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81. Consultants Our staff consists of Mechanical, Electrical, Programming, and ProjectEngineering disciplines. The consultants at Virtual chemistry, Inc. http://www.lab-robotics.org/consult.htm | |
82. Petrochemical NMR Chemical Consultants Network John Edwards Process analytical spectroscopy NMR, NIR, FTIR, UV/Vis; Petroleum chemistry. positionsexpressed by individual members of the Chemical consultants Network are http://www.chemconsultants.org/jcedwards.html | |
83. Surface Chemistry Chemical Consultants Network Kathleen Thrush for the electronics industry, environmental cataluysis, zeolite chemistry, surfacechemsitry, ion by individual members of the Chemical consultants Network are http://www.chemconsultants.org/kathrush.html | |
84. SETAC Career Center Review environmental risk assessments conducted by other staff or other consultants. aswell as specialized knowledge of sediment chemistry and ecology and http://www.setac.org/profopps.html | |
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86. Termine.com - Chemical Industry News And Information Chemical Associations Chemical Commerce Chemical consultants Chemical Databases GroupChemical Tradenames Education chemistry Education Distance http://www.termine.com/master.cfm?page=action.cfm |
87. Chemistry, Consulting Chemist Consulting Chemist fluorocarbons, fragarance, distillation, hydrogenation, expertwitness, safety, freon, corrosion, catalyst. chemistry Consulting Chemist. http://www.chemconsultants.com/ | |
88. Chemical Consultants Network Directory This is Chemical consultants Network main page it in a non profit organization helping chemical consultants develop their business. Chemical consultants Network. Jointly supported by AIChE AND ACS Alphabetical list of all C.C.N consultants. Time, Date members of the Chemical consultants Network are the member's own http://www.chemconsultants.org/ | |
89. MVS Solutions - Chemistry Consulting & Expert Witness Services patent infringement cases. MVS Solutions Conducting the Businessof Science (sm). chemistry Consulting and Expert Witness Services. http://www.mvssolutions.com/expert.html | |
90. MVS Solutions - Green Chemistry Resources Green chemistry Development Visit the MVS Solutions Green chemistry Developmentpage for information concerning green chemistry consulting and support. http://www.mvssolutions.com/greenlinks.html | |
91. WWW Chemistry Resources WWW chemistry Resources. Please note that the new Virtual Library chemistry site is located at http//www.liv.ac.uk/chemistry/Links/ links.html. CONTENTS. WWW chemistry Sites. Academic Institutions http://www.chem.ucla.edu/chempointers.html | |
92. Chemist At ChemIndustry.com Ronald Zager chemistry Consulting Chemist, Technical Info. United States. Consultantsin the chemical industry that help you solve your problems quickly. http://www.chemindustry.com/chemnames/C/chemist.asp | |
93. Galaxy Directory : Chemistry < Science chemistry Development, Support Consulting Research and Development (R D) Companyand Consulting Firm providing chemistry development, support and contract http://www.galaxy.com/galaxy/Science/Chemistry/Analytical-Chemistry.html | |
94. The Directory Of Consulting Practices (DCP) Homepage The Directory contains details of consulting practices and organisations with expertiseextending from the borderlands of chemistry with physics, engineering http://www.chemsoc.org/networks/dcp/ | |
95. Food Testing Laboratory, Food Chemistry, Microbiology Testing And Safety Consult We provide a wide range of microbiology testing, food safety consultingservices, HACCP training and expert chemistry testing. Providing http://www.abcr.com/default.asp | |
96. Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening SOFTWARE COMPANIES Accelrys ACD Labs Advanced chemistry Development see ACD LabsAfferent Systems AVATAR Consulting (Labtrack software) Barnard Chemical http://www.warr.com/ombichem.html | |
97. Chemistry Collection Of Infostead Australia - Entry Page - Optus Version. Infostead Australia s, chemistry Collection. A Touch of chemistry. http://members.optushome.com.au/kswans/chemistry.html | |
98. Wiley-VCH - Ullmann's Encyclopedia Encyclopedia the world s largest reference in applied chemistry, industrial chemistry,and chemical Ullmann s is like consulting an expert - only cheaper! http://www.wiley-vch.de/admin/map.home-to-journal.php/journals/ullx | |
99. ANAMAR Environmental Consulting -Home enterprises as well as other professional consulting organizations with degrees andexperience in Business Administration, chemistry, Engineering, Environmental http://www.anamarinc.com/ | |
100. Experts - Chemistry 3545 Chemical Expert Witness Consultant KHB CONSULTING SERVICES provides of householdchemical products, industrial chemicals, chemistry, chemicals, paint http://www.hg.org/experts/Experts-Chemistry.html | |
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