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         Vigny Alfred De:     more books (15)
  2. La Canne De Jonc; (French Edition)
  3. The Military Necessity ; translated and with an introduction by Humphrey Hare - [Uniform Title: Servitude et grandeur militaires. English] by Alfred de (1797-1863) Vigny, 1953
  4. Oeuvres complètes; Volume 04 (French Edition) by Baldensperger Fernand 1871-1958, 2010-09-29
  5. Servitude et grandeur militaires by Alfred de (1797-1863) Vigny, 1884-01-01
  6. Chatterton; (French Edition)
  7. Cinq-Mars or A conspiracy under Louis XIII Volume 1 by Alfred de, 1797-1863 Vigny, 2009-10-26
  8. Alfred de Vigny et Son Temps (1797-1863). by Léon Séché, 1901
  9. Alfred De Vigny Et Son Temps: 1797-1863 (1902) (French Edition) by Leon Seche, 2010-02-23
  10. Alfred De Vigny Et Son Temps: 1797-1863 (1902) (French Edition) by Leon Seche, 2010-09-10
  11. Alfred De Vigny Et Son Temps: 1797-1863 (1902) (French Edition) by Leon Seche, 2010-09-10
  12. Alfred De Vigny by James Doolittle, 1970-06
  13. An English Translation of Alfred De Vigny's Daphne: La Deuxieme Consultation Du Docteur Noir/ Daphne: The Second Consultation of Doctor Noir
  14. NOVELS OF ALFRED DEVIGNY (Harvard Dissertations in Romance Languages) by Shwimer, 1991-06-01

41. Scriptura - Collection Autographics
Translate this page VIGN10_9787 (VIL012). pièce autographe signée. Vigny, Alfred de Lamaison du Berger - Poème 2 feuilles de 27 cm x 17 cm. (1797-1863).

42. Filologen - 1-99 - Alfred De Vigny
Senere har han gjennomlevd en noe skyggefull tilværelse. Av Lilian Blix Vesterkjær.Alfred de Vigny 17971863 og hans verk måtte gjenoppdages .
Kjent, miskjent, ukjent
Vigny var en katalysator for kulturlivet i sin samtid og fjernt fra den "gentilhomme du romantisme" man har hatt for vane å forestille seg. I en omfattende og rikt illustrert katalog som ble utarbeidet til Vigny-utstillingen i Musée de la Vie romantique, omtaler Loïc Chotard Vigny slik: "Il fut l´un des premiers artistes engagés de son temps et, dans son combat obstiné pour défendre les jeunes talents, il n`a jamais oublié les peintres, les sculpteurs, les photographes même. Car cet ami du grand peintre Girodet, bon dessinateur lui-même, a toujours milité en faveur de la fraternité des arts: tous ceux qui recherchent la "Beauté idéale" doivent faire cause commune!" Kort sagt, det var en epoke hvor maler-kunst, musikk og litteratur gjensidig skapte grobunn for hverandres vekst. Om dette "samvirke", som tegner seg så tydelig for oss i dag, hadde vært bedre kjent noe tidligere, kunne det kanskje medvirket til at romantikken - litteraturen - hadde fremstått som noe litt mer "spennende", mere "spenstig". At romantikken ikke bare er følelser og utgydelser av personlig art, er vel selvsagt for de fleste. Likevel kan man ikke fri seg fra at man av og til føler at der eksisterer - skal vi våge å si det? - en nedlatende holdning vis-à-vis denne epoke; for der er jo så mange andre litterære epoker og retninger som ber om ens oppmerksomhet […]

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Translate this page de Vigny Alfred ( 1787 - 1863 ) Vigny, Alfred de (1797-1863), poète, romancier etdramaturge romantique français, auteur de Chatterton, qui exalta la figure d

