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         Beethoven Ludwig Van:     more books (100)
  1. The Life Of Ludwig Van Beethoven V1 (1921) by Alexander Wheelock Thayer, 2008-06-02
  2. Sonatas (Urtext), Volume II" (Kalmus Edition) by Ludwig van Beethoven, 1985-03-22
  3. Ludwig van Beethoven: Fidelio (Cambridge Opera Handbooks)
  4. Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67 (Schott) by Max Unger, 1981-08-01
  5. Beethoven: The 32 Sonatas, Volume 1 (Belwin Edition) (Multilingual Edition) by Ludwig van Beethoven, 1985-03-22
  6. Fidelio: an opera in two acts [1903? ] by Ludwig van Beethoven, 2009-09-19
  7. Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-flat Major: Op. 73 ("Emperor") (Dover Miniature Scores) by Ludwig van Beethoven, 1999-02-02
  8. L. v. Beethoven's (Ludwig Van Beethoven Complete Piano Sonatas Volume 2 (Nos. 16-32) [Paperback])(1975) by L. v. Beethoven, 1975
  9. Beethoven's Letters; A Critical Edition: With Explanatory Notes by Ludwig van Beethoven, 2009-12-27
  10. The Letters of Beethoven by Ludwig Van Beethoven, 1986-01
  11. Cello Sonata No. 3 in A Major, Op. 69 Sheet Music by Ludwig van Beethoven, 2010-01-27
  12. Beethoven's Letters (1790-1826) from the collection of Dr. Ludwig Nohl,: Also his letters to the Archduke Rudolph, Cardinal-Archbishop of Olmutz, K. W., ... collection of Dr. Ludwig Ritter von Kochel by Ludwig van Beethoven, 1970
  13. Beethoven's letters (1790-1826) from the collection of Dr. Ludwig Nohl. Also his letters to the Archduke Rudolph, cardinal-archbishop of Olmutz, K.W., ... collection of Dr. Ludwig ritter von Köchel by Ludwig van Beethoven, 2010-06-18
  14. Louis van Beethoven's studies in thorough-bass, counterpoint and the art of scientific composition by Ludwig van Beethoven, Ignaz Xavier Seyfried, 2010-08-27

41. Ludwig Van Beethoven 1770 - 1827
Translate this page La vita di ludwig van beethoven. Di origine fiamminga, la famiglia lo avviò alla musica molto precocemente. Le opere di ludwig van beethoven.
Biografie Compositori Languages Ludwig van Beethoven La Vita Le Opere Photo Gallery Il Catalogo ... Home Page La vita di Ludwig van Beethoven
Di origine fiamminga, la famiglia lo avviò alla musica molto precocemente. A 9 anni iniziò studi più regolari con Christian Neefe, organista di Corte. A soli 14 anni divenne secondo organista della Cappella del principe elettore. Si recò a Vienna nel 1787, ma vi rimase ben poco a causa della morte della madre; fece ritorno a Vienna, dove si stabilì definitivamente, nel 1792, divenendo allievo di Haydn Albrechtsberger e Salieri MIDI FILE - Octet for Wind Instruments A Vienna fu ammirato e protetto da famiglie influenti ed ebbe inizialmente una vita felice, incrinata, a poco a poco, dal dramma della sordità crescente, che lo portò vicino al suicidio nel 1802, facendogli maturare ancor più la coscienza della propria missione artistica. MIDI FILE - Stringquartet op.132, 1th Mov. Di qui in poi, nonostante il successo crescente e la fama internazionale, l'isolamento del compositore si fece più marcato, compromettendo i suoi rapporti sociali e sentimentali: questo suo atteggiamento fu testimoniato dai cosiddetti "quaderni di conversazione", oltre i quali si tagliò una produzione musicale sempre più stupefacente. MIDI FILE - Trio op.70 No.2, 1th Mov.

