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         Woolf Virginia:     more books (100)
  1. Virginia Woolf a Biography 2 vols complete vol 1. Virginia Stephen 1882-1912 vol 2 Virginia Woolf 1912-1941 by Bell Quentin, 1972
  2. The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Vol. 5: 1936-41 by Virginia Woolf, 1985-09-30
  3. The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Vol. 4: 1931-35 by Virginia Woolf, 1983-11-21
  4. The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Volume IV, 1929-1931 by Virginia Woolf, 1981-05-15
  5. Virginia Woolf: An Inner Life by Dr. Julia Briggs, 2006-11-06
  6. The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Vol. 3: 1925-30 by Virginia Woolf, 1981-09-14
  7. The London Scene: Six Essays on London Life by Virginia Woolf, 2006-07-01
  8. Virginia Woolf: The Will to Create as a Woman by Ruth Gruber, 2005-04-10
  9. Virginia Woolf: The Waves (Landmarks of World Literature) by Virginia Woolf, Eric Warner, 1986-10-31
  10. Virginia Woolf A to Z: A Comprehensive Reference for Students, Teachers, and Common Readers to Her Life, Work, and Critical Reception (Literary a to Z's) by Mark Hussey, 1996-11-21
  11. Virginia Woolf and Her Influences: Selected Papers from the Seventh Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf by Laura Davis, 1998-06-18
  12. Virginia Woolf and the Great War by Karen L. Levenback, 1999-04
  13. Form as Compensation for Life: Fictive Patterns in Virginia Woolf's Novels (Studies in English and American Literature and Culture) by Oddvar Holmesland, 1998-02-15
  14. Locating Woolf: The Politics of Space and Place

21. NRK - Portretter
Melankoli og livsglede. Woolf, Virginia (18821941). Publisert 22.03.20011500 - Oppdatert 22.03.2001 1505. Virginia Woolf var modernismens
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Melankoli og livsglede Woolf, Virginia (1882-1941) Publisert 22.03.2001 15:00 - Oppdatert 22.03.2001 15:05 Virginia Woolf var modernismens førstedame, og ho er blant dei store forfattarane i det 20. hundreåret. Ho blir utgitt i stadig nye opplag, blir omsett, lesen, dyrka. Det finst minst 60 biografiar om henne.
- Det er skjønnhet, poesi, musikk i Virginia Woolfs beste prosa, seier førsteamanuensis ved NTNU i Trondheim, Britt Andersen. Doktorarbeidet hennar har tittelen Tapets poesi. Kreativitet, tap og melankoli i Virginia Woolfs romaner. Romanen "Til fyret" er kjernen i Britt Andersens avhandling, eit verk ho ser som det mest fullkomne av det Woolf har skapt.
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Kvardagsleg og djuptgåande
Undersøk et øyeblikk et alminnelig menneske på en alminnelig dag. Hjernen mottar et utall av inntrykk, trivielle, fantastiske, flyktige, eller slike som festner seg med stålets skarphet. De kommer fra alle kanter uten stans, og ettersom de kommer, danner de seg etter livet den spesielle dagen, og virkningen er forskjellig for hver gang. Livet er ikke en rekke lys symmetrisk ordnet, det er en lysende glorie, et halvt gjennomsiktig slør som omgir oss fra vår bevissthets begynnelse til slutten er nådd.
På Hitlers dødsliste
Virginia Woolf blir nemnd i same andedrag som modernistane James Joyce, Marcel Proust og Franz Kafka. Dei er sterkt opptatte av det å sjå, og måten vi ser på ut frå kven vi er. Men sjølv om det enkelte sinn er i sentrum, er verda i høg grad til stades: det buldrar ofte ein krig i bakgrunnen når Woolf skriv, og her er klasse, her er kjønn. Ho opplevde utbrotet av to verdskrigar, og det prega henne sterkt. Ho var svært kritisk til det britiske koloniveldet, og såg undertrykkinga imperiet representerte. Ho gjekk i skrift mot fascismen, og ho og mannen Leonard Woolf stod på Hitlers dødslister.

