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         Atmospheric Chemistry:     more books (100)
  1. Atmospheric Pollution by Mark Z. Jacobson, 2002-08-15
  2. Ionospheres: Physics, Plasma Physics, and Chemistry (Cambridge Atmospheric and Space Science Series) by Robert W. Schunk, Andrew F. Nagy, 2004-11-25
  3. Emissions of Atmospheric Trace Compounds (Advances in Global Change Research)
  4. Atmospheric Chemistry: Fundamentals and Experimental Techniques (Chemical Analysis: A Series of Monographs on Analytical Chemistry and Its Applications) by Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts, Jr. James N. Pitts, 1986-04
  5. Chemistry of Atmospheres: An Introduction to the Chemistry of the Atmospheres of Earth, the Planets, and Their Satellites by Richard P. Wayne, 2000-03-30
  6. Physics and Chemistry of the Upper Atmosphere (Cambridge Atmospheric and Space Science Series) by M. H. Rees, 1989-08-25
  7. The shielding effect of the protective glazing of historical stained glass windows from an atmospheric chemistry perspective: Case study Sainte Chapelle, ... [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by R.H.M. Godoi, V. Kontozova, et all
  8. Handbook of Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
  9. Chemical composition of surface films on glass windows and implications for atmospheric chemistry [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by B. Lam, M.L. Diamond, et all
  10. Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Volume 55: Applications of Theoretical Methods to Atmospheric Science (Advances in Quantum Chemistry)
  11. Aerosols and Atmospheric Chemistry
  12. Chemical Processes in Atmospheric Oxidation: Laboratory Studies of Chemistry Related to Troposheric Ozone (Transport and Chemical Transformation of Pollutants in the Troposphere)
  13. Progress and Problems in Atmospheric Chemistry (Advanced Series in Applied Physics)
  14. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics - From Air Pollution to Climate Control Problem SOL by JH Seinfeld, 1998-03-24

21. Marine And Atmospheric Chemistry
Carries out broadly based research on the chemistry of marine waters and the marine atmosphere, and maintains a highquality well-rounded graduate program leading to the MS and Ph.D. degrees.
Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry
The Division of Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry (MAC) carries out broadly based research on the chemistry of marine waters and the marine atmosphere, and maintains a high-quality well-rounded graduate program leading to the MS and Ph.D. degrees. The Division's activities are focused on understanding the cycling and transport of chemicals in the oceans and atmosphere. A central theme underlying much of the research in the Division is to use our understanding of geochemical cycles in order to assess the impact of man's activities on global and regional scales. The Division has fifteen faculty members and a large support staff involved in research including postdoctoral fellows, technicians, and graduate research assistants. The Division occupies the newest building on campus, which houses a major part of the School's chemical research activity. There is research on collaborative projects with the other Divisions at the Rosenstiel School especially Meteorology and Physical Oceanography, Marine Biology and Fisheries, and Marine Geology and Geophysics. The faculty of MAC cooperate closely with the Chemistry Department , located on the main campus of the University of Miami. Faculty members from MAC teach courses in the Department and members from the Division and the Department frequently serve on student committees across departmental boundaries. The Division also benefits from its association with the

22. Atmospheric Chemistry And Dynamics Branch
Research is focused on the chemical and transport processes that determine atmospheric composition, dynamics, and climate, including manmade perterbations to those processes.
Atmospheric Chemistry
and Dynamics Branch
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA USA
Comments and suggestions Search this site The Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch (Code SGG) conducts scientific research on important environmental issues in stratospheric chemistry and ozone depletion, strastospheric-troposphere exchange, pertubations in the chemical composition of the troposphere, and climatic changes from clouds, aerosols, and greenhouse gases. The SGG effort includes: a) development and deployment of sensitive, state-of-art instruments on airborne platforms (including aircraft, balloons, and uninhabited aerial vehicules, UAV's), b) modeling of chemistry, dynamics, and radiative transfer processes to understand and elucidate controlling mechanisms, c) science team support of spacecraft measurements of earth atmospheric processes, and d) advocacy, planning and execution of selected field projects for the Office of Earth Science. SGG is organized into four groups: 1) Chemistry, 2) Dynamics, 3) Sunphotometer-Satellite, and 4) Project Management.
Research Areas
Project Management
Go to Earth Science Division Ames Research Center NASA ESD Information Exchange Group (

