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1. NCAR/Atmospheric Chemistry Division The overall scientific goal of ACD is to identify and quantify the natural and anthropogenic processes that regulate the chemical composition of the troposphere and middle atmosphere and to assess future changes caused by human activities. http://www.acd.ucar.edu/ | |
2. PMEL Atmospheric Chemistry U.S. Dept. of Commerce / NOAA / OAR / PMEL / atmospheric chemistry. At NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) A homepage of information describing the PMELJISAO atmospheric chemistry http://saga.pmel.noaa.gov/ | |
3. Atmospheric Chemistry Air Quality Glossary Definitions in this glossary were initially generated by the students in a senior level class studying air quality and atmospheric chemistry at Sam Houston State University during the spring of 1995 http://www.shsu.edu/~chemistry/Glossary/glos.html | |
4. Atmospheric Chemistry Air Quality Glossary atmospheric chemistry Glossary. 2003 Version a senior level class studying air quality and atmospheric chemistry at Sam Houston State University during the spring of http://unx1.shsu.edu/~chemistry/Glossary/glos.html | |
5. Airsite - Atmospheric Chemistry On The Web The goal of this site is to provide a focal point for information on atmospheric chemistry research related to ozone formation in urban and regional areas http://airsite.unc.edu/ |
6. Atmospheric Chemistry Program Security and Privacy Notice. The atmospheric chemistry Program (ACP) is a Global Change Research program sponsored by the Environmental Sciences Division of the U.S. Department of Energy ( DOE) http://www.atmos.anl.gov/ACP | |
7. Molecular Physics Laboratory - Research And Development In Laser Sensors And Dia SRI's Physics and atmospheric chemistry group has a worldwide reputation for its fundamental and applied research in collisional and radiative processes involving ions, atoms, and molecules. http://www.sri.com/psd/physics/index.html | |
8. Earth Observing System (EOS) Aura Aura is a NASA mission to study Earth's ozone, air quality, and climate and conduct research on the composition, chemistry, and dynamics of Earth's atmosphere. are many links relating to atmospheric chemistry research and related spaceflight projects http://eos-chem.gsfc.nasa.gov/ | |
9. SPEA Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory Research in our group focuses on the characterization of the chemical mechanisms in the atmosphere that influence regional air quality and global climate change. http://www.indiana.edu/~atmoslab/ | |
10. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) Globalchange data and information analysis for the US Department of Energy (DOE). Compiles and maintains extensive international data sets on atmospheric chemistry, particularly atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane other radiatively active gases. http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/ | |
11. NERC ACSOE Programme Home Page A UK NERC Thematic Research Programme to investigate the chemistry of the lower atmosphere (0 12 km) over the oceans. The studies aim to bring about a clearer understanding of natural processes in the remote marine atmosphere, and how these processes are affected by atmospheric pollution originating from the continents. This information is vital in understanding regional and global-scale changes in atmospheric chemistry and climate. http://www.uea.ac.uk/~acsoe/welcome.html | |
12. MIT Center For Global Change Science Conducts research to enhance our ability to accurately predict changes in the global environment. Areas of interest include Convection, Atmospheric Water Vapor, and Cloud Formation; Oceans and OceanAtmosphere Coupling; Land Surface Hydrology and Hydrology-Vegetation Coupling;Biogeochemistry of Greenhouse Gases and Reflective Aerosols; and Upper atmospheric chemistry and Circulation. http://web.mit.edu/cgcs/www/ | |
13. University Of Rhode Island/Center For Atmospheric Chemistry Studies Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Rhode_Island/University_of_Rhode_Island/Research http://euros.gso.uri.edu/ | |
14. Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory Observations and research related to northern lights, aeronomy, atmospheric chemistry, and related science. http://www.sgo.fi/ | |
15. F.Sherwood Rowland - Autobiography Rowland shared the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for work in atmospheric chemistry. http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1995/rowland-autobio.html | |
16. Argonne ERD Atmospheric Section Composed of groups with research activities in both basic and applied science; particular technical strengths are in the areas of airsurface exchange, remote sensing, atmospheric chemistry, and numerical modeling. http://www.anl.gov/ER/Atmos.html | |
17. ESD ACA Home Page Activities include research on airborne releases of mercury compounds, airborne mercury speciation, atmospheric deposition in mountainous terrain, atmospheric mercury cycling, biogeochemical cycling of mercury in northern wetlands, and development of laserinduced plasma spectroscopy for continuous multielemental emission monitoring. http://www.esd.ornl.gov/programs/ACA/ | |
18. Research In Atmospheric Chemistry At Leeds A focal point for information on atmospheric chemistry research taking place around the world http://www.chem.leeds.ac.uk/Atmospheric/intro.html | |
19. UNH Global Atmospheric Chemistry Group A multidisciplinary group of researchers concerned with understanding the fundamental factors (both natural and anthropogenic) which determine the chemical composition of the Earth's atmosphere. Major research interests include quantifying and modeling emissions of atmospheric trace gases from global energy production and use, largescale agroecosystems, tundra and boreal forest ecosystems, and tropical areas subject to deforestation. http://www.gac.sr.unh.edu/ | |
20. Centre For Atmospheric Chemistry At the University of York, Ontario, CAC was formed to foster cooperative research in atmospheric chemistry, to take a leading role in Canada in the education of a new generation of qualified atmospheric chemists, and to provide a communications link between York atmospheric chemists and the national and international atmospheric chemistry community. http://www.cac.yorku.ca/ |
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