22. - Forfattere
Woolf, Virginia. Virginia Woolf (18821941) var en nyskapende romanforfatter, enskarpsynt kritiker og en revolusjonerende feminist. Publisert 11.07.2002 1158.
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Ansvarlig for sidene: Tom Egil Hverven
Woolf, Virginia
Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) var en nyskapende romanforfatter, en skarpsynt kritiker og en revolusjonerende feminist.
Publisert 11.07.2002 11:58. Oppdatert 30.12.2002 13:18.
Traumatisk oppvekst
Hennes far, Sir Leslie Stephens, var grunnleggeren av The Dictionary of National Biography. Moren, Julia Duckworth, var enke med tre barn da hun giftet seg med Stephens i 1887. Virginia var det tredje av fire barn. Hun var et nervøst og sart barn som sammen med sin søster ble utdannet hjemme, hovedsaklig av foreldrene.
Woolfs bakgrunn fra den sen-Victorianske overklassens London, var preget av flere tidlige sjokk: Hun opplevde seksuelt misbruk av sin halvbror og tapet av moren i tenårene. Farens død i 1904 førte til et alvorlig mentalt sammenbrudd med selvmordsforsøk.
I 1905 flyttet Virginia sammen med søsteren Vanessa til et hus i Bloomsbury. Det ble samlingspunktet til den såkalte Bloomsbury-kretsen, en gruppe kunstnere, forfattere og intellektuelle modernister med sterk reaksjon mot Victoria-tiden.

23. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > W > Woolf, Virginia, 18
There is no description available for this text. Author Woolf, Virginia, 18821941Keywords Authors W Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941; Titles N ; Literature.

24. ClassicNotes: Virginia Woolf
cover Buy the Author s Books. Virginia Woolf (18821941). In 1878, LeslieStephen and Julia Jackson Duckworth married, a second marriage for both.
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Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)
In 1878, Leslie Stephen and Julia Jackson Duckworth married, a second marriage for both. They gave birth to Adeline Virginia Stephen four years later on the 26th of March at 22 Hyde Park Gate, London. Virginia followed Vanessa and Julian Thoby and preceded Adrian. Leslie Stephen began his career as a clergyman but soon became agnostic and took up journalism. He and Julia provided their children with a home of wealth and comfort. Virginia, though denied the formal education allowed to males, was able to take advantage of her father's abundant library, to observe his writing talent, and to be surrounded by intellectual conversation. The same year Virginia was born, for instance, her father began editing the Dictionary of National Biography, a huge undertaking. Virginia's mother was more delicate and helped to bring out the more emotional sides of her children. Both parents were very strong personalities. By them, Virginia would feel overshadowed for years. Virginia would suffer through three major mental breakdowns during her lifetime. In all likelihood, her compulsive drive to work, which she acquired from her parents, combined with her natural fragile state largely contributed to these breakdowns. Yet, the situation was more complicated. Her first breakdown was suffered shortly following the death of her mother in 1895, which Virginia later described as "the greatest disaster that could have happened." Some have suggested that Virginia may have felt guilt over choosing her father as the favorite parent. However, her mental state could not have been aided by the excessive mourning period enacted by her father. Two years later, Stella Duckworth, Virginia's stepsister, died. Stella had assumed charge of the household duties after Julia's death, causing a rift between her and Virginia. Virginia fell sick soon after her death. The same year, Virginia began her first diary.

