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         Voltaire 1694-1778:     more books (100)
  1. The works of Voltaire: a contemporary version by 1694-1778 Voltaire, John Morley, et all 2010-09-07
  2. The works of Voltaire: a contemporary version with notes by 1694-1778 Voltaire, Tobias George Smollett, et all 2010-09-11
  3. The works of Voltaire: a contemporary version by 1694-1778 Voltaire, John Morley, et all 2010-09-07
  4. The works of Voltaire; a contemporary version; by 1694-1778 Voltaire, John Morley, et all 2010-09-11
  5. Oeuvres de M. de Voltaire (French Edition) by 1694-1778 Voltaire, 1694-1778 Théatre Voltaire, 2010-05-18
  6. The works of Voltaire: a contemporary version by 1694-1778 Voltaire, John Morley, et all 2010-09-07
  7. The works of Voltaire: a contemporary version with notes by 1694-1778 Voltaire, Tobias George Smollett, et all 2010-09-08
  8. The works of Voltaire: a contemporary version with notes by 1694-1778 Voltaire, Tobias George Smollett, et all 2010-08-02
  9. The works of Voltaire; a contemporary version; by 1694-1778 Voltaire, John Morley, et all 2010-09-11
  10. The works of Voltaire: a contemporary version by 1694-1778 Voltaire, John Morley, et all 2010-09-07
  11. The works of Voltaire; a contemporary version; by 1694-1778 Voltaire, John Morley, et all 2010-09-11
  12. The works of Voltaire; a contemporary version; by 1694-1778 Voltaire, John Morley, et all 2010-09-11
  13. The works of Voltaire: a contemporary version with notes by 1694-1778 Voltaire, Tobias George Smollett, et all 2010-09-08
  14. The works of Voltaire: a contemporary version with notes by 1694-1778 Voltaire, Tobias George Smollett, et all 2010-09-11

61. - Voltaire (1694-1778) - God Is A Comedian Playing To An Audience T
God is a comedian playing to an audience tooafraid to laugh. Voltaire (1694-1778).
God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh. -Voltaire (1694-1778)
D2K Interactive Another Quote

62. Great Historical Writings - Voltaire
Voltaire (François Marie Arouet); On the Internet; See the Big Listof Quotes. Voltaire (FrançoisMarie Arouet) (1694-1778). Biographies
and modern works of historical significance) Voltaire

63. Project Gutenberg Titles By Voltaire, 1694-1778
Project Gutenberg Titles by. Voltaire, 16941778. Candide (in French). Candido,o, El Optimismo (in Spanish). Histoire des Voyages de Scarmentado (in French)., 1694-1

64. VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS (1694-1778)
Voltaire, FRANCOIS (16941778). Han var författare och ledamot avFranska Akademien 1746. Han var son till en ämbetsman och kom
VOLTAIRE, FRANCOIS (1694-1778) Han var författare och ledamot av Franska Akademien 1746. Han var son till en ämbetsman och kom tidigt in i libertinska kretsar i Paris. Hans Satiriska epigram mot de politiska makthavarna gjorde att han blev satt i fängelse 1717 och 1725-26 samt en förvisning till England 1726-29. Studiet av engelska tänkarna, bl a Locke, Newton, Clarke och deisterna gjorde ett djupt intryck på honom. Han återvände till sitt land full av iver att predika den nya världsåskådningen. 1734-49 bodde han hos vänen markisinnan du Chatelet, där var han som mest produktiv. 1750 antog han en inbjudan från Fredrik den store och stannade vid dennes hov i Berlin till 1753. 1758 köpte han godset Ferney. Han var den franska upplysningens främste representant. Han slog igenom med tragedier som förenar klassisistisk form och tidens idéer. I en rad dikter och populärfilosofiska arbeten framlade Voltaire sin filosofiska ståndpunkt. Han anser att handlingsfriheten är mycket viktig. Han utgick ifrån klara enskilda tankegångar men när dessa skulle sammanflätas blev resultatet ofta dunkelt. Intrycken från Englandsvistelsen redovisas i Filosofiska brev 1734, där han kriticerar politik och religion. I romanen

65. ChurchRodent
Rich Tatum s Glossary of Christian History. Search Voltaire (16941778).To him the saying is attributed I disapprove of what you
Voltaire (1694-1778)
Encyclopedia edited by Denis Diderot.
ChurchRodent : Rich Tatum's Glossary of Christian History
Based in-part on Bruce Shelley's Christian History in Plain Language