Comte Alfred Victor de Vigny 17971863 search biblion. French poet, playwright,and novelist who began a military career but became a poet.
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Comte Alfred Victor de Vigny
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French poet, playwright, and novelist who began a military career but became a poet. Vigny's CHATTERTON (1835) is one of the most important and influential plays of the romantic era. His poetry is marked by stoical despair, pessimism, and a philosophical, meditative tone. In his lyrics Vigny is more restrained about revealing his inner feelings than his colleague, Lord Byron, but in his Journal intime Vigny recorded his personal life. "Silence alone is great; all else in weakness"
(from La Mort du Loup, 1864) Journal d'un poete in 1829: "He behaves very humbly and had made himself a henchman of Victor Hugo, who encouraged him to turn his hand to poetry... Though he addresses him like a master, Hugo is Sainte-Beuve's pupil. He is well aware that Sainte-Beuve is providing him with a literary education but he does not see to what extent that clever young man dominates him politically." Hugo in turn took a theme from the work and wrote a five-act play in verse

45. Nietz Collection
Zaadz Quotes by Author Alfred de Vigny Quotes task. . . . Then as do I, say naught, but suffer and die. ~ Alfredde Vigny (1797-1863) French poet from La Mort du Loup. More quotes

46. Note A Margine - "La Collera Di Sansone" Di Alfred De Vigny
Alfred de Vigny (1797-1863) (RaccoltaI destini ) La collera di Sansone in francese In francese Questa
Alfred de VIGNY
(Raccolta: I Destini )
La collera di Sansone
In francese
Lanfranco Binni
Alfred de Vigny "Poemi antichi e moderni. I destini", Garzanti, 1991
di sabbia e di leoni? -La notte non ha spento
la fornace del giorno che ha infuocato l'aria.
Leggero s'alza un vento all'orizzonte e increspa,
come limpido lago, i flutti di polvere.
Il bianco lino della tenda si agita dolcemente; l'uovo di struzzo, acceso, veglia tranquillo, stella interiore dei viandanti al riparo, e sulla tela disegna due lunghe ombre. le ginocchia serrate dell'austero e giovane padrone la cui forza divina obbedisce alla schiava. E' morbida come un agile leopardo, e spande I suoi grandi occhi, come mandorla schiusi, ardono del piacere che il sguardo domanda e a tratti lanciano mobili bagliori. Le braccia sottili, bagnate di tiepidi sudori, i piedi voluttuosi sotto di lei incrociati, stretti da braccialetti, anelli e fibbie d'oro, sono bruni; e, come si addice alle figlie di Arsor, i suoi due seni, adorni di antichi amuleti, castamente sono stretti da stoffe siriane.

47. MSN Encarta - Alfred De Vigny
Translate this page Alfred de Vigny (1797-1863), poeta, novelista y dramaturgo francés, nacido en Loches,Turena, y educado en París. Ingresó en el Ejército a los 17 años
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Guttinguer Ulric 17851866 French poet and man of letters Vigny Alfred Victor 1797-1863 French poet and man of letters Comte de .

49. Alibris: Roger Martin Du Gard
Dramatist Alfred de Vigny (17971863) explores the contradictions inherent inthe military life. On the one hand he decries the buy used from $5.44! Martin du Gard
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Translate this page Alfred de Vigny 1797-1863 poète, dramaturge, philosophe Courageuse résignation.Désespoir calme. Voilà la plus saine des philosophies.
Alfred de
poète, dramaturge, philosophe Courageuse résignation. Désespoir calme. Voilà la plus saine des philosophies. Vigny, dans son Journal
  • dans une ère qui connaît des boueleversements politiques, il n'oubliera jamais la fierté de ses origines nobles; son amertume lui inspire une attitude pessimiste mais stoïque
  • Poèmes antiques et modernes , recueil poétique, 1826
  • Chatterton , pièce, 1835
  • La Mort du loup , poème, 1843
  • Les Destinées , receuil poétique (posthume), 1864
Auteur précédent 19e siècle Auteur suivant La Mort du loup
  • Vigny savait que sa présentation des loups n'était pas conforme à la réalité
  • Le loup ici devient un symbole de ce que l'homme devrait être
  • Les loups sont nobles (références aux fondateurs de Rome), courageux, héroïques, stoïques
  • Divisions du poème: I = récit (petite épopée); II = réflexion; III = leçon morale
  • Lien 1
  • Lien 2
  • Lien 3
  • Lien 4