25. Woolf, Virginia (1882-1941)
sist endret 29. juni 2001 Litteraturvitenskapelige hjelpemidler. Woolf, Virginia(18821941). • lokal begrenset tilgang * usikker/gammel. EGNE VEVSTEDER. Virginia

26. Virginia Woolf
Translate this page Home_Page Virginia Woolf (1882-1941), Novelista y crítica británicacuya técnica del monólogo interior y estilo poético se consideran
Virginia Woolf
N ovelista y crítica británica cuya técnica del monólogo interior y estilo poético se consideran entre las contribuciones más importantes a la novela moderna. Adeline Virginia Stephen, hija del biógrafo y filósofo Leslie Stephen, nació en Londres y estudió en su casa. Después de la muerte de su padre en 1905, habitó con su hermana Vanessa —pintora que se casaría con el crítico Clive Bell— y sus dos hermanos en una casa del barrio londinense de Bloomsbury que se convirtió en lugar de reunión de librepensadores y antiguos compañeros de universidad de su hermano mayor. En el grupo, conocido como Grupo de Bloomsbury, participó —además de Bell y otros intelectuales londinenses— el escritor Leonard Woolf, con quien se casó Virginia en 1912. En 1917 ambos fundaron la editorial Hogarth. Sus primeras novelas, Fin de viaje Noche y día (1919) y El cuarto de Jacob (1922), ponen de manifiesto su determinación por ampliar las perspectivas de la novela más allá del mero acto de la narración. En sus novelas siguientes, La señora Dalloway (1925) y Al faro (1927), el argumento surge de la vida interior de los personajes, y los efectos psicológicos se logran a través de imágenes, símbolos y metáforas. Los personajes se despliegan gracias al flujo y reflujo de sus impresiones personales, sentimientos y pensamientos: un monólogo interior en el que los seres humanos y sus circunstancias normales aparecen como extraordinarios. Influida por el filósofo francés Henri Bergson, Woolf, como el escritor francés Marcel Proust, se adentra en la idea del tiempo. Los acontecimientos en La señora Dalloway abarcan un espacio de doce horas y el transcurso del tiempo se expresa a través de los cambios que paso a paso se suceden en el interior de los personajes, en la conciencia que tienen de sí mismos, de los demás y de sus mundos caleidoscópicos. De sus restantes novelas

27. I.Schnekenburger COMPUTERGARTEN 25. Januar Virginia Woolf
Translate this page Virginia Woolf 1882 - 1941 englische Schriftstellerin. Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)Finnische Homeopage / englisch http//
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Der Computergarten am 25. Januar Google Language Tools
Virginia Woolf
englische Schriftstellerin Virginia Woolf wurde als Virginia Stephen
am 25. Januar 1882 in London geboren.
aus erster Ehe der Mutter, aus erster Ehe des Vaters und
aus der zweiten Ehe des Vaters und der Mutter
Von einem Halbbruder wird sie sexuell missbraucht.
Am 5. Mai 1895 stirbt ihre Mutter.
Am 22. Februar 1904 stirbt ihr Vater an Krebs.
Der Schriftstellers und Journalisten Leonard W. Woolf macht ihr einen Heiratsantrag. Virginia erleidet erneut einen Nervenzusammenbruch. Mit 30 Jahren, am 10. August 1912 heiratet sie den Literaturkritiker Leonard W. Woolf (1880-1969) dennoch. Schon im September 1912 , einen Monat 1915 zieht das Ehepaar nach Richmond bei London. Im März 1915 erscheint Virginia Woolfs erster Roman "The Voyage Out" (Die Fahrt hinaus).

28. Virginia Woolf (née Stephen) (1882-1941), Novelist And Critic; Sister Of Vaness
Virginia Woolf (née Stephen) (18821941), Novelist and critic; sisterof Vanessa Bell Sitter in 18 portraits Novelist and critic.

