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41. English Folk And Traditional Music On The Internet A guide to Internet resources (Websites, Newsgroups, discussion lists, etc) on English folk music (Traditional music, song and dance in England). http://web.ukonline.co.uk/martin.nail/Folkmus.htm | |
42. Austrian Folk Dancing Traditional Austrian folk dancing and related material about dance, music, costumes, crafts and Austria. http://www.fff.at/fff/dance/ | |
43. The Online Guide To Traditional Games The Online Guide to Traditional Games. The Online Guide to Traditional Games History and Useful Information -. This site has moved to www.tradgames.org.uk. http://web.ukonline.co.uk/james.masters/TraditionalGames/ | |
44. Aaronc - African Religions A short overview of the many Traditional Religions practiced among people of differing cultural, linguistic, and ethnic groups; gives names for the supreme deity in many African languages; part of a larger site on polytheism. http://jpdawson.com/modrelg/relafri.html | |
45. Traditional Bowhunter Magazine The Inside Bow By TK Steingass. Boy Scouts of America Hunting Badge of Merit (News). Compton Traditional Bowhunters New Release (News). http://www.tradbow.com/ | |
46. Introduction To Japanese Traditional Art - And Related Links Theater arts, fine arts and literature, with links. http://www.kanzaki.com/jinfo/jart.html | |
47. Traditional Jazz (Dixieland) Dixieland Jazz, Traditional jazz, Dixieland music, trad jazz, hot jazz, Dixieland festival, Dixieland band. Traditional Jazz (Dixieland). http://kquick.best.vwh.net/dixie.html | |
48. Affirmation Of Saint Louis The definitive document that de facto created the Traditional Anglican Communion and to which its membership subscribe. It also forms the basic statement of several closely related groups. http://www.episcopalnet.org/TRACTS/AffirmationOfStLouis.html | |
49. Traditional Boats & Tall Ships - Tallship.co.uk Traditional Boats and Tall Ships is an allcolour magazine that deals with all aspects of the present-day world of tall ships and sail training. http://www.tallship.co.uk/ | |
50. Home Page Swiss supplier of yew long bow, celtic and laminated wooden bows. Includes history, product range and order form. francais/english http://mypage.bluewin.ch/bfontannaz | |
51. TRADITIONAL CROSSROADS svigals, taksim, tanburi cemil bey, tatyos efendi, tcro, tekbilek, theodosii spassov trio, thrace, tobacco songs of old havana, Traditional, crossroads, tsircus http://www.traditionalcrossroads.com/ | |
52. A Traditional Music Library Of Folk Music, Tune-books, Songbooks And Sheet Music Traditional music and follk music tunebooks,songbooks,MIDIS,sheet music ,lyrics,plus reference and educational resources. A Traditional MUSIC LIBRARY. http://www.traditionalmusic.co.uk/ | |
53. Forms Of Traditional Literature With Links Provides some definitions of common forms of Traditional literature, such as folktales, tall tales, fables, proverbs, myths, and epics. http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/form2.htm | |
54. Traditional Medicinals Medicinal Herbal Teas At Traditional Medicinals we represent the standard of excellence in the medicinal herb tea category. Welcome to Traditional Medicinals®. http://www.traditionalmedicinals.com/ | |
55. Robert Zoller Medieval Astrology Resource for Traditional medieval astrology. Contains articles and books as well as information on courses and consultations. http://www.new-library.com/zoller/ | |
56. Traditional Medicinals - Medicinal Herbal Teas, Free Samples At Traditional Medicinals we represent the standard of excellence in the medicinal herb tea category. How did you hear about Traditional Medicinals? http://www.traditionalmedicinals.com/free_samples.html | |
57. Black Goat Cabal: Traditional Satanism Article on the meaning of the term Traditional Satanism. http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/dvera/bgoat/traditional.html | |
58. The Traditional English Restaurants Of London The Traditional English Restaurants of London. Your guide to English restaurants in London. http://www.english-restaurants.com/ | |
59. Alaska's Lincoln Lodge - Kenai Peninsula Acommodations Custom archery long bows and recurve bows http://www.customcpu.com/commercial/dgs | |
60. Traditional Health, Medicine And Healing Describes the practices of the Alaska Native people and their applicability today. Includes reports, articles and resources. http://www.ankn.uaf.edu/health.html | |
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