23. Lancaster University IENS - CNH Group
research into the occurrence and behaviour of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere.
Biosphere-atmosphere interactions
and atmospheric chemistry research group
IENS ES department Other groups Research group ... Admissions
Quick links
Prof. C.N. Hewitt
Group members


Teaching staff
Biogenic VOC emission database
The biosphere-atmosphere interactions and atmospheric chemistry group at Lancaster is headed by Professor Nick Hewitt. The main focus of our research is the occurrence and behaviour of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of biogenic origin the atmosphere. As well as isoprene (C5H8) and the monoterpene (C10), we are interested in other hydrocarbons and oxygenated VOCs. Our work involves fieldwork, lab work and modelling experiments. We are also interested in ozone in the troposphere and stratosphere, the formation of particles in the atmosphere, and modelling of the carbon cycle. There is a UK Funded PhD Studentship, supervised by Dr Robert MacKenzie, available - the successful applicant will join our group . NERC UGAMP PhD Studentship "The impact of a water vapour trend on the aerosol and chemistry of the tropical upper troposphere and stratosphere" For further information on the group's activities, contact

24. ACP - Home
An international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of high quality studies investigating the Earth's atmosphere and the underlying chemical and physical processes.
Contact Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Home Copernicus Home EGU Publication Overview Home ... Comment on a Paper Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ACP
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions ACPD
Editorial and Advisory Board
ISSN ACP : 1680-7316 (Paper) 1680-7324 (Online) ISSN ACPD : 1680-7367 (Paper) 1680-7375 (Online) Personalised Publication Alert Service click here
Indexed in Current Contents, Science Citation Index, Web of Science, Chemical Abstracts, SciFinder, SRef COOL
Aims and Scope
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ACP ) is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and public discussion of high quality studies investigating the Earth's atmosphere and the underlying chemical and physical processes. It covers the altitude range from the land and ocean surface up to the turbopause, including the troposphere, stratosphere and mesosphere. The main subject areas comprise atmospheric modelling, field measurements, remote sensing, and laboratory studies of gases, aerosols, clouds and precipitation, isotopes, radiation, dynamics, biosphere interactions, and hydrosphere interactions (for details see Editorial Subject Areas ). The manuscript types considered for peer-reviewed publication are research articles, review articles, technical notes and commentaries/replies.

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The Journal of atmospheric chemistry is devoted to the study of the chemistry of the Earth's atmosphere, the emphasis being laid on the region below about 100 km.
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    Aimed at developing a fundamental understanding of the processes determining atmospheric composition, understanding interactions between atmospheric chemical composition and physical, biospheric and climatic processes, and to predict the impact of natural and anthropogenic forcings on the chemical composition of the atmosphere.
    You are being transfered to the new home for IGAC.

    27. Atmospheric Chemistry Program
    Research into regional and continental chemistry and the fate of tropospheric air pollutants, extracontinental and global chemistry and the fate of tropospheric air pollutants, and aerosol genesis.
    Security and Privacy Notice
    The Atmospheric Chemistry Program (ACP) is a Global Change Research program sponsored by the Environmental Sciences Division of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
    The overall objective of the ACP is to provide DOE with advanced information on the atmospheric environment that is required for long-range energy planning. The research is carried out primarily at four DOE laboratories and approximately twelve universities and non-DOE labs. The thrusts of this research are on regional and continental chemistry and fate of tropospheric air pollutants, extracontinental and global chemistry and fate of tropospheric air pollutants, and aerosol genesis. Laboratory studies emphasize rate and equilibrium processes. Field studies are conducted with aircraft and surface measurements on reaction chemistry, advective influences on the chemical composition of chemistry, and air-surface exchange processes. Modeling efforts address both chemistry and dynamics on regional and global scales.
    ACP Projects
    The G-1 Research Aircraft
    Field Program Information
    Publications by ACP Participants
    Information from Past Science Meetings
    Links to ACP-Related Data Sets

