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         Atmospheric Chemistry:     more books (100)
  1. Chemistry of Multiphase Atmospheric Systems (Nato Asi Series G : Ecological Sciences, No 6)
  2. Optical Methods in Atmospheric Chemistry: 22-24 June 1992 Berlin, Frg (Spie Proceedings, Vol 1715) by Harold J. Schiff, 1993-02
  3. Heterogeneous Atmospheric Chemistry (Geophysical Monograph)
  4. Observed and modeled VOC chemistry under high VOC/NO"x conditions in the Southeast United States national parks [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by D. Kang, V.P. Aneja, et all 2004-09-01
  5. Global and regional environmental atmospheric chemistry : proceedings of the International Conference on Global and Regional Environmental Chemistry, Beijing, ... China, May 3-10, 1989 (SuDoc E 1.10:890525) by U.S. Dept of Energy, 1990
  7. Trace A and SAFARI Special Issue (Reprinted from the Journal of Geophysical Research) International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project by unknown, 1992
  8. Atmospheric Chemistry by Julian Heicklen, 1977-01
  9. Lectures in Atmospheric Chemistry (AIChE monograph ; no. 12, v. 76, 1980) by John H. Seinfeld, 1980-12
  10. Measurement Challenges in Atmospheric Chemistry (Advances in Chemistry Series)
  11. Atmospheric Chemistry of Chlorine and Sulfur Compounds by James P. Jr. (ed) Lodge, 1959
  12. Potential influence of iodine-containing compounds on the chemistry of the troposphere in the polar spring. I. Ozone depletion [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by J.G. Calvert, S.E. Lindberg, 2004-09-01
  13. Principles of Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry by Richard Goody, 1995-12-28
  14. Atmospheric Chemistry: Problems and Scope by Louis J. Battan, Panel on Atmospheric Chemistry, et all 1975

41. Chemistry, Physics And Earth Sciences, Science And Engineering, Flinders Univers
School of chemistry, Physics Earth Sciences. Oceanographic and atmospheric science research.
Information for Staff Current Students Future Students Business and Industry
Who we are: at Adelaide's Flinders University. What we do: We are a multidisciplinary school offering degrees in the broad areas of:
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Hydrology Oceanography and Meteorology
and in the specialist areas of:
  • Nanotechnology
  • Forensic and Analytic Chemistry
  • Medicinal Chemistry Environmental Science
Research programs in these fields are available. Our Academic staff have broad ranging research programs which provide opportunities for:
  • postgraduate research training (PhD and Masters)
  • a postgraduate forensic chemistry program
  • a postgraduate nanotechnology program major links to industry, cooperative research centres and other external research agencies.
School contact information: Post: GPO Box 2100
Adelaide SA 5001 Phone: Fax: E-mail: Top of page Contact:

42. Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
Established to provide for identification and quantification of organic and inorganic compounds at trace levels in environmental, biochemical and geochemical samples from atmospheric, aquatic and solid media.

CEE Home



Environmental Engineering Analytical Chemistry Laboratory The Environmental Engineering Analytical Chemistry Laboratory (EEACL), under the direction of Edward Ruth, The facility is equipped with a Finnigan 4000 gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS) and Incos Data System, a Varian 3500 dual ECD gas chromatograph (GC-ECD), a Varian 3700 FID gas chromatograph, other assorted chromatographic equipment and Perkin Elmer atomic absorption spectrometers. A summary of EEACL analytical capability is outlined below. CAPABILITIES
split/splitless injection on column injection purge and trap thermal desorption sub-ambient operation fused silica capillary columns solids inlet probe temperature programming and ballistic heating electron impact or chemical ionization mini-computer based data system HIGH RESOLUTION GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY fused silica capillary columns injectors
SPI detectors
Dual ECD FPD sub-ambient operation PC-based data system HPLC detectors Diode Array UV/VIS PC-based data system ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROMETRY Perkin Elmer Model 3300 PC-based data system and instrument control Flame Mercury/Hydride System Perkin Elmer Model 603 Flame Graphite Furnace WET EXTRACTION FACILITIES Soxhlet extraction Solid Phase Extraction

43. Department Of Geography & Environmental Engineering At JHU
The department provides opportunities in research and education for undergraduate and graduate students. BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees are offered. Research foci are atmospheric science, environmental chemistry, biology and economics.
Environmental Engineering: Excellence in Research and Graduate and Undergraduate Education at Johns Hopkins University: Undergraduate Major in Environmental Engineering and Environmental Science, Master and Ph.D. Programs

