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101. R-Phrases An index of the R Phrases. Used in European labs. http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/chemistry/safety/r-saetze_en.html | |
102. S-Phrases An index of the S Phrases. Used in European labs. http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/chemistry/safety/s-saetze_en.html | |
103. USF Department Of Chemistry - Safety Procedures DEPARTMENTAL safety PROCEDURES Adopted by vote of the chemistry Faculty, December 6, 2001 chemistry Department safety Committee, 200102 Steve Grossman John P http://www.cas.usf.edu/chemistry/new/safety/safety_proc.php3 | |
104. The Science Curriculum Has Moved Covers all aspects of high school safety in a lab. Seems to be most appropriate for chemistry situations, but there is much which applies to biology or physics. http://pc65.frontier.osrhe.edu/hs/science/clab.htm | |
105. USF Department Of Chemistry - Safety Departmental safety Procedures. Hazardous Information Tracking System (HITS) HITS is the new Chemical Inventory system used by the Department of chemistry. http://www.cas.usf.edu/chemistry/new/safety/index.php3 | |
106. Lab Guide Home Dr. Cal's good laboratory practices and WWW chemistry information for students. Topics include lab safety, lab report writing, preparing for lab, and organic lab tips. http://www.uic.edu/~magyar/Lab_Help/lghome.html | |
107. Safety Index Page Health and safety (EH S) Home Page; chemistry Page of MSDS Links; American Chemical Society safety in Academic chemistry Laboratories. http://www.chem.rochester.edu/Safety/safety_index_page.htm | |
108. Fire Safety And Fire Extinguishers In A Chemistry Laboratory for what could happen, take a look at this General chemistry demonstration page D extinguishing units are available through our online store, safety Emporium. http://www.ilpi.com/safety/extinguishers.html | |
109. Safety Links: Aberdeen University Chemistry Department NIOSH Home Page (National Institute for Occupational safety and Health). View this page as text only. Aberdeen University 2004, chemistry Home Page. Webmaster http://www.abdn.ac.uk/chemistry/safety.hti | |
110. Health, Safety & Medicinal Chemistry There are articles involving chemistry as it relates to health and medicine. Information on pharmacology and safety is also provided. http://chemistry.about.com/cs/medical/ | |
111. FDA/CFSAN Library Of Chemistry Information chemistry Information from the Center for Food safety and Applied Nutrition and FDA. Color Additives; Cosmetic Chemicals and other http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/chemist.html | |
112. RSC Online Shop: RSC Online Shop. Environmental chemistry, safety and Toxicology. Cryptosporidium The Analytical Challenge. Dialog OnDisc Environmental chemistry, Health safety. http://www.rsc.org/CFSLD/DisplayList.cfm?List=Environmental Chemistry, Safety an |
113. Chemical Safety NewsBase / Environmental Chemistry, Health & Safety Home Page RSC Databases Databanks. Chemical safety NewsBase / Environmental chemistry, Health safety. http://www.rsc.org/is/database/csnbhome.htm | |
114. York University. The Department Of Chemistry. Safety. A Material safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is designed to provide both workers and emergency personnel with the proper procedures for The Department of chemistry. http://www.chem.yorku.ca/ugrad/safety.htm | |
115. Chemistry Related Links Occupational Health and safety; WHSCC Workplace Health, safety and Compensation Commission of New Brunswick. Reference University chemistry Departments Canada; http://www.unb.ca/fredericton/science/chem/links.html | |
116. American Chemical Society Committee On Chemical Safety safety? safety for Introductory chemistry Students Brochure (3/18/04); Managing Mercury Spills released as draft for comment (10/12/03); http://membership.acs.org/c/ccs/ | |
117. Safety In Academic Chemistry Laboratories, 6th Edition safety in Academic chemistry Laboratories, 7th edition Volume 1 Accident Prevention for College and University Students. http://membership.acs.org/c/ccs/pub_3.htm | |
118. Instant Chemical Hazards, Safety, & Environmental Chemistry Data Instant Chemical Hazards safety Data Dr. Lawrence H. Keith. Chemical hazards, toxicity, safety, chemical protective clothing (CPC http://www.instantref.com/tox-chem.htm | |
119. Safety In Chemistry Labs Here are some helpful hints in using lab equipment and personal safety. chemistry is a fun subject that people as young as ten want to get involved in. http://ma.essortment.com/chemistrylabss_rbew.htm | |
120. WWW Chemistry Resources humor. OSHWEB An index of occupational safety and health resources. All kinds of safety information, not just for chemistry. The http://www.lib.duke.edu/chem/infolist.htm | |
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