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         Wallace Alfred Russel:     more books (44)
  1. Bad times an essay on the present depression of trade. tracing i by Wallace. Alfred Russel. 1823-1913., 1885-01-01
  2. A dissertation on the true age of the world : in which is determined the chronology of the period from creation to the Christian era by Alfred Russel, 1823-1913 Wallace, 2009-10-26
  3. Natural selection and tropical nature; essays on descriptive and by Wallace. Alfred Russel. 1823-1913., 1895-01-01
  4. In Darwin's Shadow: The Life and Science of Alfred Russel Wallace: A Biographical Study on the Psychology of History by Michael Shermer, 2002-08-15
  5. Alfred Russel Wallace: A Life. by Peter Raby, 2001-08-01
  6. The Heretic in Darwin's Court: The Life of Alfred Russel Wallace by Ross A. Slotten, 2004
  7. Wallace and Bates in the Tropics: An Introduction to the Theory of Natural Selection, Based on the Writings of Alfred Russel Wallace & Henry Walter Bates
  8. The Alfred Russel Wallace Reader: A Selection of Writings from the Field (Center Books in Natural History)
  9. An Elusive Victorian: The Evolution of Alfred Russel Wallace by Martin Fichman, 2004-02-01
  10. Iquitos 1910: Roger Casement and Alfred Russel Wallace on the Amazon by William Bryant, 2003-05
  11. Batu-Angas: Envisioning Nature with Alfred Russel Wallace by Anne Cluysenaar, 2008-11-01
  12. Narrative of Travels on Amazon and Rio Negro (World History) by Alfred Russell Wallace, 1969-12
  13. Where Worlds Collide: The Wallace Line (Comstock Book) by Penny Van Oosterzee, 1997-09
  14. Just Before the Origin: Alfred Wallace's Theory of Evolution by John Langdon Brooks, 1984-02

41. Wallace.html
Translate this page Wallace. Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913). Naturalista e evolucionistainglês, nasceu em USK, Monmontshire em 8 de Janeiro de 1823.
Alfred Russel Wallace
Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro de Wallace foi publicado em 1853.
The Malay Archipelago foi publicada em 1869.
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection em 1859.
Darwinism em 1889.
Land Nationalization Society Links importantes
A. Alfred Wallace and the Spice Islands of Indonesia

Alfred Russel Wallace is one of the forgotten fathers of modern science

Alfred Russel Wallace

Alfred Russel Wallace por Michon Scott
AlfredRussel Wallace por Erin Wellcome

42. Echo Biographica File 'W'
.Wallace, Alfred Russel 18231913 Naturalist. Co-discoverer with CharlesDarwin of the theory of natural selection. Wallace attributed
Wallace, Alfred Russel
[1823-1913] Naturalist. Co-discoverer with Charles Darwin of the theory of natural selection. Wallace attributed a moment of insight to a fever dream. He wrote up a paper describing the action of natural selection, then sent a copy to Darwin for review and possible publication. Wallace's paper and a letter of Darwin's to Asa Gray were presented to the same meeting of the Linnean Society in 1858. Darwin's publication of "The Origin of Species" in 1859 eclipsed Wallace. Arnold Brackman's "A Delicate Arrangement" (1980) explores this topic in detail, but presses for conclusions unwarranted by the evidence. Discoverer of "Wallace's Line" separating the biota of Asia from Australia.
Watson, James D.
[1928-] Biochemist. Co-discoverer with Francis Crick of the double helix structure of DNA.
Watson, Seanna
[?-] T.o. regular, CWACK.
Watson, Stephen
[?-] T.o. regular, CWACK.
Webb, Max
[?-] T.o. regular.
Wegener, Alfred Lothar
[1880-1930] Geologist. Proposed continental drift in 1912. In the 1960's, evidence emerged giving rise to plate tectonics, which vindicated the concept of continental drift, but by a mechanism incompatible with Wegener's proposal.
Whitcomb, John Clement