44. Home
The four main avenues of research are harsh environment sensor development, synthesis and photochemistry of microporous materials and atmospheric particle toxicity.
The Ohio State University Department of Chemistry Professor Prabir K. Dutta Robert K. Fox Professor of Chemistry Chemistry Department Chair Phone: (614) 292-4532 Department Chair: Co-Director Center for Industrial Sensor and Measurements (CISM) Department of Material Science and Engineering The Ohio State University Columbus, OH 43210 Prabir K. Dutta
Fox Professor Department of Chemistry The Ohio State University 100 West 18th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210. PHONE: (614) 292-4532 FAX: (614) 292-1685 E-Mail Dr. Dutta: E-Mail the Webmaster: To Contact The Dutta Group: The Dutta Research Group Team Dutta Homepage Group Member Page High temperature sensors appropriate for use in automotive exhausts and power plants are being developed for optimizing combustion processes and monitoring exhaust streams. The architecture of microporous materials is being exploited to assemble photochemical assemblies that can use visible light to generate hydrogen and oxygen from water. Nucleation and synthesis of microporous materials in environments such as reverse micelles is being examined.

45. ASAD Home Page
Package for creating and integrating chemistry schemes in atmospheric models without the need to write any Fortran code to solve the chemical rate equations. Developed by Dr. Glenn Carver and Dr. Paul Brown (assisted by Dr. Oliver Wild) of the Centre for atmospheric Science, Cambridge University, UK.
Chemical Integration Software
ASAD is a software package developed for creating and integrating chemistry schemes in atmospheric models without the need to write any FORTRAN code to solve the chemical rate equations.
Centre for Atmospheric Science, Cambridge University, UK.
Available Information
What's New
Last altered: 20/4/04
Latest: Bug fix for FYINIT subroutine More Information about ASAD Join the ASAD mailing list ASAD citations ASAD User Guide ...
(PDF format: 288Kb : Needs Acrobat V3)
How to obtain ASAD
Download ASAD
(source, master ratefiles and documentation). The software is free but please read the license
Software Features
A paper describing ASAD has been published in: Computer Physics Communications, 105, 197-215 (1997). ASAD is being actively used by groups in the UK, Germany, Japan and the USA. User supplies a list of chemical species and reactions to define the chemical scheme. No code needs to be written. ASAD understands common approximations such as chemical families and the steady state aproximation.

46. GERG
GERG is a center of excellence in applied geosciences with expertise in geochemistry, oceanography, environmental/analytical chemistry, atmospheric sciences, marine chemistry, ecology, marine biology, physical oceanography, toxicology, and other environmental fields.

47. Atmospheric Physics At MISU
The atmospheric Physics Group's main research is concentrated on improving our understanding of the physics and chemistry that determine the structure and composition of the middle and upper atmosphere.

48. National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP)
The US National atmospheric Deposition Program operates an acid rain observing network that is used to monitor the chemistry of precipitation for geographical and temporal longterm trends. Quality assured precipitation chemistry data (including acidity) and analyzed maps are available for viewing and downloading.
History and Overview
Data Access

Collaborating Agencies

Isopleth Maps
New Issues

Ammonia Workshop Proceedings
Isotopes in Precipitation Publications
Fall 2004 NADP Technical Meeting

September 21-24, 2004
Halifax, Nova Scotia
NADP Networks NADP/NTN: National Trends Network NADP/AIRMoN: Atmospheric Integrated Research Monitoring Network NADP/MDN: Mercury Deposition Network The NADP Program Office is located at the Illinois State Water Survey in Champaign, IL and is one of five scientific units at the Water Survey. The Water Survey is an affiliated agency of the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign and a Division of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Your Comments and Suggestions are always welcome!

49. Branches
Access to the seven branch science libraries (biology, chemistry, computer science, geoscience, marine and atmospheric sciences, engineering, and math/physics/astronomy) and to general databases and Internet resources.
Home Branches and Collections Call numbers and floor plans Suggest a purchase
Branches Collections
Stony Brook University Libraries
Frank Melville Jr. Memorial Library, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3300
631.632.7100 (t), 631.632.7116 (fax)
Website Comments: Library Webmaster . Library-related questions: Ask a Librarian

50. DOC/NOAA/OAR/AOML: Atlantic Oceanographic And Meteorological Laboratory
Conducts research in oceanography, tropical meteorology, atmospheric and oceanic chemistry, and acoustics. The principal focus of these investigations is to provide knowledge that may ultimately lead to improved prediction and forecasting of severe storms, better use and management of marine resources, better understanding of the factors affecting both climate and environmental quality, and improved ocean and weather services for the nation.
Popular Links
and Public


Site Map ... Research Divisions

The Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) is one of the Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) Facilities of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA/AOML is a part of the US Department of Commerce (DOC) and is located in Miami, Florida. AOML's mission is to conduct basic and applied research in oceanography, tropical meteorology, atmospheric and oceanic chemistry, and acoustics. The research seeks to understand the physical characteristics and processes of the ocean and the atmosphere, both separately and as a coupled system.
More about AOML...


