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         Volney C F:     more books (100)
  1. The Search Of Truth by C. F. Volney, 2006-09-15
  2. Die Ruinen: Oder, Betrachtungen uber die Revolutionen der Reiche : Anh., "Das naturliche Gesetz : oder, physische Grundsatze der Moral" (Bibliothek der europaischen Aufklarung) (German Edition) by C.-F Volney, 1977
  3. Ruins or Meditations on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature by C. F. Volney, 2010-05-23
  4. All Religions Have The Same Object by C. F. Volney, 2006-09-15
  5. New Researches on Ancient History by C. F. Volney, 1874-01-01
  6. French belles-lettres from 1640 to 1780 ... humor, sentiment, romance by Monsieur Scarron, Prosper Mérimée, et all 2010-08-28
  7. The Lessons Of Times Past Repeated On The Present by C. F. Volney, 2010-05-23
  8. La loi naturelle ; Lecons d'histoire (Les Classiques de la politique) (French Edition) by C.-F Volney, 1980
  9. The law of nature, or Principles of morality, deduced from the physical constitution of mankind and the universe. by C-F 1757-1820 Volney, 2010-08-03
  10. On Encourage And Activity by C. F. Volney, 2006-09-15
  11. The Origin Of Religious Ideas by C. F. Volney, 2010-05-23
  12. The Problem Of Religious Contradictions by C. F. Volney, 2010-05-23
  13. The Universal Basis Of All Right And All Law by C. F. Volney, 2006-09-15
  14. The Religion Of Moses Or Worship Of The Soul Of The World by C. F. Volney, 2006-09-15

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23. VOLNEY (C. F.)., La Loi Naturelle, Ou Le Catéchisme Du Citoyen Français.
Llibreria Antiquària Comellas
VOLNEY (C. F.). La Loi Naturelle, ou le Catéchisme du Citoyen Français. A Paris, de l'imprimerie de Didot Jeune, chez Sallior, 1793. in-18. 107pp. Cartonnage moderne genre ancien. Les édition postérieures portent à la suite du titre "ou Principes Physiques de la morale". This item is listed on Bibliopoly by Llibreria Antiquària Comellas ; click here for further details.

24. VOLNEY C-F., Voyage En Egypte Et En Syrie.
Libreria Antiquaria Mediolanum
VOLNEY C-F. Voyage en Egypte et en Syrie. Parigi, Bossange, 1823. Tre volumi in-16ì; ritratto, XI, 323 pp., 1 carta geografica ripiegata e 1 tavola ripiegata - 2 cc., 1 carta geografica ripiegata - 2 cc., 374 pp.; legatura del tempo in mezza pelle con fregi in oro al dorso e tasselli in marocchino (un poco sciupata). Be This item is listed on Bibliopoly by Libreria Antiquaria Mediolanum ; click here for further details.

25. Le Bateau Livre - Liste Des Livres D'un Auteur.
Translate this page Retour . Auteur Volney CF. Titre, Thème, Editeur, Nb de pages,Format, Prix €, LES RUINES ou Méditations sur les Révolutions des

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28. Books By C. F. [Constantin Francois De] Volney
Author CF Constantin Francois de Volney Entry 1397 The Ruins
Author: C. F. [Constantin Francois de] Volney

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By C.F. Volney
Print on Demand (Paperback) / R A Kessinger Publishing Co / April 1996 / 1564597857
Books Similar to Ruins or Meditations on the Revolut...
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By C.F. Volney
Paperback / Eca Assoc / June 1990 / 0938818627
Books Similar to The Ruins Or, Meditation of the Rev...
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Book Reviews The Ruins or Meditation of the Revolutions of Empires By Al I. Obaba C. F. Volney Paperback / African Islamic Mission Publications / December 1990 / 0916157334 Books Similar to The Ruins or Meditation of the Revo...

30. A Libertarian Labyrinth - CALVIN BLANCHARD
Volney, CF New Reasearches on Ancient History Calvin Blanchard 1860;Volney, CF The Ruins; or Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires.

Black Swamp Infozone
a libertarian labyrinth Calvin Blanchard:
Born: 1808
Died: 1868 Positivist, Publisher; "Announcer Of The Religion Of Science, Professor Of Religio-Political Physics, Expositor Of The Statics And Dynamics Of God Almighty, Advocate For The Constitution Manifest In Human Nature, And Head Member Of The Society For Abolishing Utopia, And Humbug." Blanchard was an important popularizer of Comte's sociology, and published an early American edition of The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte . He was, however, also an active proponent of freethought and some form of "free love" doctrine (with a rather Fouriest character, it seems), and his criticisms of government probably qualify him among the early North American anarchists. SOURCES: Origins of American Sociology BIBLIOGRAPHY: Works by Calvin Blanchard:
  • The Art of Real Pleasure: That New Pleasure for which an Imperial Reward Was Offered. New York, Calvin Blanchard, 1864.
  • A Crisis Chapter on Government (NY: Blanchard, 1865).

