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Roddenberry Majel Barrett: more detail |
81. Majel Barrett :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius Online Encyclopedia majel barrettroddenberry (born February 23, 1932) is an Americanactress and widow of television director/producer/writer Gene roddenberry http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/m/ma/majel_barrett.html | |
82. Mission Erde Belman Translate this page Anlitz des Planeten zu tilgen majel barrett roddenberry. wurde am 23.Februar 1936 in Columbus, Ohio, geboren. Sie studierte an der http://www.dmew.de/episoden/belman.php4 | |
83. Majel majel barrettroddenberry - Film/TV Credits. Current list as of 13th August 1998.majel barrett-roddenberry was born in xxxx on xxxx. Film. Genesis II (TVM). http://www.infinitefrontiers.mcmail.com/TheFinalFrontier/Majel.htm | |
84. Totse.com | Bio And Interview Of Majel Barrett person has been more closely associated with Star Trek in all its incarnations overthe past 25 years than the great bird s wife, majel barrett roddenberry. http://www.totse.com/en/ego/science_fiction/majel.html | |
85. SmartEngine - SmartGuide ( CELEBRITY : Majel Barrett ) majel Lee Hudec. majel barrett roddenberry. majel roddenberry. majel barrett Rodenbury majel barrett roddenberry www.walrus.com Star Trek s First Lady. http://celebrity.smartengine.com/shell/smartpage/Majel_Barrett | |
86. AmIAnnoying.com Voting Station. majel barrettRoddenbery. Annoying Not Undecided Please 23, 1939-) Birth name was majel Lee Hudec Ohio Wife of Gene roddenberry Portrayed Number http://www.amiannoyingornot.com/view.asp?ID=3136 |
87. Majel Barrett majel barrett. majel barrettroddenberry (narozený Únor 23, 1932) je Americanherecka a vdova televize reditel / producent / spisovatel Gene roddenberry. http://wikipedia.infostar.cz/m/ma/majel_barrett.html | |
88. Célébrités Sélection: Les Meilleurs Sites De Célébrités OfficialWebsite majell barrett 5th House TV and Movie Trivia Tribute majel barrett, http://www.celebrites-selection.com/celebrites/celebz367.htm | |
89. Majel Barrett, Dreamwerks, July 25-26, 1998 Washington. majel barrett, Nurse Chapel TOS, Lwaxana Troi STNG, DS9, Computer All Star Trek; Earth Final Conflict. Completed 8/8/98! http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/5209/trek/987mbr.htm | |
90. Startrek - The Original Cew - Christine Chapel - All Actors,Pictures,Seasons And Please visit our sponsors. NetMoonChristine Chapel. ChristineChapel ( majel barrett ) look also Lwaxana Troi. http://www.netmoon.com/startrek/actors/chapel.htm | |
91. Roddenberry  http://www.roddenberry.com/ | |
92. Listing Of Directory: /majelr/ films.html, 13Jun-1996 0231, 3K. dawn.html, 04-Jul-1996 0534, 2K. majel.GIF,24-Feb-1996 0243, 6K. photo.html, 13-Jun-1996 0234, 3K. hyper.GIF, 25-Nov-19951855, 1K. http://users.aol.com/majelr/ | |
93. Highway61.com - Internet Open Highway Project: Arts/Celebrities/R/Roddenberry, M CATEGORIES Movies (0). LINKS 5th House new The Official majel BarrettRoddenberry Fan Club. http//home.sprynet.com/~joining/fifth |
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