66. Gallica - Voltaire (1694-1778). Candide, Ou L'Optimisme [Document électronique]
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67. LearningLanguages.Net - Advanced Search Results
Searched for Creator equals Voltaire, 16941778 , Advanced Search. Results 1- 1 of 1, Searched for Creator equals Voltaire, 1694-1778 , Advanced Search.,

68. Voltaire
absurditeiten begaan. Voltaire François de Voltaire (1694-1778) wordtin een aantal beroemde vegetariërslijsten genoemd. Hij zou

19 mei 1998


john ray

Portrait de Voltaire

    Zolang we absurditeiten geloven zullen we absurditeiten begaan. - Voltaire

History UK ). Hier is zo'n uitspraak:
De vreselijke bloedbaden die onophoudelijk in onze slachthuizen en keukens plaatsvinden, schijnenons geen verschrikking meer toe; integendeel beschouwen wij deze afschuwelijke praktijken, die vaak pestilentie veroorzaken, als een zegen van de Heer en danken Hem in onze gebeden voor de moordpartijen. Bestaat er wel iets weerzinwekkenders dan het eten van lijkenvlees? - Zitateliste
Henry Salt (1892) noemt Voltaire en Rousseau 'spokesmen' van een in de achttiende eeuw opkomende sensibiliteit, waarbij het lot van dieren niet werd uitgesloten (Ronan). In vorige eeuwen was die gevoeligheid nog een uiterste zeldzaamheid. Van Voltaire is ook de volgende uitspraak: Mensen die gevoed zijn door slachtingen en sterke drank drinken, hebben allen vergiftigd en dor bloed dat hen gek maakt op honderd verschillende manieren - ARRS Quotations on Food Choices In het Filosofisch Woordenboek bestrijdt Voltaire het mechanisch denken van Descartes en anderen zoals dat uitsluitend van toepassing werd geacht op dieren: Historical Thought (zj) Bronnen ARRS Quotations on Food Choices (zj) Bloud (1990) Historical Thought ... john ray

69. Voltaire - Kalliope
Kalliope Digtere Voltaire. Voltaire (16941778). Digtere VærkerDigte Baggrund, Værker, Voltaires samlede poetiske værker. Digttitler,

70. Sharelook: Voltaire (1694-1778)
Translate this page Voltaire (1694-1778) - Schnell Suchen und Finden im redaktionellen Webverzeichniszum Thema Literatur - Voltaire (1694-1778), Voltaire (1694-1778),
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  • eBay bietet Artikel zum Thema voltaire
    eBay ist der weltweit größte Online-Marktplatz. Hier finden Sie in 15 Hauptkategorien und Tausenden von wohl sortierten Unterkategorien Millionen von Artikeln. Bei eBay treffen sich Käufer und Verkäufer aus der ganzen Welt. eBay macht einfach Spaß! Sponsored Link Voltaire ( Biografie und Intention.
    ( Daten und Fakten aus dem Leben des Schriftstellers. Voltaire ( Biografische Angaben sowie eine Auflistung der Werke Voltaires. Google AdSense Voltaire (1694-1778) Voltaire (1694-1778) Voltaire (1694-1778) International: Belgien Deutschland Frankreich Italien ... Niederlande Regional: Aachen Berlin Bochum Bonn ... mehr...
  • 71. The Lied And Art Song Texts Page
    Voltaire (16941778) pseudonym. François Marie Arouet. Texts setto music warning - not an exhaustive list. Titles are in normal

    72. Voltaire Bio: The Online Library Of Liberty
    THE ONLINE LIBRARY OF LIBERTY © 2004 Liberty Fund,Inc. Voltaire (16941778). Updated April 19, 2004.
    Voltaire (1694-1778) Updated: May 18, 2004 ELECTRONIC TEXTS ABOUT THE AUTHOR
    Electronic Texts
    Clicking on a book title will take you to a detailed Table of Contents page with more options for online viewing or downloading (PDF or HTML, whole book or chapters). Clicking on the HTML or PDF file size will open a file of the entire book . Some titles are available at our sister website Econlib (The Library of Economics and Liberty). The facsimile PDF is a replica of the original edition used; the E-Book PDF was either used in publishing our books or is a PDF made from our HTML version. Some titles are published by LF and can be purchased from LF's online catalogue . To view multi-volume works you need to go to the Table of Contents page and select the part of the text you wish to use. Book Title (ToC) Date HTML Econlib HTML Facs. PDF E-Book (PDF) Online Catalog Candide (The Works vol. 1) 498 KB 20 MB 644 KB ... 15.3 MB Essay Title Source (ToC) HTML PDF
    About the Author
    Voltaire was one of the leading figures of the French Enlightenment. He first made a name for himself as a poet and playwright before turning to political philosophy, history, religious criticism, and other literary activities.

