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         Spacek Sissy:     more books (53)
  2. Marie : A True Story by Sissy Spacek, 1985
  3. Film springs eternal.(Nortel Networks Palm Springs International Film Festival )(In the Bedroom)(Black Hawk Down) (movie review): An article from: Queen's Quarterly by Maurice Yacowar, 2002-03-22
  4. Cine: Crimen imperdonable.(TT: Cinema: In the Bedroom.)(Reseña): An article from: Proceso by Javier Betancourt, 2002-03-24
  5. Venganza en el norteño Maine.(TT: Revenge in northern Maine.)(Reseña): An article from: Siempre! by Tomás Pérez Turrent, 2002-04-17
  6. Buscando a Eva.(TT: Looking for Eve.)(Reseña): An article from: Epoca by Pedro Crespo, 1999-06-14
  7. David Linch: Nada muere nunca.(productor Americano de películas)(TT: David Linch: nothing ever dies.)(TA: American film producer)(Reseña): An article from: Siempre! by Tomás Pérez Turrent, 2000-04-13
  8. Romance fantastico: basada en la novela de Natalie Babbit llega a la pantalla grande "Tuck Everlasting" que tiene como protagonista a la houstoniana Alexis ... Breve)(Reseña): An article from: Semana
  9. Three on the road: The literary love triangle of the 50s is brought to the screen, despite protests from the living by Kenneth Turan, 1978
  10. "Heart Beat": a walk on the wild side of the fifties by Patrick Pacheco, 1980

61. FilmUP - Personaggi / Filmografia: Sissy Spacek
Elenco alfabetico
Sissy Spacek
ALL'ANAGRAFE: Mary Elizabeth Spacek
Tuck everlasting Mae Tuck Last Call (Film tv) - Zelda Fitzgerald Midwives (Film tv) - Sibyl Danforth In the bedroom Ruth Fowler Songs in ordinary time - Mary Fermoyle Una storia vera Rose Straight The Rage: Carrie 2 Carieta 'Carrie' N. White Sbucato dal passato Helen Thomas Webber Someone is waiting - Mrs. Richards Affliction - Margie Fogg Beyond the call (Film tv) - Pam O'Brien If these walls could talk (Film tv) - Barbara Barrows Streets of Laredo (Mini-serie tv) - Lorena Parker The grass harp - Verena Talbo The good old boys (Film tv) - Spring Renfro A.A.A. mamma cercasi - Mommy/Mama/Mom/Natasha A place for Annie (Film tv) - Susan Lansing A private matter - Sherri Finkbine JFK - un caso ancora aperto Liz Garrison Hard Promises - Chris La lunga strada verso casa - Miriam Thompson Crimini del cuore - Rebeca 'Babe'/'Becky' Magrath Botrelle Le violette sono blu - Gussie Sawyer Una finestra nella notte - Jessie Cates Una donna, una storia vera -

62. CelebrityWonder: Sissy Spacek Profile And Gossips
Name sissy spacek. Birth Name Mary Elizabeth spacek. Height 5 2 . Sex F. sissy spacek NEWS TRIVIA. Do you have any information about sissy spacek to share?
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... Poster Store Celebrity A B C D ... Z document.write("Send To Friend") ; Link to us Poster Search Celebrity Birthday Birthday Search (jennifer lopez) VISIT OUR POSTER STORE THOUSANDS OF ... AT GREAT PRICES PROFILE Polling Photos Bio Movies Name: Sissy Spacek Birth Name: Mary Elizabeth Spacek Height: Sex: F Nationality: American Birth Date: December 25, 1949 Birth Place: Quitman, Texas, USA Profession: actress Education: Quitman High School Lee Strasberg Institute New York New York Husband/Wife: Jack Fisk (art director; married in 1974) Father: Edwin Spacek Mother: Virginia Spacek Daughter: Virginia Madison Fisk (born in 1988), Schuyler Elizabeth Fisk (actress; born in 1982) Cousin: Rip Torn (aka Elmore Rual Torn Jr.; actor; born on February 6, 1931) Claim to fame: as Carieta 'Carrie' N. White in Brian de Palma's Carrie (1976)

63. Frame Posters - Sissy Spacek - Sissy Spacek
Frame Posters Movies Actresses sissy spacek Frame Posters. sissy spacek Photo 8 .in x 10 .in Order Info, In The Bedroom Poster 40 .in x 30 .in Order Info,
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Sissy Spacek
10 .in x 8 .in
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Carrie - Sissy Spacek

8 .in x 10 .in Order Info In The Bedroom (Double Sided) Poster 40 .in x 30 .in Order Info Sissy Spacek Photo 8 .in x 10 .in Order Info In The Bedroom Poster 40 .in x 30 .in Order Info

64. Moviecity - Nederlands Grootste Aktuele Filmdatabase.
Crewinformatie spacek, sissy. Geboortenaam Mary Elizabeth spacek. Gehuwd met Jack Fisk in 1974. Kinderen Schuyler en Madison. Zus van Robbie en Ed.

