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81. Science Humor 30, 158, 408, PhysicsSongs.org. 31, 157, 262, Reptile Dysfunction. 32, 157,68, Black Sun Space humor. 33, 155, 27, EddNet chemistry The Home of a MadChemist. http://www.ringsurf.com/netring?ring=sciencehumor;action=stats |
82. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Recreation > Humor > Science > Chemistry Got a Problem? Ask Chemists chemistry jokes and humorous essays. nmr.chem.ohiou.edu/leo/jokes Site Info. Bestselling Products in chemistry. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general?catid=59445&mode=general |
83. Gilligan.cox.miami.edu/G-html/chemhum.html Web Links Nobel Laureates in chemistry. This Week in the History of chemistry. chemistryhumor ChemTeam humor Menu. Molecules with Silly or Unusual Names. http://gilligan.cox.miami.edu/G-html/chemhum.html |
84. Chemical Humor Bad chemistry Jokes and Stories. Updated January 15, 2002. A True Story; TopTen ways to get thrown out of chemistry lab; The Final Exam A True Story. http://www.nku.edu/~russellk/G-html/chemhum.html | |
85. #Beginner - Humor, Chemistry Lesson Just for Fun .. Funnybone. chemistry Lesson. Two new additions tothe periodic table of elements. Element Name WOMAN Symbol WO http://www.ircbeginner.com/justfun/fb-chemistry.html | |
86. Humor: Chemistry Carols chemistry Carols. The chemistry Teacher s Coming to Town. The chemistryTeacher s coming to town. I m Dreaming of a White Precipitate. http://people.bu.edu/metalman/chemistry_xmas_carols.html | |
87. Holiday Humor Web Sites MISCELLANEOUS humor. Periodic Table of the Rejected Elements. The PeriodicTable of Comic Books. Various chemistry Related Jokes. Join http://greece.k12.ny.us/oly/chemistry/Holidays and Humor.htm |
88. Resources Excellent CDs of chemistry and physics songs for older youth Physics humor on theWeb A large collection of physics humor (some of which don t seem particularly http://www.tranquility.net/~scimusic/resources.html | |
89. Chemistry Mid-term On Hell - Humor usually quite funny. chemistry Mid Term. The following is an actualquestion given on University of IOWA chemistry mid term. The answer http://www.analyticalq.com/humor/hell.htm | |
90. Directory - Recreation: Humor: Science: Chemistry Sites MDeA s chemistry Fun Page · cached · The ultimate site for chemistryhumor. Ask Chemists · cached · chemistry jokes and humorous essays. http://www.incywincy.com/default?p=59445 |
91. Molecules With Silly Or Unusual Names Thanks to Victoria Barclay of Advanced chemistry Development, Inc., Toronto, for Alasthe editor was neither imaginative nor humorous, and suggested that a http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/Chemistry/MOTM/silly/sillymols.htm | |
92. Jokes Related To Chemistry Back to my home. Last update Got a problem? Ask Chemists! They have all the solutions. Pick anyone you want, please. http://nmr.chem.ohiou.edu/leo/jokes |
93. Carleton College: Chemistry Images from Summer Research June August, 2003. chemistry Students checkout the announcement page for information you will want to know! http://www.acad.carleton.edu/curricular/CHEM/ | |
94. Sizzling Organic Chemistry Dramas Let s go contaminate some ethanol! Check out How to Pass chemistry! See more sciencehumor at Songs of Geology! Return to Heptune s Journal of Lore and Levity! http://www.heptune.com/chemtale.html | |
95. High School Chemistry Resources On The Web Dictionary Eric Weisstein Combined Chemical Dictionary Arizona State UniversityThe Ultimate Scientific Dictionary (humorous) chemistry Web Dictionary http://www.chemistrycoach.com/high.htm | |
96. Points In Case.com :: College Humor, Quotes, Away Messages, AIM Humor on the whole fuckin Periodic Table. (Nothing like a little chemistryhumor, right?). Step 3. Don t be afraid to take cheap shots. http://www.pointsincase.com/ | |
97. WebAnalytes -knowledge-based Information The History of chemistry, Woodrow Wilson Summer Institute; 1992. chemistryHumor. Art of Distillation (1651), John French s; U of Penn Library. http://www.webanalytes.com/cheminfo.htm | |
98. Chemistry Web chemistry Library, University of Iowa. Copyright (c) 19962003. The Universityof Iowa. All rights reserved. Please send comments to lib-chem@uiowa.edu. http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/chem/chemcool2.htm | |
99. Urban Legends Reference Pages: College (Feign Reaction) Feign Reaction, Advertisement. Legend Student makes humorous guessesat answers on chemistry exam. Origins On our Shortchanging http://www.snopes.com/college/exam/chemistry.asp | |
100. BRAIN RELAXATION ACTIVITIES An intuitive resource guide for synthetic organic chemists http://www.organicworldwide.net/relax.html | |
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