42. Hotel Ludwig Van Beethoven (Berlin) 
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Beethoven Music Files

Classical Archives "Top 10"
Piano Works Symphonies and Overtures Concertos ... Vocal Works Learn about Beethoven Biography and List of Works (Oxford) Biography (Illustrated) Historical Context Timeline L.v.Beethoven (1770-1827)

44. WQXR: Classical Music Scene
Musical biography with education and influences, the gradual increase of deafness, and the development of his musical voice with comparison of periods of his life plus summary list of works from the Grove Concise Dictionary of Music entry at WQXR radio.

45. Welcome To The Beethoven-House Bonn!
Das Geburtshaus von ludwig van beethoven ist ein Museum rund um den Komponisten. Die Webseite informiert rund ums Angebot des Hauses.
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Welcome to the Digital Beethoven-Haus
Discover new or little known facts about the famous composer. Gain an insight into the work of the Beethoven-Haus in Bonn and make use of the varied services on offer. In the place where Beethoven was born, he is still at his most alive.
Do enjoy browsing around our website! The Beethoven-Haus Bonn
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Special recommendation

46. CLASSICAL MUSIC ARCHIVES: Beethoven Biography
ludwig van beethoven Biography by Allen Krantz Born December 17, 1770 in Bonn ludwig van beethoven is certainly on any short list of the greatest composers.
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Biography by Allen Krantz
Born: December 17, 1770 in Bonn, Germany
Died: March 26, 1827 in Vienna, Austria
See also his Biography and Works from the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music
Click for the Index of Biographies or the Click to find the music of Beethoven in the Archives!
Ludwig Van Beethoven is certainly on any short list of the greatest composers. Like all supreme artists, this is not for his prodigious technical gifts alone, but for the depth of human experience and emotion that his music explores and the universality of its message. Beethoven's struggles with his own fate and deafness are embodied in music that fearlessly continued to evolve throughout his life. His continued searching for deeper musical, philosophical and emotional truths brings to mind artists such as Shakespeare and Michelangelo. Beethoven, the son of a rather dissolute court musician, was born in Bonn, Germany in 1770. It is perhaps his early rebellion against the arbitrary strictness of a father who wanted to exploit his son's talents that formed Beethoven's strong and difficult personality. He was truly a child of the revolutionary spirit that was spreading through Europe, and the first important composer to openly declare himself an artist serving a higher calling than the court or aristocracy.

47. Der Einfluss Der Gesellschaftlich-politischen Veränderungen Zur Zeit Der Fran
Neben der Bonner und Wiener Zeit wird der Einfluss Napoleons auf das Schaffen von beethoven anhand mehrerer Kompositionen untersucht. PDFDatei.

