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81. Home Index of North America Richard Brinsley Sheridan, 1751 1816 Robert Burns, 1759 - 1796Robert Southey, Roger Ascham, 1515 - 1568 Royall Tyler, 1757 - 1826 S Samson http://www.18c.net/ind.html |
82. Tyler, Royall. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language: Fourt Fourth Edition. 2000. Tyler, Royall. DATES 17571826. American juristand writer considered the founder of American drama. His plays http://www.bartleby.com/61/39/T0443900.html | |
83. Tyler, Royall encyclopediaEncyclopedia Tyler, Royall. Tyler, Royall, 17571826, Americanjurist, author, and playwright, b. Boston, grad. Harvard, 1776. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0849837.html | |
84. Literary Encyclopedia: Tyler, Royall Tyler, Royall. (1757 1826). www.LitEncyc.com. Domain Literature, Theatre.Playwright, Lawyer, Satirist, Jurist, Journalist, Poet, Letter Writer. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=4491 |
85. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (T) Tyler, Moses Coit (Tyler, Moses Coit ). 1835 1900. Tyler, Royall (Tyler,Royall ). 1757 - 1826. Tynan, Katharine (Tynan, Katharine ). 1861 - 1931. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=200&golist=true&init=T |
86. American Drama Bibliography: T Tyler, Royall, 17571826, The Contrast, A Comedy; In Five Acts; PerformedWith Applause At The Theatres In NewYork, Philadelphia, And Maryland. http://collections.chadwyck.co.uk/html/amdram/bibliography/t.htm | |
87. This Is Project Gutenberg This List Has Been Downloaded From The Twain, Mark, 18351Twain, Mark, 1835-1910 Twain, Mark, 1835-1910 Tyler, Royall, 1757-1826Tymon, Frank Tyndall, John, 1820-1893 US Arms Control and Disarmament http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/authors9809a1.txt |
88. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Royall Tyler (American Literature, Biographies) - Encycl Related Category American Literature, Biographies. Royall Tyler 17571826,American jurist, author, and playwright, b. Boston, grad. Harvard, 1776. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/T/Tyler-Ro.html | |
89. The Guide To World Drama Click here to buy a book Click here to buy. Royall Tyler. (1757 1826). Bornin Boston and educated at Harvard College from where he graduated in 1776. http://www.4-wall.com/authors/authors_t/tyler_royall/tyler.htm | |
90. Volume A: American Literature To 1820 Royall Tyler. http//www.state.vt.us/vhs/arccat/findaid/Tyler.htm TheRoyall Tyler collection at the Vermont Historical Society Library. http://www.wwnorton.com/naal/vol_A/explorations/tyler.htm | |
91. The Spiritwalk Library: Project Gutenberg Twain, Mark, 18351910 AKA Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910 Tyler, Royall, 1757-1826Tymon, Frank Tyndall, John, 1820-1893 US Arms Control and Disarmament http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm | |
92. American Drama: Bibliography Tyler, Royall, 1757 1826 1790, The Contrast, A Comedy (1790) (ThomasWignell, Philadelphia, 1790) Genre Comedy Tyler,RContrast. http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/efts/AmD/AmD.bib.html | |
93. Was Sollen Anglisten Und Amerikanisten Lesen? Translate this page eher gelungen. In den Listen vermißt man aber bei der älteren Literaturunter anderen Royall Tyler (1757 - 1826). In der neueren http://www.bsz-bw.de/depot/media/3400000/3421000/3421308/95_0581.html | |
94. La Page De L'angliciste - A Few American Authors Phillis Wheatley. 1753, 1784. Joel Barlow. 1754, 1812. Royall Tyler. 1757,1826. Noah Webster. 1758, 1843. Susanna Rowson. 1762, 1824. Washington Irving.1783, 1859. http://www.kootchoo.net/americanlit.htm | |
95. American Poetry, Table Of Contents 18211873. + Tuckerman, Henry Theodore 1813-1871. + Tyler, Royall1757-1826. Send your suggestions, comments or queries to our . http://collections.chadwyck.co.uk/ampo/htxview?template=toc_hdft.htx&content=toc |
96. From Revolution To Reconstruction: Outlines: Outline Of American Literature: Dem The first American comedy to be performed, The Contrast (produced 1787) by RoyallTyler (17571826), humorously contrasts Colonel Manly, an American officer http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/LIT/ch2_p4.htm | |
97. jª¤É¬÷µ½¢ÈçAܸ¾tæès® The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.mm-labo.com/culture/WiseSaying/a/otokogakyuuainiseikoushitainaramazuk | |
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