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41. American Literature Chronology - 19th Century Venetian Night s Entertainment ; Artemis to Actaeon and Other Verse;Fighting France; Ethan Frome. Gene StrattonPorter (1863-1924) http://www.shsu.edu/~eng_wpf/amlitchron_19th2.html | |
42. ★ Reviews For Porter,_Gene_Stratton Average review score This is an incomplete reprint of a wonderful book on moths.Gene StrattonPorter, 1863-1924, was a naturalist, photographer, and writer. http://authors.booksunderreview.com/P/Porter,_Gene_Stratton/Porter,_Gene_Stratto | |
43. San Francisco Beekeepers Association - Library Catalog Of Books Held - By Author Author StrattonPorter, Gene, 1863-1924. Title The keeper of the bees, by GeneStratton-Porter; decorations by Lee Thayer, illustrations by Gordon Grant. http://www.citybees.com/SFBeeAssocLibrary-ByAuthor.htm | |
44. Researching Great Lakes Environmental Issues ENGL110, McIntyre Library, UW-Eau C TEACH Education center has terrific links A hyper linked glossary, information aboutenvironmental writers Gene StrattonPorter (1863-1924) Aldo Leopold (1887 http://www.uwec.edu/popekj/GreatLakes.htm | |
45. TravelThePast - Destination Details . Gene (Geneva) StrattonPorter (1863-1924) was an accomplishednovelist, naturalist and nature photographer. She authored...... http://www.travelthepast.com/SiteDetails.asp?PK=914 |
46. Index The, by Henry, O., 18621910 Girl From Keller s, The, by Bindloss, Harold, 1866-1945Girl Of The Limberlost, A, by Stratton-Porter, Gene, 1863-1924 Girl With http://www.elbooks.sk/angdieloG.html | |
47. Index Der Spur, by Rohner, Gerold K. Fraudulent Spiritualism Unveiled, by Abbott, DavidPhelps, 18631934 Freckles, by Stratton-Porter, Gene, 1863-1924 Frederick The http://www.elbooks.sk/angdieloF.html | |
48. The Spiritwalk Library: Project Gutenberg Stoker, Bram, 18471912 Stout, Rex, 1886-1975 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896Strachey, Lytton, 1880-1932 Stratton-Porter, Gene, 1863-1924 Stretton, Hesba http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm | |
49. Webster, Jean, 1876-1916 Daughter Of The Aurora, A. http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htmeng. Stratton-Porter, Gene,1863-1924, 1006050. Daughter Of The Land, A. http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htm-eng. http://hzeid.free.fr/td.htm | |
50. Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936 http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htmeng. Stratton-Porter, Gene, 1863-1924, 1006053. http//gutenberg.net/,txt,htm-eng. Stratton-Porter, Gene, 1863-1924, 1006054. http://hzeid.free.fr/th.htm | |
51. GENE STRATTON PORTER 1950. This last Gene StrattonPorter (1863-1924) novel is an ode toher adopted home, California, and its natural beauty. Porter http://www.sitescrape.com/BN/book/GENE STRATTON PORTER.html | |
52. EBOOKS - ALPHABETICAL LIST ~ S Loe, 18601927. Strachey, Lytton, 1880-1932. Stratemeyer, Edward, 1862-1930.Stratton-Porter, Gene, 1863-1924. Stratton, Lilyan. Stretton, Hesba, 1832-1911. http://www.globusz.com/authors_s1.html | |
53. Library System Of Lancaster County /All Locations Supplemental Result Waukegan Public Library /All Locations See Stratton John 1944 1 Stratton Madeline Robinson 1965 1 Stratton Monica Dickens1915 See Dickens Monica 1915 1 Stratton Porter Gene 1863 1924 1990? http://catalog.lancasterlibraries.org/search/a?Stratton-Porter, Gene, 1863-1924 |
54. Norwalk Public Library Subject, StrattonPorter, Gene, 1863-1924 Film and video adaptations. Televisionadaptations. Fairfield, Heather, Actor. Stratton-Porter, Gene, 1863-1924., David./abrin david/-5,-1,0,B/frame | |
55. FORESTS AND FORESTRY JUVENILE FICTION (in MARION) StrattonPorter, Gene, 1863-1924. A girl of the Limberlost / GeneStratton Porter. New York Gramercy Books, 1991. Holdings at http://vax.pasco.lib.fl.us/MARION?S=FORESTS AND FORESTRY JUVENILE FICTION |
56. PLCMC - Catalog - AudioTape Books Stout, Rex, 18861975. The Golden Spiders. Stratton-Porter, Gene, 1863-1924. AGirl of the Limberlost. Styron, William, 1925-, The Confessions of Nat Turner. http://www.plcmc.org/catalog/ubot.asp?alpha=S&typesort=author&audience= |
57. Authors S-U Stone, Louis, 18711935 Stout, Rex, 1886-1975 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896Strachey, Lytton, 1880-1932 Stratton-Porter, Gene, 1863-1924 Stretton, Hesba http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/s-u.htm | |
58. Metaphysical Store - Gene S. Porter Books This is an incomplete reprint of a wonderful book on moths. Gene StrattonPorter,1863-1924, was a naturalist, photographer, and writer. http://shop.metaphysicalstore.cc/aws.cgi/mode_books/kind_AuthorSearch/search_Gen | |
59. Carrollton Public Library /All Locations Teenage girls. Indiana. Alt author, StrattonPorter, Gene, 1863-1924. Brinckerhoff,Burt, 1936-. O Toole, Annette. Cassidy, Joanna, 1944-. Fairfield, Heather. http://innovative.cityofcarrollton.com:90/kids/1835,1863/search/aBrimner, Larry | |
60. }Ú×îñ , Originally published Indianapolis BobbsMerrill, c1907. , *Stratton-Porter, Gene, 1863-1924. ? ?, LCSHPhotography of birds. http://opac.lib.kobe-u.ac.jp/cgi-bin/opac/books-query?mode=0&code=21638627 |
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