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61. MTA KK AKI Hungarian Academy of Sciences  Chemical Research Center Institute of Materials and environmental chemistry The name and the web address of the Institute has http://www.chemres.hu/AKKL/ | |
62. Environmental Chemistry - Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP/POPs) Home environmental chemistry. Persistent organic pollutants environmental chemistry also deals with investigations of organic pollutants like PCB and dioxins. http://www.tomasoberg.com/english/miljokemi_en.htm | |
63. CCSU Chemistry Students pursuing the bachelor of science degree in chemistry may specialize in environmental chemistry or combine the study of chemistry with business management, computer science, or biology. http://www.chemistry.ccsu.edu/ | |
64. American Chemical Society Division Of Environmental Chemistry Programming American Chemical Society. environmental chemistry Division Programming. Programming Site Directory. http://gemini.tntech.edu/~mjw5030/acspage.html | |
65. Environmental Chemistry University of Wroc³aw. environmental chemistry. Wroc³aw Akademic year 2003/2004. 72-020, Fundamentals of environmental chemistry. 7-2-006, Analytical Chemistry. http://www.chem.uni.wroc.pl/7A_CHSro.HTM | |
66. Exorga, Inc. - Consultants In Organic Chemistry And Molecular Modeling Exorga, Inc. Consultants in Organic and environmental chemistry, and Molecular Modeling. Exorga, Inc. - We are environmental organic chemists. Exorga, Inc. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/exorga/ | |
67. German Research Groups On Analytical And Environmental Chemistry German research groups on analytical and environmental chemistry. W. Klein, Schmallenberg, environmental chemistry, Ecotoxicology. http://www.chemie.uni-marburg.de/~tschmidt/akde.html | |
68. BioLinks Archive of Internet resources on bioremediation and related topics (biogeochemistry, hydrology, hazardous waste, environmental chemistry, microbial ecology, and general environmental topics) organized by topical categories. http://www.bioremediationgroup.org/BioLinks/home.htm | |
69. General Chemistry Online: FAQ: Environmental Chemistry A searchable database of frequently asked questions from the environmental chemistry section of General Chemistry Online. environmental chemistry. http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/environmental/faq.shtml | |
70. General Chemistry Online: Glossary: Environmental Chemistry A searchable database of terms about environmental chemistry for students and teachers of general chemistry. Home Glossary Glossary environmental chemistry. http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/environmental/glossary.shtml | |
71. Periodic Table Of Elements By EnvironmentalChemistry.com Very comprehensive data, writeups, extensive listing of nuclides Data on elements includes scores of properties, element names in a dozen languages and almost all known nuclides. environmental chemistry articles round out site. http://EnvironmentalChemistry.com/yogi/periodic/ | |
72. Environmental Chemistry http://www.dfh.dk/envichem/ |
73. Marine Biology environmental chemistry. Links Atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Change Home Page (NOAA/OAR/ERL/PMEL). Atmospheric Chemistry http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/np/pages/env1_e.html | |
74. EDUCATION IN ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY 9th FECS Conference on Chemistry and the Environment. 2nd SFC meeting on environmental chemistry. EDUCATION IN environmental chemistry. http://membres.lycos.fr/fecsdce9/DOCS/scientific program/platform sessions/sessi | |
75. Afdeling For Miljøkemi - DMU Department of environmental chemistry. Pr. 1. marts er de tre forskergrupper environmental chemistry. The department s main fields of research http://www.dmu.dk/1_Om_DMU/2_afdelinger/3_mike/ | |
76. Environmental Chemistry environmental chemistry. Baird, Colin; environmental chemistry; 3rd Edition; WH Freeman; 2006; Price unavailable. Andrady, Anthony L. Plastics http://www.umsl.edu/~chemist/cgi-test/mybooks.pl?category=14 |
77. Science 7 environmental chemistry. This environmental chemistry page has links to sites with information about natural cycles and the environment. http://www.openschool.bc.ca/courses/science7/environ.html | |
78. Department Of Analytical And Environmental Chemistry - VUB Department of Analytical and environmental chemistry. http://www.vub.ac.be/ANCH/ | |
79. ANALYTICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY ANALYTICAL AND environmental chemistry. Analytical and environmental chemistry Dep. of Chemistry - University of Aveiro - Portugal. http://www.dq.ua.pt/grupos/analitica/main.htm | |
80. Kettering University - Formerly GMI environmental chemistry Undergrad Programs Graduate Programs Admissions Financial Aid The Coop Program Alumni Spotlight Student Resources http://www.gmi.edu/acad/scimath/envchem/ | |
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