    73. H E U R E K A
    Voltaire. Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire (16941778) var en av de mest inflytelserikaupplysningsfilosoferna, inte bara i sitt hemland Frankrike, utan även




    Pro Sensu Communi

    Voltaire Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778) var en av de mest inflytelserika upplysningsfilosoferna, inte bara i sitt hemland Frankrike, utan även internationellt. Hans kvickhet, skärpa och ironi gisslade samtidens etablerade synsätt och fördomar. Voltaire var som många upplysningsfilosofer deist, vilket innebär att Gud ses som världens skapare, men ej ingriper i världsförloppet. Den etablerade religionen, med dess inskränkthet och fanatism, var dock ett naturligt attackmål. Voltaires berömda ord "écrasez l´infâme" ("krossa den skändliga", d.v.s. den franska kyrkan), blev ett lösenord för upplysningens kamp mot kyrkan. Mer om Voltaire: Citat av Voltaire: "Dygd förutsätter frihet, liksom att bära en börda förutsätter aktiv styrka.(...)Mitt tänkande är inte underordnat någon auktoritet mer än vad sjukdom och hälsa är." "Den vidskeplige är för skurken vad slaven är för tyrannen. Han är mer än så. Den vidskeplige regeras av fanatikern - och blir själv en sådan. Vidskepelsen föddes i hedendomen, upptogs av judendomen och infekterade den kristna kyrkan redan i äldsta tid." "Gå in i Londons börshus - en mer respektabel plats än många domstolar - och du kommer att se representanter från alla nationer samlade i mänsklighetens tjänst. Där handlar juden, muhammedanen, och den kristne med varandra som om de tillhörde samma religion, och ger namnet otrogen enbart till den som blir bankrutt. Där litar presbyterianen på anabaptisten, och anglikanen accepterar kväkarens löfte. När de lämnar dessa fredliga och fria sammankomster, går några till synagogan, andra går för att ta en drink...andra går till sin kyrka för att inspireras av Gud."

    74. Internet Modern History Sourcebook: The Enlightenment
    Voltaire (16941778) On John Locke, from Letters on the English orLettres Philosophiques, c. 1778 At this Site. The Enlightenment
    Halsall Home Ancient History Sourcebook Medieval Sourcebook Modern History Course
    Other History Sourcebooks: African East Asian Indian Islamic ... Pop Culture See Main Page for a guide to all contents of all sections. Contents

    75. Modern History Sourcebook: Voltaire: Letters On The English Or Lettres Philosoph
    Voltaire (16941778) Letters on the English or Lettres Philosophiques,c. 1778. Introduction. Francois-Marie Arouet, known by his
    Back to Modern History Sourcebook Back toHistory of Science Sourcebook
    Letters on the English or Lettres Philosophiques, c. 1778
    Introduction Francois-Marie Arouet, known by his assumed name of Voltaire, was born at Paris, November 21, 1694. His father was a well-to-do notary, and Francois was educated under the Jesuits in the College Louis-le-Grand. He began writing verse early, and was noted for his freedom of speech, a tendency which led to his being twice exiled from Paris and twice imprisoned in the Bastile. In 1726 he took refuge in England, and the two years spent there had great influence upon his later development. Some years after his return he became historiographer of France, and gentleman of the king's bedchamber; from 1750 to 1753 he lived at the court of Frederick the Great, with whom he ultimately quarreled; and he spent the last period of his life, from 1758 to 1778, on his estate of Ferney, near Geneva, where he produced much of his best work. He died at Paris, May 30, 1778.

