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Twm O'r Nant 1739-1810: more detail | ||
1. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg Authors T Twm o'r Nant (Thomas Edwards), 17391810. Terms, Privacy, Copyright Contact Us http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&ca |
2. Listing Of Authors Brown, Charles Brockden, 17711810. Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884 1910 AKA Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910. Twm o'r Nant (Thomas Edwards), 1739-1810. Tyler, Royall, 1757-1826 http://www.e-text.worldwide-library.org/listing_of_authors.htm | |
3. Project Gutenberg Brown, Charles Brockden, 17711810. Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884 Twm o'r Nant (Thomas Edwards), 1739-1810. Tyler, Royall, 1757-1826 http://surfsteve.bravepages.com/gutenberg/authors.htm |
4. Gwaith Twm O'r Nant (Cyfrol II) A textual description of the content of the resource Ganwyd Thomas Edwards (Twm o'r Nant) ym Mhen Porchell, Llan Nefydd, yn 1739 http://llyfrgell.cymraeg.org/twmornant/gwaithtwmornantcyfrolii.htm | |
5. Welsh And Celtic Books At The Harp And Dragon 84pp/ 1948. $9.00 Note this book is in Welsh only. Twm or Nant(Thomas Edwards) 17391810 by Wyn Griffith. This story of the http://www.harpanddragon.com/more_books_page.htm | |
6. Ffotograff O Lun O Twm O R Nant (1739-1810) Casglu R Tlysau Chwilio. Chwilio Ymhellach. Ffotograff o lun o Twm o r Nant (17391810).Edrychwch ar ddelwedd fwy. Tynnwyd y ffotograff gan John Thomas. http://www.gtj.org.uk/item.php?lang=cy&id=24021&t=1 |
7. A Photograph Of A Drawing Of Twm O R Nant (1739-1810) Gathering Search. Advanced Search. A photograph of a drawing of Twm o r Nant (17391810).View larger image. Photographed by John Thomas. Gathering http://www.gtj.org.uk/item.php?lang=en&id=24021&t=1 |
8. Gwaith Twm O'r Nant Ganwyd Thomas Edwards (Twm o'r Nant) ym Mhen Porchell, Llan Nefydd, yn 1739. Pan nad oedd ef ond Bu farw Ebrill 3, 1810, gan mlynedd i eleni; a chladdwyd ef http://www.gutenberg.net/etext01/twmnt10h.htm | |
9. 'Cân Di Bennill ...?': Themâu Anterliwtiau Twm O'r Nant Sail anterliwt, yn ôl Thomas Edwards Twm o r Nant (17391810), oedd ei cholynbeirniadol, ac yn ganolog i w anterliwtiau y mae n dychanu ffaeleddau r http://www.aber.ac.uk/~awcwww/c/papur_11.html | |
10. 18. Twm O'r Nant Twm or Nant Thomas Edwards. (17391810). Cafodd Twm or Nantei eni yn y flwyddyn 1739 ym Mhen Parchell, Llanefydd. Pan oedd http://pgfl.org.uk/elyfraucasmael/html/18__twm_o_r_nant.html | |
11. Archives Network Wales - Personal Name Index: T Twm Sion Cati USE Jones Thomas c. 15301609 Twm Sion Cati . Twm o r NantUSE Edwards Thomas 1739-1810 Twm o r Nant . Tynte family Kemeys-. http://www.archivesnetworkwales.info/search/thesaurus/persons/list19.shtml | |
12. Archives Network Wales - Personal Name Index: E UF Wynne Edwards, Thomas Edwards Thomas 17391810 Twm o r Nant . UF Twmo r Nant Edwards Thomas Duggan d. c. 1894 of Rowley, Presteigne. http://www.archivesnetworkwales.info/search/thesaurus/persons/list4.shtml | |
13. Amazon.co.uk: Search Results Books: Twm O R Nant 1. Twm o r Nant (Thomas Edwards), 17391810 ~Wyn Griffith University ofWales P Unknown Binding - 1953 Limited availability. 2. Hunangofiant http://textual.net/link.to/amazon/uk/Twm.o.r.Nant | |
14. NMGW | Art | Collections Display as visit planner (with maps). HUGHES, Lewis (fl.1810 ). Thomas Edwards,Twm o r Nant (1739-1810). Media oil on canvas. Size 71.1 x 61.0 cm. http://www.nmgw.ac.uk/art/collections/db/?action=show_item&item=821&style=list |
15. NMGW | Art | Collections HUGHES, Lewis. Born fl.1810, unknown location active in UK. NMW A 5404Thomas Edwards, Twm o r Nant (1739-1810). (h) AOCC (c) NMGW . http://www.nmgw.ac.uk/art/collections/db/?action=show_works&item=381&type=artist |
16. Text (113K) Rhagymadrodd. Ganwyd Thomas Edwards (Twm o'r Nant) ym Mhen Porchell, Llan Nefydd, yn 1739. Pan nad oedd ef Bu farw Ebrill 3, 1810, gan mlynedd i eleni; a chladdwyd ef http://www.gutenberg.net/etext01/twmnt10.txt |
17. Denbigh Walks Thelwall. Twm o r Nant (Thomas Edwards, 17391810) Actor, playwrightand poet, famous for his interludes depicting local life. Thomas http://www.civictrustwales.org/trails/Den_trail/walk.html | |
18. Cardiff University - Gwefan Ddigidol Ann Griffiths: Ann Griffiths: Braslun Bywgr 1779. Twm or Nant (Thomas Edwards; 17391810), yr anterliwtiwr enwog, yndod i fyw am gyfnod byr i Ddolobran, gerllaw Pontrobert. 20 Tachwedd 1779. http://www.anngriffiths.cf.ac.uk/bywgraffiad.html | |
19. Cardiff University - Ann Griffiths Digital Website: Biographical Outline Thomas Edwards (Twm or Nant; 17391810), the well-known poet and anterliwtiwr(rustic playwright), comes to live for a short period in Dolobran http://www.anngriffiths.cf.ac.uk/biography.html | |
20. Index by Harte, Bret, 18361902 Guy Mannering, by Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771-1832 GwaithTwm o r Nant _ Cyfrol 2, by Twm o r Nant (Thomas Edwards), 1739-1810 http://www.elbooks.sk/angdieloG.html | |
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