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         Twm O'r Nant 1739-1810:     more detail
  1. Twm o'r Nant (Thomas Edwards), 1739-1810 by Wyn Griffith, 1953

21. Ymddiriedolaeth Archaeolegol Clwyd-Powys - Prosiectau - Tirweddau Hanesyddol- Dy
ganrif. Dywedir mai Twm o’r Nant (Thomas Edwards, 17391810) oeddyr olaf i berfformio anterliwt ym MhenNant Melangell. Roedd
Cymraeg / English Adref Eto Tirwedd Hanesyddol Dyffryn Tanat
Disgrifio Nodweddion Tirwedd Hanesyddol
Dyffryn Tanat
Tirweddau Addurniadol
Y brif dirwedd addurniadol o fewn Dyffryn Tant yw gerddi Neuadd Llangedwyn a restrir yng Nghofrestr Parciau a Gerddi yng Nghymru
When on Llangedwyn’s terraces we paced
Together to and fro
Partaking there its hospitality
We with its honoured master spent
Well pleased the social hours
Dyffryn Tanat , mynyddoedd y Berwyn a’r ardal ddwyreiniol ger y ffin yn llai poblogaidd yn gyffredinol gyda theithwyr ac arlunwyr yn y 18fed a’r 19eg ganrif na thirweddau mwy garw gogledd-orllewin Cymru, un o’r atyniadau mwyaf nodedig oedd Pistyll Rhaeadr a Chwm Blowty, ym mhen afon Rhaeadr, ac ymddangosodd disgrifiadau ohonynt mewn teithiau amrywiol o ddiwedd y 18fed ganrif. Daeth y rhaeadr hon mor enwog yn y cyfnod hwn fel iddi gael ei hystyried yn un o ‘Saith Rhyfeddod Gogledd Cymru’ yn y pennill traddodiadol:
Pistyll Rhaeadr, and Wrexham Steeple,
Snowdon’s mountains without its people,
Overton’s yew trees, Gresford bells, Llangollen bridge and St Winifrid’s Well.

22. Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust - Projects - Historic Landscapes - The Tanat Va
century. Twm o r Nant (Thomas Edwards, 17391810) is said to have beenthe last to perform in an interlude at PenNant Melangell. Edwards
Cymraeg / English Back Home Tanat Valley Historic Landscape
Historic Landscape Characterisation
The Tanat Valley
Ornamental landscapes
The principal ornamental landscape within the Tanat Valley is the Llangedwyn Hall garden listed in the Register of Parks and Gardens in Wales When on Llangedwyn's terraces we paced
Together to and fro
Partaking there its hospitality,
We with its honoured master spent
Well pleased the social hours Picturesque landscapes
The Welsh landscape became generally more accessible to travellers from the later 18th century, following improvements to the turnpike roads, coinciding with a fashion for the picturesque, an aesthetic movement which valued rugged and irregular landscapes. Although the Tanat Valley , the Berwyns and the area of the eastern borderland in general were less popular with 18th and 19th-century travellers and artists than the more rugged landscapes of north-west Wales, one of the notable attractions was Pistyll Rhaeadr and Cwm Blowty, at the head of Afon Rhaeadr, descriptions of which appeared in various tours from the later 18th century. The waterfall became so well known at this date that it became considered as one of the 'Seven Wonders of North Wales' in the traditional rhyme: Pistyll Rhaeadr, and Wrexham Steeple

23. Ffram Eitemau
Copi anghyflawn o anterliwt, a briodolir i Thomas Edwards (‘Twm o’r Nant’,17391810), a enwid weithiau ‘The Cambrian Shakespeare’. Llsgr. XBCdmd9a

24. Ffram Eitemau
An imperfect copy of a Welsh interlude or satirical verse play, attributed toThomas Edwards (‘Twm o’r Nant’, 17391810), sometimes known as ‘The XBCdmd9a

Turner, Frederick Jackson, 18611932. Twain, Mark, 1835-1910. Twm o r Nant(Thomas Edwards), 1739-1810. Tyler, Royall, 1757-1826. Tymon, Frank.
Alphabetical List A B C D ... Library

