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White Sands Missile Range Public Affairs Office: more detail | |||||
81. Bataan2000 (Editor s note This article courtesy of the White Sands Missile Range PublicAffairs Office.). Link to original news item Bataan Memorial March. http://ojc.org/NL/jan2000/bataan2000.html | |
82. ABQjournal: How To Get To Trinity Site For more information contact the White Sands Missile Range Public AffairsOffice at (505) 6781134/1700. Courtesy White Sands Missile Range. http://www.abqjournal.com/venue/travel/togetthere04-05-01.htm | |
83. Green River Launch Complex Digital Collection -- About Page Permission to digitize was secured from the United States Army PublicAffairs Office at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. http://www.lib.utah.edu/digital/greenriver/about.html | |
84. EMRR's Review: Public Enemy - Honest John obsolete. Borrowed from the Public Affairs Office White Sands MissileRange and the Redstone Arsenal Historical Information. Link Dead. http://www.rocketreviews.com/cgi-bin/rvwbuild/rvwbuild.cgi?pe_honest_john.html |
85. Project Gutenberg - Author Index: W White, Matthew. Two Boys And A Fortune, or, The Tyler Will. White SandsMissile Range Public Affairs Office. Trinity Site 19451995. http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/IA_W | |
87. John Clarke Convocation has also launched scientific experiments on sounding rockets at the White SandsMissile Range and observed Office of Public Affairs Denison University http://www.denison.edu/publicaffairs/pressreleases/clarke.html | |
88. Army Public Affairs Movies. Aerial Requests. COMREL Awards MOI. FAQ. Public Affairs Contacts. Bliss/WhiteSands Missile Range RCI project. A senior legal Officer from the Office of the http://www4.army.mil/ocpa/press/index.php |
89. Blackmask Online : SUGGEST "Trinity Site: 1945-1995--White Sands Missile Range P SUGGEST Trinity Site 19451995White Sands Missile Range PublicAffairs Office TO A FRIEND If you have a friend that you http://www.blackmask.com/cgi-bin/newlinks/recommend_it.cgi?ID=7397 |
90. Air Defense System Hits Target in a June 10 flight test at White Sands Missile Range, NM. defend against mediumto longRange ballistic Missiles The Army Space and Missile Defense Command in http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/news/1999/a19990614lucky7.htm | |
91. Air Force Link - Fact Sheet AIM-120 AMRAAM tests at Eglin AFB, Fla.; White Sands Missile Range, NM; and Airto-air tacticalMissile Contractor Hughes 20.7 inches (52.58 centimeters) Range 20+ miles http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=79 |
92. USAF.COM - USAF Weapons during flight tests at Eglin AFB, Fla., White Sands Missile Range, NM and PrimaryFunction Airto-air tactical Missile. Range 20+ miles (17.38+ nautical miles http://www.usaf.com/weapons/aim120.htm | |
93. TWA Flight 800: WEAPONS SYSTEMS at White Sands did an intercept on theater type Missile. later and 20s interceptsthe target at a Range of 230 n.miles and at an altitude of 122,000M http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/CRASH/TWA/SYS_STANDARD.html | |
94. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Local News a spokesperson at the Pacific Missile Range Facility yesterday Army Air Defense, Missile has failed in The Army s White Sands Missile Range is littered with http://starbulletin.com/1999/09/28/news/story5.html | |
95. JASSM Lifts Off At White Sands Missile Range Standoff Missile was conducted recently at White Sands Missile Range, NM The JASSMis the next generation longRange cruise Missile The two Missiles that have http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/smart/docs/n19990827_991599.htm | |
96. THAAD Radar Test Successful At Kwajalein MEMORANDUM FOR CORRESPONDENTS 28 Feb 19 Radar at the Kwajalein Missile Range in the on a theater ballistic Missile representativetarget intercept flight tests at White Sands Missile Range, but has http://www.fas.org/spp/starwars/program/news97/us970228a.htm | |
97. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - White Sands Copyright© 19711998 Project Gutenberg PROMO.NET - All rights reserved.Web Site Designed and Administered by Pietro Di Miceli http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_white_sands_missile_ran |
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