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         White Gilbert:     more books (19)
  1. Gilbert Whiteïÿýs journals. Edited by Walter Johnson by Gilbert (1720-1793). Johnson, Walter (1867-) ed. White, 1970-01-01
  2. The natural history of Selborne - Edited and introduced by E.M. Nicholson by Gilbert (1720-1793) - Related names: Nicholson, E. M. (ed.); Daglish, Eri White, 1925
  3. The natural history of Selborne by Gilbert White. by White. Gilbert. 1720-1793., 1908-01-01
  4. The natural history and antiquities of Selborne by Gilbert White by White. Gilbert. 1720-1793., 1901-01-01
  5. The natural history and antiquities of Selborne. in the county o by White. Gilbert. 1720-1793., 1911-01-01
  6. The natural history of Selborne with observations on various par by White. Gilbert. 1720-1793., 1854-01-01
  7. Gilbert White: Naturalist, Poet, Priest and Scholar (1720-1793) (Selbourne Papers) by Paul G. M. Foster, 2000-09-29
  8. Gilbert White's Year: Passages from the Garden Kalendar and the Naturalist's Journal, 1751-1793 by Gilbert White, 1981-02
  9. The Journals of Gilbert White, 1751-1773 by Gilbert White, 1987-05
  10. The Journals of Gilbert White 1774 1783 (Vol 2) by Gilbert White, 1988-11
  11. The Essential Gilbert White of Selborne (A Godine country classic) by Gilbert White, H. J. Massingham, 1985-07
  12. Gilbert White: A Biography of the Author of The Natural History of Selborne by Richard Mabey, 2007-02-02
  13. The Selborne Pioneer: Gilbert White As Naturalist and Scientist : A Re-Examination by Ted Dadswell, 2003-03
  14. Gilbert White and His Records: A Scientific Biography by Paul G. M. Foster, 1989-05

1. PANLOG: All About All
Dickson 18321918 WHITE Byron R. 1917-0 WHITE EB 1899-1985 WHITE Edward Douglass1845-1921 WHITE Edward H., II 1930-1967 White Gilbert 1720-1793 WHITE Helen

2. RPO -- Selected Poetry Of Gilbert White (1720-1793)
Selected Poetry of Gilbert White (17201793). from RepresentativePoetry On-line Prepared by members of the Department of English
Poet Index Poem Index Random Search ... Concordance document.writeln(divStyle)
Selected Poetry of Gilbert White (1720-1793)
from Representative Poetry On-line
Prepared by members of the Department of English at the University of Toronto
from 1912 to the present and published by the University of Toronto Press from 1912 to 1967.
RPO Edited by Ian Lancashire
A UTEL (University of Toronto English Library) Edition
Published by the Web Development Group, Information Technology Services, University of Toronto Libraries
Index to poems
Me far above the rest Selbornian scenes, The pendent forests, and the mountain-greens
Strike with delight; there spreads the distant view,
That gradual fades till sunk in misty blue:
Here nature hangs her slopy woods to sight,
Rills purl between and dart a quivering light.
(The Invitation to Selborne)
  • A Harvest Scene
  • The Invitation to Selborne
  • The Naturalist's Summer-Evening Walk
  • On the Dark, Still, Dry Warm Weather, Occasionally Happening in the Winter Months
    Notes on Life and Works
    The 1813 edition of White's Selborne (viii-ix) gives the following biography:
    • Foster, Paul G. M.
  • 3. WHITE, Gilbert, 1720-1793
    White, Gilbert, 17201793. Antiquities on Selbourne in the County of Southampton.London, Falcon press Gilbert White (1720-1793) A Walk around Selborne on-line disponível em
    WHITE, Gilbert, 1720-1793.
      Antiquities on Selbourne in the County of Southampton .London, Falcon press, [1950] Selborne, et Sogns Natur og Fugleliv . [Oversat af Niels Haislund] Illustreret af Mads stage. Kobenhavn, H. Hagerup, 1951. Selections. 1993 Passages from the Natural History of Selborne, Naturalist's Journal and other Writings / selected and introduced by Colin Campbell; wood engravings by Thomas Bewick. Cambridge: Silent Books, 1993. The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne / Gilbert White; introduced by Ian Niall ; engravings by Chris Wormell.London: Folio Society, 1994 (1995 printing)
    TEXTOS SOBRE O AUTOR: CARNOCHAM, W. B., Cultural Landscapes. Gilbert White and the Natural History of Selbourne , Stanford, Cal., 1989. CHRISTOPHER, John. Gilbert White and his Selborne .London, Kimber, 1970. EALING, Eng. Public Libraries. Selborne Society Library; a Catalogue of mss., Books and Periodicals Devoted to Gilbert White and Natural History . [Ealing] Ealing Reference Library, 1958. EMDEN, Cecil Stuart.

