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         Environmental Chemistry:     more books (100)
  1. Passive Sampling Techniques in Environmental Monitoring, Volume 48 (Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry) (Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry)
  2. Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of Pollution (Environmental Science and Technology: A Wiley-Interscience Series of Texts and Monographs) by Des W. Connell, Gregory J. Miller, 1984-03-06

141. Serrata Science Equipment
Science equipment supply company based in Australia. Over 20 years experience in supplying Astronomy, Biology, chemistry, Geology, environmental Science and Physics equipment. Repairs, warranties, workshops, inservices and support provided.

Welcome to the new Serrata Web site. For over 20 years we have been dedicated to Science education. Our motto is simple:
Anatomical Models

We have a brand new range of affordable high quality Anatomical models.
They are made from durable, flexible plastic and show the finest detail. Why not check them out?
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Serrata announces a new line of the most sophisticated, affordable High Resolution Virtual Reality and 3D products ! For more information visit our Products page Lab Trolley
Unbelievable trolley for only , buy 2 for only
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Bicycle Wheel Gyroscope
Reduced from $170 to Electroflash The Electroflash series contains the innovative

142. National Registry Of Certified Chemists
NRCC is an independent nonprofit agency that offers certification for clinical chemists, toxicological chemists, clinical chemistry technologists, chemical hygiene officers, and environmental analytical chemists and technicians.
National Registry of Certified Chemists
Certification for Chemists
a mark of professionalism
Sponsored by
American Association for Clinical Chemistry
American Board of Clinical Chemistry
American Board of Forensic Toxicology
American Chemical Society
American Industrial Hygiene Association
American Institute of Chemists
National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry
Chemical Hygiene Officer

Clinical Chemist

Clinical Chemistry Technologist
Environmental Analytical Chemist ... Toxicological Chemist
Certification based upon: Education, Examination and Experience.
For more details contact: Gilbert E. Smith, Ph.D., Executive Director National Registry of Certified Chemists 927 S Walter Reed Drive, #11 Arlington, VA 22204 phone: 703-979-9001 email:

143. ESU8 Science Links
General science, Biology, chemistry, Weather,Wildlife and environmental Science links with a site description for each
Home Schools Staff Calendar ... Workshop Registration Departments:
Art Department Media Center
Distance Learning Center ... Webmaster
Updated: March 2003 Educational Service Unit #8 Curriculum Links for Science Teachers GENERAL SCIENCE

144. Environmental, Chemistry & Hazardous Materials Infor
Provides a large variety of chemistry, environmental and hazardous materials educational resources.
This site provides chemistry, environmental and hazardous materials educational resources including a detailed periodic table of elements; articles on chemistry, environmental and hazardous materials issues; a geologic timeline; and much more. Please bookmark or link to this page, because you will want to be back!
  • Anatomy of the Atom
    Explains the structure of atoms and how this affects the way they interact with each other.
    Defines many of the technical terms and acronyms used on this site as well as many other terms. The Chemistry of Polychlorinated Biphenyls
    PCB, the Manmade Chemicals That Won't Go Away Molar Calculations and Javascript Calculator
    Explains how to calculate molar mass, and has Javascript molar mass calculator, which can be used to verify your molar mass calculations. Molarity, Molality and Normality
    Introduces stoichiometry and explains the differences between molarity, molality and normality. Periodic Table of Elements
    Provides comprehensive data for each element of the periodic table of elements including up to 40 properties, names in 10 languages and common chemical compounds. Information also provided for 3,600 nuclides and 4,400 nuclide decay modes.
Environmental Issues
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Revisited, a Three Part Series:

145. Douglas W. Jones's Prairie Paper Project
The Prairie Paper Project teaches a basic industrial technology, papermaking, and it provides opportunities to introduce some basic chemistry and environmental issues, as well as exploring the artistic possibilities offered by home made paper.
The Prairie Paper Project
by Douglas W. Jones
HE U ... Department of Computer Science and Center for the Book
Materials, Tools and Supplies
Raw Materials ...
Environmental Notes
Selected as a Web Draw Site of the Week

Feb 10, 1997
Highly Recommended by Schoolzone's team of independent education reviewers

Oct 25, 2003
The prairie paper project was designed with students in fifth through tenth grade in mind. I developed it in my home kitchen with the help of my daughter Rachel, a fifth grader. This project teaches a basic industrial technology, papermaking, and it provides opportunities to introduce some basic chemistry and environmental issues, as well as exploring the artistic possibilities offered by home made paper. This project is not packaged for classroom use; that is left up to the project leader! Depending on the level of the students and the time available, the project leader may have to do more or less preparatory work; the project can probably be completed in one day, but it is probably preferable to spread it out over four sessions.
Papermaking in the 20th century in the United States is strongly associated with pulpwood, but it was not always so. The ancient Egyptians used papyrus, a wetland reed, to make paper. The preferred raw material in the late middle ages was linen rags, that is, used cloth made from flax, nettle or hemp fibers. In 19th century America, there were paper mills that made paper from materials such as oat straw.