    28. NERC ACSOE Programme Home Page
    UK NERC Thematic Research Programme to investigate the chemistry of the lower atmosphere (0 12 km) over the oceans. The studies aim to bring about a clearer understanding of natural processes in the remote marine atmosphere, and how these processes are affected by atmospheric pollution originating from the continents.
    Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE), which took place between 1995 and 2000, is a UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Thematic Research Programme to investigate the chemistry of the lower atmosphere (0 - 12 km) over the oceans. The studies aimed to bring about a clearer understanding of natural processes in the remote marine atmosphere, and how these processes are affected by atmospheric pollution originating from the continents. This information is vital in understanding regional and global-scale changes in atmospheric chemistry and climate. ACSOE data is now avaliable to the public from the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC) web site. Programme Manager:
    Dr W.T. Sturges School of Environmental Sciences
    University of East Anglia
    Norwich NR4 7TJ
    UK Tel: +44 1603 562018
    Fax: +44 1603 452420
    Email: Participants Publications Data at BADC ... Final Report Web site design by Rebecca Penkett

    29. Chemistry@SUNY-ESF: Faculty Profile Dr. Dibble
    Laser spectroscopy and computational chemistry for investigations of atmospheric chemistry site by Ted Dibble.
    Dibble Group Web Page
    Physical and Atmospheric Chemistry
    SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
    Dr. Dibble's Official Web Page
    People Current Projects ... Links to other Sites
    The Dibble group uses lasers and high-end computers as tools to address questions such as: what are the degradation pathways of organic compounds in the polluted atmosphere? To what extent do particular compounds contribute to the formation of ozone, other air toxics, and particulates? (Answers to these questions are missing for most of the key compounds larger than butane!) The experimental work in Dr. Dibble's laboratory employs pulsed, tunable dye lasers to probe for stable and transient species. Both reaction kinetics and the spectroscopy of new species can be studied using two highly sensitive techniques: laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and (soon) cavity ringdown spectroscopy . The computational work uses commercially available quantum chemistry programs to carry out ab initio and density functional calculations. These methods are used to map out thermochemical kinetics and to explore and interpret the spectroscopy of as-yet uncharacterized species. See the article about our computational work in Access , the magazine of the National Compuational Science Alliance.

    30. Dr. Hanwant B. Singh
    Information about atmospheric chemistry research and the journal Atmospheric Environment.

    HOME Research
  • Goals and Collaborations Publications Field Missions INTEX-NA Summer 2004 Intensive
  • Atmospheric Environment
  • Scope Submissions Special Issues Manuscript Status ...
  • Links Dr. Hanwant B. Singh Atmospheric Environment Contact information:
    Dr. Hanwant B. Singh
    NASA Ames Research Center
    MS 245-5
    Moffett Field, CA 94035, USA
    Phone: (650) 604-6769
    Fax: (650) 604-3625 E-mail: NASA NASA Ames Research Center ... NASA Ames Earth Science Division maintained by Erin Czech,
    last updated: 5/12/04

    31. Welcome To The Atmospheric Sciences Division
    Atmospheric Sciences Division of Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA. 30 scientists working mainly in atmospheric chemistry, the site provides links to personnel, publications, and research activities.
    About the ASD ASD In The News ASD Personnel ASD Publications ... Lunar Eclipse - 11/08/03 This site designed and maintained by:
    J. G. Williams

    Last Site Revision: 06/02/04

    32. Atmospheric Physics Research Group Homepage.
    Pages describing the research activities, and employment opportunities (including PhD) within the Group. Work within the group covers micrometeorolgy, cloud microphysics and chemistry, aerosol science, and radiative transfer.
    This is the UMIST Atmospheric Physics Research Group Web Site. These pages contain details of research and teaching activities within the atmospheric physics group. As well as details of jobs and other opoortunities and links to other sites related to the field of atmopsheric physics.
    This site is best viewed using a frames enabled browser, if you see this page, your browser does not support frames. Please upgrade your browser to view this site as intended.
    These links allow some of the content of this site to be browsed without frames, including our location people who work and study within the group, the taught MSc course in physics of the atmospheric environment, meetings and seminars held within the group, publications, field projects and instrumentation , and consultancy work which has been undertaken. A feedback form allowing comments and requests for further information has also been provided. Information about jobs and studentships available within the UMIST Atmospheric Physics group can be found here