48. Biografía - Beethoven, Ludwig Van
beethoven, ludwig van Nacionalidad Alemania Bonn 1770 - Viena 1827. Miembro de una familia humilde
Nacionalidad: Alemania
Bonn 1770 - Viena 1827
Miembro de una familia humilde de origen flamenco -su padre también era músico- demostró a edad temprana sus dotes musicales, intentando su padre que realizara una carrera similar a la de Mozart por lo que a los ocho años dio un concierto en Colonia y actuó en Holanda. La formación musical del pequeño maestro era bastante desordenada por lo que el organista Neefe lo pondrá en contacto con las obras de Händel y Bach . Con doce años destaca como intérprete de piano, órgano y viola, tocando cinco años más tarde para Mozart en Viena. En 1792 volverá a la capital austriaca para recibir lecciones de Haydn Salieri y Albrechtsberger, centrándose en la carrera de compositor. El 29 de marzo de 1795 se presentó ante el público vienés como pianista y compositor, alcanzando un éxito apoteósico.En 1808 fue solicitado por el rey de Westfalia lo que motivó el aumento de su fama, llegando a recibir una renta anual vitalicia por parte de los príncipes Lobkowitz y Kinsky. Los primeros trastornos auditivos empezaron a manifestarse en 1796 pero a partir de 1819 se quedará sordo, lo que motivará su estado de tristeza y de soledad, agravado por las ingratitudes de su sobrino Karl. Se impone en el congreso de Viena de manera imprevista ya que Rossini , representante del italianismo, era el principal ídolo. Los desengaños amorosos marcarán la vida de Beetthoven y también influirán en su obra al igual que su irascible carácter y soledad, acabando sus días con problemas económicos. Su música abarca tres etapas: la primera será la de las influencias, especialmente de Haydn y Mozart, destacando como pianista y permitiendo sus éxitos abrirle las puertas. La segunda etapa se desarrolla entre 1801 y 1815, siendo el momento de madurez artística, modificando la sonata e imponiendo el lenguaje expresivo. La tercera vendrá definida por el romanticismo, mostrando su genialidad que rompe con las viejas fórmulas, siendo la "Misa solemne" y la "Novena sinfonía" sus obras más destacadas. Toda sus trabajos se caracterizan por el contraste entre la alegría y el dolor, convirtiéndose en el músico más importante de todos los tiempos y el fundador de la modernidad con sus nueve sinfonías, sus siete oberturas, los conciertos para piano y orquesta.

49. Ludwig Van Beethoven - The Master
Catalog of works, biography, letters.
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Read about Beethoven's life and music.
Who was the Immortal Beloved.
Read the letter of a depressed man.
Be sure to check out the Books music pages! This site is all about Ludwig van Beethoven, the German composer who lived between 1770 - 1827. Much have been said about him, and these pages is but a small attempt to present the Master.
Because of the enourmous amount of information on the subject, you will find links to other related sites. Also, links to Conductors and Orchestras . Hopefully, something for all.
In association with Amazon, both US and UK, a presentation of Beethoven related literature and music can be found on the books music pages.
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50. Ludwig Van Beethoven - An Overview Of The Classical Composer
Entry from mfiles with brief biography, links to related composers, and music examples in sheet music, MIDI, or MP3. Home Classical Other Styles Original ... Reviews Composer Back
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) Beethoven has achieved iconic status as a composer. In the musical community, this position has been achieved due to the immense, even revolutionary, incluence he has had on the development of music as the pivot point from the Classical to the Romantic eras. His symphonies in particular demonstrate this development, themes from the 5th and the 9th being instantly recognisable, the latter used as the European Anthem. His image is also well-known among non-musicians, with his features of intense concentration and unruly hair. Beethoven's deafness has served to underline this position as icon, both because it makes his achievements seem more remarkable, but also because it emphasises the popular picture of a composer whose inspiration comes from within, those inner thoughts and sounds are elaborated and pieced together into the most intricate musical canvas. Beethoven was born in Bonn in Germany and, like Mozart , into a musical family whose father and grandfather were both singers. Though not to the same extent perhaps as Mozart, he was also a musical prodigy, whose father had taught him music at an early age (and some say bullied his son to further his own ambitions), and this education was continued by court musicians such as Neefe. His early talent was demonstrated particularly at the keyboard, as pianist, organist and harpsichordist, although he also showed talent on the violin. He studied composition with Haydn and other composers of the day, also reputedly receiving some tuition from Mozart after moving to Vienna, and his early works are not too far removed from the output of Haydn and Mozart.

51. Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827)


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Die Website der Internationalen ludwig van beethoven Stiftung informiert ¼ber ihre T¤tigkeit und stellt auch Daten zum Komponisten zur Verf¼gung nebst Impressionen zu seinen Werken und H¶rproben.

53. Ludwig Van Beethoven (A Great Philosopher)
beethoven midi music,his wallpapers,biography, picture gallery and numerological facts about this legend.