43. WIEM: Wallace Alfred Russel
Biologia, Geografia, Wielka Brytania Wallace Alfred Russel (18231913).Wallace Alfred Russel (1823-1913), przyrodnik i podróznik
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
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Wallace Alfred Russel
Wallace Alfred Russel (1823-1913), przyrodnik i podró¿nik angielski, twórca teorii ewolucji opartej na zasadach doboru naturalnego , któr± og³osi³ niezale¿nie od Ch.R. Darwina w  On the Tendency of Varieties to Depart Indefinitely from the Original Type (1858). 1848-1850 uczestniczy³ w ekspedycji naukowo-badawczej do Ameryki Po³udniowej, celem zbadania fauny i flory obszaru nad Rio NegroAmazonk± . 1854-1862 prowadzi³ badania naukowe w  Malezji w zakresie botaniki, zoologii i geologii, a tak¿e narzeczy ludno¶ci tubylczej. Jako pierwszy okre¶li³ rozmieszczenie krain zoogeograficznych. Autor szeregu dzie³, Malay Archipelago Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection The Geographical Distribution of Animals WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry

44. Natural Selection: Subject Gateway To The Natural World
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 18231913; Evolution;. Evolution (Biology); Wallace, AlfredRussel, 1823-1913; Natural selection;. Origin of species / Darwin, Charles.
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Descent of man by Charles Darwin
This is just one of the free texts from a collection of electronic books hosted on the Web site of 'Human nature review'. The twenty-one chapters plus introduction of The Descent of Man are offered here in an easily readable online format. Topics covered include "the descent or origins of man" and sexual characters of man and other animals. Evolution (Biology); Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882; Human evolution; Evolution; Human beings Origin;
Discovering dinosaurs
A colourful, clearly written, and user-friendly site from Encyclopaedia Britannica on the evolution of human theories about the dinosaurs. Starting from the beginning of the 19th century and going up to the present date, it shows our changing views on dinosaurs, accompanied by illustrations and quotations from authoritative sources. Other features include an interactive activity guide for school children and a list of recommended books. Dinosaurs; Science/History;
Evolution resources / American Association for the Advancement of Science
This page gives access to a selection of articles on evolution, each of which has been written by an established researcher or thinker and published in print in a scientific publication. They cover mutations and heredity, determination of species, the adaptationist approach, evolution versus creation, the role of God in evolutionary theory, and more. They are collected here on the site of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

45. Wallace, Alfred Russel: Writings On Evolution, 1843-1912
Alfred Russel Wallace (18231913) was one of the most famous scientists of his time,both for his independent realization of the theory of natural selection
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Wallace, Alfred Russel Writings on Evolution, 1843-1912 . Edited by Charles H. Smith. Distributed for the Thoemmes Continuum. 1464 p. (est.), 3 volumes. 5_1/2 x 8_1/2 2004 Series: (T-EVOL) Thoemmes Press - Evolution and Anti-Evolution Debates Before and After Darwin Cloth CUSA $445.00tx 1-84371-049-8 Spring 2004 Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) was one of the most famous scientists of his time, both for his independent realization of the theory of natural selection and his pioneer work in biogeography and other areas of natural history. For many years, Charles Darwin eclipsed Wallace's contributions to evolutionary biology, but Wallace is rapidly re-emerging from the shadows as a highly important figure in his own right. This new set comprises the first-ever collection of Wallace's writings on evolution. Volume One gathers more than sixty of his articles, essays, and reviews from numerous Victorian periodicals, reset in new typography. Volumes Two and Three contain facsimile reprints of his two books, Darwinism (1889) and Natural Selection and Tropical Nature Subjects:
  • History of Science
  • Biological Sciences: Evolutionary Biology
  • Biological Sciences: Natural History
The University of Chicago Press You may purchase this title at these fine bookstores . Outside the USA, consult our