    33. Data And Reports On Acid Rain, Atmospheric Deposition And Precipitation Chemistr
    U.S. Geological Survey information resources on acidic deposition in the United States.
    On-line data and reports on acid rain, atmospheric deposition and precipitation chemistry.
    The USGS is the lead federal agency for the monitoring of wet atmospheric deposition (chemical constituents deposited from the atmosphere via rain, sleet and snow) in the United States. The USGS atmospheric deposition program provides:
    1) participation and leadership in the National Atmospheric Deposition Program , National Trends Network ( NADP/NTN
    2) scientific research and assessment to evaluate the effects of atmospheric deposition on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
    The NADP/NTN
    The National Atmospheric Deposition Program monitors wet atmospheric deposition at 250 National Trends Network sites throughout the United States. The USGS supports 74 of the roughly 250 active NADP/NTN sites. A fundamental NADP program objective is to provide scientific investigators world-wide with a long-term, high-quality database of atmospheric deposition for research support in the areas of air quality, water quality, agricultural effects, forest productivity, materials effects, ecosystem studies, watershed studies and human health. If you cannot fully access the information linked from this page, please contact

    34. CCNY Science/Engineering Library
    Variety of Internet sources arranged by subject, including biology, chemistry, computing, earth and atmospheric sciences, engineering, mathematics, and Internet developments.
    Science/Engineering Library
    Marshak Building, Room J29
    138th Street at Convent Avenue
    New York, NY 10031
    The SCIENCE/ENGINEERING LIBRARY contains books, periodicals and electronic resources in the areas of astronomy, chemistry, earth and atmospheric sciences, mathematics, medicine, physics, and the philosophy of science; also in biomedical, chemical, civil, electrical and mechanical engineering, and computer sciences. Reference materials, including abstracts and indexes to scientific and technical literature as well as related government documents are also located here. Access to and assistance with using the Internet and the World Wide Web is available. You may also access your e-mail account and may request reserve materials for classes in the Sciences, Engineering and Medicine at the Science Circulation Desk. Library Hours
    Quick links to selected resources
    Library staff
    CUNY+ Online Catalog
    ... Physics
    Please send any comments about this web site to: Loren Mendelsohn at:
    Last revision: Nov. 18, 2002

    35. Physics And Chemistry Of The Earth
    Threepart journal, with Part B covering hydrology and water resources and Part C covering solar, planetary, and atmospheric science. Tables of contents and indices, and on-line articles for subscribers.
    Home Site map picswapper("picswap", [/authored_framework/ + "images/topbar_1.jpg", /authored_framework/ + "images/topbar_2.jpg", /authored_framework/ + "images/topbar_3.jpg", /authored_framework/ + "images/topbar_4.jpg", /authored_framework/ + "images/topbar_5.jpg", /authored_framework/ + "images/topbar_6.jpg"], 5000) Advanced Product Search Products Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Journal information Product description Editorial board Guide for authors Audience ... Abstracting/indexing Subscription information Bibliographic and ordering information Conditions of sale Dispatch dates Journal related information Most downloaded articles Other journals in same subject area Related publications About Elsevier ... Select your view
    As of 2002, incorporating Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A, B and C
    N. Balling, G. Ganssen, H. Plag, H. Savenije, S. Tinti

    See editorial board for all editors information

    Related Links:
    New Books in Geophysics Click here
    Encyclopedia of Earth Systems Science (4 Volume Set) Click here
    Physics and Chemistry of the Earth is an international interdisciplinary journal for the rapid publication of collections of refereed communications in separate thematic issues, either stemming from scientific meetings, or, especially compiled for the occasion. There is no restriction on the length of articles published in the journal.

    36. NASA Langley Atmospheric Sciences Data Center (Distributed Active Archive Center
    The NASA Langley Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) archives and distributes data relating to Radiation Budget, Clouds, Aerosols, and Troposheric chemistry.
    Processing, archiving, and distributing Earth science data
    at NASA Langley Research Center
    skip nav bar Software Tools Educational Resources Navigation and Help
    New at the Data Center:
    MISR Imagery
    California Sun Glint
    Details about this image
    CERES Browse Images SAGE III (Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment) measures the vertical distribution of aerosols, ozone, and water vapor in the upper troposphere through the stratosphere. Visit the SAGE III data table for product details. MISR (Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer) measures top-of-atmosphere radiances in four spectral bands from each of nine pushbroom imaging cameras oriented at different angles along-track. Visit the MISR data table for product details. CERES (Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System) measures Earth's radiation budget and atmospheric radiation from the top of the atmosphere using a broadband scanning radiometer. Visit the