    4. Gilbert White Resources At Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base
    Gilbert White resources at Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base. Resources include annotated links, book reviews, new and used books by the Reverend Gilbert White, including The Natural Gilbert White's beautifully written evocation of the natural world of Selborne based on his The Reverend Gilbert White (17201793) is regarded as England's first ecologist

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    Gilbert White
    Online Resources Texts: Gilbert White Used Books: Gilbert White Know of a Resource? ... The Natural History of Selborne (Penguin Nature Classics Series) by Gilbert White , Richard Mabey, Edward Hoagland (Introduction). Gilbert White's beautifully written evocation of the natural world of Selborne based on his correspondence with two distinguished naturalists of the day has endured in popularity since its first publication in 1788-9. Suggesting that the lives of birds and animals have their own richness and rhythm, White's book, more than any other, has shaped our everyday view of the relations between humans and nature. One of the most perfectly realized celebrations of nature in the English language, The Natural History of Selbourne (1789) captures the "minute particulars" of daily life in an eighteenth century Hampshire parish.

    5. Alton & The Home Of Its Neighbor, Gilbert White
    nearby Selborne for the afternoon to visit Gilbert Whites House, The Wakes, a charming 18th century The Rev. Gilbert White (17201793), an older contemporary of Jane Austen
    Travel opportunities to explore the world of literature Free Brochures Current Tours Past Tours
    ... Book Lists
    Tour #7
    Walk through the town of Alton with historian Jane Hurst, author of the recently published booklet, Jane Austen and Alton . She will point out significant sites that existed at the time of Jane Austen. Here on the main street is the building where Henry had his bank. He sometimes officiated at the local church which the group will see. As she guides the group through this town that she knows so well, Jane Hurst will highlight the historic features from the Austen era. She will accompany this tour group as it visits the Allen Gallery to view its remarkable and extensive ceramics collection. The gallery was once the stables of Jane Austen’s doctor. Curator Tony Cross will comment on the gallery’s collection. The group will travel to nearby Selborne for the afternoon to visit Gilbert White’s House, “The Wakes,” a charming 18th century house and museum. The Rev. Gilbert White (1720-1793), an older contemporary of Jane Austen, was a naturalist who authored the renowned Natural History of Selborne.

    6. RPO -- Gilbert White : The Naturalist's Summer-Evening Walk
    Gilbert White (17201793). The Naturalist s Summer-Evening Walk. 1Th imprison d windsslumber within their caves. 2Fast bound the fickle vane, emblem of change,.
    Poet Index Poem Index Random Search ... Concordance document.writeln(divStyle)
    Gilbert White (1720-1793)
    The Naturalist's Summer-Evening Walk
    Th'imprison'd winds slumber within their caves Fast bound: the fickle vane, emblem of change, Wavers no more, long-settling to a point. All nature nodding seems compos'd: thick steams >From land, from flood up-drawn, dimming the day, "Like a dark ceiling stand:" slow thro' the air Gossamer floats, or stretch'd from blade to blade The wavy net-work whitens all the field. Push'd by the weightier atmosphere, up springs The ponderous Mercury, from scale to scale Mounting, amidst the Torricellian tube. While high in air, and pois'd upon his wings Unseen, the soft, enamour'd wood-lark runs Thro' all his maze of melody; the brake Loud with the black-bird's bolder note resounds. Sooth'd by the genial warmth, the cawing rook Anticipates the spring, selects her mate, Haunts her tall nest-trees, and with sedulous care Repairs her wicker eyrie, tempest torn. The plough-man inly smiles to see upturn His mellow glebe, best pledge of future crop:

    7. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg
    Authors W White, Gilbert, 17201793. Natural History of Selborne, The Author White, Gilbert, 1720-1793. KeywordsAuthors W White, Gilbert, 1720-1793; Titles N ; Subject

    8. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > W > White, Gilbert, 172
    this text. Author White, Gilbert, 17201793 Keywords Authors WWhite, Gilbert, 1720-1793; Titles N ; Subject subject unknown.

    9. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Titles > N
    text. Author White, Gilbert, 17201793 Keywords Authors W White, Gilbert,1720-1793; Titles N ; Subject subject unknown. Naturalist

    10. Natural History Of Selborne, The
    Natural History of Selborne, The White, Gilbert, 17201793 Gilbert, 1720-1793 White

    11. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - White, Gilbert
    INDEX What is PG Etext Listings. Etexts by Author. White, Gilbert,17201793 W Index Main Index The Natural History of Selborne.

