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21. ELLEN PRICE WOOD - Definition By HyperDictionary.com ELLEN PRICE Wood. WordNet Dictionary. Definition n English writer of novels aboutmurders and thefts and forgeries (18141887). Synonyms Mrs. Henry Wood, Wood. http://www.hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/ellen price wood |
22. Ellen Wood Ellen Mrs Henry Wood (18141887) Mrs Henry Wood, as Victorian authorEllen Wood persistently called herself, was a bestselling http://home.t-online.de/home/uborg1/wood.htm | |
23. Ulrike Borgmann - Englische Literaturwissenschaft Translate this page Victorian novelist Ellen Mrs Henry Wood (1814-1887). http://home.t-online.de/home/uborg1/ | |
24. Stories, Listed By Author Wood, ELLEN (Price) Mrs. Henry Wood (18141887); see under Wood, Henry,Mrs. (chron.) Wood, ERIC; pseudonym of Frank Knowles Campling http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/s1084.htm | |
25. Stories, Listed By Author Wood, ELLEN (Price) Mrs. Henry Wood (18141887); see under Wood, Henry,Mrs. (chron.) Wood, Mrs. Henry ie, Ellen Price Wood (1814 http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/msf/s190.htm | |
26. Nineteenth-Century Fiction, Table Of Contents + Wollstonecraft, Mary, 17591797. + Wood, Henry, Mrs., 1814-1887. + Yonge,Charlotte Mary, 1823-1901. Send your suggestions, comments or queries to our . http://collections.chadwyck.co.uk/ncf/htxview?template=toc_hdft.htx&content=toc_ |
27. Flowers In Abbey Wood www.MrsHenryWood.co.uk; Mrs. Henry Wood (18141887) Oswald Cray( 1864) Pomeroy Abbey ( 1878) The Red Court Farm Wood (Mrs http://finance.ctr.co.uk/flowers-in-Abbey-Wood.html | |
28. Wood - Open Dictionary 1944)). 5. Wood, Mrs. Henry Wood, Ellen Price Wood (English writerof novels about murders and thefts and forgeries (18141887)). 6 http://open-dictionary.com/Wood | |
29. Wood Family Crest By Houseofnames.com 1930) English artist; Hadyn Wood (18821959) English composer; Mrs.Henry Wood (1814-1887) English novelist; Henry Evelyn Wood (1838 http://www.houseofnames.com/xq/asp.familycrest_details/s.Wood/Wood_family_Crest/ | |
30. HyperDic, Online English Dictionary > Wood Meaning English writer of novels about murders and thefts and forgeries(18141887). Broader Synonyms Mrs. Henry Wood; Ellen Price Wood. http://www.hyperdic.net/dic/W/Wood.shtml | |
31. Index Stories, Listed By Author, Part 12 Wood, Henry, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Henry iI.e., Ellen Price Wood (18141887);Wood, JONATHAN; Wood, KRIS; Wood, LYNN; Wood, MONICA; Wood, TED http://contento.best.vwh.net/mags/q12.html | |
32. Stories, Listed By Author Wood, Mrs. Henry iI.e., Ellen Price Wood (18141887) The Ebony Box, (na) , 1890A Century of Thrillers from Poe to Arlen, ed. Anon., London Daily Express http://contento.best.vwh.net/mags/s112.html | |
33. AAC Database - Browse - List 1, Wood, Ellen (Indian Woman). 4, Wood, Ellen Meiksins. 1, Wood, EllenPrice See Wood, Henry,Mrs.,18141887. 1, Wood, Eric Fisher. 1, Wood, EricS. http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/TAU/AAC/AAC/SCAN-F/0251731 | |
34. AAC Database - Browse - List 1, Ludlow, Daniel H. 1, Ludlow, Edmund, 1617?1692. 1, Ludlow, Jared W. 1, Ludlow,Johnny See Wood, Henry,Mrs.,1814-1887. 1, Ludlow, Leonor. 1, Ludlow, N. Piers. http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/TAU/AAC/AAC/SCAN-F/1726640 | |
35. The Victorian Literary Studies Archive, Hyper-Concordance, Concordance, Concorda 1907); Trollope, Anthony (18151882); Wells, HG (1866-1946); Wilde,Oscar (1854-1900); Wood, Mrs Henry (1814-1887); Wordsworth, William http://victorian.lang.nagoya-u.ac.jp/concordance.html | |
36. The Victorian Women Writers Project Lady Jane (18261896); Winter, John Strange (1856-1911); Wood, Henry,Mrs. (1814-1887); Wotton, Mabel E. Yonge, Charlotte (1823-1901). http://www.indiana.edu/~letrs/vwwp/vwwp-proposed.html | |
37. Wood, Wood - WordWeb Dictionary Definition States film actress (19381981) - Natalie Wood; English writer of novels about murdersand thefts and forgeries (1814-1887) - Mrs. Henry Wood , Ellen Price Wood; http://www.wordwebonline.com/en/WOOD | |
38. Waukegan Public Library /All Locations http://catalog.waukeganpl.org:90/kids/0,1899,1953,2099/search/a?Wood, Henry, Mrs |
39. ::: L3xicon.com ::: conductor (18691944)) 5. Wood, Mrs. Henry Wood, Ellen Price Wood (Englishwriter of novels about murders and thefts and forgeries (1814-1887)) 6. Wood http://www.l3xicon.com/peter-wood.html | |
40. Wood - Dictionary Definition English conductor (18691944) 5. Wood, Mrs. Henry Wood, Ellen Price Wood Englishwriter of novels about murders and thefts and forgeries (1814-1887) 6. Wood http://www.yourdictionary.net/Wood.html | |
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