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21. Jane Austen Biography jane austen Society of Australia (JASA) Who was jane austen? A short biography of jane austen. About jane austen ~ her life her novels. http://www.jasa.net.au/jabiog.htm | |
22. AUSTEN, JANE austen, jane. født 16. december 1775 i Steventon, Hampshire, England og døde 18. juli 1817 i Winchester, Hampshire. 01 Stolthed http://www.bibliografi.dk/austen_jane.htm | |
23. Jane Austen's Biography: Life (1775-1817) And Family A detailed guide to her life and family, along with links to related articles. http://www.pemberley.com/janeinfo/janelife.html | |
24. Redirect Statistical analysis of language used by characters in the novels. http://www.dsu.edu/~johnsone/austench.html | |
25. Jane Austen (Japan) jane austen. (17751817). A Hyper-Concordance to the Works of jane austen. One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other. (Emma ch. 9). http://www.lang.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~matsuoka/Austen.html | |
26. ThinkQuest : Library : A Collection Of Classics Provides a biographical sketch, a chronological listing of her works, and related links. From Thinkquest. http://library.thinkquest.org/27864/data/austen/jahome.html | |
27. TORSI : Jane Austen ber die Werke von jane austen und ihre Verfilmungen sowie verschiedene Versuche anderer Autoren, die unvollendeten Werke abzuschlieen. http://www.math.tu-clausthal.de/~matsa/Jane.Austen/Jane.Austen.html | |
28. Persuasions Persuasions The jane austen Journal, is published in June of each year and is mailed to JASNA members. Its sister publication, Persuasions http://www.jasna.org/persuas.html | |
29. Jane Austen En kort biografi samt oversigt over Fredericia Biblioteks materialer af og om forfatteren. http://www.fredericia.bibnet.dk/bibliotekstips/litteratur/austen/austen.htm | |
30. Jane Austen - Free Online Library jane austen online books, austen, jane Free Online Library - jane austen Emma, jane austen Lady Susan, jane austen Love and Friendship, jane austen Mansfield http://austen.thefreelibrary.com/ | |
31. Jane Austen Crtica de su novela Orgullo y prejuicio , biografa y enlaces relacionados. http://www.salleurl.edu/~is08436/jane_austen.htm |
32. Encyclopedia Britannica--Austen, Jane austen, jane from the Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition austen, jane (17751817), English novelist, was born on the 16th of http://home.earthlink.net/~lfdean/austen/critbio/britannica.html | |
33. Jane Austen Centre The jane austen Centre in Bath UK, Find out about Bath in jane austen s time and the importance of Bath in her life and work. Welcome http://www.janeausten.co.uk/centre/ | |
34. Allison Thompson Essay by Allison Thompson examining dance in the novels of jane austen. http://www.jasna.org/pol02/thompson.html | |
35. The Jane Austen Centre In Bath The jane austen Centre in Bath This is the official Web site of the jane austen Centre in Bath, England. You can take a virtual tour of the Centre or take a look at the jane austen Magazine. The http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.janeausten.co.uk/&y=020B5EF779CB |
36. Jane Austen's House The Chawton house where austen did most of her writing is now a museum. http://www.janeaustenmuseum.org.uk/ | |
37. Jane Austen At LiteratureClassics.com -- Essays, Resources jane austen free essays, eTexts, resources and links from LiteratureClassics.com. Sign up to The Daily Muse for free. jane austen. 1775 - 1817 *. http://www.literatureclassics.com/authors/Austen/ | |
38. Jane Austen by Robert Liddell (1963); The Language of jane austen by N. Page (1972); The Double Life of jane austen by jane Hodge (1972); The Critical Heritage, ed. by B http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/jausten.htm | |
39. Jane Austen Pride And Prejudice A fan comments on her favorite movie, with pictures from the film, a survey, and other related information and links. http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/7261/index.html | |
40. Jane Austen Collection At Bartleby.com jane austen. jane austen. 17751817, English novelist. III, Part 2. austen, jane, 4856 to 4988 Entries from the Columbia World of Quotations. http://www.bartleby.com/people/Austen-J.html | |
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