65. Animation Station Poster List: Artist Profile - Spacek, Sissy
spacek, sissy Animation Station has thousands of movie posters and lobby cards. We also specialize Z Artist Profile spacek, sissy Coal Miner s

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Spacek, Sissy
Coal Miner's Daughter-folded

Crimes of the Heart

Crimes of the Heart-folded

Hard Promises-DS
River, The-As Is-folded

66. Sissy Spacek. Biografia., Sissy Spacek. Biografia.
Translate this page Conoce a sissy spacek biografia, fotos, curiosidades Conoce a sissy spacek biografía, fotos, curiosidades
Conoce a Sissy Spacek: biografía, fotos, curiosidades... Inicio Cine Biografías > SISSY SPACEK Portada Los Oscar Foro de cine Logos y tonos ... Videojuegos Volver a Biografías
Quitman (Texas, EEUU)
Cinco nominaciones al Oscar y una estatuilla son la mejor carta de presentación de esta actriz tejana. Su carrera no sólo ha estado plagada de éxitos, también ha sido y es un ejemplo de profesionalidad y rigor interpretativo.
Sissy Spacek empezó a estudiar arte dramático desde muy joven. Sus padres, dos auténticos apasionados por el teatro, la animaron a completar su formación también con estudios de canto y baile. Su primer contacto con la gran pantalla tuvo lugar en 1972, cuando una productora cinematográfica acudió a la escuela en la que Spacek estudiaba en busca de una joven para interpretar un papel destacado en la película Carne viva , un trabajo que le abrió las puertas de Hollywood.
El primer gran éxito de la actriz llegó cuatro años más tarde, cuando protagonizó una cinta de terror que se ha convertido en película de culto: Carrie , de Brian de Palma. Su papel en ese film le supuso su primera nominación al Oscar a la mejor actriz. Pero no sería la única vez que Spacek optase a ese premio: en 1980 le fue concedido el Oscar por su recreación de la cantante country Loreta Lynn en

67. > Spacek, Sissy/Hurt, William/Kellerman, Sally
spacek, sissy/Hurt, William/Kellerman, Sally Viewing 11 of 1 results. 1. Verna USO Girl spacek, sissy/Hurt, William/Kellerman, Sally

68. Sissy Spacek: A Who2 Profile
sissy spacek • Actor. Name at birth Mary Elizabeth spacek sissy spacek This brief entry has an interesting trivia list and recent news.
SISSY SPACEK Actor Name at birth: Mary Elizabeth Spacek Easily recognized by her Texas drawl and strawberry blonde hair, Sissy Spacek drew critical praise and a certain cult status for her early movies Badlands (1973) and Carrie (1976), and she won an Oscar for her starring role as country singer Loretta Lynn in Coal Miner's Daughter (1980, with Tommy Lee Jones ). During the '80s she was one of Hollywood's leading ladies, appearing in films such as Missing (1982, with Jack Lemmon The River (1984, co-starring Mel Gibson ) and Crimes of the Heart (1986). During the '90s she spent more time raising a family than making movies, but still made appearances in dramas such as Affliction (1998) and The Straight Story (1998). She was nominated for an Oscar in 2002 (her sixth nomination) for her role in In The Bedroom
Extra credit : Spacek is a cousin of actor Rip Torn... Her daughter is actress Schuyler Fisk, whose films include Snow Day (2000) and Orange County Filmography
Includes a few other film credits besides acting Sissy Spacek
This brief entry has an interesting trivia list and recent news Sissy Spacek
Interview after In The Bedroom The Luckiest Girl in the World
2001 interview from some fellow Texans Birth:
25 December
Texas Death:
Best Known As:

Star of In The Bedroom
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69. In The Bedroom - Field, Todd - Spacek, Sissy - Studio Canal
spacek, sissy - Studio Canal.
In The Bedroom - Field, Todd - Spacek, Sissy - Studio Canal
Meilleur prix 11.00 euros, Dans une petite ville de la Nouvelle-Angleterre, Matt et Ruth Fowler menent une existence paisible. Lui est medecin, tandis qu'elle dirige la chorale locale. Leur quotidien sans histoire est ebranle le jour ou Frank, leur fils unique, engage une relation avec Natalie Strout, une femme plus agee que lui. Cette liaison va etre le detonateur d'une serie d'evenements qui vont bouleverser la vie de cette famille bien tranquille
In The Bedroom - Field, Todd - Spacek, Sissy - Studio Canal
In The Bedroom - Field, Todd - Spacek, Sissy - Studio Canal : Meilleur prix 11.00 euros, Dans une petite ville de la Nouvelle-Angleterre, Matt et Ruth Fowler menent une existence paisible. Lui est medecin, tandis qu'elle dirige la chorale locale. Leur quotidien sans histoire est ebranle le jour ou Frank, leur fils unique, engage une relation avec Natalie Strout, une femme plus agee que lui. Cette liaison va etre le detonateur d'une serie d'evenements qui vont bouleverser la vie de cette famille bien tranquille.
In The Bedroom - Field, Todd - Spacek, Sissy - Studio Canal

