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         Environmental Chemistry:     more books (100)
  1. Environmental Chemistry by Colin Baird, Michael Cann, 2004-08-13
  2. Environmental Chemistry, Eighth Edition by Stanley E. Manahan, 2004-08-26
  3. Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science by Clair N Sawyer, Perry L. McCarty, et all 2002-08-27
  4. Environmental Soil Chemistry by Donald L. Sparks, 2002-09
  5. Principles of Environmental Chemistry by James E., Ph.D. Girard, 2004-08
  6. Environmental Organic Chemistry by Rene P. Schwarzenbach, Philip M. Gschwend, et all 2002-06-15
  7. Chemistry Fundamentals: An Environmental Perspective: Student Study Guide by Phyllis Buell, James Girard, 2003-01
  8. Environmental Chemistry Student Solutions Manual by Colin Baird, Michael Cann, 2004-08-20
  9. Environmental Chemistry of Herbicides by Raj Grover, Allan Cessna, 1990-11-21
  10. Environmental Soil and Water Chemistry: Principles and Applications by V. P. Evangelou, 1998-10-12
  11. Chemistry for Environmental and Earth Sciences by Catherine V.A. Duke, C.D. Williams, 2007-10-01
  12. Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry, Second Edition by Stanley E. Manahan, 2000-07-31
  13. Environmental Laboratory Exercises for Instrumental Analysis and Environmental Chemistry by Frank M. Dunnivant, 2004-08-23
  14. Antifouling Paint Biocides (The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry) (The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry)

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