ZONING BOARD MINUTES Meeting of September 24, 1996 Town Hall Meeting came to order at 7:30 pm. Roll was called by the Recording Secretary and the following members were present: Maurice Vandal Rolf Knudsen Catherine Finney Richard Allphin Thomas Ginnerty Dennis Grieco Also Present: Kim Turcone, Recording Secretary Jane Fitts, Stenographer Fred Brown, Building Official Jim Donnelly, Town Solicitor APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Catherine Finney and seconded by Dennis Grieco to accept the minutes of August 26, 1996 as corrected by Richard Allphin. The corrections are as follows: page 3 - line 7, change "he" to "Munger" page 4 - line 3.5, change "Rackett" to "Racquet" line 10, change .05 % to 5% line 21.5, change "lot 550" to "lot 50" change to read "to rebuild garage" and strike "enlarge" and "attached" Page 5 - line 3, change R80 to RR80 line 4, add to the end of sentence "containing 3.6 acres line 11, change "cite" to "site" line 20.5, add to "Plat 8" "Lot 825" So voted: 5-0 CORRESPONDENCE: None at this time, move on to Old Business. OLD BUSINESS 1. Alteration application of Marilyn Munger. Mrs. Munger's application was heard by Maurice Vandal, Rolf Knudsen, Catherine Finny, Thomas Ginnerty, and Dennis Grieco. Richard Allphin recused himself. A motion was made to dismiss application on failure of notice, due to applicant, without prejudice because of improperly advertising application hearing, applicant needed a Viti Variance and not a special exception for an alteration of a non-conforming use (as requested by the applicant) by Dennis Grieco and seconded by Thomas Ginnerty. So voted: 5-0 Application is postponed until further notice to the Zoning Board. 2. Variance application of Kenneth Miller. WITHDRAWN NEW BUSINESS 1. Variance application of Mary and Joseph Mirra. Mr. and Mrs. Mirra's application was heard by Maurice Vandal, Rolf Knudsen, Catherine Finney, Richard Allphin, and Thomas Ginnerty. Not seated was Dennis Grieco. A motion was made to grant a continuance for a later date after the Planning Commission hears from the Mirra's by Richard Allphin and seconded by Rolf Knudsen. So voted: 5-0. 2. Variance application of Kenneth and Noreen Farrelly. Mr. and Mrs. Farrelly's application was heard by Maurice Vandal, Rolf Knudsen, Catherine Finney, Richard Allphin, and Thomas Ginnerty. Not seated was Dennis Grieco. A motion was made by Catherine Finney and seconded by Thomas Ginnerty to GRANT the request of Kenneth D. Farrelly, Jr., whose property is located at 395 Schooner Avenue, and is further identified as Tax Assessor's Plat 3, Lot 323 for a variance from Article 3, section 302 (District Dimensional Regulations), Table 3-2, to construct an addition to the northerly side of the existing dwelling which will be 5 feet from the northern side lot line instead of the required 10 feet. This Board has determined that this application DOES satisfy the requirements of ARTICLE 6, SECTION 606, PARAGRAPHS 1 through 4, and SECTION 607, PARAGRAPH 2. This motion is based of the following finding facts: 1. The property is located in an R 40 Zone and contains 7,200 sq. feet. 2. The location of the septic system precludes construction of the addition to the rear of the home. The location of the well and need for parking area precludes putting the addition to the front of the lot. 3. The abutting residence to the north is well back from the lot line in question. So voted: 5-0 3. Building Code Appeal of Scott and Susan Wynn. Seated were Maurice Vandal, Rolf Knudsen, Richard Allphin, Thomas Ginnerty, and Dennis Grieco. Catherine Finney recused. A motion was made by Richard Allphin and seconded by Dennis Grieco to GRANT the request of Scott and Susan H. Wynn whose property is located at 4 Clinton Avenue, and is further identified as Tax Assessor's Plat 9, Lot 407 for relief from Section R 202, of the Rhode Island building code to install windows in an exterior wall located less than 3 feet from the property line. This motion is based on the following findings of fact: 1. The Property is located in a CD ZONE and contains 3,300 sq. feet. 2. The Building Official stated that he feels relief from the "window" clause of SECTION R 202 is a reasonable accommodation. 3. The neighbor on the side of the exterior wall in question submitted a letter in favor of allowing windows. So voted: 5-0 4. Variance application of Michael and Joan Faella. Seated were Maurice Vandal, Rolf Knudsen, Catherine Finney, Thomas Ginnerty, and Dennis Grieco. Richard Allphin recused. A motion was made by Thomas Ginnerty and seconded by Rolf Knudsen to GRANT the request of Michael and Joan Dockrey Faella, whose property is located at 114 Umiak Avenue, and is further identified as Tax Assessor's Plat 3A, Lot 55 for a VARIANCE from ARTICLE 3, SECTION 302, to construct an addition to their single family home which will be seventeen feet from Capstan Street instead of the required 30 feet. This Board has determined that this application DOES satisfy the requirements of ARTICLE 6, SECTION 606, PARAGRAPHS 1 through 4, and SECTION 607, PARAGRAPH 2. This motion is based on the following findings of fact: 1. The property is located in a R40 Zone and contains 28,504 sq. feet. 2. That the owner suffers from a chronic progressive disease of the nervous system. 3. That the variance application is supported by one neighbor and opposed by none. 4. That the proposed plan will enhance the medical needs of the applicant. So voted: 5-0 Motion was made by Richard Allphin and seconded by Thomas Ginnerty to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 pm. Attest: Kimberly Turcone Recording Secretary | |