(A Passionate Philosopher)

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54. Ludwig Van Beethoven - Biography And Works
Search. Classical Music beethoven, ludwig van Baptism (approx. More information beethoven online Online resources featuring ludwig van beethoven.
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Classical Music Home Essentials ... Biographies zau(256,152,145,'gob',''+gs,''); Composers A Z Bach J S Beethoven L Mozart W A ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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Subscribe to the About Classical Music newsletter. Search Classical Music Beethoven, Ludwig van Baptism (approx. date of birth) : December 17, 1770 in Bonn
Death : March 26, 1827 in Vienna Family
  • father and grandfather were musicians for the Elector of Cologne in Bonn
  • never married Career
  • 1783: harpsichordist in Bonn court orchestra
  • 1784: second organist at Bonn court (later also a viola player)
  • 1787: visited Vienna to study with Mozart (only a few weeks due to his mother's illness)
  • 1792: went to Vienna to study with Haydn, later took lessons from Schenk
  • 1795: first publication (three piano trios - Op. 1)
  • 1819: had gone completely deaf by this time Important Works
    1. Opera
    • Fidelio
    2. Sacred Music
    • Op. 85 (1803): oratorio
  • 55. Fritz Gross
    Die einzige Oper ludwig van Beethovens wird inhaltlich beschrieben und versehen mit weiteren, interessanten Hintergrundinfos.
    ueber mich Fritz Gross
    Regisseur Schauspiel Oper Oper Schauspiel Links Beethoven, Ludwig van,
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    56. Beethoven, Ludwig Van (1770-1827)
    Search. Classical Music, beethoven, ludwig van (17701827) Guide picks. Eighteenth/ nineteenth century German composer ludwig van beethoven.
    zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Classical Music Home Essentials ... Biographies zau(256,152,145,'gob',''+gs,''); Composers A Z Bach J S Beethoven L Mozart W A ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
    Stay Current
    Subscribe to the About Classical Music newsletter. Search Classical Music
    Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827)
    Eighteenth/ nineteenth century German composer Ludwig van Beethoven.
    Recent Beethoven Biography A biography and works list from your Guide. Did Beethoven have ADD? In this article, the Guide to ADD examines evidence that Beethoven had Attention Deficit Disorder. Ludwig van Beethoven: Music He Couldn't Hear The classical composer's biography, written by the Guide to Art for Kids. Beethoven Depot Comprehensive resource , also home to the "Beethoven Admirers" Webring. Classical Music Archives - Beethoven The Classical Music Archives house thousands of MIDI and MP3 files for downloading. The Beethoven page has hundreds of selections.
    more from your guide Ira F. Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies

    57. Ludwig Van Beethoven - The Master
    ludwig van beethoven biography, works; Opus, WoO; Heiligenstadt Testament, the letters to the Immortal Beloved, links, books, music.
    home books music links
    Read about Beethoven's life and music.
    Who was the Immortal Beloved.
    Read the letter of a depressed man.
    Be sure to check out the Books music pages! This site is all about Ludwig van Beethoven, the German composer who lived between 1770 - 1827. Much have been said about him, and these pages is but a small attempt to present the Master.
    Because of the enourmous amount of information on the subject, you will find links to other related sites. Also, links to Conductors and Orchestras . Hopefully, something for all.
    In association with Amazon, both US and UK, a presentation of Beethoven related literature and music can be found on the books music pages.
    To get back to this page, press home in the top bar.
    List of Opus
    List of WoO
    Visitors since 15 April 1998:

    58. Beethoven, Ludwig Van
    Biographical data, recommended CDs, books and sheet music, bibliography, and links to biographical essays from Dr. Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers.
    Beethoven, Ludwig
    Beethoven, Ludwig van
    by Maynard Solomon Period: Classic
    Born: Saturday, December 15, 1770 in Bonn, Germany
    Died: Monday, March 26, 1827 in Vienna, Austria
    Nation of Origin: Germany/Austria
    CLICK HERE for CDs of this composer.

    CLICK HERE for Books about this composer.

