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61. Children 104: Ann Landers Takes A Beating Over Her Views On Spanking... Ask ann landers 4 April, 1997 The following childhood. So ann landers Advises Against Spanking What Does Gods Word Say? In http://www.christian-parents.net/children/ann-land.htm | |
62. Ann Landers And The Internet -- Thoughts On Her Death ann landers died Saturday. She dispensed advice in her daily newspaper column to a whopping 90 million readers, the AP reports. http://aolwatch.org/landers.htm | |
63. Daily Celebrations ~ Ann Landers, Competitive Spirit In America ~ July 4 ~ Ideas Celebrating the life of ann landers. Celebration includes Colonel s philosophy. Life is a celebration of passionate colors! http://www.dailycelebrations.com/070403.htm | |
64. Ann Landers -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, landers, ann Britannica Concise. born July 4, 1918, Sioux City, Iowa, US died June 22, 2002, Chicago, Ill. ann landers. http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=394986 |
65. Blame It On: Ann Landers By Jillian Leslie How could ann landers cause a permanent fear of toilets? What happens when two teenagers want to meet there idol ann landers? Sheer mayhem. http://www.everydaywarriors.com/adults/jjillian_toilets_thatslife.htm | |
66. Sentinel Online - Ann Landers - August 15, 2001 Never too late to quit smoking. Dear ann landers You have printed several letters from people who have managed to stop smoking through various means. http://www.santa-cruz.com/news/temps/ann.htm | |
67. Intellivu - Editorial Columns Tuesday, May 11, 2004 62120 PM. ann landers. Sunday, April 13, 2003. ann landers. Editor s Note Hundreds of ann landers loyal http://www.intellivu.com/main.asp?brand=&fnum=307 |
68. Intellivu - Editorial Columns Friday, May 21, 2004 62801 PM. ann landers. Sunday, April 13, 2003. ann landers. Editor s Note Hundreds of ann landers loyal http://www.intellivu.com/main.asp?brand=aolsvc.intellivu.aol.com&fnum=307 |
69. Ann Landers Definition Meaning Information Explanation ann landers. The ann landers column was already being written, for the last few months of Friedman s life, for the most part by her daughter, Margo Coleman. http://www.free-definition.com/Ann-Landers.html | |
70. Ann Landers Home\Society\Arts Entertainment\ann landers BioGraphy. Click to learn more ann landers Born 7/4/18 Birthplace Sioux City, Iowa. http://www.allperson.com/allperson/legend/0000000686.asp | |
71. Ann Landers: 3/22/00 ann landers. Husband s chatroom flirtations exasperate wife. Dear ann landers I really need your advice. Several months ago http://www.s-t.com/daily/03-00/03-22-00/zzzadlan.htm | |
72. Ann Landers: 10/10/00 ann landers. Teens a lost cause or a ray of hope? Dear Dear ann landers Please tell your readers the proper way to accept a gift. I http://www.s-t.com/daily/10-00/10-10-00/zzzadlan.htm | |
73. Intellivu IntelliAds. ann landers. Sunday, April 13, 2003. ann landers. Editor s Note Hundreds of ann landers loyal readers have requested http://aolsvc.intellivu.aol.com/mainb.asp?fnum=307 |
74. Los Angeles Times - Registration Frank, feisty, funny, with a voice as brash as her advice, Eppie Ledererbetter known as ann landers, advicegiver to the worldhad a ready answer for http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/chi-020622landers.story | |
75. Ann Landers & Abigail Van Buren ann landers Abigail Van Buren. Written by Virginia Aronson Published by Chelsea House Pub (Library) (April 2003) ISBN 0791052974 Price $22.95. landers, ann. http://all-garden-books.com/0791052974.html | |
76. Dear Ann Landers Dear ann landers. By Tom Woodley Summary. They could make a movie out of MY life. I never thought Id find myself writing to ann landers. http://www.dramatix.org/Issues/Dear_Ann_Landers.html | |
77. Epinions.com - Being Ann Landers For A Day: Filling In For My Idol! Epinions has the best comparison shopping information on Epinions.com Being ann landers for a Day Filling in for My Idol!. Compare http://www.epinions.com/content_3251478660 | |
78. World Of Quotes - Ann Landers Quotes. ann landers Quotes, Searchable and browsable database of quotations with author and subject indexes. 7 Quotes for ann landers in the Database. Pages 1. http://www.worldofquotes.com/author/Ann-Landers/1/ | |
79. TPCN - Great Quotations (Quotes) By Ann Landers To Inspire And Motivate You To A ann landers. Q U O T E S T O I N S P I R E Y O U. Great quotes to inspire, empower and motivate you to live the life of your dreams http://www.cyber-nation.com/victory/quotations/authors/quotes_landers_ann.html | |
80. Letter To Ann Landers Universities Care About Bottom Line Not Betterment. Dear ann landers Midwest Parents recently posed two questions that prompted me to write. http://www.bus.lsu.edu/accounting/faculty/lcrumbley/landers.html | |
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