146. World Chlorine Council - Representing The Chlorine And Chlorinated Products Indu
Represents the global chlorine and chlorinated products industries, and was created to improve our understanding of the benefits of chlorine chemistry and to address related health, environmental and public policy issues.

what is WCC?
members ... links
Contact WCC:
Terms and Conditions of Use
Euro Chlor ECVM ... TSIA

147. HOME
Provider of systems and chemistry to most all industries in North America.
E T environmental

to the East Texas Environmental Services web site.
E T environmental provides industrial wastewater treatment products and services.
We have attempted to provide you with an accurate overview of our products
and services and eliminate the need for excessive mailers and literature that may
infringe on your busy day.
Send us your questions - we've got the answers. Featured Vendors
Our Mission
East Texas Environmental Services is committed to offering the highest quality
wastewater treatment products and services to industrial applications in North America.
Contact Information
If you are in need of specific information not found within our website, use any means
listed below to contact us for a quick reply.
Telephone FAX Postal address
1612 Morningside Trail
Lindale, Texas 75771 Electronic mail
General Information : Sales : Customer Support : Webmaster : you guessed it

148. Ashland University Department Of Environmental Science - Level One
Undergraduate four year program. Includes course contents, summer program, student groups, internships and scholarships. Offers Biology, chemistry and Geology tracks.
Accent on Environmental Science ... Objectives: The Environmental Science program provides a major that prepares the student to become a scientist who specializes in the study of environmental issues and a minor that teaches non-science majors some of the fundamental and practical aspects of environmental science so that they will be able to examine and evaluate environmental issues. Click the eagles for the history of the AU eagles Click the eagles for the history of the AU eagles Kettering Science Center - campus home of Environmental Science
Other Related Programs in Sciences and Mathematics:

149. Martint Environmental --Wastewater Treatment Solutions And Chemicals
Manufacturer of wastewater pretreatment systems, recycle systems and wastewater chemistry.
layer hidden off the screen When Considering Environmental Issues Consider Martint
Welcome to Martint Environmental's web site. We are the leaders in the manufacturing of wastewater pretreatment systems, recycle systems and wastewater chemistry.
Martint Environmental Products and Services: As Well As Wastewater Chemistry Products: "Leader in the manufacturing of wastewater pretreatment systems, recycle systems and wastewater chemistry" Dissolved Air Flotation Systems Chamber Filter Presses Mobile Pilot DAF Settling Clarifier ... Contact Us Mar Tint
PO Box 1370
Cornelius, NC 28031

150. MASKA
Leading manufacturer and designer of Vbelt pulleys and related cast iron products for the agri-food, construction, civil engineering, mines, iron and steel, automobile, energy, environmental, chemistry and materials sectors.

151. CIC Environment Division, NEWSLETTER - April 2004
1 environmental Analytical chemistry (Joint with the Analytical chemistry Division), Organizer Dr. Ronald Martin 2 Processes and Transport of Chemicals in the
Student Assistance
Financial assistance has been provided for three student competitions:
The 17 th Annual Western Canada Undergraduate Chemistry Conference at the University of Regina, May 1 - 4, 2003.
The 2003 APICS/CIC Atlantic Student Chemistry Conference, "Chemistry - the Innovative Science", at the University College of Cape Breton, May 16 - 18, 2003.
The 6 th Annual Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Research Conference at Concordia University Environmental Improvement Award, 2003 The Environmental Improvement Award has been won by Mr. Kieran Metcalfe, President, CESL Metal Teck Cominco Ltd., and was presented to the winner at the 53 rd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Oct. 26-28, 2003. The Selection Committee members were William Appleton, Raymond Clement, and Klaus Kaiser. 88th CSC conference, London Convention Centre and Hilton Hotel, London, Ontario, Canada, May 29 - June 1, 2004 Division Organizer: Dr. Robert Burk

152. Chemistry & Environmental Dictionary (
Contains definitions for many chemistry, environmental and other related technical terms and acronyms.
This dictionary contains definitions for most chemistry, environmental and other technical terms used on this site as well as many other chemistry and environmental terms. A B C D ... I , J, K L
N ... W , X, Y, Z
Environmental Acronyms
Environmental Acronyms That Every Solid Waste Management Student Should Know

153. Second Indo-US Workshop On Mathematical Chemistry
With Applications to Drug Discovery, environmental Toxicology, Cheminformatics and Bioinformatics. Duluth, Minnesota, 30 May 3 June 2000.

154. Redirecting To Http:// ...
Official journal of the Society of environmental Toxicology and chemistry. Provides table of contents, abstract and subscription information.
Redirecting your web browser to: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Online If your web browser does not automatically open to the new page, please click here and update your bookmarks as needed. Thank you!

