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Stoddard Elizabeth: more detail | ||||||
81. Catalog Elizabeth Stoddard (18231902) was born Elizabeth Drew Barstow inthe small coastal town of Mattapoisett, Massachusetts. After http://www.atsweb.neu.edu/nupress-cgi/nupress.cgi?action=more_info&id=413 |
82. RICHARD HENRY STODDARD His wife Elizabeth DREW (BARSTOW) Stoddard (1823 1902), poet and novelist,was born in Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, on the 6th of May 1823. http://15.1911encyclopedia.org/S/ST/STODDARD_RICHARD_HENRY.htm | |
83. WebGED: Denison Family File Data Page Holt, Sarah Stoddard (1826 1867) - female b spouse Gundaker, Elizabeth Hutter(1857 - 1929) - m Nancy Huntington (1823 - 1902) child Chesebrough http://www.chesebro.net/wgi37.html | |
84. WebGED: Denison Family File Data Page spouse Rix, Lydia (1823 1902) - m. 22 NOV 1862) child Holt, Sarah Stoddard(1826 - 1867 1788 - 1873) spouse Hempstead, Elizabeth (~1825 - ) - m http://www.chesebro.net/wgi34.html | |
85. Indian Mound Cemetery 4mo, Electa BOWEN, Bassett J., 1823 1902, Father Delilah his wife, 1879 - 19, Elizabeth CHANDLER, John H Hustis, 1836 - 1893, Hustis Stoddard, Ada A http://members.aol.com/gendata54/imound.html | |
86. Family Trees William RAWLISON , 1884, Sarah Elizabeth MAVIS 1869- daughter of Alexander. JamesHOUSTON 1823-1902 son of John HOUSTON and Unknown second husband of http://www.fortlangley.ca/langley/trees.html | |
87. WebGED: Sanford Families Data Page James Dabney Thornton (1823 1902) b. 18 JAN Edwin Glover -child Sanford,Julia Elizabeth spouse Stoddard, Nathan Ashbel -child Stoddard http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/4453/wga31.html | |
88. DAUGHTERS OF UTAH PIONEERS, PHILLIPS CAMP BIOGRAPHIES Wood Smith (18361911), 1 page Elizabeth W. Smith 1814-1893), 4 pages Caroline AdamsStoddard (1845-1923 nd), 1 page George Dixon Tristram (1823-1902 and Lucy http://www.lib.utah.edu/spc/mss/accn1439/accn1439.html | |
89. Salisbury Rural Cemetery Part 3 Salisbury NY Edwards, Thomas R, A 17, 1823 - 1902, , _ - _ Charles, Massey Wiseman - JuliaS Stoddard Flick, John 1868 - 1947, , John Stahl - Elizabeth Eckler Flood http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyherkim/cemeteries/bigsaliscem3.html | |
90. WebGED: WALTER PALMER SOC. Data Page Alexander (1825 1864) mother Stoddard, Arabella (1824 MN father Palmer, Wilber(1823 - 1902) mother McCombs 1879) mother Cowles, Elizabeth (1820 - 1896 http://www.walterpalmer.com/WPS.wbg/wga66.html | |
91. Choice, Christian, Christian/Christianity Charles A. Stoddard (B. 1833 Christopher Ernst Luthardt (1823 1902) Germantheologian. 3419. Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815 - 1902)) US suffragist. 3448. http://www.madwed.com/Quotations/Quotations/Transfer__1/Ceremony__Chance__Change | |
92. Alexander Village Cem. K-Z King D., 1823 1902 Nelson Candice, no date Gilbert, no 7m Persis, d/o Jonathan Elizabeth, d. 27 William, 1860 - 1936 William, 1855 - 1929 Stoddard Frances A http://www.dawnsgenealogy.com/Cemeteries/Alexander/alexander_village_cemetery_2. | |
94. Chesebrough Family Individuals Listed Alphabetically By Given Name 01 Jan 1906 Davidson, Ellen Frank Stoddard Chesebro 15 1820 1909 Henry ChesebroJan 1823 1902 Henry Chesebrough 04 Nov 1842 Hurlbut, Elizabeth Henry Edwin http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/c/h/e/Larry--Chesebro/FILE/0001text.t | |
95. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors 1980) STEWART, Donald Ogden (1894 1980) STIFTER, Adalbert (1805 - 1868) STOCKTON,Frank R. (1834 - 1902) Stoddard, Elizabeth Drew (1823 - 1902) STOKER, Bram http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
96. Allentown Methodist Cemetery, Allentown, Monmouth County, NJ 1896 Wife of George V. Leming, Rebecca A. 1823 1902 with Redin 1995 Robbins, AmosA. 1889 1965 Robbins, Ann (Stoddard) May 10 1, 1877 Robbins, Elizabeth B. Mar. http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/nj/monmouth/cemetery/alntwnme.txt | |
97. Bloomfield Cemetery, Sonoma County, California - Transcribed 11/7 E Weeks 18381899 Wm D Weeks 1823-1902 (lg stone space David C Kelly 1878-1949 ElizabethKelly 1886 1883 (pillar knocked over) Father Harlow Stoddard aged 82 http://searches1.rootsweb.com/usgenweb/archives/ca/sonoma/cemeteries/bloomfield. |
98. Tucson Pima Public Library /All Locations remove to America ; The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin / Benjamin Franklin Some account of the forepart of the life of Elizabeth Ashbridge / Elizabeth http://infolynx.ci.tucson.az.us:90/kids/1899,1901/search/aMathers, Petra./amathe | |
99. Madison County Cemeteries, New York State And Ingalls Family d. 5 Aug 1836 ae 42y Abgail Stoddard, wife 11 EM 18 Oct 185611 Jan 1899 ElizabethMartha Robinson 1860 ae 47y. SELLECK, Sophia, wife of William H. 1823 - 1902. http://groups.msn.com/MadisonCountyCemeteriesNewYorkStateandIngallsFamily/perryv | |
100. I7192 Robert Cason BUEHLER (Private - ) _John COOTS _+ (1801 1866) _Frances COOTS _ (1823 - 1902) _ MARTHA Bollinger Co., MO; DEATH 20 Jan 1973, Brownwood, Stoddard Co., MO. http://www.sylcox.com/ged/html/d0003/g0000091.html |
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