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81. JSTOR: Yearbook For Traditional Music Yearbook for Traditional Music. (continues Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council) Journal Information for Yearbook for Traditional Music. http://www.jstor.org/journals/07401558.html | |
82. Mary Immaculate Traditional Roman Catholic Chapel - Society Of The Immaculata Plainview, New York. Location and schedule. Staffed by the Society of the Immaculata, a men's religious community dedicated to the Tridentine Mass and to upholding the doctrine extra ecclesiam nulla salus. http://www.netministries.org/see/churches/ch07965?frame=N |
83. Myths And Legends For American Indian Youth Native American Traditional stories myths and legends from many tribes, times, places. AADIZOOKAANAG Traditional Stories, Legends and Myths. http://www.kstrom.net/isk/stories/myths.html | |
84. Indian & Asian Traditional Textiles Michael Abbott's textiles collection and information for scholars and collectors. http://www.traditionaltextiles.com/ |
85. History Of Traditional Chinese Medicine History of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The Fossil Evidence of Human Evolution in Asia DA Etler at the Center for the Study of Chinese Prehistory; http://www.mic.ki.se/China.html | |
86. Tribal Online Traditional Food An introduction to Zulu cuisine with recipes. http://www.tribalonline.com/cooking.asp |
87. History Of Traditional Indian Medicine History of Traditional Indian Medicine. Internet Indian History Sourcebook P Halsall; Exploring the Culture of Ancient India EAWC; http://www.mic.ki.se/India.html | |
88. Traditional Games Traditional Games. Dice Games. Bunko a Traditional dice game popular with church groups; 10,000 - a Traditional French game that migrated to America. http://www.gamecabinet.com/deeperDrawers/Traditional.html | |
89. Moussaka - A Traditional Greek Recipe Alexandra Tsakiridou Alexandra Tsakiridou's recipe for the Greek parallel for shepherd's. http://pieria.spark.net.gr//etimes/moussaka.htm | |
90. Microsoft Business Solutions CRM : User Access Error International Traditional Karate Federation. Traditional Karate Traditional Karate Home. Welcome to www.ITKF.org. Search our Database http://www.itkf.org/ | |
91. Tara Rokpa: Traditional Tibetan Medicine. Basic Principles Describes history and origins, principles, diagnosis, treatment methods, and materia medica. http://www.tararokpa.org/TTM.html | |
92. American Traditional Designs :: Designed To Make It Easy For Consumers To Create American Traditional Designs Collections were designed to make it easy for consumers to create outstanding scrapbook pages. http://www.americantraditional.com/ | |
93. Traditional Siamese Cat Central Site dedicated to support and promote the Traditional Siamese Cat with breed information, photo galleries, helpful pet guides, and links. http://www.geocities.com/meezer_fun/ | |
94. Traditional Latin Mass Lots of articles and links about the Tridentine Mass, including a complete interlinear LatinEnglish translation of the Missal. http://lphrc.org/rmk/trid.html | |
95. Traditional Chinese Medicine And Qigong Traditional Chinese Medicine. Summary. Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) is an integral part of Chinese culture. It has made great http://www.index-china.com/index-english/TCM-s.html | |
96. Recently Traditional Fictional Morris Anti Morris (This is the 'other' morris described by Terry Pratchett) from Boston Mass, USA. http://www.mit.edu/~jcb/AntiMorris/ | |
97. Needlework Samplers Traditional Stitches Quality needlework supplies for Traditional and contemporary needlework techniques. Janice Spencer Traditional Stitches 2003. http://www.traditionalstitches.com/ | |
98. Joiners Quarterly And Fox Maple School Of Traditional Building Timber framing and Traditional building since 1975, offering workshops in timber framing and natural building since 1983. Publishes Joiners Quarterly, the journal of timber framing and Traditional building and A Timber Framers Workshop http://www.foxmaple.com | |
99. NTCP: Non-Traditional Casting Project Mission ? History ? Current Initiatives ? Artist Files Online ? Listening with an Open Eye ? Postings National Diversity Forum 2002 2003 New http://www.ntcp.org/ | |
100. Traditional British Recipes Old recipes for the counties of England, Scotland and Wales, including Christmas meals and Elizabethan recipes. http://goto.glocalnet.net/recipezone/ | |
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