    76. Voltaire, 1694-1778. Epitre A Uranie
    Library Home Page, The William Ready Division of. Archives and Research Collections.Back to V Index. Voltaire, 16941778 Epitre a Uranie. before 1736.
    The William Ready Division of Archives and Research Collections Back to V Index Voltaire, 1694-1778 Epitre a Uranie. [before 1736]. Manuscript, 8 p. Fair copy by an unknown hand of Voltaire's poem transcribed from a manuscript in the library of Prince Eugene of Savoy. Manuscript 28. All three manuscripts are bound into one volume. There is no agreement on the authorship of Les trois imposteurs. See Ira O. Wade, The Clandestine Organization and Diffusion of Philosophic Ideas in France from 1700 to 1750, p. 127-128. Manuscript was acquired from Barry Brown in 1960s. An earlier owner was Robert Montgomery. Finding aid available as part of the fonds level description in hard copy and electronically. There are no access restrictions. Further accruals are not expected. Location: 14a.
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    (1764). (Extrait). Les Romains n infligèrent jamais la torture
    VOLTAIRE (1694-1778) ARTICLE "TORTURE", DICTIONNAIRE PHILOSOPHIQUE (1764) (Extrait) Les Romains n'infligèrent jamais la torture qu' aux esclaves, mais les esclaves n'étaient pas comptés pour des hommes. Il n'y a pas d'apparence (1) non plus qu'un conseiller de la Tournelle (2) regarde comme un de ses semblables un homme qu'on lui amène hâve, pâle, défait, les yeux mornes, la barbe longue et sale, couvert de la vermine dont il a été rongé dans un cachot. Il se donne le plaisir de l'appliquer à la grande et à la petite torture, en présence d'un chirurgien qui lui tâte le pouls, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit en danger de mort, après quoi on recommence ; et comme dit très bien la comédie des Plaideurs : "Cela fait toujours passer une heure ou deux". Le grave magistrat qui a acheté pour quelque argent (3) le droit de faire ces expériences sur son prochain va conter à dîner à sa femme ce qui s'est passé le matin. La première fois, madame en a été révoltée ; à la seconde, elle y a pris goût, parce qu'après tout les femmes sont curieuses ; ensuite, la première chose qu'elle lui dit lorsqu'il rentre en robe chez lui : « Mon petit coeur, n' avez-vous fait donner aujourd'hui la question à personne ? » Les Français, qui passent, je ne sais pourquoi, pour un peuple fort humain, s'étonnent que les Anglais, qui ont eu l'inhumanité de nous prendre tout le Canada, aient renoncé au plaisir de donner la question.

    78. Great Books Index - Voltaire
    Voltaire Great Books Index. Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet) (16941778) An Index to Online Great Books in English Translation Have you written an online publication about Voltaire? Please
    Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet) (16941778)
    An Index to Online Great Books in English Translation AUTHORS/HOME TITLES ABOUT GB INDEX BOOK LINKS Writings of Voltaire Candide Philosophical Dictionary Articles Candide
    [Back to Top of Page] The Philosophical Dictionary
    [Back to Top of Page] Links to Information About Voltaire
    • Other work (ABU)
      French text of "Micromegas" by Voltaire.
    [Back to Top of Page] GREAT BOOKS INDEX MENU Great Books Index Home Page and Author List List of All Works by Author and Title [90KB] About the Great Books Index Links to Other Great Books and Literature Sites ... Literary Cryptograms Support for the Great Books Index web pages is provided by Ken Roberts Computer Consultants Inc URL: Last revised January 11, 1999 by Ken Roberts e-mail

    79. The Voltaire Society Of America
    The Voltaire Society of America. THE MISSION OF THE Voltaire SOCIETY OFAMERICA. The chief purpose VoltaireJEFFERSON VIDEO. We are pleased
    The Voltaire Society of America
    THE MISSION OF THE VOLTAIRE SOCIETY OF AMERICA The chief purpose of THE VOLTAIRE SOCIETY OF AMERICA INCORPORATED is to foster the spirit of the Enlightenment, tolerance and respect for the rights of the individual as exemplified by the life of Voltaire and as reflected in the beliefs of his contemporaries, the founders of the United States. Our projects now include the presentation of lectures and the creation of educational materials such as a video on Voltaire and Jefferson, development of a French version of such materials in conjunction with groups in Ferney, and cooperation with other cultural and educational organizations in furtherance of such goals. Contents of this page: Site contents:

    80. The Voltaire Society Of America
    The Voltaire Society of America The chief purpose of THE Voltaire SOCIETY OF AMERICA INCORPORATED is to exemplified by the life of Voltaire and as reflected in the beliefs
    The Voltaire Society of America
    THE MISSION OF THE VOLTAIRE SOCIETY OF AMERICA The chief purpose of THE VOLTAIRE SOCIETY OF AMERICA INCORPORATED is to foster the spirit of the Enlightenment, tolerance and respect for the rights of the individual as exemplified by the life of Voltaire and as reflected in the beliefs of his contemporaries, the founders of the United States. Our projects now include the presentation of lectures and the creation of educational materials such as a video on Voltaire and Jefferson, development of a French version of such materials in conjunction with groups in Ferney, and cooperation with other cultural and educational organizations in furtherance of such goals. Contents of this page: Site contents:

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