    37. - Online Directory For Chemistry Education.
    Online directory for chemistry education in organic, analytical, bio, physical, electro, atmospheric, and several other topics.
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    DayPop ... Chemistry Online Top 20 Sites Chemistry Online HyperMedia Project Treasure Trove ... Hzrd Chem DB Search for "Chemistry" Galaxy Chemistry Open Directory ... ChemSpy Chemistry 101 Chemistry Online Chemistry Topics The Chem Team Miami Musuem ... Education World Organic OUC Chem IUPAC Nomen. VRMol Org Resources ... Open Directory Analytical Overviews of Princ. AnaVista Survival Guide HyperMedia Project ... Open Directory BioChemistry Bio Chem Links BioChem Project PhotoScience Art's BioTech ... P Chem Living Book World of P Chem Chemistry Webbook Basic Definitions ... Chromatog. Hypermedia Project Intro to Chromat. Niven's Chrom ... Electrochem ESTIR ElectroChem Baird's Notes Yahoo! ... Open Directory Polymers

    38. International Association For The Physical Sciences Of The Oceans
    IAPSO has the prime goal of promoting the study of scientific problems relating to the oceans and the interactions taking places at the sea floor, coastal, and atmospheric boundaries insofar as such research is conducted by the use of mathematics, physics, and chemistry.
    The International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans
    IAPSO / SCOR Symposium on Ocean Mixing, October 11 - 15, 2004 International Workshop on Forecasting and Data Assimilation for the Benguela and Comparible Systems, November 8-11, 2004 IAG/ IAPSO/ IABO Joint Assembly, Cairns, Australia, August 22-26, 2005 The International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO) is one of seven Associations of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) which, in turn, is one of the Unions of the International Council for Science (ICSU) . IAPSO participates in ICSU's Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR). This homepage provides information on IAPSO and its activities. It also provides an index to homepages on oceanographic resources, and indexes for other organizations and other World Wide Web Links . Comments may be directed to the IAPSO Secretary General

    39. Walker Branch Watershed Home Page
    The site of longterm, intensive environmental studies since the mid-1960's by staff from Oak Ridge National Laboratory the National Oceanic and atmospheric Administration in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, centered primarily on the geologic and hydrologic processes that control the amounts and chemistry of water moving through the watershed.
    Walker Branch Watershed
    Oak Ridge, Tennessee
    WELCOME to the Walker Branch Watershed Home Page. Walker Branch Watershed is located on the U. S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge Reservation in Roane County, Tennessee. Major funding for Walker Branch Watershed research activities comes from the Program for Ecosystem Research (PER) in the DOE Office of Science and Office of Biological and Environmental Research ( OBER ). The 97.5 ha Walker Branch watershed has been the site of long-term, intensive environmental studies since the late-1960's by staff from the Environmental Sciences Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), and staff from the Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division , Air Resources Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
    About Walker Branch Watershed
    Aerial Photographs and Maps
    Virtual Tour Images
    Long-term Data
      Long-term data sets on climate, hydrology, stream chemistry, and atmospheric deposition are available for Walker Branch Watershed and the Oak Ridge area.
    1990's Research Summary
    Associated Research
    Staff Directory

    40. Institute Of Plasma Physics, ASCR
    Research on tokamaks, plasma heating, plasma turbulence, electron beam plasma interaction, plasma chemistry, plasma decomposition or synthesis, pulsed capillary discharge, pulsed corona discharge, arc discharge, plasma spraying, atmospheric pressure non-equilibrium plasmas.
    Institute of Plasma Physics, ASCR
    Phone: Fax: Address: P.O.Box 17
    Za Slovankou 3
    182 21 Prague 8
    Czech Republic E-mail: WWW:
    The Institute was founded in 1959 as the Institute of Vacuum Electronics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and renamed in 1964 to reflect changes in the field of plasma physics research. Since 1999 the Institute has been coordinating Czech participation in the S+T programme in fusion of EURATOM (Association EURATOM/IPP.CR). The Institute conducts research in the following fields:
    • Non-inductive current drive and heating in tokamaks by lower hybrid wavesEdge plasma turbulence in tokamaks Plasma diagnostics High current capillary discharge Generation of shock waves by a plasma discharge in water Generation of chemically active non-equilibrium plasma in gases at atmospheric pressure and in liquids Generation of equilibrium water-stabilised arc discharges Interaction of plasma with other states of matter as a basis for plasma spraying Plasma decomposition and/or plasma synthesis Materials research connected with plasma technologies Generation of hot dense plasma by a sub-nanosecond iodine laser Laser plasma as a source of intense coherent and non-coherent x-ray radiation and of multicharged ions
    Back to home page Last update March 5, 2003 (

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