70. Sissy Spacek Biography
sissy spacek BIOGRAPHY. Born 25 December 1949 Where Quitman, Texas, USA Awards Won 1 Oscar, 3 Golden Globes Height 5 2 Last Seen in In The Bedroom
Your browser does not support inline frames or is currently configured not to display inline frames. // Show bread crumbs navigation path. breadcrumbs('five'); //> FILM Biographies DVD DVD Rentals ... Video Chart Frames not supported
Frames not supported SISSY SPACEK BIOGRAPHY Born: 25 December 1949 Where: Quitman, Texas, USA Awards: Won 1 Oscar, 3 Golden Globes Height: Filmography: The Complete List Some very bad screen careers have been launched from a springboard of musical success. David Bowie leaps to mind - remember Labyrinth or, worse, The Linguini Incident? What about Mick Jagger in Ned Kelly or - horror of horrors - Freejack? Think Madonna in Body Of Evidence or Who's That Girl. Alanis Morissette wasn't up to much as God either. No, cinematically speaking, it's better for one's sanity to consider those musicians who FAILED at music, to whom acting was more than simply another massive ego-massage. For they were the ones who really practised, who really got good at it. Like, for instance, Sissy Spacek - now back at the very top of the acting tree after her critically-worshipped role as a bereaved mother in In The Bedroom. Sissy's a nickname given to her by her elder brothers. Her official title is Mary Elizabeth Spacek, and she was born on Christmas Day, 1949, in Quitman, a ways to the east of Dallas up in north-east Texas. Spacek's an unusual moniker, too. This is due to the family's origins in Moravia, an old province of the Czech Republic. Sissy's great-grandfather came over to the US when he was just 13, working hard to pay for the rest of the family's passage across. They finally settled in Granger, down near Austin. On Sissy's mother's side, grandma was from Mississippi, grandad from Iowa - the couple settling in the Rio Grande valley. So, an unusual bunch. Down-home folks with a wider-than-average view of the world.

71. Sissy Spacek Biography, Filmography, Pictures, Comments
sissy spacek pictures gallery with biography, filmography, gossip and daily news. sissy spacek Biography, Filmography, Pictures, Comments. sissy spacek. Real name,
Sissy Spacek Biography, Filmography, Pictures, Comments
Celebrities Station .:. The Ultimate Station For Celebrities Info Celebrities Actors Actresses Musicians ...
Actresses // Sissy Spacek
Artist name
Sissy Spacek
Real name
Spacek, Mary Elizabeth
Height 5' 2" (158 cm) Birthday 25 December, 1949 Birth city Quitman, Texas, USA. Photography Upload Pictures Rate Sissy Spacek Update biography
Sissy Spacek's Filmography
Sissy Spacek's Filmography: Night Mother [Jessie Cates] 2002 IFP/West Independent Spirit Awards, The [Herself] 3 Women [Pinky Rose] 39th Annual Golden Globe Awards, The [Herself] 53rd Annual Academy Awards, The [Herself - Best Actress Winner] 54th Annual Academy Awards, The [Herself - Presenter: Best Actor] 56th Annual Academy Awards, The [Herself - Co-presenter: Writing Awards] 75th Annual Academy Awards, The [Herself - Past winner] Absence of Malick [Herself] Acting Carrie [Herself] Affliction [Marge Fogg] Badlands [Holly Sargis] Beyond JFK: The Question of Conspiracy [Herself] Beyond the Call [Pam OBrien] Blast from the Past [Helen Thomas Webber] Carrie [Carrie White] Coal Miners Daughter [Loretta Webb/Lynn] Crimes of the Heart [Rebeca Babe/Becky Magrath Botrelle] Decade Under the Influence, A

72. Sissy Spacek - Nienke
If Society. in the process ready before she comes back home. To ease the longing while you re wait (and wait )From Nienke
If Society the process... ready before she comes back home. To ease the longing while you're wait (and wait...): (From 'Nienke')
True in Dark
Hungarian Demon Vampire Settlers Turn (feat. Antti from Mother Goose on vocals) (From 'A Telegram Before Departure')
Winged Buffalos?
My Society of Soft Technology Windmills (and Those Seasons For and With Her)
It's time for my departure.
Nienke ' almost finished.
Thank you.