26. Authors S-U
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 18611932 Twain, Mark, 1835-1910 AKA Clemens, SamuelLanghorne, 1835-1910 Twm o r Nant (Thomas Edwards), 1739-1810 Tyler, Royall
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Sabatini, Rafael, 1875-1950
Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, duc de, 1675-1755
Saki, 1870-1916 AKA: Munro, Hector Hugh, 1870-1916
Salza, Giuseppe
Sand, George, 1804-1876
Sands, George W., ca. 1824-1874
Sanger, Margaret, 1879-1966
Sangster, Margaret E. (Margaret Elizabeth), 1894-1981
Saunders, Marshall, 1861-1947
Savage, Ernest Albert, 1877-1966
Scavezze, Dan Schiller, Friedrich, 1759-1805 Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von, 1759-1805 Schreiner, Olive, 1855-1920 AKA: Iron, Ralph, 1855-1920 Schwartau, Winn Scott, Leroy, 1875-1929 Scott, Walter Dill, 1869-1955 Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771-1832 Scully, W. C. (William Charles), 1855-1943 Seeger, Alan, 1888-1916 Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, ca. 55 B.C.-ca. 39 A.D Service, Robert W. (Robert William), 1874-1958 Seton, Ernest Thompson, 1860-1946 Severy, Melvin Linwood, 1863- Seward, Albert Charles, Sir, 1863-1941

27. Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926
18181883 Twain, Mark, 1835-1910 Twain, Mark, 1835-1910 AKA Clemens, Samuel Langhorne,1835-1910 Twm o r Nant (Thomas Edwards), 1739-1810 Tyler, Royall, 1757 NW/wirtualna biblioteka/autorzy.htm

28. Voynich, EL (Ethel Lillian), 1864-1960
Guy Mannering Complete. http//, txt,htmeng. Twm o rNant (Thomas Edwards), 1739-1810, 1006322. Gwaith Twm o r Nant _ Cyfrol2.
Voynich, E. L. (Ethel Lillian), 1864-1960 Gadfly, The txt,htm-eng Hamilton, Gail, 1833-1896 Gala-days txt,htm-eng Neuhaus, Eugen, 1879-1963 Galleries Of The Exposition, The txt,htm-eng Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936 Gallio's Song txt,htm-eng Lincoln, Joseph Crosby, 1870-1944 Galusha The Magnificent txt,htm-eng Balzac, Honore de, 1799-1850 Gambara txt,htm-eng Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881 Gambler, The txt,htm-eng Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898 Game Of Logic, The txt,htm-eng London, Jack, 1876-1916 Game, The txt,htm-eng Steinmetz, Andrew, 1816-1877 Gaming Table, The Volume 1 txt,htm-eng Steinmetz, Andrew, 1816-1877 Gaming Table, The Volume 2 txt,htm-eng Hichens, Robert Smythe, 1864-1950 Garden Of Allah, The txt,htm-eng Blackwood, Algernon, 1869-1951 Garden Of Survival, The txt,htm-eng Mansfield, Katherine, 1888-1923

29. Edwards, Owen Morgan, Sir, 1858-1920
Ceiriog. http//, txt,htmwel. Twm o r Nant (Thomas Edwards),1739-1810, 1006322. Twm o r Nant (Thomas Edwards), 1739-1810, 1006323.
Edwards, Owen Morgan, Sir, 1858-1920 Cartrefi Cymru txt,htm-wel Hughes, Ceiriog Ceiriog txt,htm-wel Twm o'r Nant (Thomas Edwards), 1739-1810 txt,htm-wel Twm o'r Nant (Thomas Edwards), 1739-1810 Works Of Twm O'r Nant, The Volume 2 txt,htm-wel

30. The Lost Continent Of - I'm Not Sure. It Seems To Follow The Lowlands
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich, 18181883 Twain, Mark, 1835-1910 AKA Clemens, SamuelLanghorne, 1835-1910 Twm o r Nant (Thomas Edwards), 1739-1810 Tyler, Royall



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Availible Authors
The Complete list of Authers in the Project Gutenberg
This is a list of the Authors whose works are currently downloadable from the Gutenberg Project . A list of Titles is also availible. Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 AKA: Square, A Adams, Andy, 1859-1935 Adams, Henry, 1838-1918 Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848 Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803 Adams, William Taylor, 1822-1897 AKA: Optic, Oliver, 1822-1897 Addams, Jane, 1860-1935 Addison, Joseph, 1672-1719 Aesop, 620(?)B.C.-563(?)B.C. Aiken, Conrad Potter, 1889-1966 Ainsworth, William Harrison, 1805-1882 Akutagawa, Ryunosuke, 1892-1927 Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907 Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899 Allen, Emory Adams, 1853- Allen, James Lane, 1849-1925 Altemus, Henry Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919 American Tract Society, The Andersen, Hans Christian, 1805-1875