31. Project Gutenberg - Author Index: V
England. Volney, CF (Constantin Francois de). Ruins, The, or, Meditationon the Revolutions of Empires and The Law of Nature. Voltaire.
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32. Accueil Livre-rare-book
CF Volney Chez les Lib.du Palais Royal, Paris, 1828 - 5 tomes (d env. 130 Volney CF. La
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Réf : 25084 Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books - Ecrire DE VOLNEY, CONSTANTIN-FRANCOIS CHASSEBOEUF COMTE : Réf : 35133 Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books - Ecrire DE VOLNEY, CONSTANTIN FRANCOIS CHASSEBOEUF: Réf : DEL1cafd Delon-Biblio - Ecrire - Marigny Saint-Marcel, France - 33+ 04 50 01 46 05 HAFID-MARTIN (Nicole). Volney. Rome, 1999. In-8, 172 pp, broché. - Prix : Publié dans la collection Bibliographie des écrivains français. Ce livre donne une bibliographie des auteurs et des critiques. Volney fut un grand orientaliste mais surtout, ami des Lumières, il se fit le défenseur du rationalisme, de la liberté et de l'égalité. Réf : 2281 Ecrire - Bruxelles, Belgique - 32+ 2 511 70 64 NORDMAN Daniel L'école normale de l'an III - Leçons d'histoire de géographie d'économie politique Dunod, Paris 1994 26.8 x 19.3 - 482 pages. Relié sous jaquette illustrée. Edition annotée des cours de Volney, Buache de La Neuville, Mentelle et Vandermonde. - Prix : Réf : MINI 1688 Hamburger Antiquariat Keip GmbH - Ecrire - Hamburg, Allemagne - +49 40 4132 890

33. Accueil Livre-rare-book
CF Volney par Adolphe Bossange.
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Réf : 6955 Librairie Pages Volantes - Ecrire - Paris, France - 33+ 01 40 59 88 46 VOLNEY (C.F.). Les ruines, ou méditation sur les révolutions des Empires. P., Bossanges Frères, 1822, - Prix : In-8, demi-veau bleu nuit, dos orné de filets dorés,XLIX-368 pp. Dixième édition. On y joint "La loi naturelle" Portrait gravé de l'auteur en frontispice, une gravure hors-texte et deux dépliantes in-fine (une mappemonde et un tableau du ciel astrologique des anciens). Précédé d'une notice sur la vie et les écrits de C.F. Volney par Adolphe Bossange. Réf : 1446 Librairie Pages Volantes - Ecrire - Paris, France - 33+ 01 40 59 88 46 WALISZEWSKI (K.). Le Roman d'une Impératrice Catherine II de Russie d'après ses mémoires, sa correspondance et les documents inédits des Archives d'Etat. Portrait d'après une miniature du temps. P., Plon, 1894, - Prix : In-8, br., 618 pp.

34. 1800-1840 Maps Of The United States, United States State Maps,antique Maps,antiq
ID 10250. Volney, CF CHASSEBEUF COMTE DE. CARTE DES ETATSUNIS DE L AMERIQUE Nordpour servir au Tableau du Climat et du Sol par CF Volney. Paris. c1809. MPHC.
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See the January 2001 Issue of The Tennessee Magazine (.pdf format) See the Cover of the Tennessee Magazine (.pdf format) Original Antique Maps United States Maps United States Maps 1800-1840 United States Maps 1800-1840 The descriptions are in this order: Cartographer; Title; Publisher; Place Published; Date Published; Type of Color (if any); Type of Printing; Description; Size (HxW); Condition; Matted or Framed (if applicable); Price; I.D.#. ARROWSMITH, AARON.

35. - Books By Author
Please log in. Books by CF Volney. Here is a list of our books by CF Volney .There is 1 book by this author in our collection. This is book 1 of 1.

