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Thibault Jacques Anatole Francois: more detail | |||||
61. HTML Translation Of SGML/EAD Document By Tim Green Access OPEN HARDY, THOMAS, 18401928 POET AND NOVELIST; Thibault,Jacques Anatole Francois 1844-1924 FRENCH WRITER PSEUDONYM Anatole; http://library-2.lse.ac.uk/archives/handlists/Oakeshott/m.html | |
62. Anatole France - Society Pages Anatole France (Jaques Anatole Francois Thibault) France(1844 1924) Search Authors France,pseudonym for Jacques Anatole Thibault (1844-1924), was the http://www.ezatta.com/society/dir/Anatole_France/index.shtml | |
63. More Fortunes Gathered From Around The Place %% Kent What Is Anatole France (Jacques Anatole Thibault) (1844-1924) %% There never was a good (One is never so happy or so unhappy as one thinks.) Francois Duc de La http://world.std.com/obi/alt.quotations/Archive/fortune/new | |
64. PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Henry Ossian, 18561940 Foster, HD Fox, John, 1863-1919 France, Anatole, 1844-1924AKA Thibault, Jacques Anatole Francois, 1844-1924 Franklin, Benjamin, 1706 http://www.khsd.k12.ca.us/district/technology_resource/scap/etext_authors.htm | |
65. France in Europe) 2. France, Anatole France, Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault (Frenchwriter of sophisticated novels and short stories (18441924)) Overview of http://www.beetfoundation.com/words/f/alt.france.html | |
66. Brandon S Quotes Anatole France Jacques Anatole Thibault (18441924); Whenever you find you areon the Francois de La Rochefoucauld; Today I am more than ever frightened. http://www.lbstone.com/quotes/ | |
67. EzDict On Ezfs.treker.net French Republic} 2 French writer of sophisticated novels and short stories (18441924)syn {France}, {Anatole France}, {Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault} http://ezfs.treker.net/e/cgi/dict.pl?what=simple&term=France |
68. Anatole France - English Dictionary Meaning Summary Anatole France - France, Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault. 1) nFrench writer of sophisticated novels and short stories (1844-1924). http://www.realdictionary.com/A/dir/AnatoleFrance.asp | |
69. Whoswho 1867) Fielding, Henry (17071754) Firdausi Abul Qasim Mansur (935-1020) France,Anatole Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault (1844-1924) Franklin, Benjamin http://dju.ac.kr/~qintzu/Glossary/Whoswho/whoindex.htm | |
70. Anatole France ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. by birthday from the calendar. Credits and feedback. Anatole France (18441924) - pseudonym for Jacques Anatole François Thibault His real name was Jacques Anatole François Thibault. France's father was a bookseller and called his http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/afrance.htm | |
71. Anatole France - France And The Surrealists - Original Story France and the Surrealists (Anatole France). Today in Literature features critically acclaimed stories about the people, characters, and events in literary history. this day in 1924 Anatole France died. France's real name was Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault; he took his http://www.todayinliterature.com/print-today.asp?Event_Date=10/12/1924 |
72. FRANCE, Anatole 1844, in Paris, France. Died October 13, 1924, near Tours, France. Anatole France, a pseudonym of Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault son of FrancoisNoël Thibault, a Parisian book http://michaelroth.tripod.com/bio075.htm | |
73. Anatole France Anatole France ( 18441924) Seudónimo de Jacques Anatole François Thibault, novelista y premio Nobel francés, considerado frecuentemente como el mejor escritor francés de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX. France nació el 16 de abril de 1844, en París http://www.epdlp.com/france.html | |
74. L'astronomie Et La Poesie : Anatole France Nox Oculis la nuit devant les yeux Nox Oculis. Jacques Anatole François Thibault , dit Anatole France ( 18441924) De son vrai nom François Anatole Thibault, Anatole France est né le 16 avril 1844 à Paris http://pages.infinit.net/noxoculi/france.html | |
75. MicroMegas P A P E L E R Í A Anatole France. Jacques Anatole François Th Translate this page Anatole FRANCE. Jacques Anatole Francois THBAULT (1844-1924). Click Here! Novelistay premio Nobel francés. Nació el 16 de abril de 1844, en París. http://www.micromegas.com.mx/papeleria/biografias/francea.htm | |
76. Anatole France - Author Details And Biography - The Quotations Page Quotations by Author. Author details Anatole France (1844 1924). FullName, France, Anatole (pseud. of Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault). http://www.quotationspage.com/author.php?author=Anatole France |
77. Arts: Literature: Authors: Awards_and_Prizes: N: Nobel_Prize_for_Literature - Op AWARDED; 1919 Carl Spitteler (1845 1924); 1920 Knut Hamsun (1859- 1952); 1921 Jacques-Anatole-Francois Thibault (1844 -1924); 1922 http://open-site.org/Arts/Literature/Authors/Awards_and_Prizes/N/Nobel_Prize_for | |
78. LitWeb.net Anatole France 18441924 pseudonym for Jacques Anatole Francois Thibaultsearch biblion. Writer, urbane critic, one of the major http://www.biblion.com/litweb/biogs/france_anatole.html | |
79. Published 1. Anatole France (18441924)pseudonym for Jacques Anatole Francois Thibaultwasone of the major figures of French literature in the late 19th and early http://www.iand.uscourts.gov/iand/decisions.nsf/0/2d38bf40c5fa65ee8625699f007681 |
80. Nobel Prize For Literature 1952 Francois Mauriac France, Fiction (18851970) Language 1921 Anatole France (akaJacques Anatole Thibault) France, Fiction (1844-1924) Language French. http://www.literature-awards.com/nobelprize_winners/nobel_prize_for_literature.h | |
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