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61. Thorn Books: The Seasons By Thomson, James London, W. Strahan,et al., 1773. 12mo. xxviii, 208pp. Four full page engraved plates....... Title The Seasons. Author Thomson, James. http://www.thornbooks.com/cgi-bin/thb455/530-5822.html | |
62. James Thomson (1700-1748) Part of the Penn State Archive for Samuel Johnson s Lives of the Poets, this pagefeatures an index of the works of James Thomson on line, a link to Samuel http://www.hn.psu.edu/Faculty/KKemmerer/poets/thomson/default.htm |
63. DBLP: James Thomson dblp.unitrier.de James Thomson. 2002. 3, Andrew Tolmie, James Thomson, Hugh FootComputer-Based Support for the Training of Children s Pedestrian Skills. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/t/Thomson:James.html | |
64. James Thomson - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia RE Online Archive 2001 current re-online Requirements re-online Requirements Volatility. From Thomson, James (ANFIS)(James.Thomson@anfis.co.uk) Date Fri Jan 16 2004 - 011510 EST. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Thomson | |
65. RE Online Archive: 2001 - Current: RE: [re-online] Requirements Volatility RE reonline Requirements Volatility. From Thomson, James (ANFIS)(James.Thomson@anfis.co.uk) Date Fri Jan 16 2004 - 212506 EST. http://research.it.uts.edu.au/re/re-archive/1662.html | |
66. Thomson, James, Castle Of Indolence Thomson, James. The castle of indolence an allegorical poem. Ximenes Rare BooksInc. Thomson, James Castle of indolence London 1748. Thomson, James. http://www.polybiblio.com/ximenes/B4614.html | |
67. Thomson, James, Thomson, James. Les Saisons. Poëme, Traduit De L'Anglois De Tho Thomson, James Thomson, James. Les saisons. Poëme, traduit de l Anglois de Thompsonsic. Berlin and Amsterdam 1763. 159; 120 pp. + four engraved plates. http://www.polybiblio.com/ximenes/B3586.html | |
68. AD HOC BIBLIO - INDEX AUTEURS LETTRE T Compile Le 26/01/03 Thomson, Ann Working with the World Bank a guide for CARE staff m; Thomson, James http://www.ceci.ca/w/i/mia1t.htm | |
69. Virgil Thomson: Symphony No 1-3 - Virgil Thomson , James Sedares Virgil Thomson Symphony No 13 by Artist Virgil Thomson , James Sedares ManufacturerNaxos Released 22 February, 2000 Audio CD Sales Rank 19,590, http://www.classicalmusicreview.com/Virgil_Thomson_Symphony_No_13_B00004D3IW.htm | |
70. The Brick Row Book Shop: THOMSON, JAMES Home Find a Book Catalogues News History Shop Hours ContactUs Site Map. 7 matches found for Thomson, James. http://www.brickrow.com/cgi-bin/br455.cgi/scan/mp=keywords/se=THOMSON, JAMES/st= | |
71. Genealogy Data Back to Main Page. Thomson, James Birth UNKNOWN Appin, Ontario Death UNKNOWN Gender Male Family Marriage UNKNOWN Spouse McAlpine http://peterjanes.ca/family/dat65.html | |
72. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results print until 1987 see The Plays of James Thomson. 8. Jimmy Thomson (James Thomson).(Obituary)The Scotsman (Edinburgh, Scotland); August 3, 2000 http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?refid=bemorecreative&q=James Thomson |
73. SLAINTE James Thomson Dramatist Poet 17001748. James Thomson was one ofthe most influential British poets, yet there is no significant http://www.slainte.org.uk/scotauth/thomsdsw.htm | |
74. James Thomson Biography Pictures Portrait Books Online Forum Forum pictures biography and James Thomson books online The City of DreadfulNight. The City of Dreadful Night by James Thomson (poetry). http://selfknowledge.com/426au.htm | |
75. State Library Of Tasmania Images: Home > Search Results Home Creator index Thomson, James, 17891850. Results (1 match) Clickthe thumbnail for a larger image. Search All Within these results. http://images.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/Search/Search.asp?Letter=T&Creator=Thomson |
76. State Library Of Tasmania Images: Home > Creator Index > Thomson, James, 1789-18 Home Creator index Thomson, James, 17891850 Sir JohnFranklin, Capt. RN. Full description of this image. http://images.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/Fullimage.asp?Letter=T&Creator=Thomson, Ja |
77. Papers Of Sir George Gabriel Stokes, William Thomson, James Clerk Maxwell mathematician and physicist; Papers of William Thomson, Baron of Kelvin Largs (18241907)physicist; and Papers of James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) physicist. http://www.kcl.ac.uk/projects/srch/backgrd/guide/AOHC008.HTM | |
78. LKML: "Roberts-Thomson, James": RE: [linux-usb-devel] USB Mass Storage Device Ha From, RobertsThomson, James . Subject, RE linux-usb-develUSB mass storage device has SCSI i/o errors , kernel 2.6.3. Date, http://lkml.org/lkml/2004/4/20/170 | |
79. The Witchery Resturant - James Thomson Should you require any pictures or further information on the Witchery Restaurant,James Thomson or the Witchery Group please contact Mark Rowley on 0131 225 http://www.thewitchery.com/james.html | |
80. Project Gutenberg - Author Index: T Thompson, Maurice. Alice Of Old Vincennes. Thomson, James. City Of DreadfulNight, The. Thoreau, Henry D. Excursions. Thoreau, Henry David. http://www.gutenberg.net/browse/IA_T | |
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