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Books by Wallace, Alfred Russel (18231913), Go back., Alfred Russ

47. Natural History: Alfred Russel Wallace: A Life. . - Review: What's It All About,
A contentious correspondent once characterized Alfred Russel Wallace(18231913) as an enthusiast. By that he meant an obsessive
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YOU ARE HERE Articles Natural History Feb, 2002 Content provided in partnership with
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Feb, 2002 by Richard Milner
Alfred Russel Wallace: A Life, by Peter Raby (Princeton University Press, 2001; $26.95); Historians rediscover the quirky genius of evolutionist Alfred Russel Wallace. A contentious correspondent once characterized Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) as an enthusiast. By that he meant an obsessive amateur, a field collector full of half-baked theories, from whom no beetle or bird was safe. Far from being insulted, Wallace replied, "It is my pride and glory to be worthy to be so called. Who ever did anything good or great who was not an enthusiast? The majority of mankind are enthusiasts only in one thingin money-getting .... [But the] capability of a man in getting rich is in inverse proportion to his reflective powers and in direct proportion to his impudence." Like his hero, Charles Darwin (fourteen years his senior), Wallace had a lifelong enthusiasm for ferreting out the secrets of the natural world, and he gladly risked life and limb in the pursuit of a rare bird or undescribed butterfly. Wallace and Darwin, each acting independently, originated the theory of evolution by natural selectionthe concept that came to be known as Darwinism.

48. Wallace Bei || Günstig Online Einkaufen. Schnäppchen, Beste
Translate this page 9. Alfred Russel Wallace. Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) Bescheidener Mitentdeckerder Selektionstheorie geboren am 8. Januar 1823 gestorben

49. Alfred Russel Wallace - Dictionary Definition
1. Wallace, Alfred Russel Wallace English naturalist who formulateda concept of evolution that resembled Charles Darwin s (18231913). Russel Wallace.html
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Dictionary Definition of Alfred Russel Wallace
The noun "Alfred Russel Wallace" has 1 senses. Wallace Alfred Russel Wallace English naturalist who formulated a concept of evolution that resembled Charles Darwin's (1823-1913)
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50. A History Of Museum Victoria: Capturing Paradise
One of these collectors was Alfred Russel Wallace (18231913) who, in 1854, venturedto the Malay Archipelago of South-East Asia in search of natural history
Museum Victoria Education What's On Home ... Book
Capturing Paradise: Alfred Russel Wallace's Red Bird of Paradise
Paul Fox
The European imagination has long sought to recapture the Eden lost when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise. Perhaps no living thing has evoked this sense more than the bird of paradise. By the nineteenth century the bird was coveted by national museums and private natural history collectors alike.
Wallace's specimen of Paradisea rubra features in the Darwin to DNA exhibition in the Melbourne Museum.
Museum Victoria, Ornithology Collection.
Photographer: Rodney Start.
One of these collectors was Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) who, in 1854, ventured to the Malay Archipelago of South-East Asia in search of natural history specimens. While there, he gained the insight regarding natural selection which was to make him the co-author, with Charles Darwin, of the theory of evolution. During 1860 Wallace collected twenty-four red birds of paradise from the island of Waigeo, which today is part of Indonesia. At least one of these was forwarded to Professor Frederick McCoy, director of the National Museum of Victoria, but not directly from Waigeo. It went first to John Gould, one of the London suppliers of McCoy's natural history ark. Whatever was new to natural science passed by the knowing eye of this great naturalist. Best remembered today for the plates in

