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         Environmental Chemistry:     more books (100)
  1. VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (Issues in Environmental Science and Technology) by HESTER, HARRISON, 1995-12-31
  2. Reaction Mechanisms in Environmental Organic Chemistry by Richard A. Larson, Eric J. Weber, 1994-03-19
  3. Applications of Environmental Chemistry: A Practical Guide for Environmental Professionals by Eugene R. Weiner, 2000-05-26
  4. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From Air Pollution to Climate Change by John H. Seinfeld, Spyros N. Pandis, 1997-10
  5. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From Air Pollution to Climate Change by John H. Seinfeld, Spyros N. Pandis, 1997-10
  6. Industrial Environmental Chemistry: Waste Minimization in Industrial Processes and Remidiation of Hazardous Waste (Industry-University Cooperative Chemistry Program Symposia)
  7. Environmental Toxicology by David A. Wright, Pamela Welbourn, 2001-12-15
  8. Modern Electrochemistry 2B: Electrodics in Chemistry, Engineering, Biology and Environmental Science by John O'M. Bockris, Amulya K.N. Reddy, 2001-01-31
  9. Environmental Chemistry of Arsenic (Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment)
  10. The Biogeochemistry of Iron in Seawater (Series on Analytical and Physical Chemistry of Environmental Systems) by David R. Turner, Keith A. Hunter, 2002-01-03
  11. Mining and its Environmental Impacts by R.E. HESTER, R HARRISON, 1994-12-31
  12. Environmental Analysis (Analytical Chemistry By Open Learning) by Roger N. Reeve, 1994-08
  13. Mutagenicity Testing in Environmental Pollution Control (Ellis Horwood Series in Analytical Chemistry)
  14. Chemistry of Marine Water and Sediments (Environmental Science and Engineering / Environmental Science)

101. Environmental, Chemistry & Hazardous Materials Infor
This site provides chemistry, environmental and hazardous materials educational resources including a detailed periodic table of elements; articles on chemistry
This site provides chemistry, environmental and hazardous materials educational resources including a detailed periodic table of elements; articles on chemistry, environmental and hazardous materials issues; a geologic timeline; and much more. Please bookmark or link to this page, because you will want to be back!
  • Anatomy of the Atom
    Explains the structure of atoms and how this affects the way they interact with each other.
    Defines many of the technical terms and acronyms used on this site as well as many other terms. The Chemistry of Polychlorinated Biphenyls
    PCB, the Manmade Chemicals That Won't Go Away Molar Calculations and Javascript Calculator
    Explains how to calculate molar mass, and has Javascript molar mass calculator, which can be used to verify your molar mass calculations. Molarity, Molality and Normality
    Introduces stoichiometry and explains the differences between molarity, molality and normality. Periodic Table of Elements
    Provides comprehensive data for each element of the periodic table of elements including up to 40 properties, names in 10 languages and common chemical compounds. Information also provided for 3,600 nuclides and 4,400 nuclide decay modes.
Environmental Issues
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Revisited, a Three Part Series:

102. File Has Moved
'Contains definitions for most chemistry, environmental and other technical terms used on as well as many other chemistry and environmental terms.
This file has moved
The requested has moved. Please wait a moment while you are redirected to its new location

103. Periodic Table Of Elements By
chemistry environmental Dictionary. Defines most of the technical terms and acronyms used on March's Advanced Organic chemistry Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure, 5th Edition

104. Ariel A. Chialvo's Home Page
Theory and molecular simulation of aqueous electrolytes systems at extreme conditions of chemical, geochemical, and environmental interest.
Welcome to Ariel Chialvo's Home Page
Aqueous Chemistry and Geochemitry Group

Chemical Sciences Division

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6110
Phone: (865) 574-1252
Fax: (865) 574-4961
Research Interests
  • Statistical mechanics theory and molecular-based simulation of fluid nonidealities Microscopic approaches to solvation phenomena in hydrothermal systems Solvation effects on chemical reactions Transferable potential models for molecular simulations Interpretation of scattering results via molecular simulation Field effects on fluid-phase equilibria and fluid nonidealities Molecular simulation studies of gas clathrates Isotopic effects on fluid nonidealities
Honors and Professional Societies