    12. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - White, Gilbert, 1720-1793
    Etexts by Author. White, Gilbert, 17201793 W Index Main Index The Natural History of Selborne LANGUAGE English SUBJECT Natural

    13. WHITE, A. D.
    White, Gilbert (17201793), English writer on natural history, was born on the i8th of July 1720 in on the 26th of June 1793. Gilbert White's daily life was
    WHITE, A. D.
    See J. C. Atkinson, Memorials of Old Whitby (London, 1894); Lionel Chariton, History of Whitby (York, 1779); George Voun History of Whitby (Whitby, 1817); Victoria County History, Yor shire, North Riding. WHITE, A. D.WHITE, GILBERT His publications include The Greater States of Continental Europe (1874); A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom (2 vols., 1896), his most important work, his Autobiography (2 vols., New York, 1905) and Seven Great Statesmen (1910). See T, F. G. Coates, Sir George White (1900).

    14. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article
    White, Gilbert (17201793). The Hutchinson Dictionary of ScientificBiography; 1/1/1998. Read the Full Article, Get a FREE Trial for

    15. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
    13. White, Gilbert (17201793) The Hutchinson Dictionary of the Arts; January1, 1998 White, Gilbert (1720-1793) English naturalist and cleric.

    16. The Naturalist's Summer Evening Walk By Gilbert White
    The Naturalist's Summer Evening Walk. By Gilbert White. equidem credo, quia sit divinitus illis Gilbert White (17201793) was born and died in Selborne, Hampshire, England
    Brain Strain
    Fun Stuff
    The Facts
    Site Map The Naturalist's Summer Evening Walk
    By Gilbert White

    equidem credo, quia sit divinitus illis
    Ingenium. Virgil
    WHEN day declining sheds a milder gleam,
    What time the may-fly haunts the pool or stream;
    When the still owl skims round the grassy mead,
    What time the timorous hare limps forth to feed; Then be the time to steal adown the vale, And listen to the vagrant cuckoo's tale; To hear the clamorous curlew call his mate, Or the soft quail his tender pain relate; To see the swallow sweep the dark'ning plain Belated, to support her infant train; To mark the swift in rapid giddy ring Dash round the steeple, unsubdu'd of wing:

    17. White, Gilbert
    White, Gilbert (17201793). English naturalist and cleric. He was theauthor of The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne 1789
    White, Gilbert English naturalist and cleric. He was the author of The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne 1789, which records the flora and fauna of an area of Hampshire.
    White studied at Oxford. Although assigned to parishes elsewhere, he chose to live in his native Selborne.
    White's book is based on a diary of his observations and on letters to two naturalist friends over a period of about 20 years. Elegantly written, The Natural History contains descriptions of rural life and acute observations of a wide variety of natural-history subjects, such as the migration of swallows, the recognition of three distinct species of British leaf warblers, and the identification of the harvest mouse and the noctule bat as British species.
    White also wrote Calendar of Flora and the Garden 1765, an account of observations he made in his garden in 1751, and Naturalist's Journal (begun in 1768).

    18. LotFinder®
    , White, Gilbert (1720-1793). The Natural...... Lot Number, 5, Sale Number, 9834. Lot Title, White, Gilbert (17201793).The Natural Lot

    19. LotFinder®
    Travel and Natural History, London, South Kensington, Apr 29, 2004,9834, 5, White, Gilbert (17201793). The Natural History of Selborne

    20. Gilbert White
    There was, in fact, something for everybody in the book. The Wakes. The ReverendGilbert White (17201793) is regarded as England s first ecologist. White.htm
    Selborne Primary School
    The beautiful village of Selborne in Hampshire and its delightful countryside is famous for its association with the 18th century naturalist Gilbert White. His book, The Natural History of Selborne’ meticulously records his observations of the plants and wild life of this part of England. Gilbert loved the area so much that he knew the habits of each plant, bird and animal and their habitats. Each year, thousands of people, who have come to delight in Gilbert White's book, ,journey from all over the world to visit Selborne. Gilbert White was a clergyman and his home was the “Wakes”, the large vicarage at Selborne. He was apparently a good clergyman, making visits to his parishioners in all weathers. Despite of his fascination with plants and animals, he did not neglect his duties. This description of Gilbert White is taken from Anthony Rye’s book, “Gilbert White and his Selborne”: “He was a little, thin, prim, upright man, who used to go poking about in the lanes and hedges with his stick, and then rather nattily stop to flick the dust off his shoes with his handkerchief. He was not over particular as to what he handled – some of them were pretty strange; and he liked strange beasts, even snakes!

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