29. Project Gutenberg Titles By Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941
Project Gutenberg Titles by. Woolf, Virginia, 18821941., Virginia,

30. Woolf, Virginia
Woolf (18821941), engelsk forfatter, litteraturkritiker og feminist. VirginiaWoolf blev født i London 25 januar 1882 og giftede sig 30 år gammel med

31. ResAnet Results Summary
Search Term(s) Author=Woolf, Virginia, 18821941, 109 matches found.RecordWoolf, Virginia, 1882-1941. RecordWoolf, Virginia, 1882-1941.
Sort By: Title Author Date Search Term(s): Author=Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941 matches found
  • Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941. The waves : the two holograph drafts / Virginia Woolf ; transcribed and edited by J. W. Graham. Toronto : University of Toronto Press : University of Western Ontario, c1976.
  • Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941. Freshwater : a comedy / [by] Virginia Woolf ; edited with a preface by Lucio P. Ruotolo ; illustrated by Loretta Trezzo. London : Hogarth Press, 1976.
  • Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941. The Pargiters : the novel-essay portion of 'The Years' / by Virginia Woolf ; edited with an introduction by Mitchell A. Leaska. London : Hogarth Press, 1978.
  • Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941. The waves / Virginia Woolf. 1st Harvest/HBJ ed. New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978, c1931.
  • Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941. Books and portraits : some further selections from the literary and biographical writings of Virginia Woolf / edited by Mary Lyon. London : Hogarth Press, 1977.
  • Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941. Moments of being : unpublished autobiographical writings / [by] Virginia Woolf ; edited with an introduction and notes by Jeanne Schulkind. London : Chatto and Windus for Sussex University Press, 1976.
  • Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941. The years / Virginia Woolf. London : Hogarth Press, 1958.
  • 32. ResAnet Browse Results
    resAnet NL Home, Français Help. New Search Previous Next Woolf, Victoria(1 doc); Woolf, Virginia, 18821941 (109 docs); Woolfe, Eric

  • Woolf, Victoria (1 doc) Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941 (109 docs) Woolfe, Eric (1 doc) Woolfe, Roger (2 docs) Woolfenden, Ben (1 doc) Woolfenden, Bonnie, 1970- (1 doc) Woolfenden, Bonnie E., 1970- (1 doc) Woolfenden, Guy (2 docs) Woolff, Nicola, 1971- (1 doc) Woolfitt, Catherine, 1966- (1 doc)
  • 33. 1882-1941
    M. Wussow Woolf, Virginia, 18821941 Mrs. Dalloway Criticism, Textual Notebooks,sketchbooks, etc Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941 Literature - Classics
    Ulysses Annotated
    Don Gifford
    Joyce, James,
    Ulysses Annotated
    Don Gifford
    Joyce, James,
    ... English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh

    34. Woolf, Virginia
    Translate this page Woolf, Virginia (1882-1941). Romancière et critique britannique qui,notamment en adoptant à sa façon la technique du monologue
    Woolf, Virginia

    35. Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)
    Virginia Woolf (18821941). Describing a Moment. From How ShouldOne Read a Book, The Second Common Reader (1932). The thirty-two
    Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) Describing a Moment From "How Should One Read a Book," The Second Common Reader The thirty-two chapters of a novel—if we consider how to read a novel first—are an attempt to make something as formed and controlled as a building: but words are more impalpable than bricks; reading is a longer and more complicated process than seeing. Perhaps the quickest way to understand the elements of what a novelist is doing is not to read, but to write; to make your own experiment with the dangers and difficulties of words. Recall, then, some event that has left a distinct impression on you—how at the corner of the street, perhaps, you passed two people talking. A tree shook; an electric light danced; the tone of the talk was comic, but also tragic; a whole vision, an entire conception, seemed contained in that moment.

    36. Virginia Woolf 1882-1941
    Virginia Woolf 18821941. A woman must have money and a room of herown. . It is far harder to kill a phantom than a reality. . Woolf
    Virginia Woolf 1882-1941
    "A woman must have money and a room of her own."
    "It is far harder to kill a phantom than a reality." Woolf a major British novelist, essayist, and critic was one of the leaders in the literary movement of modernism. This elite group also included Gertrude Stein, James Joyce, Ezra Pound, and T. S. Eliot. In her works, she used a technique called "stream of consciousness", revealing the lives of her characters by revealing their thoughts and associations. Her most famous novel, "To the Lighthouse", which was written in 1927, examines the life of an upper middle class British family. It portrays the fragility of human relationships and the collapse of social values. She was also a feminist, socialist, and pacifist who expressed her beliefs in essays such as "A Room of One's Own".
    The Women's Resource Project
    The International Virginia Woolf Society
    The Group ... E-Mail Us