105. Greenflow: Home
Provides photo chemistry waste management systems.
Graphics / Printing Photo Labs Medical GO There Home Environmental Policy About Greenflow Services Products Graphics/Printing Photolabs Medical Installations Newsletter Contact Green Links
Facility Information
News Archive
"It's all about waste"
Serving the Graphics, Publishing, Printing, Aerial Repographics, Silk Screen,
Photo Processing, Non Destructive Testing (NDT), Circuit Board, Hospital,
Veterinary, Medical Radiology and Dental Industries. Referred by companies who have made it their policy to contribute wherever
possible to the preservation of our environment.
Environmental Policy
About Greenflow Services Products ... Medical

106. Paisley University: Environmental Intiatives Research Group - Monitoring And Man
University of Paisley in Scotland investigates contaminants in air, land, inland waters and river estuaries. Details given about projects, publications and the people who work on them.
As your browser won't support frames, click here to see the main page.

107. Website Designer Database Developer, Kenneth L Barbalace Serving
Are you looking for. environmental.

108. GOD IS
Indian journal in the environmental sciences. Includes editorial, abstracts, message board, chat, and guest book.
GOD IS... Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment An international research journal of chemical and environmental sciences that covers natural and physical sciences, environmental sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, chemistry, bio-chemistry, physics, meteorology, geochemistry, geophysics, botany, zoology, chemical and environmental engineeringall under one roof. Our journal has made this unique effort to bring together under one cover, researchers in Chemistry and Environment and their deeply significant inter-relationship. The journal emphasizes the interdependence and inter-relationship between chemical science and environmental sciences. Second International Congress Of Chemistry And Environment ICCE-2005 will be held from th to 29 th December 2005 at Indore, INDIA Last update: May 25, 2004 B est viewed in Internet Explorer, 800 X 600 resolution © 2002 CHEMENVIRON, Designed by

109. Chemistry@SUNY-ESF: Faculty Profile Dr. Dibble
Laser spectroscopy and computational chemistry for investigations of atmospheric chemistry site by Ted Dibble.
Dibble Group Web Page
Physical and Atmospheric Chemistry
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Dr. Dibble's Official Web Page
People Current Projects ... Links to other Sites
The Dibble group uses lasers and high-end computers as tools to address questions such as: what are the degradation pathways of organic compounds in the polluted atmosphere? To what extent do particular compounds contribute to the formation of ozone, other air toxics, and particulates? (Answers to these questions are missing for most of the key compounds larger than butane!) The experimental work in Dr. Dibble's laboratory employs pulsed, tunable dye lasers to probe for stable and transient species. Both reaction kinetics and the spectroscopy of new species can be studied using two highly sensitive techniques: laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and (soon) cavity ringdown spectroscopy . The computational work uses commercially available quantum chemistry programs to carry out ab initio and density functional calculations. These methods are used to map out thermochemical kinetics and to explore and interpret the spectroscopy of as-yet uncharacterized species. See the article about our computational work in Access , the magazine of the National Compuational Science Alliance.

110. Department Of Energy Information Bridge - Full-text Scientific And Technical Rep
Fulltext research and development reports in physics, chemistry, materials, biology, environmental sciences, energy technologies, engineering, computer and information science, renewable energy, and other topics.
Home What's New Easy Search Advanced Search ... Help
The Information Bridge provides the open source to full-text and bibliographic records of Department of Energy (DOE) research and development reports in physics, chemistry, materials, biology, environmental sciences, energy technologies, engineering, computer and information science, renewable energy, and other topics. The Information Bridge consists of full-text documents produced and made available by the Department of Energy National Laboratories and grantees from 1995 forward. Additional legacy documents are also included as they become available in electronic format. DOE's Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) makes this Web site available to the public in partnership with the Government Printing Office (GPO) , through GPO Access Questions/help regarding this service? Contact the GPO Access User Support Team by Internet e-mail at ; by telephone at 1-202-512-1530 (D.C. Metro Area) or toll free at 1-888-293-6498; by fax at 1-202-512-1262. Overview of Content
Technical Requirements

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Link to other OSTI Products and Services

111. SciBoard, A Science Website
Contains to biology, chemistry, environmental, games, higher education, math, paranormal, physics, space, and technology webpages. Includes a quiz bowl and FAQ's page. Maintained by the University of Louisville.