51. Ternate Paper Of Alfred Russel Wallace
On the Tendency of Varieties. to Depart Indefinitely. from the OriginalType. BY Alfred Russel Wallace. (18231913). Instability of Varieties
On the Tendency of Varieties
to Depart Indefinitely
from the Original Type
Instability of Varieties supposed to prove the permanent distinctness of Species
O NE of the strongest arguments which has been adduced to prove the original and permanent distinctness of species is, that varieties produced in a state of domesticity are more or less unstable, and often have a tendency, if left to themselves, to return to the normal form of the parent species; and this instability is considered to be a distinctive peculiarity of all varieties, even those occurring among wild animals in a state of nature, and to constitute a provision for preserving unchanged the originally created species. In the absence or scarcity of facts and observations as to varieties occurring among wild animals, this argument has had great weight with naturalists, and has led to a very general and somewhat prejudiced belief in the stability of species. Equally general, however, is the belief in what are called "permanent or true varieties," - races of animals which continually propagate their like, but which differ so slightly (although constantly) from some other race, that the one is considered to be a variety of the other. Which is the

52. Ternate Paper Of Alfred Russel Wallace
On the Tendency of Varieties. to Depart Indefinitely. from the OriginalType. BY Alfred Russel Wallace. (18231913). This version has
On the Tendency of Varieties
to Depart Indefinitely
from the Original Type
BY ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE This version has been slightly abridged and edited by P. S. Boyer (March 1998), but without changing the remaining original wording except for some spelling modernizations. Endnotes are by Professor Boyer.
The Struggle for Existence
The life of wild animals is a struggle for existence. The full exertion of all their facilities and all their energies is required to preserve their own existence and provide for that of their infant offspring. The possibility of procuring food during the least favorable seasons, and of escaping the attacks of their most dangerous enemies, are the primary conditions which determine the existence both of individuals and of the entire species. These conditions will also determine the population of a species; and by a careful consideration of all the circumstances we may be enabled to comprehend, and in some degree explain, what at first sight appears so inexplicable the excessive abundance of some species, while others closely allied to them are very rare.
The Law of Population of Species
twice that number must perish annually , a striking result, but one which seems at least highly probable, and is perhaps under rather than over the truth. It would therefore appear that, as far as the continuance of the species and the keeping up the average number of individuals are concerned, large broods are superfluous. On the average all above

53. An Elusive Victorian: The Evolution Of Alfred Russel Wallace
best treatment yet Although it is premature to think that the continuing attentionto Alfred Russel Wallace (18231913) merits the notion a Wallace Industry
An Elusive Victorian: The Evolution of Alfred Russel Wallace
An Elusive Victorian: The Evolution of Alfred Russel Wallace

by Authors: Martin Fichman
Released: January, 2004
ISBN: 0226246132
Sales Rank:
List price:
Our price: You save: Book > An Elusive Victorian: The Evolution of Alfred Russel Wallace > Customer Reviews: Average Customer Rating:
An Elusive Victorian: The Evolution of Alfred Russel Wallace > Customer Review #1: best treatment yet

Although it is premature to think that the continuing attention to Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) merits the notion a "Wallace Industry" is underway (as is the case with Darwin), this new study certainly stokes the fire. It is, simply, the best monographic analysis of Wallaces life and work yet produced. Fichman uses a contextualist approach to create a treatment which is roughly chronological/biographical in organization, yet deviates as necessary (and often) to explore the nature of, and influences on, Wallaces thoughtwhich ranged all the way from evolutionary biology, astronomy, and other hard sciences to spiritualism, social criticism, and land reform. Wallace is "elusive" because his world view was both all-encompassing, and rather complex. A chronic problem with Wallace investigations has been an unwillingness by most scholars to read enough of his vast output to get a complete idea of what he was about. As a result, the common view has been that he in part gave up on natural selection around 1866 to adopt spiritualist (and later socialist) beliefs: the so-called "change of mind" hypothesis. As Fichman reveals, a newer point of view is emerging: that Wallaces stance had always been more or less teleological, that he probably always did consider man to be a "special case," and that both natural selection and spiritualismequally and necessarilyfit into this stance as he explored its logical ramifications.