51. AIDA - Aerosols And Heterogeneous Chemistry In The Atmosphere
atmospheric Aerosol Research Department, Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK), Research Centre Karlsruhe.

Aerosols and
Heterogeneous Chemistry
in the Atmosphere
Welcome to the AIDA-Server of the Atmospheric Aerosol Research Department, Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK), Research Centre Karlsruhe. We are investigating both experimentally and theoretically physical and chemical aerosol processes that contribute to the conversion of trace compounds, to polar stratospheric cloud (PSC) formation, and to ice nucleation in the atmosphere. The head of the Atmospheric Aerosol Research Department, Ulrich Schurath, is also professor at the Institute of Environmental Physics , University of Heidelberg. AIDA news
AIDA people (addresses and personal links)
AIDA research projects
AIDA experimental facilities
AIDA theory and modelling of aerosol processes
AIDA papers ( journal publications meeting abstracts dissertations diploma theses , and general information
AIDA cooperation and research (job) opportunities
Events ( conferences seminars courses Links to other sites related to aerosols and atmospheric chemistry and to scientists active in this field CMD News (EUROTRAC-2 Subproject 'Chemical Mechanism Development') To IMK home page at Research Centre Karlsruhe To Environmental Physics home page at University of Heidelberg Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Contact AIDA Web Administration

52. University Of Cambridge: Centre For Atmospheric Science
A joint venture between the Departments of chemistry and Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics in the University of Cambridge.
Centre for Atmospheric Science
The Centre for Atmospheric Science is a joint venture between the Departments of Chemistry, Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and Geography at the University of Cambridge, UK. The following websites are hosted by this server: Atmospheric Chemistry Modelling
Support Unit (NCAS-ACMSU, UGAMP)
Centre for Atmospheric Science European Ozone Research Coordinating Unit ... NERC UTLS thematic programme Go to: Atmospheric Chemistry Modelling Support Unit (NCAS-ACMSU) UGAMP Conferences UGAMP Newsletter Centre for Atmospheric Science Ozone Hole Tour About CAS CAS Seminars Contact information Stratospheric Chemistry Modelling Group Tropospheric Chemistry Modelling Group Halocarbon Measurement Group Aviation Impact Research Group Vacancies University home Chemistry home Applied Maths. Home Geography home
Information provided by Dr Glenn Carver. Email:
Server logs

53. GSFC Earth Sciences Distributed Active Archive Center
Data and information about the chemistry, dynamics and solar interactions of the Earth's upper atmosphere chemistry, Dynamics and Solar Interactions of the Upper Atmosphere or EOS chemistry)
Upper Atmosphere Data Support
Chemistry, Dynamics and Solar Interactions of the Upper Atmosphere DAAC Important Notices Preliminary SORCE level 3 data files are now available. Please review the before using. Welcome to the Upper Atmosphere Data Support Web Site at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). Here you will find data, information, and resources about the Earth's upper atmosphere; the region from the stratosphere and up. Please visit the Goddard DAAC homepage for other Earth science data and information. Our primary data sets include the new Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) mission (launched January 25, 2003), as well as the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) and the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS). We also have data sets from other missions dedicated to studying the chemistry, dynamics and solar interactions of the upper atmosphere. In the future, this site will also provide information about the upcoming Aura (or EOS Chemistry) mission (launch early 2004). Questions or comments regarding this site should be directed to James Johnson , the Upper Atmosphere Data Support Team Lead.

54. Ozone And The Atmosphere Main Menu
Formation of the Ozone Layer. Present Day Atmosphere. atmospheric Structure. Understanding Ozone
Ozone and the Atmosphere
Earth is an extraordinary planet. Complex interactions between the land, oceans, and atmosphere created conditions that are favorable for life. One species, man, has managed to alter the environment on a global scale. In order to fully comprehend the impact of our actions, we must view the planet as a whole and understand the relationship between its basic components; land, water, and air. This web site discusses the chemical composition and evolution of Earth's atmosphere, focusing on the protective layer of ozone in the stratosphere. The destructive properties of tropospheric ozone are also presented. Diagrams and animation sequences are used to visually depict the delicate structure of the ozone molecule and the chemical reactions involved in its formation and destruction. Ozone destroying pollutants were first identified in 1973. Since that time there has been a considerable amount of controversy surrounding the subject of ozone depletion. More than 20 years of ozone-related scientific studies, international meetings, and global industrial agreements are summarized in the last section of this site.
Earth's Atmosphere
Historical Atmosphere
Formation of the Ozone Layer

Present Day Atmosphere
Index of Images
next: Earth's Atmosphere Goddard DAAC Helpdesk: 301-614-5224 or 1-877-422-1222

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