112. Labinternet Online Science Magazine Featuring Latest Scientific Laboratory Techn
The latest advances in laboratory equipment and technology in analytical chemistry, electrochemistry, gas chromatography, HPLC, spectroscopy, biotechnology, biomedical research, data acquisition, food science, environmental science plus scientific humor.
WELCOME TO LABinternet Online Science Magazine
The Premier Online Science Magazine Featuring the Latest in Laboratory Technology, News, and Products
LABinternet is a new scientific online magazine featuring the latest advances in laboratory equipment, instruments, and technology together with the latest news and research papers in the fields of analytical chemistry, chromatograpy, spectroscopy, biotechnology, data acquisition, pH and ION technology, food science, and environmental science.
Sorry, this site is under constuction and is only viewable, at this time, in browsers that support frames.
Please revisit this site soon as we hope to get the no-frames version up and running ASAP.

113. Duke University Science And Engineering Libraries
Home of the four science branch libraries at Duke University chemistry, Biological environmental Sciences, Math/Physics, and the Vesic Engineering Library.
Quick Links






Vesic :

... Marine Lab
Science Information Resources
Science Libraries Frequently Asked Questions Scientific Databases General Science Internet Resources Subject-Specific Internet Resources The Duke University Perkins System Science and Engineering Libraries Biological and Environmental Sciences Library Chemistry Library Vesic Library for Engineering, Mathematics and Physics. Anne Langley ... Duke University Durham, NC USA Last Update: Friday, 05-Dec-2003 16:19:55 EST6/28/02

114. Environmental Toxicology And Chemistry Online
Issue Alert, Reports. Submit manuscript for review. Allen Press Logo, © 2004, Society of environmental Toxicology and chemistry, How to Link to this Site.

115. Science Equipment & Supplies In Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, Science Ki
Over 10,000 products for students and teachers worldwide for physics, chemistry, biology, environmental science, and earth science.
NADA Scientific Ltd. [ Home ] Feedback Contents
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Based in Champlain, NY since 1986, Nada Scientific, Ltd. has become a national and international distributor of over 10,000 products in the field of science equipment, automotive structural models and science related gifts. We welcome you to our online extension to the Science Division of Nada Scientific. Over 10,000 science equipment and supplies are available online for educational institutions world-wide. This division is the exclusive agent and distributor in the Americas for Nakamura Scientific of Japan, a world renowned manufacturer of high quality physics equipment. Register for Nada Scientific Ltd email updates
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Last modified: 02/12/03

116. EPA - Immunochemical Analysis
Technical guidance on the application of immunochemistry in environmental monitoring, including use of immunoassays as rapid fieldportable, semi-quantitative methods or as standard quantitative laboratory procedures.

Recent Additions
Contact Us Print Version Search: EPA Home ORD NERL HEASD ...
A User's Guide to Environmental Immunochemical Analysis
Shirley J. Gee, Bruce D. Hammock Department of Entomology, University of California Davis, CA 95616 and Jeanette M. Van Emon Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory Las Vegas, Nevada 89193-3478 EPA Cooperative Research Grant 891047 Project Officer Jeanette M. Van Emon Exposure Assessment Research Division Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory Las Vegas, Nevada 89193-3478 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING SYSTEMS LABORATORY-LAS VEGAS OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89193-3478 NOTICE The information in this document has been funded in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency through its Office of Research and Development under assistance agreement #CR819047-01 to the Department of Entomology, University of California at Davis. It has been subject to the Agency's peer and administrative review, and it has been approved for publication as an EPA document. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. ABSTRACT Immunochemical methods for the analysis of environmental contaminants are relatively new on the analytical chemistry scene. These methods are based on the use of a specific antibody as a detector for the analyte of interest. Immunoassays are rapid, sensitive, and selective, and are generally cost effective for large sample loads. They have been applied to diverse chemical structures (i.e. triazines, sulfonylureas, organophosphates, polychlorinated biphenyls, cyclodienes) and are adaptable to field use. These characteristics make immunochemical analysis a valuable tool for use by the environmental analytical chemist. This document is designed to facilitate the transfer of this valuable technology to the environmental analytical chemistry laboratory. Field personnel who may need to employ a measurement technology at a monitoring site may also find this manual helpful.

