Water chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev. http://www.celltest.kiev.ua/ |
168. Wade Research | Consulting In Geochemistry And Oceanography Offers a wide range of consulting services in chemistry, with experience in soil and groundwater remediation, environmental impact assessment, litigation support, and expert testimony. http://www.waderesearch.com/ | |
169. EarthSoft, Inc. - EQuIS: Environmental Quality Information Systems environmental Software Specialists. Data management systems for chemistry, geology, hydrogeology. http://www.earthsoft.com/ | |
170. Marine Environmental Research publishes original research papers on chemical, physical, and biological interactions in the oceans and coastal waters. The journal serves as a forum for new information on biology, chemistry, and toxicology and syntheses that advance understanding of marine environmental processes. Published by Elsevier. http://www.elsevier.com/inca/publications/store/4/0/5/8/6/5/index.htt | |
171. Laboratory For Bioanalytical Chemistry: Technische Universität München The aim of their team is to develop analytical methods and devices based on the principle of selective affinity, especially for the use in the environmental field. http://www.ch.tum.de/wasser/weller/ | |
172. Bucknell Environmental Program environmental studies is the overlap of many fields of study, such as biology, geology, policy studies and law, geography, religion, civil and chemical engineering, chemistry, economics, history, and sociology. http://www.departments.bucknell.edu/environ_studies/ | |
173. Blake Otwells' Chemistry Homepage Lecture notes and links to chemistry courses taught at Jacksonville State University. Topics include environmental, organic, and general chemistry. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hall/4196/ |
174. Welcome To Tower Products, Inc. Manufacturer of pressroom chemistry aimed at increasing worker safety and environmental compliance. Fountain solution, roller and blanket wash, specialty pressroom chemistry. http://www.towerproducts.com | |
175. Armstrong Forensic Laboratory, Inc. Services for fire debris analysis, industrial hygiene, chemistry, and environmental matters. Based in Texas. http://www.aflab.com/ | |
176. Ash Library More than a hundred selected papers which were presented at the 1999 and 2001 International Ash Utilization Symposia. The papers deal with the chemistry and mineralogy of fly ash, usage in construction and mining industry, environmental and health aspects. http://www.flyash.info/ | |
177. Albright College - Academics: Environmental Studies Undergraduate programs in environmental Science, chemistry, Policy, and Psychobiology. Lists course contents, student life, alumni, resources and contact information. http://www.albright.edu/academics/depts/environmental_studies.htm | |
178. Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park Home Nonprofit organization offers environmental education activities in the Chihuahan desert near Las Cruces. Specific topics include weather, animal adaptations, insects and other arthropods, plant chemistry, and ruminant digestion. http://www.zianet.com/cdnp2/ | |
179. Water Quality Consulting - Specializing In Incident Investigation, Environmental Specializing in incident investigation, environmental safety, stewardship and field monitoring programs. Analytical chemistry and environmental risk assessment addressing pesticidewater issues throughout the United States. http://www.wqconsulting.com/ | |
180. Ehttrack on answering the following fundamental questions What are the most appropriate methods for analyzing chemical contaminants in different environmental media? http://www.wadsworth.org/EHT/ehttrack/ectrack.html |
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