54. The Lost Journals
Alfred Russel Wallace (18231913) has been described as a gentle giant of a man,tall, spare with a determined jaw setting off features that were filled with
@import "GE.css";
They Say
content: Frederick Highland
website: amg
The Lost Journals
Alfred Russel Wallace, naturalist
“Is it possible there are certain places in the world set apart from those ordinary appearances to which we attribute reality? Are there places, then, that body forth their own images and appearances? I believe this island called Sumatra has its own order of things.”
He was one of the great British adventurers, naturalists and writers in an age which boasted many such intrepid wandering spirits. Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) has been described as a gentle giant of a man, tall, spare with a determined jaw setting off features that were filled with curiosity and kindliness. Like most of us, he was something of a paradox—a man with a keen scientific interest and yet an ardent believer in spiritualism. He was also a self-made man of little formal education whose intuitions about the natural world were uncanny. He anticipated the main ideas in Darwin’s evolution revolution and invented Wallace’s Line , an imaginary geographical demarcation between Asian and Australian mammals that turned out to be quite real.

55. Alfred Russel Wallace -
Alfred Russel Wallace n. 1), English naturalist who formulated a conceptof evolution that resembled Charles Darwin s (18231913). Synonyms Wallace.
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alfred russel wallace [n] English naturalist who formulated a concept of evolution that resembled Charles Darwin's (1823-1913) Synonyms: wallace See Also: naturalist
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56. Wallace 1
Alfred Russel Wallace (18231913). Drawing by Spshichi Uchii.Last modified March 16, 2001.
Alfred Russel Wallace [Drawing by Spshichi Uchii] Last modified March 16, 2001.

57. Historical Text Archive: Links : Visit External Link
Extensive materials by and on the celebrated naturalistand social critic Alfred Russel Wallace (18231913), including the full...... smithch/index1.htm)

58. SALVE: People - Emberek
Wallace, Alfred Russel (18231913). {cím2}. Wallace. Alfred Russel Wallacea korszeru evolúció elmélet egyik megalkotója. Életrajza
Emberek People Wallace, Alfred Russel (1823-1913)
Wallace Alfred Russel Wallace a korszerû evolúció elmélet egyik megalkotója. Életrajza a weben olvasható ( www Wallace sokrétû munkásságából hatalmasat merít az Alfred Wallace Page (www) . Az evolúció elmélet szempontjából legfontosabb mûve (On the Law which has Regulated the Introduction of New Species.) itt helyben, illetve e weben olvasható (www)
Ez is Wallace... Módosítva: , webmester: Kabai e.mail webhely:

59. Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883
http//, pdf-eng. Wallace, AlfredRussel, 1823-1913, 1006504. Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1823-1913, 1006505.
Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883 Correspondence Of Wagner And Liszt Volume 1 txt,htm-eng Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883 Correspondence Of Wagner And Liszt Volume 2 txt,htm-eng Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883 On Conducting (Üeber Das Dirigiren) : A Treatise On Style In The Execution Of Classical Music, txt,htm-eng Wairy, Louis Constant, 1778-1845 Recollections Of The Private Life Of Napoleon Complete txt,htm-eng Wairy, Louis Constant, 1778-1845 Recollections Of The Private Life Of Napoleon Volume 01 txt,htm-eng Wairy, Louis Constant, 1778-1845 Recollections Of The Private Life Of Napoleon Volume 02 txt,htm-eng Wairy, Louis Constant, 1778-1845 Recollections Of The Private Life Of Napoleon Volume 03 txt,htm-eng Wairy, Louis Constant, 1778-1845 Recollections Of The Private Life Of Napoleon Volume 04 txt,htm-eng Wairy, Louis Constant, 1778-1845 Recollections Of The Private Life Of Napoleon Volume 05

60. SCI-CULT Archives June 2002 ( 1)
The Alfred Russel Wallace Page http// It containsmuch material by and about naturalist and social critic Wallace (18231913),

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