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41. Tao Yuanming: Selected Poems: New & Used Books: Find The Lowest Price Search results for Tao YuanMing Selected Poems by Gladys Yang. Compare new andused books prices among 98 book stores in a click. Find the lowest price. http://www.fetchbook.co.uk/search_0835131297/tab_reviews.html | |
42. Tao Yang: New & Used Books: Find The Lowest Price Tao YuanMing Selected Poems Compare Prices, Tao YuanMing Selected Poems By GladysYang, Tao YuanMing, Yang Xianyi Hardcover / China Books Periodicals Inc. http://www.fetchbook.co.uk/search_Tao_Yang/searchBy_Author.html | |
43. 2000 1993, ?Bai Juyi and Tao YuanMing ?(?) ,2 pp 397415 Research series of Bai Juyi, Benseisha ,2 pp 397-415. http://ferney.u-gakugei.ac.jp/open/ugylist2.pl?sid=1000016577 |
44. Tao Te Ching Italiano Translate this page È caduta la Grande Muraglia Tao Te Ching, Adelphi, Milano, 1988. Tao YuanMing- Du Fu (Tao Yuan-ming antichi poeti cinesi. Tao Yuan-ming e Tu Fu http://www.topricerche.it/servizi/oroscopo/tao te ching italiano.html | |
45. Mon Site SPIP Tao YuanMing lundi 11 novembre2002, par René BARBIER. Anecdote 1 (à propos de Tao YuanMing). http://www.barbier-rd.nom.fr/journal/article.php3?id_article=40 |
46. List Of Chinese Authors 226); Cao Zhi (192232); Xi Kang (223-262); Lu Ji (261-303); ? Tao YuanMing (365 ou 372-427); ? http://www.fact-index.com/l/li/list_of_chinese_authors.html | |
47. Homepage Martin Woesler Translate this page Windows, Deutsche Chinareihe, Bd. 6, ISSN 1436-0837 Tao YuanMing (TaoQian) Der Pfirsichblütenquell. Gedichte, Pohl, Karl-Heinz http://www.fask.uni-mainz.de/user/woesler/gpersona.html | |
48. Homepage Martin Woesler Poems CND Classical Prose Li Si, Zhuge Liang, Tao YuanMing, Liu Yuxi, Liu Zongyuan,Fan Zhongyan, Ouyang Xiu, Su Dongpo, Li Zhi, Zhou Dunyi CND PreQin http://www.fask.uni-mainz.de/user/woesler/links2.html | |
49. Chinese Poetry, TLR Of the trees around your cottage when you return, their leaves shouldbe vermilion. Translated by Mike O Connor. Tao YuanMing. Tao http://theliteraryreview.org/tlr-chi1.htm | |
50. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Chrysanthemums were the favorite flower of Tao Qian (or Tao YuanMing, 365427),a poet who retired in midlife to a governed by unstable and short-lived http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?M=Y&Q=Tao |
51. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results The Art Bulletin; September 1, 2001; Nelson, Susan E. Chrysanthemums werethe favorite flower of Tao Qian (or Tao YuanMing, 365427), a poet who http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?M=Y&Q=Qian |
52. Session 141 Minru Li details Tang and Song poetic appropriations from Tao YuanMing (c.365427);Mark Francis and Colin Hawes demonstrate how Li He (791817) and Ouyang http://www.aasianst.org/absts/1999abst/china/c-141.htm | |
53. Õszibarack (tao) - Terebess Ázsia Lexikon Tao YuanMing, a híres költo Az oszibarackvirágos forrás címu történeteegy varázslatos taoista ihletésu csodálatos mese a boldogság http://www.terebess.hu/keletkultinfo/lexikon/oszibarack.html | |
54. Krizantém (ju) - Terebess Ázsia Lexikon A krizantém legnagyobb szerelmesének, a híres költot, Tao YuanMinget(365-427) tarják, aki több versét is a krizantémnak szentelte. http://www.terebess.hu/keletkultinfo/lexikon/krizantem.html | |
55. Literature 220420) were a great period for the production of poetry, with end uring worksproduced by Cao Cao, Cao Pi, Cao Zhi, Yuan Ji, Ji Kang and Tao YuanMing. http://www.chinaembassy.se/eng/11753.html |
56. Alphabetical List Of Equivalent Chinese Names And Terms Tao, Dao Taoism, Daoism TaoTe Ching Daode Jing. Tao Chien,Tao Yüan-ming, Tao YuanMing, Tao Qian. Tarim Basin, Tarim Pendi. http://www.tkline.freeserve.co.uk/Webworks/Website/AllwaterNamesandTerms.htm | |
57. Cheng & Tsui-books, Films On Asian Languages And Cultures ISBN 7560016308 Quantity The Complete Poetic Works of Tao YuanMingA Versif. Price $6.99 Author Tr. by Wang Rongpei Unit Pbk. http://www.cheng-tsui.com/sb_catalog-csm.asp?item= 7560016308 |
58. Litterature Chinoise : Ecrivains littérature ¤å ½á. ³³ ²W ©ú Tao YuanMing (365 ou 372-427). http://afpc.asso.fr/wengu/Biblio/Ecrivains.php | |
59. People Who Live In Grass Houses . . . And the thatchedcottage life of poet Tao YuanMing-of which he wrote, After longin the official cage, I have restored myself to nature - has inspired envy in http://db.sinorama.com.tw/en/docshow_old.php3?id=1996108510108E.TXT&page=1 |
60. La Littérature Translate this page Les figures les plus représentatives sont celles de Cao Cao, Cao Pi,Cao Zhi, Ruan Ji, Ji Kang et Tao YuanMing. Tao YuanMing, qui http://web.amb-chine.fr/Documents/Culture/Dossiers/littérature.htm | |
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