155. Certified Laboratory Search Results
Searchable database of laboratories accredited by DEP for the analysis of drinking water and wastewater for chemistry and/or microbiology.
environmental analysis topics: about environmental analysis directions to the lab contact environmental analysis envir. management system publications related links pictorial history DEP general topics: air quality appeals decisions applications and forms asbestos brownfields commissioner's page consumer information contact DEP DEP organization drinking water employment opportunities energy facilities enforcement environmental analysis envir. management systems envir. results program feedback/survey frequently asked questions hazardous waste mgmt. industrial wastewater innovative tech./green business municipal services/wastewater news releases policy and planning publications by program recycling regional offices regulations research and standards resource protection risk assessment septic systems/title 5 service centers sites list solid waste and landfills spills stormwater strike force/report a violation surface water permitting toxics use reduction vehicle emissions waste prevention waste site cleanup water management watershed management waterways/ch. 91

156. Home
Germany. Service center and consultancy for the textile and related industries. Quality and environmental management. Technical support for technologies, machinery and chemistry. Laboratory testing, trial runs and training. Part of Acordis. English and German.
Herzlich Willkommen zum Internetangebot des Textiltechnischen Institutes. Unser Internetauftritt wird zur Zeit überarbeitet. Einige Seiten sind schon aktiv. Die übrigen Seiten werden in der nächsten Zeit aktualisiert.
TTI GmbH Telefon FAX Postadresse
Kasinostr. 19-21, D-42103 Wuppertal
Allgemeine Information:
Senden Sie E-Mail mit Fragen oder Kommentaren zu dieser Website an:
Letzte Aktualisierung: 15. April 2004

157. Pulleys, Power Transmission Products And Timing Belts
Manufacturer and designer of Vbelt pulleys and related cast iron products for the agri-food, construction, civil engineering, mines, iron and steel, automobile, energy, environmental, chemistry and materials sectors.
Use our Online Tools Catalog
Drive Selection - B2B Extranet (Partners) Image Gallery 24-Hour Service Corporate Video
Headquarters :
Poulies Maska Inc.
180 Gagnon Blvd.
Sainte-Claire, Quebec G0R 2V0
Tel. : (418) 883.3322
Fax : (418) 883.2020
Extranet (Partners)

Welcome to Maska, one of North America's leading manufacturers of V-belt pulleys and related cast iron products. Have a look through the pages of our Web site and discover why Maska and Maska products have developed such a reputation for excellence.
Maska is the leading manufacturers of qd bushings, pulleys, timing pulleys, synchronous drive, fixed bore pulleys, timing belts, power transmission products, v-belts, sheaves and bushings.
qd bushings pulleys timing pulleys synchronous drive ... bushings © 2003 Maska inc.

158. Falcon-Software Company, Inc. - Website Design, Development And EBusiness Applic
WinMac Educational science software in general chemistry, Organic chemistry, environmental Science and Electronics. On-line ordering available.
June 2004 Danaher Industrial Controls Group signs a contract with Falcon-Software's FalconGrafx division for the redesign of their corporate website, which includes an additional five business unit sites. May 2004 Kent Automotive signs a contract with Falcon-Software's FalconGrafx division for the redesign of their corporate website.
Please view our before using this site.

159. WSLH Environmental Health Division
Specializes in analytical chemistry and environmental biology. Provides information and resources on Occupational Health, environmental Sciences and Toxicology.
WSLH Ehd Index
  • Bioaerosols ...
    Links of Interest

    Welcome to the Environmental Health Division of the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene. This division occupies the State Laboratory's Agriculture Drive facility. As part of the University of Wisconsin, the laboratory is operated by faculty, academic staff and professional chemists and biologists. The laboratory specializes in analytical chemistry and environmental biology. The Environmental Health Division consists of three main sections - Occupational Health, Environmental Sciences and Toxicology.
    Feedback, questions or accessibility issues: 2601 Agriculture Drive
    Madison WI 53718
    Phone: 608-224-6202
    Fax: 1-608-224-6213
    Contact Legal Notices Acceptable Use
  • 160. The Environmental Site Home Page
    Information and resources for environmental practitioners, educators, and students, covering topics including pollution prevention, environmental justice, and green chemistry. ...dedicated toward public understanding of environmental issues.
    The Big Picture
    SiteName = 'envirositecom'
    If you are a frequent visitor to THE ENVIRONMENTAL SITE please BOOKMARK this page and remember to reload/refresh these pages as new information is continuously added
    Internet-Based Environmental Resources
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    Books Glossaries Software ...
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    Environmental Stewardship Initiatives

    An Internet Guide to Environmental Issues
    What Causes Pollution? (COMING SOON!)
    Take ENNs Online Environmental Quiz
    Certain materials published at The Environmental Site have been reprinted with permission from the following:
    The American Chemical Society CRC Press
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