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Willis Nathaniel Parker: more books (25) | ||||||||||||
61. Inventory Of The Garber Letter Collection Willis, Nathaniel Parker (18061867) American Editor. ALS, 1 p., August22, 1857, Hudson Highlands, to Reverend C. Bathhurst Woodman. http://www.cwru.edu/UL/SpecColl/Garber/letterw.htm | |
62. The Spiritwalk Library: Project Gutenberg 18541900 William Sidney Porter, 1862-1910 AKA Henry, O., 1862-1910 Williams,Henry Smith, 1863-1943 Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 1806-1867 Wilson, Harriet E http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm | |
63. EBOOKS - ALPHABETICAL LIST ~ W Williams, Sam. Williams, Valentine, 18831946. Williamson, Thames Ross. Willis,Nathaniel Parker, 1806-1867. Wills, William John. Willson, Marcius, 1813-1905. http://www.globusz.com/authors_w1.html | |
64. HOROSCOPESCHAT Nathaniel Parker Willis 18061867 TO ROSE Rose, when I remember you, Littlelady, scarcely two, I am suddenly aware Of the angels in the air. http://groups.msn.com/HOROSCOPESCHAT/novelsplays.msnw?action=get_message&mview=0 |
65. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations 1998 1 Willis, Miriam DeCosta See DeCosta-Willis, Miriam 1 Willis, NP (NathanielParker), 1806-1867 See Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 1806-1867 1 Willis http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/10,33,81/search/aWillis, Nathan | |
66. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations Author, Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 18061867. Title, Poems of NathanielParker Willis With a memoir of the author, by HL Williams. http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/10,33,81/search/a?Williams, Hen |
67. Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 Porter, 18621910 AKA Henry, O., 1862-1910 Williams, Henry Smith, 1863-1943 Williams,Valentine, 1883-1946 Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 1806-1867 Wilson, Harriet http://www.olympus.edu.pl/Instytut NW/wirtualna biblioteka/autorzy.htm |
68. Authors V-Z 1910 Williams, Henry Smith, 18631943 Williams, Rufus Phillips, 1851-1911 Williams,Valentine, 1883-1946 Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 1806-1867 Wilson, Harriet E http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/v-z.htm | |
69. Wright American Fiction, 1851-1875 Untold (1857). Author Willis, Nathaniel Parker, (18061867). Availability© 2002 The Trustees of Indiana University. Print Source http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/wright2/wright2-2760 | |
70. Wright American Fiction, 1851-1875 Pen To (1853). Author Willis, Nathaniel Parker, (18061867). Availability© 2002 The Trustees of Indiana University. Print Source http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/wright2/wright2-2759 | |
71. NcpmAuthors15 Williams, Wellington? engraver, of Philadelphia. Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 18061867.Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 1806-1867. joint comp. Williston, Timothy. http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/ndlpcoop/moahtml/ncpmAuthors15.html |
72. American Poetry - Pre-Civil War Period Willis, Nathaniel Parker (18061867) Fugitive poetry Boston Publishedby Pierce and Williams, 1829. Lines to a lady, in The album http://library.stanford.edu/depts/hasrg/hdis/ampo4_toc.html | |
73. Nathaniel Parker Willis Nathaniel Parker Willis (18061867). Nathaniel Parker Willis has thedistinction of being, possibly, the most important 19th-century http://garts.latech.edu/ahiggins/416/Willis.html | |
74. Edwin Forrest Papers M2824. Subjects ActorsNew York (City) Kean, Edmund, 1787-1833 Macready,William Charles, 1793-1873 Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 1806-1867. http://www.clements.umich.edu/Webguides/EF/Forrest.html | |
75. Records For West Indies Description And Travel. (LC) (in MARION 18 Pam H PAMPHLET Available. Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 18061867. Ahealth trip to the tropics, by N. Parker Willis. London, S. Low, 1854. http://atlas.hslc.org:8007/MARION/@WEST INDIES/9c5700003100/0 |
76. MATHEW BRADY GALLERY, NY - Nathaniel Parker Willis Nathaniel Parker Willis 1806 1867, Magazine editor, journalist, and talentedessayist, Nathaniel Parker Willis brought a rare, modern sensibility to his http://www.npg.si.edu/exh/brady/gallery/79gal.html | |
77. Nathaniel Parker Willis You are in Museum of History Hall of North and South Americans Nathaniel Parker Willis. Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography, edited by James Grant Wilson and John Fiske. Six volumes http://www.famousamericans.net/nathanielparkerwillis | |
78. Literary Encyclopedia: Willis, Nathaniel Parker Willis, Nathaniel Parker. (1806 1867). www.LitEncyc.com. DomainLiterature. Poet, Journalist, Editor, Literary Critic, Story Writer http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=4742 |
79. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (W) Henry ). 1895 1977. Willis, Nathaniel Parker (Willis, Nathaniel Parker). 1806 - 1867. Wills, WG (Wills, William Gorman ). 1828 - 1891. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=200&golist=true&init=W |
80. Search Books by Willis, Nathaniel Parker (1806 1867), Go back. Death of Poe by Willis,Nathaniel Parker (1806 - 1867). Nathaniel Willis and Poe are good friends. http://ebooks.learningtogo.com/b/s/results.html?qSrc=AUTHOR(Willis, Nathaniel Pa |
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