    CLICK HERE for Sheet Music by this composer.

    Major Works:

    Nine Symphonies (5, 6, and 9 are most revered) Egmont Overture Choral: Choral Fantasia Missa Solemnis Concertos: Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat, Opus 73 (Emperor) Violin Concerto in D Triple Concerto in C Piano Sonatas: Appassionata Hammerklavier Moonlight Sonata Pastoral Sonata Waldstein String Quartets: (17) Harp Quartet Rasoumoffsky Quartets Great Fugue Other Information: Beethoven's work bridged the classical and romantic periods. His early work was heavily influenced by Mozart and Haydn. Gradually his music became more intense and romantic. Symphonies 5 through 9 represent the epitomy of early Romantic music. His late string quartets are remarkable and daring. He was a master composer of Romantic music in many forms. The links below point to complete biographies and photographs. General Bibliography: Blume, Friedrich, with Norton, M. D. (Translator) and Norton, Herter (Translator)

    59. Ludwig Van Beethoven - Biography
    Passing eleven years of age, ludwig deputized for Neefe, and at twelve Prince Kinsky, Prince Lobkowitz and Archduke Rudolp even guaranteed beethoven a yearly
    home books music links
    He was born in the German town of Bonn on the 16th of December 1770. His grandfather Ludwig and his father Johann were both musicians. Johann was to act as little Ludwig's first music teacher, but Ludwig soon changed to the court organist C. G. Neefe. Passing eleven years of age, Ludwig deputized for Neefe, and at twelve had his first music published. He then stayed as Neefe's assistant until 1787, when at seventeen, he took off for Vienna. Even though Vienna was to be his home for the rest of his life, this first visit was short. On hearing that his mother was dying, he quickly returned to Bonn. Five years later he finally moved to Vienna to live and work. After arriving in 1792 he studied composition and counterpoint under Haydn, Schenk, Salieri and Albrechtsberger. At the same time, he tried to establish himself as pianist and composer. His good relations with the towns aristocracy soon led to a secured income. In 1809, with the sole condition that he stayed in Vienna, Prince Kinsky, Prince Lobkowitz and Archduke Rudolp even guaranteed Beethoven a yearly income. But going back to the years around 1800, which is traditionally called the early period , he was still trying to master the high classical style. This strive culminated in the second symphony from 1801-1802.

    60. Musica Classica - Classical Music - Klassische Musik - Karadar Bertoldi Ensemble
    Karadar Music Dictionary entry with life, works, links, catalogue, and MIDI audio files including sonatas and all nine symphonies.
    Ludwig van Beethoven Life Works Catalogue Operas ... Home Page Ludwig van Beethoven Life
    The eldest son of a singer in the Kapelle of the Archbishop-Elector of Cologne and grandson of the Archbishop's Kapellmeister. Beethoven settled in Vienna in 1792, where he studied with Joseph Haydn and others, quickly establishing himself as a remarkable keyboard-player and original composer. By 1815 he realised he was losing his hearing and had to give up concert work. His deafness accentuated existing eccentricities in his character and gave him a reputation as a Menschenhasser, a "misanthropist", but he was nevertheless patiently tolerated by a number of rich patrons and his royal pupil the Archduke Rudolph. His significance in music history was immense and he had a great influence on later generations of composers. MIDI FILE - Piano Sonata op.2 no.1: 1 Mov. MIDI FILE - Piano Sonata op.2 no.1: 2 Mov. MIDI FILE - Piano Sonata op.2 no.1: 3 Mov. MIDI FILE - Piano Sonata op.2 no.1: 4 Mov. ... MIDI FILE - Piano Sonata op.2 no.3: 4 Mov. Ludwig van Beethoven Works
    Beethoven wrote only one opera, eventually called Fidelio after the name assumed by the heroine Leonora, who disguises herself as a boy and takes employment at the prison in which her husband has been unjustly incarcerated.

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