31. The Lost Continent Of - That's Our Last Contact With Civilisation
Bret, 18361902 Guy Mannering, by Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771-1832 Gwaith Twm o r Nant_ Cyfrol 2, by Twm o r Nant (Thomas Edwards), 1739-1810 Habitation Enforced



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Titles availible
The Complete list of Project Gutenberg Titles
This list of is a list of the book titles currently downloadable from the Gutenberg Project . A list of Authors is also availible. $30,000 Bequest And Other Stories, The, by Twain, Mark, 1835-1910 1492, by Johnston, Mary, 1870-1936 1601, by Twain, Mark, 1835-1910 1990 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency 1991 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency 1992 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency 1993 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency 1994 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency 1995 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency 1997 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency 1998 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency

32. This Is Project Gutenberg. This List Has Been Downloaded From
18611932 Twain, Mark, 1835-1910 Twain, Mark, 1835-1910 AKA Clemens, Samuel Langhorne,1835-1910 Twm o r Nant (Thomas Edwards), 1739-1810 Tyler, Royall, 1757 PROJECT GUTENBURG AUTHORS.TXT

33. AOCC | Celf | Casgliadau
HUGHES, Lewis. Geni fl.1810, lleoliad anhysbys yn weithgar yn y DG. NMWA 5404 Thomas Edwards, Twm o r Nant (1739-1810). (h) AOCC (c) NMGW .

34. Index
r Nant (Thomas Edwards), 1739-1810 Gutenberg Tyler
VYH¼ADÁVAÈ E-KNÍH - ANGLICKÉ TITULY - AUTOR - pís. T Tacitus, Cornelius Gutenberg
Tagore, Rabindranath, 1861-1941 Gutenberg
Taine, Hippolyte, 1828-1893 Gutenberg
Talbot, Frederick Arthur Ambrose, 1880- Gutenberg
Tao, YuanMing Gutenberg
Tarkington, Booth, 1869-1946 Gutenberg
Tasso, Torquato, 1544-1595 Gutenberg
Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878 Gutenberg
Taylor, Tom, 1817-1880 Gutenberg
Teasdale, Sara, 1884-1933 Gutenberg
Tegnér, Esaias AKA: Tegner, Esaias Gutenberg Tench, Watkin, 1759?-1833 Gutenberg Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820-1914 Gutenberg Tennyson, Alfred, Baron, 1809-1892 Gutenberg Terhune, Albert Payson, 1872-1942 Gutenberg Thackeray, William Makepeace, 1811-1863 Gutenberg Thackeray, William Makepeace, 1811-1863 AKA: Titmarsh, M. A. Gutenberg Thanet, Octave, 1850-1934 Gutenberg Thayer, William Roscoe, 1859-1923 Gutenberg Thebaud, Augustus J., 1807-1885 Gutenberg Theuriet, Andre, 1833-1907 AKA: Theuriet, André, 1833-1907 Gutenberg Thibault, Jacques Anatole Francois, 1844-1924 Gutenberg Thomas, Cyrus, 1825-1910 Gutenberg Thomas, J. J Gutenberg Thompson, Francis, 1859-1907 Gutenberg Thompson, Holland, 1873-1940

35. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING
What Is Man? and Other Essays. Twm o r Nant (Thomas Edwards), 17391810Gwaith Twm o r Nant _ Cyfrol 2; Works Of Twm O r Nant, The
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36. Biblioteca Virtual
Twm o r Nant (Thomas Edwards), (1739 + 1810). Gwaith Twm o r Nant _ Cyfrol2 (.zip 49 Kb) Works Of Twm O r Nant, The Volume 2 (.zip - 49 Kb).
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Tacitus, Cornelius Tacitus On Germany (.zip - 32 Kb) Tagore, Rabindranath (1861 + 1941) Chitra, a play in one act (.zip - 20 Kb)
The Hungry Stones And Other Stories (.zip - 107 Kb)
Taine, Hippolyte (1828 + 1893) The Ancient Regime (.zip - 444 Kb)
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The French Revolution Volume 3 (.zip - 543 Kb)
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Tao Hua Yuan Ji: Peach Blossom Shangri-la (.zip - 15.5 Kb)
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The Conquest Of Canaan (.zip - 207 Kb)

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... The Two Vanrevels (.zip - 143 Kb) Tasso, Torquato (1544 + 1595) Jerusalem Delivered (.zip - 306 Kb)