36. From Revolution To Reconstruction: Presidents: Thomas Jefferson: Letters: CLIMAT
To CF de C. Volney February 8, 1805. DEAR SIR, Your letter of Novemberthe 26th came to hand May the 14th; the books some time
FRtR Presidents Thomas Jefferson Letters CLIMATE, FEVERS AND THE POLYGRAPH
The Letters of Thomas Jefferson: 1743-1826
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To C.F. de C. Volney February 8, 1805
DEAR SIR, to them , as the other is to all The genus irritabile vatum could not let the author of the Ruins publish a new work, without seeking in it the means of discrediting that puzzling composition. Some one of those holy calumniators has selected from your new work every scrap of a sentence, which, detached from its context, could displease an American reader. A cento has been made of these, which has run through a particular description of newspapers, and excited a disapprobation even in friendly minds, which nothing but the reading of the book will cure. But time and truth will at length correct error. Americanism . Connecticut will be with us in a short time. Though the people in mass have joined us, their leaders had committed themselves too far to retract. Pride keeps them hostile; they brood over their angry passions, and give them vent in the newspapers which they maintain. They still make as much noise as if they were the whole nation. Unfortunately, these being the mercantile papers, published chiefly in the sea ports, are the only ones which find their way to Europe, and make very false impressions there. I am happy to hear that the late derangement of your health is going off,and that you are re-established. I sincerely pray for the continuance of that blessing, and with my affectionate salutations, tender you assurances of great respect and attachment.

37. From Revolution To Reconstruction: Presidents: Thomas Jefferson: Letters: NEWS O
To CF de C. Volney Washington, Feb. 11, 1806. DEAR SIR, Sincemine of Feb. 18 of the last year, I have received yours of July
FRtR Presidents Thomas Jefferson Letters NEWS OF CAPTAIN LEWIS
The Letters of Thomas Jefferson: 1743-1826
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To C. F. de C. Volney Washington, Feb. 11, 1806
  • The horns of what is perhaps a species of Ovis Ammon.
  • A new variety of the deer having a black tail.
  • An antelope.
  • The badger, not before known out of Europe.
  • A new species of marmotte.
  • A white weasel.
  • The magpie.
  • The Prairie hen, said to resemble the Guinea hen (peintade).
  • A prickly lizard.
  • 38. Bibl_peupl
    Translate this page Volney CF, Voyages en Syrie et en Egypte pendant les années 1783,1784 et 1785, Paris, Desenne et Volland, 2e édit., 1787. Volney
    Bibliographie Afrique ancienne : Peuplement, histoire, généralités ADAMS W. Y., Nubia : Corridor to Africa , Londres, Allen Lane, 1977. Abou Bakre A., L'Egypte ancienne et l'Afrique nègre , Dakar, 1966. Anselin A., La question peule et l'histoire des Egyptes ouest-africaines , Paris, Editions Karthala, 1981. Arkell A. J., A History of the Sudan , Londres, 1ère éd. 1955, 2e éd. 1961. BAKR M., "The Influence of the Ancient Egyptian Culture on Africa", in International Conference on the Sudan in Africa , Khartoum, 1968. K. W. Butzer, Die Naturlandschaft Aegyptens während der Vorgeschichte und dem Ägyptischen Zeitalter, Mainz 1959 ; K. W. Butzer et C. L. Hansen, Desert and River in Nubia, Madison 1968. A. D. H. Bivar et Shinnie, Old Kanuri Capitals, in : Journal of African History 3, Cambridge 1962, 1-10. Bernal Martin, Black Athena CADALVENE Ed. de et BREUVERY, L'Egypte et la Nubie , Paris, Arthus Bertrand, 2 vol., 1841. A. Berthelot, L'Afrique saharienne et soudanaise, ce qu'en ont connu les Anciens , Paris 1927.

    39. Volumes From The Library Of George Washington
    Peter Stagg, Capt., Co.E, First Mich. Cavalry, Commanding Post. . Volney,CF The Law of Nature; or, Principles of Morality. Philadelphia, 1796.

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    • Simes, Thomas. The Military Guide for Young Officers. Philadelphia, 1776
    This unique copy of Simes, made up of advance sheets of the first American edition, was presented to George Washington in an incomplete state by Robert Aitken, one of the publishers, who hand-wrote a title-page, inscribing, "Now in the press the following is as much as the publishers have got done - For His Excellency General Washington...". The book probably was presented about the time Washington was appointed General and first Commander in Chief of the Continental Army, June 15, 1775. The volume saw action in the American Civil War as well. On the "title-page" verso, the following statement is inscribed: "Head Quarters Detachment of Gen. Gearey's Com., Salem, Va., May 4, 1862. This book was seized by order of Brig. Gen. J.W. Gearey, by Lieut. D.T. Wells, Co., E, First Mich. Cavalry, it being contraband of war. The Gen. thinking the book might by highly prized for the writing and the signature on the fly leaves, ordered me to return it. Peter Stagg, Capt., Co.E, First Mich. Cavalry, Commanding Post."
    • Volney, C.F. The Law of Nature; or, Principles of Morality. Philadelphia, 1796.

    40. Librairie LEPERT-SCHELER - Libraire Du SLAM - France Antiques
    Translate this page Je suis interesse par I am Interested by Numero = 732 Auteur (Author) = Volney(CF). Titre (Title) = Oeuvres de CF Volney. Deuxième édition complète.

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