51. Alfred De Vigny
Alfred de Vigny was born in Loches, Indreet-Loire as the only sonof Léon Pierre de Vigny, a former officer of the king s army.
Choose another writer in this calendar: by name:
B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Comte Alfred Victor de Vigny (1797-1863) French poet, playwright, and novelist who started first a military career but became a poet. Vigny's CHATTERTON (1835) is one of the most important and influential plays of the romantic stage. Thomas Chatterton (1752-1770) was an English poet, whose life and early death fascinated the Romantics. Vigny's poetry was marked by a stoical despair, pessimism, and philosophical, meditative tone. In his lyrics Vigny was more restrained about his inner feelings than his great colleague, Lord Byron, but in his Journal intime Vigny recorded his personal thoughts. "Silence alone is great; all else in weakness" (from La Mort du Loup Victor Hugo The March of Literature (1938), that "if it is really historic enough in the episodes it selects to render, it selects historic events that are always of romantic coloring." Cinq-Mars was well received by readers, but Hugo's friend Charles-Augistin Sainte-Beuve reviewed it badly. Vigny wrote about his critic in his Journal d'un poete in 1829: "He behaves very humbly and had made himself a henchman of Victor Hugo, who encouraged him to turn his hand to poetry... Though he addresses him like a master, Hugo is Sainte-Beuve's pupil. He is well aware that Sainte-Beuve is providing him with a literary education but he does not see to what extent that clever young man dominates him politically."

52. Creative Quotations From Alfred Victor Vigny (1797-1863)
Creative Quotations from . . . Alfred Victor Vigny (17971863) bornon Mar 3 French man of letters. He was an early exponent of
CQHome Search CQ CQ Indexes CQ E-books ... creative
Creative Quotations from . . . Alfred Victor Vigny 1797-1863) born on Mar 3 French man of letters. He was an early exponent of French romanticism, e.g., "Cliq-Mars," 1826; he also translated "Othello" into French verse. Search millions of documents for Alfred Victor Vigny
Creative Hats
Tshirts African Cichlids Above all, we must abolish hope in the heart of man. A calm despair, without angry convulsions, without reproaches to Heaven, is the essence of wisdom.
Greatness is the dream of youth realized in old age. The true God, the mighty God, is the God of ideas. Perform your long and heavy task with energy, treading the path to which Fate has been pleased to call you. Fainthearted animals move about in herds. The lion walks alone in the desert. Let the poet always walk thus.
Published Sources for Quotations Above:
F: R: In "The New Webster's Dictionary of Quotations and Famous Phrases," by Donald Bolander, 1987. A: La Bouteille A la mer. N: In "Oxford Dictionary of Quotations," by Oxford University Press, 1979, 1985. K:
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philosopher, author; Vigny, Alfred Victor (17971863) French manof letters; Walker, Margaret (1915-) US writer, educator; Ward
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Historians, Lawyers, Jurists, Educators and other Scholars . . .
  • Abzug, Bella US lawyer, politician Acton, John Dalberg English historian Adams, Henry Brooks US historian, author Adams, James Truslow English historian Adler, Mortimer US philosopher, educator, editor Agassiz, Louis Swiss-USA naturalist, geologist, teacher Alcott, Amos Bronson US teacher, philosopher, reformer Amory, Cleveland US historian, writer Arendt, Hannah German-USA political scientist Arnold, Thomas English educator Ashton-Warner, Sylvia New Zealander educator, writer, novelist, poet Aubrey, John English antiquarian, writer Babson, Roger W. US statistician, columnist Bancroft, George US historian, author Barzun, Jacques French-USA teacher, historian, author Beard, Charles A. US historian Beard, Mary Ritter US historian, writer Beecher, Catharine Esther US educator, author Benjamin, Walter German man of letters, aesthetician Bird, Rose Elizabeth US justice Black, Hugo L. US supreme court justice Blackmun, Harry A. US supreme court justice Blackstone, William
  • 54. Liste Des Oeuvres De Alfred De VIGNY
    Dolorida (Poèmes antiques et modernes); L âge d or de l avenir
    Alfred de VIGNY (1797-1863)
    Pour des raisons de propriété intellectuelle, nous ne pouvons actuellement vous présenter d'oeuvres plus récentes.

