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Thompson Holland: more detail | |||||
82. Classical CD Review Archive - Classical - Aug 2002 Part 4 M-R: Classical MusicWe 55 28.09 Donald Francis TOVEY (18731940) Piano Concerto in A major, Op. Amy Warchol (Denise) Ohio Light Opera Choir and Orchestra /J. Lynn Thompson Rec. http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/2002/Aug02/1aAug02-4.htm | |
83. Lawrence County, Ohio Genealogy And History 1943 BLEVENS James M. 1900 BLEVENS Rusa Lee 1873 1940 BLEVINS BW F. 23 Sep 1901 11 Jul 1976 Holland William F 1906 1974 THOMAS Virgil 1909 1973 Thompson Alber L http://www.lawrencecountyohio.com/cemeteries/stories/unionhill.htm | |
84. WebGED: MOYLE Family Data Page Eric (private) mother Thompson, Helen Grace Ann (1879 1971) spouse Holland, Charles Alfred 1838 - ) -child Orchard, Alice Caroline (1873 - 1940) http://www.alphalink.com.au/~tomluke/MOYLE.wbg/wga6.html | |
85. JOBARBER1's Home Page 2 3 BLANCHE HALL 1873 1940 b March 05, 1873 in Graysville, Monroe Co, OH d Bef. HILDA Holland m May 16 ROBERT (BOB) Thompson .. http://members.aol.com/JOBARBER1/JOSM.html | |
86. Spartanburg Co., SC Cemeteries STEWART, STRICKLAND, SUDDETH, TATE, TAYLOR, THOMAS, Thompson, TINSLEY, TURNER 1960 172 A BARNETT, JOE 1873 1940 187 A 1963 1260 H BOWERS, A. Holland 1895 1984 http://rfci.net/wdfloyd/hollyspb.html | |
87. TreeTracer.com Chesney W. 1884 1960 (17 Nov) Holland, John 27 Dec 1960 (31 Jul) Seits, Elizabeth Howell 1873 1940 Seits, Eva C PRTR3 US Navy WW II Thompson, Melba G http://www.treetracer.com/Cemeteries/Alsea.htm | |
88. Montgomery County, Indiana USGenWeb Project Mary 49-18683-29-1888. BURNAM , Thompson 1876 1960. HOLE , Herbert A. 1881 1961. Holland , Marcus L. 1886 1960. no dates. Bert C. 1873 1940. Dora Wray 1876 1940. http://www.rootsweb.com/~inmontgo/cem/indiancreeka-l.htm | |
89. New Acquisitions: LC Class "Q" Publication Info Amsterdam ; Boston Elsevier NorthHolland, c2004. Call Number QK617 .K8 1967. Author Krieger, LCC (Louis Charles Christopher), 1873-1940. http://www.library.ohiou.edu/libinfo/news/2004-03/q.htm | |
90. Descendants Of Henry Buck Barlow Hugh Quitman Holland 1906 1980 Eddie Jefferson McBride 1873 - 1940 .. Hilda Thompson 1927 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~barlow/MsKinfolk/MyBarlows/HenryBuck/He |
91. Canadian Cemetery, Hemphill County By Gary Webb - Cemeteries Of Texas Holland, Mrs. Finetta, Apr.30, 1857, Aug Peet, Mary Isla, 1871, 1935, Sister, A0885 Peet, Charlie, 1873, 1940, Brother, A0886. Thompson, Allen, 1901, 1963, A1247. http://www.cemeteries-of-tx.com/Wtx/Hemphill/Canadian.html | |
92. Canadian Cemetery Alpha, Hemphill County By Gloria B. Mayfield - Cemeteries Of T Violet M., 1897, 1943, A0830 Holland, Mrs. Finetta 22, 1918, A1342 Peet, Charlie, 1873, 1940, Brother, A0886 26, 1949, A1207 Thompson, Allen, 1901, 1963, A1247 http://www.cemeteries-of-tx.com/Wtx/Hemphill/Canadianalpha.html | |
93. Records International April 1999 Catalogue WALTER RABL (18731940) Quartet for Violin, Cello, Clarinet and Piano, Op DeAlmeida (oboe), Nancy Goeres, Will Genz (bassoon), Thomas Thompson (clarinet), Luz http://www.recordsinternational.com/RICatalogApr99.html | |
94. RSL: New B Surnames, September 2003 Update NY Harmony, NY jmcdonne Bagwell 1873 1940 probably IL Joseph Parrish Berrington and Mary Thompson/Margaret Dozell mikey24 brade 1750 now Holland to lancashire http://www.usenet.com/newsgroups/soc.genealogy.surnames.global/msg00006.html | |
95. Grand Forks County, ND GenWeb Project STREIMIKES, Anna Omang, 1876, 1934. STREIMIKES, Otto Paul, 1873, 1940. BRATLAND, Marie, BRATLAND, Anna, Thompson, Inga, August 16, 1872, September 8, 1888. http://www.rootsweb.com/~ndgrandf/honeyford.htm | |
96. Gilby Twp., Honeyford, Grand Forks Co., ND, St. Paul S Lutheran M. September 6, 1902 January 7, 1981 STREIMIKES, Anna Omang 1876 1934 STREIMIKES, Otto Paul 1873 1940 BRATLAND, Marie BRATLAND, Anna Thompson, Inga August 16 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/nd/grandforks/cemetery/honyford.txt |
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