37. Ed - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors
a 1866 Sarah Pierpont EDWARDS (F 1710 1758) Stephen EDWARDS (see Simon S PALESTRANT)Thomas EDWARDS (M 1739 - 1810) (ps Twm o r Nant) 2734 Gwaith Twm O
New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors
Author names starting with Ed
Follow these links for explanations of the of this catalog, its condition of use , the dates , the general abbreviations , the language abbreviations , the nationality abbreviations electronic library codes used, and for advice on buying or borrowing selling or valuing old books. If you have any corrections, additions or other suggestions, please send them to D nee )Baker EDDY, 1:Mrs GLOVER (F: 1821 Jul 16 - 1910 Dec 3) J The Semi-Detached House [1859] J nee BU BU C C ... C nee nee I I R nee RIDOUT (F: 1844 Sep 29 - 1910 Sep 29) I I R nee The Parent's Assistant [1796-1801] J I MO ZLEY) The EDITOR of 'Concrete Engineering' (see: Allen BR ETT) The EDITOR of 'Dance News' Weekly (see: Robert L BO YD) The EDITOR of 'Display' (see: Richard HA RMAN) The EDITOR of 'Finance and Commerce' in 'The Accountant' (see: H S OA KLEY) The EDITOR of 'Oriental Consistory Official Bulletin' (see: Edgar Alexander RU SSELL) The EDITOR of 'Printers' Ink' (see: George Presbury RO WELL) The EDITOR of 'Stamp Collecting' (see: Douglas Brawn AR O'G ORMAN) The EDITOR of 'The Commercial Motor' (see: Gordon Mackenzie JU NNER) The EDITOR of the 'Lancet' (see: Egbert Colesby MO RLAND) The EDITOR of the London 'Economist' (see: Geoffrey CR OWTHER) The EDITOR of the 'Manufacturer's Record' (see: Richard Hathaway EDMONDS) The EDITOR of 'The Studio' (see: Charles Geoffrey HO LME) The EDITORS of 'Law Notes' (see: Albert GI WE LDON) The EDITORS of the 'Christian Herald' (see: Clarence W

38. Project Gutenberg: Authors List
Brown, Charles Brockden, 17711810. Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884 Mark, 1835-1910 AKA Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910. Twmo'rNant ( Thomas Edwards), 1739-1810. Tyler, Royall
This is Project Gutenberg. This list has been downloaded from: "The Official and Original Project Gutenberg Web Site and Home Page" PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Last Updated: Monday 03 September 2001 by Pietro Di Miceli ( The following etext have been released by Project Gutenberg. This list serves as reference only. For downloading books, please use our catalogs or search at: Or check our FTP archive at: and etext subdirectories. For problems with the FTP archives (ONLY) email, be sure to include a description of what happened AND which mirror site you were using. THANKS for visiting Project Gutenberg. * (No Author Attributed) Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 AKA: Square, A Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877 Adams, Andy, 1859-1935 Adams, Henry, 1838-1918 Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848 Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803 Adams, William Taylor, 1822-1897 AKA: Optic, Oliver, 1822-1897

39. Archives Network Wales - Personal Name Search
Diweddarwyd 28/4/2004. Eich chwiliad oedd Edwards Thomas 17391810.Atebwyd eich chwiliad gan 1 o gofnodion. Rhestrir 1 i 1 yma.

40. Project Gutenberg: Titles List
Accursed Race, An, by Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 18101865 Of History Volume 3 (Part 1), by Lord, John, 1810-1894 History Volume 3 (Part 2), by Lord, John, 1810-1894
This is Project Gutenberg. This list has been downloaded from: "The Official and Original Project Gutenberg Web Site and Home Page" PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS TITLES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Last Updated: Monday 03 September 2001 by Pietro Di Miceli ( The following etext have been released by Project Gutenberg. This list serves as reference only. For downloading books, please use our catalogs or search at: Or check our FTP archive at: and etext subdirectories. For problems with the FTP archives (ONLY) email, be sure to include a description of what happened AND which mirror site you were using. THANKS for visiting Project Gutenberg. $30,000 Bequest And Other Stories, The, by Twain, Mark, 1835-1910 1492, by Johnston, Mary, 1870-1936 1601, by Twain, Mark, 1835-1910 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, by Verne, Jules, 1828-1905 20,000 Leagues Under The Seas, by Verne, Jules, 1828-1905 32nd Mersenne Prime, The; predicted by Mersenne, by Slowinski, David

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