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    55. 231. Moïse. Lucas, St. John, Comp. Alfred De Vigny. 1920. The Oxford Book Of Fr
    231. Moïse. Alfred de Vigny (17971863) LE soleil prolongeait sur la cime des tentes
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    56. Vigny, Alfred Victor, Comte De
    Vigny, Alfred Victor, comte de , 1797–1863, French poet, novelist,and dramatist. One of the foremost romantics, Vigny expressed
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      Vigny, Alfred Victor, comte de u v E ny E Pronunciation Key Vigny, Alfred Victor, comte de , French poet, novelist, and dramatist. One of the foremost romantics, Vigny expressed a philosophy of stoical pessimism, stressing the lonely struggle of the individual in a hostile universe. Though physically weak, he was sent to military school and became an officer in 1814, resigning in 1827. His best-known poems are found in (1864). His prose works include the novels Cinq-Mars (1826, tr. The Spider and the Fly, Stello Servitude et grandeur militaires (1835, tr. The Military Necessity, 1953), and Chatterton (1835, tr. 1908), a play. A selection of his own notes comprises (1867). Unlike other romantics of his period, he did not emphasize personal emotion; instead he presented his ideas through general symbols with dramatic force. His reputation, temporarily dimmed by that of Hugo and Lamartine, was revived by the time of Baudelaire. See studies by J. Doolittle (1967) and A. Whitridge (1933, repr. 1971).

    57. Alfred De Vigny
    Site consacré à Alfred de Vigny, le poète des destinées Alfred de Vigny est né à Loches, en Touraine, en 1797, mais il passe la plus grande partie Mort du Loup, jusqu'à 1863 (L'Esprit pur)
    Si vous ne voyez pas de boutons de navigation ou s'ils ne fonctionnent pas, cliquez ici.
    Servitude et grandeur militaires.
    Hugo (cf. et Le Cor qui sont repris ici), Vigny exploite son talent dramatique, d'abord dans Cinq-Mars (1826), dans une adaptation de l' Othello de Shakespeare (1829) puis, surtout, dans Chatterton
    La Mort du Loup L'Esprit pur ), Vigny compose lentement ce recueil aux allures philosophiques dans lequel un pessimisme radical se manifeste d'abord (par exemple dans Le Mont des Oliviers et L'Esprit pur
    recueil qu'il est d'ailleurs possible de chronologie sont accessibles.
    Plan du site Sommaire du site Vigny Chronologie
    Type de correspondance: Tous les mots Alfred de Vigny

    58. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Vigny Alfred De
    Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encarta R©sultats de la recherche pour "Vigny Alfred de" Page sur 1 R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Vigny, Alfred de Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Vigny, Alfred de (1797-1863), po¨te, romancier et dramaturge romantique fran§ais, auteur de Chatterton qui exalta la figure d'un po¨te paria,... plan de l'article Pr©sentation Une vie de d©sillusions Principales œuvres articles voisins Chatterton (Alfred de Vigny) Cinq-Mars (Alfred de Vigny) ... Alfred de Vigny Encyclop©die EncartaImage Po¨te, romancier et auteur dramatique, Alfred de Vigny (1797-1863) est l'une des figures marquantes du romantisme fran§ais. Po©sies ( Destin©es, Destin©es, les (Alfred de Vigny) Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Destin©es, les (Alfred de Vigny) , recueil de po¨mes d’Alfred de Vigny, publi©   titre posthume en 1864. Chatterton (Alfred de Vigny) Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Chatterton (Alfred de Vigny) , drame en trois actes et en prose d’Alfred de Vigny, cr©©   la Com©die-Fran§aise le 12 f©vrier 1835. Cinq-Mars (Alfred de Vigny) Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Cinq-Mars (Alfred de Vigny) , roman historique d’Alfred de Vigny, publi© en 1826. La quatri¨me ©dition (1829) renferme une pr©face intitul©e « ...

    59. Manuscrit Et Biographie Du Poete Alfred De Vigny, Lettre Inedite, Club Des Poete
    Il est bon et salutaire de n avoir aucune espérance ou
    Alfred de Vigny
    Piers Tenniel. Francophones Du monde entier Naviguer Forum ... Pour les enfants

    60. Alfred De Vigny, Un Grand Auteur Romantique Du XIXe Siècle
    Translate this page Alfred de Vigny est né à Loches en Touraine en 1797. Il appartientà une famille aristocratique et militaire. Son père, déjà


    Servitude et grandeur militaires

    Bibliographie ... Chatterton

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