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1. The Ellen Wood Website Wood A Biographical Sketch; ELLEN Wood (1814-1887) - A Chronology. WorcestershireEllen Wood s Worcestershire Childhood; Mrs. Henry Wood and Worcestershire http://www.mrshenrywood.co.uk/ | |
2. Mrs. Henry Wood (1814-1887) Mrs. Henry Wood. 18141887. Profile. Novelist. Born Ellen Price inWorcester, the daughter of a glove maker, she spent most of her http://www3.shropshire-cc.gov.uk/wood.htm | |
3. Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Wood, 1814-1887 East Lynne, Or, The Earl's Daughter. East Lynne, or, The Earl's Daughter. By Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Wood, 18141887 http://docsouth.unc.edu/imls/woodhen/menu.html | |
4. Mrs. Henry Wood, 1814-1887. East Lynne, Or, The Earl's Daughter. East Lynne, or, The Earl's Daughter. By Mrs. Henry Wood, 18141887 Wood, Henry, Mrs., 1814-1887. Funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services shall be quite alone, except my daughter. Mrs. Vane, of Castle Marling, is staying with us http://docsouth.unc.edu/imls/woodhen/woodhen.html | |
5. East Lynne. By Mrs. Henry Wood East Lynne. By Mrs. Henry Wood Mrs. Henry Wood, 18141887 1814-1887 Mrs. Henry Wood http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://name.umdl.umich.edu/NCF27001&y=024D1 |
6. West Midlands Writers On Education 1911); William Samuel Symonds (18181887); Mary Webb (1881-1927); Mrs.Henry Wood (1814-1887); Emma Jane Worboise (1825-1887). Books. The http://www3.shropshire-cc.gov.uk/themes/theme08.htm | |
7. MRS HENRY WOOD Mrs Henry Wood. Wood, Mrs Henry ELLEN (18141887), English novelist, was born at Worcester on the i7th the thirty-five novels Mrs Henry Wood produced, the best of those http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/W/WO/WOOD_MRS_HENRY.htm | |
8. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > W > Wood, Henry, Mrs., available for this text. Author Wood, Henry, Mrs., 18141887 KeywordsAuthors W Wood, Henry, Mrs., 1814-1887; Titles E ; Literature. http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Au |
9. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > W 17591797. Woman s Institute Of Domestic Arts And Sciences; Wood, Eugene,1840-1923; Wood, Henry, Mrs., 1814-1887; Wood, William Charles http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Au |
10. East Lynne East Lynne Wood, Henry, Mrs., 18141887 Henry, Mrs., 1814-1887 Wood http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.archive.org/texts/texts-details-db.p |
11. State Library Of Tasmania Images: Home > Search Results Home Subject index Wood, Henry Mrs. - 1814-1887. - East Lynne - Posters.Results (9 matches) Click the thumbnail for a larger image. Search http://images.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/Search/Search.asp?Letter=W&Subject=Wood, H |
12. State Library Of Tasmania Images: Home > Detail > AUTAS001124871153 Maud. Woman s sin - Posters Wood, Henry - Mrs. - 1814-1887. - EastLynne - Posters Gilbert, WS - (William Schwenck) - 1836-1911. http://images.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/Detail.asp?Letter=D&Creator=Daily Telegrap |
13. MRS HENRY WOOD Mrs Henry Wood. Wood, Mrs Henry ELLEN (18141887), English novelist,was born at Worcester on the i7th of January 1814. Her maiden http://75.1911encyclopedia.org/W/WO/WOOD_MRS_HENRY.htm | |
14. HyperDic, Online English Dictionary > Wood murders and thefts and forgeries (18141887). person United States painter and forgeries (1814-1887). Broader writer. author. Synonyms Mrs. Henry Wood. Ellen Price Wood. Wood Senses http://www.hyperdic.net/dic/W/Wood.htm | |
15. Mrs. Henry Wood, 1814-1887. East Lynne, Or, The Earl's Daughter. , Page. Title Page, Title Page.......Mrs. Henry Wood, 18141887. East Lynne, or, The Earl s Daughter. Richmond West Johnston, 1864. List of Illustrations. http://docsouth.unc.edu/imls/woodhen/illustr.html | |
16. Mrs. Henry Wood Definition Of Mrs. Henry Wood. What Is Mrs. Henry Wood? Meaning Word Word. Noun, 1. Mrs. Henry Wood English writer of novels about murdersand thefts and forgeries (1814-1887) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Mrs. Henry Wood | |
17. Mrs. Henry Wood, 1814-1887. East Lynne, Or, The Earl S Daughter. Libraries. Mrs. Henry Wood, 18141887 East Lynne, or, The Earl s Daughter.Richmond West Johnston, 1864. Full Text (224 p., ca. http://docsouth.dsi.internet2.edu/imls/woodhen/menu.html |
18. Documenting The American South The Southern Homefront, 1861-1865. Macon, Ga. Burke, Boykin, 1864. 208 p. Wood, Mrs. Henry, 18141887 East Lynne,or, The Earl s Daughter. Richmond West Johnston, 1864. 224 p. http://docsouth.dsi.internet2.edu/imls/literature.html |
19. Microforms In Alexander Library Microforms in Alexander Library. Author/Title Wood, Henry Mrs. 18141887(British Fiction Archive). Location M/fiche 382. Extent 207 M/fiche. http://www.scc.rutgers.edu/microforms/Detail.CFM?Microforms_Collection__ID=305 |
20. MRS. HENRY WOOD - Definition By HyperDictionary.com Mrs. Henry Wood. WordNet Dictionary. Definition n English writer of novels aboutmurders and thefts and forgeries (18141887). Synonyms Ellen Price Wood, Wood. http://www.hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/mrs. henry wood |
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