    37. - Great Books -
    Virginia Woolf (18821941), Virginia Woolf (January 25, 1882 - March28, 1941) was a English author and feminist. Born Adeline Virginia
    Virginia Woolf
    Virginia Woolf (January 25, 1882 - March 28, 1941) was a English author and feminist. Born Adeline Virginia Stephens in London she was brought up and educated at home. In 1895 following the death of her mother she had the first of numerous nervous breakdowns. Following the death of her father (Sir Leslie Stephen, a literary critic) in 1904, she moved with her sister and two brothers to a house in Bloomsbury. She began writing professionally in 1905, initially for the Times Literary Supplement . In 1912 she married Leonard Woolf, a civil servant and political theorist. Her first novel, The Voyage Out , was published in 1915. Between the wars, Woolf was a significant figure in London literary society and a member of the Bloomsbury group. In March 1941, Woolf drowned herself in the River Ouse, near her Romdell residence. She had published ten novels and over 500 essays.
    • The Voyage Out
    • Night and Day
    • Jacob's Room
    • Mrs Dalloway
    • To the Lighthouse
    • Orlando
    • A Room of One's Own
    • The Waves
    • Three Guineas
    • Between the Acts
    This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License and uses material adapted in whole or in part from the Wikipedia article on article on
    The Great Books Virginia Woolf
    This web page is part of a biographical database on Great Ideas . These are living ideas that have shaped, defined and directed world culture for over 2,500 years. By definition the

    38. Horizon Information Portal
    by Woolf, Virginia 18821941. Prince Frederick, MD Recorded Books, 2003. 2003. byWoolf, Virginia, 1882-1941. Waterville, Me. Thorndike Press, 2003. 2003. Vir

    39. Woolf
    Woolf, Virginia (18821941). a web guide toVirginia Woolf from
    Woolf, Virginia (1882-1941) a web guide to Virginia Woolf from main page 20th century outline authors, alphabetical 19th century authors General Articles An article from the Nov. 1997 New Criterion, by Brooke Allen. Biographical article on Virginia Woolf from publisher H.W. Wilson. Biography of Woolf from the BBC. Short biography and brief summaries of her novels, from Mantex education services. Essay by Wyndham Lewis on idealists and materialists in English literature, with Woolf as the exemplary idealist. A 1997 New York Times Book Review of Hermoine Lee's biography, VirginiaWoolf . The Times web site allows users to read the first chapter. A 1923 New York Times editorial complains about the "degeneration" of Jacob's Room

    40. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Woolf Virginia
    Translate this page Woolf, Virginia (1882-1941), romancière et critique britannique qui, notammenten adoptant à sa façon la technique du monologue intérieur, a apporté
    Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encarta R©sultats de la recherche pour "Woolf Virginia" Page sur 2 Suivant R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Woolf, Virginia Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Woolf, Virginia (1882-1941), romanci¨re et critique britannique qui, notamment en adoptant   sa fa§on la technique du monologue int©rieur, a apport©... plan de l'article Pr©sentation L’angoisse de la folie Des romans de l’¢me ‰criture et f©minit© ... Virginia Woolf Encyclop©die EncartaImage ‰ditrice, animatrice du Bloomsbury group, Virginia Woolf est surtout l'auteur de romans d'une grande modernit©, o¹ la peinture d'une r©alit©... Vie et Opinions de Tristram Shandy (Laurence Sterne) Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Vie et Opinions de Tristram Shandy (Laurence Sterne) Albee, Edward Franklin Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Albee, Edward Franklin Sterne, Laurence Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Sterne, Laurence Joyce, James

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