73. Celebrities @ Sissy Spacek. Celebrities, News, Gossip, V
, DSL. sissy spacek Vital Stats Birth Name sissy spacek Born December 25, 1949 Birth Place Quitman, Texas Nationality American. sissy spacek. sissy spacek.

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Sissy Spacek
Vital Stats:

Birth Name: Sissy Spacek
Born: December 25, 1949
Birth Place: Quitman, Texas
Nationality: American

Texas-born Sissy Spacek cornered the market in child-women in the 1970s and 80s before maturing into earth mothers and caregivers. Over the course of her illustrious career, she has triumphed in literary adaptations and biopics and has demonstrated a flair for both comedy and drama. Skipping college, Mary Elizabeth Spacek (dubbed "Sissy" by her two older brothers) left her native Quitman, Texas and headed to NYC where she bunked with her cousin, actor Rip Torn, and his wife, actress Geraldine Page, intent on making it as a singer. More...

74. Sissy Spacek Pics, Pictures, Photos, Wallpapers, Free Gallery, Videos, Biography
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SKYPO.COM ENTERTAINMENT DIRECTORY SEARCH : home add a link modify a link posters ... contact Browse : a b c d ... z This web site offers selected resources on Sissy Spacek, providing easy access to any information on Sissy Spacek: pictures, wallpapers, desktop themes, etc. You can add a new resource on Sissy Spacek here Home Page S : Sissy Spacek

75. Sissy Spacek In Ring 2
sissy spacek zurück ins Horrorgenre. Tipps von Google. sissy spacek in Ring 2 Von Bluebelle am 06.05.2004 - Empfehlen.
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Passwort vergessen? Einfach ein neues Passwort besorgen Tipps von Google Sissy Spacek in Ring 2 Von Bluebelle am 06.05.2004 - Empfehlen Dreißig Jahre nach "Carrie" kehrt Sissy Spacek zurück ins Horrorgenre. Und zwar wird sie im zweiten Teil der amerikanischen "Ring"-Trilogie mitwirken. Welche Rolle die mittlerweile 54jährige übernimmt, ist noch streng geheim, ebenso das Drehbuch, meldet Ich denke, man sollte den Amis mal sagen, dass ihr Film ein REMAKE ist. Das heißt, es GIBT SCHON ein Drehbuch. Oder wird aus Samara/Sadako im Brunnen plötzlich eine 50jährige Hausfrau mit Hang zur Schokolade SATC doch im Kino? Moore-Film erhält Kino-Verbot Zum Schreiben von Kommentaren bitte erst einloggen bzw. einen User anlegen SATC doch im Kino? Moore-Film erhält Kino-Verbot SiteSearch Suchwort: Bereich: Alle Bereiche News Artikel Amazon-Tipps Links Rezepte Die neuesten News Ein Hoch auf Photoshop Don't play and phone Sie haben Post Gefülltes Huhn à la Sambia ... Dance, Dance!

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78. - Internet Open Highway Project: Arts/Celebrities/S/Spacek, Sissy
LINKS Astrocartography of sissy spacek new Biography with a special focus on the astrological metaphors of Moon and Saturn in her life and career, by renowned

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80. Sissy-Spacek
D ifficile de ne pas lier définitivement le visage de Sissy Spacek à celui de l'infortunée Carrie, déchaînée au bal de l'horreur, orchestré par le virtuose De Palma. C 'est dire combien sa prestation a marqué tous les esprits mais c'est oublier qu'elle décrocha pour ce rôle sa première nomination aux Oscars... A 28 ans ! Il faut dire que l'actrice, née le 25 décembre 1949 à Quitman (Texas) a roulé sa bosse bien avant de passer la porte des plateaux de cinéma : Sissy Spacek embraya comme chanteuse de rock avant d'être l'élève attentive de Lee Strasberg (papa de la méthode Actor's Studio) puis décoratrice de plateau. A près une apparition dans le Trash de Paul Morrissey, vision crue des trottoirs de New York, elle est la lumineuse Holly embarquée aux côtés de Martin Sheen dans La ballade sauvage (1974), un road- movie tragique du plus énigmatique des cinéastes américains, Terrence Malick. E lle y dévoile un charme particulier et un jeu tout en finesse que sauront exploiter Alan Rudolph et surtout Robert Altman, qui l'enrôle en 1977 dans son curieux film puzzle, Trois femmes. L a consécration vient trois ans plus tard, avec Nashville lady, l'histoire vraie de Loretta Lyne, fille de mineurs qu'un mari aimant aidera à percer dans la country music.

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