Dr. Jagadeesh, Dept. of chemistry, Govt. Engineering College at Trichur, Kerala, India, is a technocentric environmentalist interested in pollution from automobile exhausts, catalytic converters, speciation of heavy metals, and chemical modeling.
Environmental Philosophy comprises of two schools of thoughts: the ecocentric and the technocentric It is true that the ecocentric approach can only find an eternal solution to the global pollution problems and as such it reverberates through the words of great English poet Francis Thompson "Thou canst not stir a flower without troubling a star!!!" Later some scientists realised this fact through " Butterfly effect Our father of Nation (India), Mahatma Gandhi, a great philosopher and social reformist, too had visualized the dangers of urbanization, pretty long back! He insisted on and dedicated his life for the development of "self-sufficient villages" . His theme of building self-sufficient villages is the most scientific and everlasting ecological message to the humankind!!! But the following words of Rolf Edberg depict the present world: "What has gone wrong, probably, is that we have failed to see ourselves as part of a large and indivisible whole. For too long we have based our lives on a primitive feeling that man's "God- given" role was to have "dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over everything that moveth upon the earth". We have failed to understand that the earth does not belong to us, but we to the earth".

118. GTS | Centre Grup De Tècniques De Separació En Química
Projects in development of process separation and applications in environmental research, biomedical and agrofood analysis. Offers services using different techniques from Bellaterra University, Barcelona, Spain.
G T S P r e s e n t a t i o n see Centre GTS leaflet The Research Group of Separation Techniques in Chemistry, GTS, is a " Consolidated Group of Quality Research " since 1993 and and from 2002 belongs to the " Xarxa IT " of Industry Department of Catalonia Generalitat. GTS has developed its activity during the last sixteen years in both basic and applied aspects of separation science and technology. The research is currently addressed to develop new concepts in process separation and to problem-solving applications. Thus, different separation techniques are applied to a great variety of situations including environmental research, biomedical and agrofood applications and analytical processes Our activity includes, beside the development of specific projects, consultancy, assessment and services in related problems Financial support to this activity is given by National and European Research Programs as well as public and private organisms and companies. Special attention is paid to both national and international collaboration, including

SETAC is an independent, nonprofit professional society that provides a forum for individuals and institutions engaged in Study of environmental issues, management and conservation of natural resources, environmental education, and environmental research and development.
SEARCH: SETAC Highlights Fourth SETAC World Congress
Join us to celebrate SETAC’s 25th Anniversary at the Fourth SETAC World Congress in Portland, Oregon. The meeting’s theme is SETAC: 25 Years of Interdisciplinary Science Serving Global Society.
Registration information coming soon! New SETAC Journal: Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management SETAC Europe 15th Annual Meeting: Call for Sessions
25 Years
Current Issue
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120. Environmental Soil Chemistry - Links
A list of links.
Here you will find some LINKS related to
  • Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) American Chemical Society (ACS) Australian Journal of Soil Research Brazilian Society of Soil Science (SBCS) (in Portuguese) Clay Minerals Society (CMS) International Society of Soil Science (ISSS) International Humic Substances Society (IHSS) Sciences of Soils ... Soil Solutions - A Web Soil Science Resource Soil Taxonomy U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) ( Software for Environmental Awareness Environmental Test Methods and Guidelines WebElements - A very nice Periodic Table
  • A list of Soil Chemistry Courses on the Web:
  • Iowa State University University of Hawaii - Basic Course University of Hawaii - Advanced Course University of New Hampshire Utah State University
  • If you have any suggestion about LINKS that could be incorporated into this page, please send me an e-mail This site has been visited times since Jan. 18, 1997

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