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101. TAPnet TAPNet serves to network folklorists, and folk and Traditional arts coordinators in the United States http://afsnet.org/tapnet/ | |
102. Ellis Schools Of Traditional Aikido Includes history of aikido in the UK and contact for affiliated dojos in Frimley, Basingstoke, Bracknell, and Brackley. http://www.geocities.com/ellisaikido/ | |
103. JEWISH DATING SERVICES ONLINE FOR TRADITIONAL OR ORTHODOX JEWISH SINGLES SEARCHE Online dating website for Traditional Jewish singles. Whether Putting Traditional (Orthodox outlook) Values Back Into Jewish Dating Whether http://www.urbantraditional.com/ | |
104. Traditional Karate Association Ricky Adams nonpolitical organization for grading Shito ryu karate, Dento ryu kobudo and Goshin Budo jiujitsu. Includes ranking requirements, kata lists and contact email address. http://www.angelfire.com/fl/hombu/index.html | |
105. WHO: Traditional Medicine Traditional medicine. What is Traditional medicine? WHO efforts in promoting safe, effective and affordable Traditional medicine. http://www.who.int/entity/mediacentre/factsheets/fs134/en/ | |
106. Silek Tuo Master teacher Edwardo St. Panduko from Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, gives information on the Silek Tuo style and its culture. Photo gallery, contact facilities. http://www.geocities.com/silektuo/ | |
107. Traditional English Grammar: Description And Use and Use is devoted to syntactic structure.......Traditional English Grammar Approximately the first half of Traditional English Grammar http://textant.colostate.edu/grammarbook/title.html | |
108. CHRISTMAS PUDDING; PAUL'S TRADITIONAL RECIPE: And Everything About Christmas Pud A full and complete recipe serving eight to ten, with photos and extensive notes. Includes pudding traditions, jokes, and Puddingoids. http://pudding.denyer.net/ |
109. Traditional Knowledge Traditional Knowledge, Search, Contact, Home. Espanol, Francais, Traditional Knowledge, Genetic Resources and Folklore Intellectual Property and Life Sciences. http://www.wipo.org/tk/en/ | |
110. Traditional Navajo Recipes Small selection of recipes from Elaya K Tsosie, a native Navajo teacher. http://waltonfeed.com/peoples/navajo/recipes/ | |
111. Melody's Traditional Music And Harp Shoppe - HOME Melody s Traditional Music Harp Shoppe. 1517, 2004. Melody s Traditional Music Harp Shoppe 9410 FM 1960 W Houston, TX 77070. 281-890-4500. http://www.folkharp.com/ | |
112. Bill Stewart Custom Bow Manufacturing - Traditional Archery Traditional bows by a master bowyer with over 50 years of experience. Includes photos and prices. http://www.w4wc.org/bill_stewart/home.htm | |
113. TOYPOST.CO.UK TRADITIONAL And WOODEN TOYS & GAMES- Home Toypost ships Traditional and wooden toys games worldwide. Welcome to our Wooden Toys, Traditional Toys and Old Fashioned Games shop. http://www.toypost.co.uk/ | |
114. Tierneys Traditional Toys -------> Refreshing To Tierneys.co.uk Makers of Traditional, wooden toys, rocking horses, dolls houses and accessories. http://www.tierneys-traditional-toys.co.uk/ |
115. Traditional Carpathian Arts And Crafts Carpathian handmade crafts, made according to ancient traditions. Offering mirrors, pictures, candlesticks and assorted home decor items. http://www.bestfolkart.com/ | |
116. International Council For Traditional Music International Council for Traditional Music. http://www.ethnomusic.ucla.edu/ICTM/ | |
117. English Version Confers graduate degrees in over two dozen specialties. Peruse student guides for the school's international section and a contact address. http://www.cdutcm.edu.cn/html/etcm.html | |
118. Traditional Kayaks Traditional Kayaks and Umiaks Appreciating and Understanding Arctic Kayak designs through their replication and use. By Harvey Golden http://home.pacifier.com/~qayaq/ | |
119. Welsh Traditional Music Information on the tradition, with directories of sessions, workshops, bands, tunes (in abc format), and a discussion forum. http://www.welshtraditionalmusic.com/ | |
120. The Traditional Music And Song Association Of Scotland (TMSA) Established in 1966 to promote and preserve the Traditional music and song heritage of Scotland. Runs festivals, ceilidhs, concerts, workshops and competitions. http://www.tmsa.info/ | |
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