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Shabazz El Hajj Malik El: more detail | |||||
61. PLAYAHATA.COM Malcolm X (elhajj malik el-shabazz) and the Black Power Movement. But even beyonddeath, el hajj malik el-shabazz inspired generations for decades to come. http://www.playahata.com/pages/bhfigures/bhfigures23.html | |
62. The Black Book The True Political Philosophy Of Malcolm X, El Hajj The Black Book The True Political Philosophyof Malcolm X, el hajj malik el shabazz Book. http://history.shoppingsavvy.com/The-Black-Book-The-True-Political-Philosophy-of | |
63. CAIR-NY Council On American-Islamic Relations-NY LECTURES ON HUMAN RIGHTS AND SOCIAL JUSTICE. What Would Malcolm Say? A Commemorativeel hajj malik el shabazz Lecture. Friday, March 1, 2002 600 pm 900 pm. http://www.cair-ny.com/ACCOMPL/20020301-lect-shabazz.html | |
64. Al Hajj (TM):The Hajj & Umrah Comprehensive Information Portal (TM) Personal Exp by Alhajj malik el-shabazz (Malcolm X) Makkah, Hijaz. When Al-hajj malik el-shabazzwas in Makkah, he wrote a letter to his loyal assistants in Harlem http://www.the-webplaza.com/hajj/personalpages/MalikShabazz.shtml | |
65. Malcolm X Malcolm X (elhajj malik el-shabazz) Civil Rights Leader, Social Activist Scott 3273 Issued January 20, 1999 in New York, NY Designed by Richard Sheaff. http://esperstamps.org/h22.htm | |
66. Encyclopedia4U - Malcolm X - Encyclopedia Article He returned to the United States as a convert to orthodox Islam (and with a new name el-hajj malik el-shabazz) and founded the Organization of Afro-American http://www.encyclopedia4u.com/m/malcolm-x.html | |
67. Beconvinced.com Malcolm X ALhajj malik el-shabazz MALCOM X Twenty-five years after his death, MalcolmX, Al-hajj malik el-shabazz, still towers above the statue of liberty. http://www.beconvinced.com/MALCOLMX.htm | |
68. Whats In A Name? Understanding Malcolm X--Literature/U.S. History Lesson Plan to evaluate four stages in the life of Malcolm X the periods he was knownas Malcolm Little, Detroit Red, Malcolm X, and elhajj malik el-shabazz. http://school.discovery.com/lessonplans/programs/malcolmx/ | |
69. Racism And Islam : How Hajj Transformed Malcolm X Against Racism el hajj malik el shabazz (Malcolm X) s letter. Here is an excerpt of aletter el hajj malik el shabazz wrote about his hajj experience. http://www.soundvision.com/Info/racism/xletter.asp | |
70. El-Hajj Malik El-Shabbazz (Malcolm X) elhajj malik el-Shabbazz (Malcolm X). Legacy. Quotes. 1, 1965). When I mtraveling around the country, I use my real Muslim name, malik shabazz. http://www.freewebs.com/aaprp_atlanta/Malcolm.html | |
71. The Dartmouth Online 60s, remains forgotten. That man is elhajj malik el-shabazz, or MalcolmX, as he is more commonly known. This man who exemplifies http://www.thedartmouth.com/article.php?aid=2004041202010 |
72. Malcolm X: El Hajj Malik El Shabazz - Live Interview With Malcolm X Malcolm X el hajj malik el shabazz Live Interview with Malcolm X. MalcolmX el hajj malik el shabazz - Live Interview with Malcolm X Features http://www.videos-review.com/Malcolm_X_El_Hajj_Malik_El_Shabazz__Live_Interview_ | |
73. Center For Education Reform Making Schools Work Better for all Children. elhajj malik el-shabazz Academy.URL shabbazzlearning.com. Org el-hajj malik el-shabazz Academy. http://edreform.com/index.cfm?fuseAction=vitalLink&linkID=2808§ionID=3 |
74. Introduction To Caribbean Pride February Is Celebrated As Black History Month In In 1964 Malcolm made a pilgrimage to Mecca, obligatory for orthodox Muslims,where upon he changed his name to el hajj malik elshabazz. http://grenadianconnection.com:85/blkheroes/blackHistory.asp?headline=8 |
75. Malcolm X--Africana Library, Cornell University Kly, Yussuf Naim, Ed. The Black Book The True Political PhilosophyOf Malcolm X (el hajj malik el shabazz). Maglangbayan, Shawna. http://www.library.cornell.edu/africana/guides/malcolmx.html | |
76. Guidance Media :: Media :: Video A Visit to elhajj malik el-shabazz, This is a short documentary of a visit tothe burial site of el-hajj malik el-shabazz (Malcolm X) in upstate New York. http://www.guidancemedia.com/mvideo.html | |
77. Imperial College Islaamic Society Malcolm X, but really elhajj malik al-shabazz. Malcolm X - An Islamic Perspective. Apr.22, 1964 - Makes his hajj and becomes el-hajj malik al-shabazz. Jun. http://www.islamicity.com/Mosque/MyJourney/Malcolm_X.htm | |
78. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Just and Malcolm X (el hajj malik el-shabazz highlighting Summer Sports andYouth Team Sports Just and Malcolm X (el- hajj malik el-shabazz http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
79. ZAWAJ.COM: News And Events Zawaj.com Muslim Matrimonials and More, hajj Center, Alhajj malik el-shabazz(Malcolm X) Letter from Makkah. Excerpted from The Autobiography of Malcolm X. http://www.zawaj.com/events/hajj2001/letter_malcolm.html | |
80. Malcolmx Malcolm X s (Alhajj malik el-shabazz) Letter from Mecca. THE PILGRIMAGE Worlds. .Sincerely,. Al-hajj malik el-shabazz (Malcolm X). (From http://www.shef.ac.uk/~ics/whatis/articles/malcolmx.htm | |
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