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Getty Estelle: more detail | |||||
1. Estelle Getty Estelle Getty. Estelle Getty, born July 25, 1924 in New York, NewYork, was 47 years old whe she made her first stage appearance. http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Stage/4318/estelle.html | |
2. Estelle Getty Estelle Getty Maverick Mother TV Trailblazer. by Kira Albin, interview conducted in 1995. Photos courtesy of Globe Photos, Inc., New York and Green Siegel Associates, Los Angeles. She's bawdy http://www.grandtimes.com/getty.html | |
3. Estelle Getty Estelle Getty Filmography, Awards, Biography, Agent, Discussions, Photos, News Articles, Fan Sites Mini biography. Estelle Getty began her acting career in 1978 with Team Mates Sometimes Credited As Estelle Gettleman. Stella Getty. Estelle Getty http://us.imdb.com/Name?Getty, Estelle |
4. StarOasis.com: Fan Pages: Actresses : Getty Estelle Fan page links for Estelle Getty and other actors, actresses, musiciansand child actors and actresses. Top Actresses getty estelle http://www.staroasis.com/pages/Actresses/Getty_Estelle/ | |
5. Estelle Getty Estelle Getty Filmography, Awards, Biography, Agent, Discussions, Photos, NewsArticles, Fan Sites. Estelle Getty. Estelle Getty . Email this page to a friend. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001268/ | |
6. Estelle Getty Estelle Getty Maverick Mother TV Trailblazer (page 2) by Kira Albin Photoscourtesy of Globe Photos, Inc., New York and Green Siegel Associates, Los http://www.grandtimes.com/getty2.html | |
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10. Estelle Getty Estelle Getty, Estelle Getty is best known When the show arrived in LosAngeles, Hollywood discovered Estelle Getty. In her first six months http://www.scottstander.com/Personalities/estelle_getty.html | |
11. Estelle Getty Estelle Getty. Estelle addresses.com. Find Books By Estelle Getty Buyused, new, rare and outof-print books by Estelle Getty. Millions http://www.bigcelebrities.com/celebs/estellegetty.html | |
12. Ogrespace: Estelle Getty Estelle Getty is the totally badass Golden Girl that kicked some serious donkeydick alongside Sylvester Stallone in Stop Or My Mom Will Shoot . http://home.earthlink.net/~rickcst/osegetty.html | |
13. Estelle Getty Estelle Getty. (63.0) Stuart Little (1999) reviewRent. filmsgraded.com home page Since 06/09/00 http://www.filmsgraded.savantnetworks.com/cgi-bin/nmu?p=Estelle Getty |
14. Estelle Getty - TV Tome TV Tome is your guide to estelle getty. Biography, roles and appearances, gossip and more. estelle getty. . Biographical Info In what may be a new record, estelle getty played the same character, Sophia Petrillo, on 5 different TV series http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/PersonDetail/personid-4636 | |
16. Estelle Getty Genuine Golden Girl Includes biography, photographs, TV and film credits, news, and answers to frequently asked questions. http://www.idotvads.com/getty/ |
17. Estelle Getty General estelle getty General, Home Actresses G getty, estelle General. estellegetty. estelle getty General Sites VoiceWork estelle Voice work list. http://www.starpulse.com/Actresses/Getty,_Estelle/General/ | |
18. Getty, Estelle estelle getty, 3 Nominations 1 Win. Actress In A Leading Role MusicalOr Comedy Series The Golden Girls 1986 The Golden Girls 1985. http://www.thegoldenglobes.com/nominee/getty_estelle.html | |
19. Estelle Getty Biography, filmography, contact information, TV schedule, and titles for sale. http://us.imdb.com/name/nm0001268/ | |
20. Estelle Getty Reviews Find the best estelle getty Reviews on the Internet Home Actresses G getty, estelle Reviews. Auctions. Address. Articles YOUNG AT HEARTestelle gettyVHS. 0. getty, estelle Autographed Photo http://www.starpulse.com/Actresses/Getty,_Estelle/Reviews | |
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